package; // THIS CODE IS GENERATED BY greenDAO, EDIT ONLY INSIDE THE "KEEP"-SECTIONS // KEEP INCLUDES - put your custom includes here // KEEP INCLUDES END /** * Entity mapped to table TWEET. */ abstract public class TweetBase { protected Long localId; protected Long serverId; protected String text; protected Long userId; protected Boolean isLocal; protected java.util.Date createdAt; // KEEP FIELDS - put your custom fields here // KEEP FIELDS END public TweetBase() { } public TweetBase(Long localId) { this.localId = localId; } public TweetBase(Long localId, Long serverId, String text, Long userId, Boolean isLocal, java.util.Date createdAt) { this.localId = localId; this.serverId = serverId; this.text = text; this.userId = userId; this.isLocal = isLocal; this.createdAt = createdAt; } public Long getLocalId() { return localId; } public void setLocalId(Long localId) { this.localId = localId; } public Long getServerId() { return serverId; } public void setServerId(Long serverId) { this.serverId = serverId; } public String getText() { return text; } public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } public Long getUserId() { return userId; } public void setUserId(Long userId) { this.userId = userId; } public Boolean getIsLocal() { return isLocal; } public void setIsLocal(Boolean isLocal) { this.isLocal = isLocal; } public java.util.Date getCreatedAt() { return createdAt; } public void setCreatedAt(java.util.Date createdAt) { this.createdAt = createdAt; } public void updateNotNull(Tweet other) { if(this == other) { return;//both came from db, no need to run this. } if(other.localId != null) { this.localId = other.localId; } if(other.serverId != null) { this.serverId = other.serverId; } if(other.text != null) { this.text = other.text; } if(other.userId != null) { this.userId = other.userId; } if(other.isLocal != null) { this.isLocal = other.isLocal; } if(other.createdAt != null) { this.createdAt = other.createdAt; } // relationships } // KEEP METHODS - put your custom methods here // KEEP METHODS END public void onBeforeSave() { //you can override this method and do some stuff if you want to :) } }