package com.evancharlton.mileage.models; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import; import com.evancharlton.mileage.FillUpsProvider; import com.evancharlton.mileage.R; import com.evancharlton.mileage.calculators.CalculationEngine; public class Vehicle extends Model { public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY + "/vehicles"); public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = ""; public static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = ""; public static final String TITLE = "title"; public static final String MAKE = "make"; public static final String MODEL = "model"; public static final String YEAR = "year"; public static final String DEFAULT = "def"; public static final String DISTANCE_UNITS = "distance"; public static final String VOLUME_UNITS = "volume"; public static final String DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER = DEFAULT + " DESC, " + TITLE + " ASC"; public static final List<String> PROJECTION = new ArrayList<String>(); static { PROJECTION.add(_ID); PROJECTION.add(TITLE); PROJECTION.add(MAKE); PROJECTION.add(MODEL); PROJECTION.add(YEAR); PROJECTION.add(DEFAULT); PROJECTION.add(DISTANCE_UNITS); PROJECTION.add(VOLUME_UNITS); } private static final int DEFAULT_UNKNOWN = 0; private static final int DEFAULT_TRUE = 1; private static final int DEFAULT_FALSE = 2; private static final int DEFAULT_FALSE_CHANGED = 3; private String m_title = ""; private String m_make = ""; private String m_model = ""; private String m_year = ""; private int m_defaultState = DEFAULT_UNKNOWN; private int m_volumeUnits = -1; private int m_distanceUnits = -1; public Vehicle() { super(FillUpsProvider.VEHICLES_TABLE_NAME); } public Vehicle(ContentValues values) { this(); String title = values.getAsString(TITLE); if (title != null) { setTitle(title); } String make = values.getAsString(MAKE); if (make != null) { setMake(make); } String model = values.getAsString(MODEL); if (model != null) { setModel(model); } String year = values.getAsString(YEAR); if (year != null) { setYear(year); } } public Vehicle(long id) { this(); m_id = id; openDatabase(); String[] projection = getProjection(); String selection = _ID + " = ?"; String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { String.valueOf(id) }; String groupBy = null; String orderBy = null; String having = null; Cursor c = m_db.query(FillUpsProvider.VEHICLES_TABLE_NAME, projection, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, orderBy); if (c.getCount() == 1) { c.moveToFirst(); load(c); } closeDatabase(c); } /** * Populate this vehicle's data from a database Cursor instance. * * @param c the cursor to use when building the object */ public Vehicle(Cursor c) { this(); load(c); } private void load(Cursor c) { int index = c.getColumnIndex(_ID); if (index >= 0) { setId(c.getLong(index)); } index = c.getColumnIndex(TITLE); if (index >= 0) { setTitle(c.getString(index)); } index = c.getColumnIndex(MAKE); if (index >= 0) { setMake(c.getString(index)); } index = c.getColumnIndex(MODEL); if (index >= 0) { setModel(c.getString(index)); } index = c.getColumnIndex(YEAR); if (index >= 0) { setYear(c.getString(index)); } index = c.getColumnIndex(DISTANCE_UNITS); if (index >= 0) { setDistanceUnits(c.getInt(index)); } index = c.getColumnIndex(VOLUME_UNITS); if (index >= 0) { setVolumeUnits(c.getInt(index)); } } public static String[] getProjection() { return PROJECTION.toArray(new String[PROJECTION.size()]); } @Override public long save() { openDatabase(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Vehicle.MAKE, m_make); values.put(Vehicle.MODEL, m_model); values.put(Vehicle.TITLE, m_title); values.put(Vehicle.YEAR, m_year); if (m_defaultState != DEFAULT_UNKNOWN) { if (m_defaultState == DEFAULT_TRUE) { values.put(Vehicle.DEFAULT, System.currentTimeMillis()); } else if (m_defaultState == DEFAULT_FALSE_CHANGED) { values.put(Vehicle.DEFAULT, 0); } } if (m_id == -1) { // save a new record m_id = m_db.insert(FillUpsProvider.VEHICLES_TABLE_NAME, null, values); } else { // update an existing record m_db.update(FillUpsProvider.VEHICLES_TABLE_NAME, values, Vehicle._ID + " = ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(m_id) }); } m_defaultState = DEFAULT_UNKNOWN; closeDatabase(null); return m_id; } @Override public int validate() { if (m_model.length() == 0) { return R.string.error_model; } else if (m_make.length() == 0) { return R.string.error_make; } else if (m_year.length() == 0) { return R.string.error_year; } return -1; } public FillUp getOldestFillUp(CalculationEngine ce) { openDatabase(); String[] projection = new String[] { FillUp._ID }; String selection = FillUp.VEHICLE_ID + " = ?"; String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { String.valueOf(m_id) }; String groupBy = null; String orderBy = FillUp.ODOMETER + " ASC"; String having = null; String limit = "1"; Cursor c = m_db.query(FillUpsProvider.FILLUPS_TABLE_NAME, projection, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit); c.moveToFirst(); long id = c.getLong(0); closeDatabase(c); return new FillUp(ce, id); } public FillUp getNewestFillUp(CalculationEngine ce) { openDatabase(); String[] projection = new String[] { FillUp._ID }; String selection = FillUp.VEHICLE_ID + " = ?"; String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { String.valueOf(m_id) }; String groupBy = null; String orderBy = FillUp.ODOMETER + " DESC"; String having = null; String limit = "1"; Cursor c = m_db.query(FillUpsProvider.VEHICLES_TABLE_NAME, projection, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit); c.moveToFirst(); long id = c.getLong(0); closeDatabase(c); return new FillUp(ce, id); } /** * See if this is the default vehicle. This field is lazy-loaded, so the * first call to this will be expensive (but is then cached). * * @return true if default, false if not */ public boolean isDefault() { if (m_defaultState == DEFAULT_UNKNOWN) { if (m_id < 0) { m_defaultState = DEFAULT_FALSE; } else { // look it up from the database openDatabase(); String[] projection = new String[] { _ID }; String selection = "1"; String[] selectionArgs = null; String groupBy = null; String orderBy = DEFAULT + " DESC"; String having = null; String limit = "1"; Cursor c = m_db.query(FillUpsProvider.VEHICLES_TABLE_NAME, projection, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit); if (c.getCount() == 1) { c.moveToFirst(); if (c.getLong(0) == m_id) { m_defaultState = DEFAULT_TRUE; } else { m_defaultState = DEFAULT_FALSE; } } closeDatabase(c); } } return (m_defaultState == DEFAULT_TRUE); } /** * Set whether default or not * * @param def whether default or not */ public void setDefault(boolean def) { if (!def) { m_defaultState = DEFAULT_FALSE_CHANGED; } else { m_defaultState = DEFAULT_TRUE; } } /** * @return the title */ public String getTitle() { if (m_title.length() == 0) { return m_year + " " + m_make + " " + m_model; } return m_title; } /** * @param title the title to set */ public void setTitle(String title) { m_title = title.trim(); } /** * @return the make */ public String getMake() { return m_make; } /** * @param make the make to set */ public void setMake(String make) { m_make = make.trim(); } /** * @return the model */ public String getModel() { return m_model; } /** * @param model the model to set */ public void setModel(String model) { m_model = model.trim(); } /** * @return the year */ public String getYear() { return m_year; } /** * @param year the year to set */ public void setYear(String year) { m_year = year.trim(); } public int getFillUpCount() { openDatabase(); String[] projection = new String[] { FillUp._ID }; String selection = FillUp.VEHICLE_ID + " = ?"; String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { String.valueOf(m_id) }; String groupBy = null; String orderBy = null; String having = null; Cursor c = m_db.query(FillUpsProvider.FILLUPS_TABLE_NAME, projection, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, orderBy); c.moveToFirst(); int count = c.getCount(); closeDatabase(c); return count; } /** * Return a List of all the FillUps for this Vehicle. Note that this is * *not* cached and will be run every single time this is called. * * @return a List of all FillUps for this Vehicle. */ public List<FillUp> getAllFillUps(CalculationEngine engine) { List<FillUp> all = new ArrayList<FillUp>(); openDatabase(); String[] projection = FillUp.getProjection(); String selection = FillUp.VEHICLE_ID + " = ?"; String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { String.valueOf(m_id) }; String groupBy = null; String orderBy = FillUp.ODOMETER + " ASC"; String having = null; Cursor c = m_db.query(FillUpsProvider.FILLUPS_TABLE_NAME, projection, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, orderBy); c.moveToFirst(); while (c.isAfterLast() == false) { all.add(new FillUp(engine, c)); c.moveToNext(); } closeDatabase(c); return all; } /** * @return the volumeUnits */ public int getVolumeUnits() { return m_volumeUnits; } /** * @param volumeUnits the volumeUnits to set */ public void setVolumeUnits(int volumeUnits) { m_volumeUnits = volumeUnits; } /** * @return the distanceUnits */ public int getDistanceUnits() { return m_distanceUnits; } /** * @param distanceUnits the distanceUnits to set */ public void setDistanceUnits(int distanceUnits) { m_distanceUnits = distanceUnits; } }