package com.litesuits.orm.db.assit; import com.litesuits.orm.db.TableManager; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * 查询构建 * * @author mty * @date 2013-6-14下午3:47:16 */ public class QueryBuilder<T> { private static final Pattern limitPattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\d+\\s*(,\\s*\\d+\\s*)?"); public static final String ASC = " ASC"; public static final String DESC = " DESC"; public static final String AND = " AND "; public static final String OR = " OR "; public static final String GROUP_BY = " GROUP BY "; public static final String HAVING = " HAVING "; public static final String ORDER_BY = " ORDER BY "; public static final String LIMIT = " LIMIT "; public static final String SELECT_COUNT = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "; public static final String SELECT = "SELECT "; public static final String DISTINCT = " DISTINCT "; public static final String ASTERISK = "*"; public static final String FROM = " FROM "; public static final String EQUAL_HOLDER = "=?"; public static final String COMMA_HOLDER = ",?"; public static final String COMMA = ","; protected Class<T> clazz; protected Class clazzMapping; protected boolean distinct; protected String[] columns; protected String group; protected String having; protected String order; protected String limit; protected WhereBuilder whereBuilder; public Class<T> getQueryClass() { return clazz; } public QueryBuilder(Class<T> claxx) { this.clazz = claxx; whereBuilder = new WhereBuilder(claxx); } public static <T> QueryBuilder<T> create(Class<T> claxx) { return new QueryBuilder<T>(claxx); } public QueryBuilder<T> where(WhereBuilder builder) { this.whereBuilder = builder; return this; } public WhereBuilder getwhereBuilder() { return whereBuilder; } /** * @param where "id = ?"; * "id in(?,?,?)"; * "id LIKE %?" * @param whereArgs new String[]{"",""}; * new Integer[]{1,2} */ public QueryBuilder<T> where(String where, Object... whereArgs) { whereBuilder.where(where, whereArgs); return this; } /** * @param where "id = ?"; * "id in(?,?,?)"; * "id LIKE %?" * @param whereArgs new String[]{"",""}; * new Integer[]{1,2} */ public QueryBuilder<T> whereAppend(String where, Object... whereArgs) { whereBuilder.append(null, where, whereArgs); return this; } /** * build as " AND " + where * * @param where "id = ?"; * "id in(?,?,?)"; * "id LIKE %?" * @param whereArgs new String[]{"",""}; * new Integer[]{1,2} */ public QueryBuilder<T> whereAnd(String where, Object... whereArgs) { whereBuilder.and(where, whereArgs); return this; } /** * build as " OR " + where * * @param where "id = ?"; * "id in(?,?,?)"; * "id LIKE %?" * @param whereArgs new String[]{"",""}; * new Integer[]{1,2} */ public QueryBuilder<T> whereOr(String where, Object... whereArgs) { whereBuilder.or(where, whereArgs); return this; } /** * build as where+" AND " */ public QueryBuilder<T> whereAppendAnd() { whereBuilder.and(); return this; } /** * build as where+" OR " */ public QueryBuilder<T> whereAppendOr() { whereBuilder.or(); return this; } /** * build as where+" NOT " */ public QueryBuilder<T> whereAppendNot() { whereBuilder.not(); return this; } /** * build as where+" column != ? " */ public QueryBuilder<T> whereNoEquals(String column, Object value) { whereBuilder.noEquals(column, value); return this; } /** * build as where+" column > ? " */ public QueryBuilder<T> whereGreaterThan(String column, Object value) { whereBuilder.greaterThan(column, value); return this; } /** * build as where+" column < ? " */ public QueryBuilder<T> whereLessThan(String column, Object value) { whereBuilder.lessThan(column, value); return this; } /** * build as where+" column = ? " */ public QueryBuilder<T> whereEquals(String column, Object value) { whereBuilder.equals(column, value); return this; } /** * build as where+" column IN(?, ?, ?...)" */ public QueryBuilder<T> whereIn(String column, Object... values) {, values); return this; } /** * 需要返回的列,不填写默认全部,即select * 。 * * @param columns 列名,注意不是对象的属性名。 */ public QueryBuilder<T> columns(String[] columns) { this.columns = columns; return this; } /** * 累积需要返回的列,不填写默认全部,即select * 。 * * @param columns 列名,注意不是对象的属性名。 */ public QueryBuilder<T> appendColumns(String[] columns) { if (this.columns != null) { String[] newCols = new String[this.columns.length + columns.length]; System.arraycopy(this.columns, 0, newCols, 0, this.columns.length); System.arraycopy(columns, 0, newCols, this.columns.length, columns.length); this.columns = newCols; } else { this.columns = columns; } return this; } /** * 唯一性保证 */ public QueryBuilder<T> distinct(boolean distinct) { this.distinct = distinct; return this; } /** * GROUP BY 语句用于结合合计函数,根据一个或多个列对结果集进行分组。 */ public QueryBuilder<T> groupBy(String group) { = group; return this; } /** * 在 SQL 中增加 HAVING 子句原因是,WHERE 关键字无法与合计函数一起使用。 */ public QueryBuilder<T> having(String having) { this.having = having; return this; } public QueryBuilder<T> orderBy(String order) { this.order = order; return this; } public QueryBuilder<T> appendOrderAscBy(String column) { if (order == null) { order = column + ASC; } else { order += ", " + column + ASC; } return this; } public QueryBuilder<T> appendOrderDescBy(String column) { if (order == null) { order = column + DESC; } else { order += ", " + column + DESC; } return this; } public QueryBuilder<T> limit(String limit) { this.limit = limit; return this; } public QueryBuilder<T> limit(int start, int length) { this.limit = start + COMMA + length; return this; } public QueryBuilder<T> queryMappingInfo(Class clazzMapping) { this.clazzMapping = clazzMapping; return this; } /** * 构建查询语句 */ public SQLStatement createStatement() { if (clazz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("U Must Set A Query Entity Class By queryWho(Class) or " + "QueryBuilder(Class)"); } if (Checker.isEmpty(group) && !Checker.isEmpty(having)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "HAVING仅允许在有GroupBy的时候使用(HAVING clauses are only permitted when using a groupBy clause)"); } if (!Checker.isEmpty(limit) && !limitPattern.matcher(limit).matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "invalid LIMIT clauses:" + limit); } StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(120); query.append(SELECT); if (distinct) { query.append(DISTINCT); } if (!Checker.isEmpty(columns)) { appendColumns(query, columns); } else { query.append(ASTERISK); } query.append(FROM).append(getTableName()); query.append(whereBuilder.createWhereString()); appendClause(query, GROUP_BY, group); appendClause(query, HAVING, having); appendClause(query, ORDER_BY, order); appendClause(query, LIMIT, limit); SQLStatement stmt = new SQLStatement(); stmt.sql = query.toString(); stmt.bindArgs = whereBuilder.transToStringArray(); return stmt; } /** * Build a statement that returns a 1 by 1 table with a numeric value. * SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table; */ public SQLStatement createStatementForCount() { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(120); query.append(SELECT_COUNT).append(getTableName()); SQLStatement stmt = new SQLStatement(); if (whereBuilder != null) { query.append(whereBuilder.createWhereString()); stmt.bindArgs = whereBuilder.transToStringArray(); } stmt.sql = query.toString(); return stmt; } public String getTableName() { if (clazzMapping == null) { return TableManager.getTableName(clazz); } else { return TableManager.getMapTableName(clazz, clazzMapping); } } /** * 添加条件 */ private static void appendClause(StringBuilder s, String name, String clause) { if (!Checker.isEmpty(clause)) { s.append(name); s.append(clause); } } /** * 添加列,逗号分隔 */ private static void appendColumns(StringBuilder s, String[] columns) { int n = columns.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String column = columns[i]; if (column != null) { if (i > 0) { s.append(","); } s.append(column); } } s.append(" "); } private String buildWhereIn(String column, int num) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(column).append(" IN (?"); for (int i = 1; i < num; i++) { sb.append(COMMA_HOLDER); } return sb.append(")").toString(); } }