package jscl.math; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import jscl.math.function.Constant; import jscl.math.function.Fraction; import jscl.math.function.Inverse; import jscl.math.numeric.Real; import jscl.math.polynomial.Polynomial; import jscl.math.polynomial.UnivariatePolynomial; import jscl.mathml.MathML; import jscl.text.ExpressionParser; import jscl.text.ParseException; import jscl.text.Parser; import jscl.text.ParserUtils; import jscl.text.msg.Messages; import jscl.util.ArrayUtils; public class Expression extends Generic { protected static final<Variable, Generic> FACTORIZE_CONVERTER = new<Variable, Generic>() { @Nonnull public Generic apply(@Nonnull Variable variable) { return variable.factorize(); } }; protected static final<Variable, Generic> ELEMENTARY_CONVERTER = new<Variable, Generic>() { @Nonnull public Generic apply(@Nonnull Variable variable) { return variable.elementary(); } }; protected static final<Variable, Generic> EXPAND_CONVERTER = new<Variable, Generic>() { @Nonnull public Generic apply(@Nonnull Variable variable) { return variable.expand(); } }; protected static final<Variable, Generic> NUMERIC_CONVERTER = new<Variable, Generic>() { @Nonnull public Generic apply(@Nonnull Variable variable) { return variable.numeric(); } }; int size; private Literal literals[]; private JsclInteger coefficients[]; Expression() { } Expression(int size) { init(size); } public static Variable[] variables(Generic elements[]) { final List<Variable> result = new ArrayList<Variable>(); for (Generic element : elements) { for (Variable variable : element.variables()) { if (!result.contains(variable)) { result.add(variable); } } } return ArrayUtils.toArray(result, new Variable[result.size()]); } @Nonnull public static Expression valueOf(@Nonnull Variable variable) { return valueOf(Literal.valueOf(variable)); } @Nonnull public static Expression valueOf(@Nonnull Literal literal) { return valueOf(literal, JsclInteger.valueOf(1)); } @Nonnull public static Expression valueOf(@Nonnull JsclInteger integer) { return valueOf(Literal.newInstance(), integer); } @Nonnull public static Expression valueOf(@Nonnull Literal literal, @Nonnull JsclInteger integer) { final Expression result = new Expression(); result.init(literal, integer); return result; } public static Expression valueOf(Rational rational) { Expression ex = new Expression(); ex.init(rational); return ex; } public static Expression valueOf(@Nonnull Constant constant) { final Expression expression = new Expression(1); Literal literal = new Literal(); literal.init(constant, 1); expression.init(literal, JsclInteger.ONE); return expression; } public static Expression valueOf(double value) { final Expression expression = new Expression(1); Literal literal = new Literal(); literal.init(new DoubleVariable(new NumericWrapper(Real.valueOf(value))), 1); expression.init(literal, JsclInteger.ONE); return expression; } public static Expression valueOf(@Nonnull String expression) throws ParseException { final Parser.Parameters p = Parser.Parameters.get(expression); final Generic generic = ExpressionParser.parser.parse(p, null); ParserUtils.skipWhitespaces(p); int index = p.position.intValue(); if (index < expression.length()) { throw new ParseException(index, expression, Messages.msg_1, index + 1); } return new Expression().init(generic); } public Expression init(@Nonnull NumericWrapper numericWrapper) { final Literal literal = new Literal(); literal.init(new ExpressionVariable(numericWrapper), 1); init(literal, JsclInteger.ONE); return this; } public static void separateSign(MathML element, Generic generic) { if (generic.signum() < 0) { MathML e1 = element.element("mo"); e1.appendChild(element.text("-")); element.appendChild(e1); generic.negate().toMathML(element, null); } else { generic.toMathML(element, null); } } public int size() { return size; } public Literal literal(int n) { return literals[n]; } public JsclInteger coef(int n) { return coefficients[n]; } void init(int size) { literals = new Literal[size]; coefficients = new JsclInteger[size]; this.size = size; } void resize(int size) { int length = literals.length; if (size < length) { Literal literal[] = new Literal[size]; JsclInteger coef[] = new JsclInteger[size]; System.arraycopy(this.literals, length - size, literal, 0, size); System.arraycopy(this.coefficients, length - size, coef, 0, size); this.literals = literal; this.coefficients = coef; this.size = size; } } public Expression add(@Nonnull Expression that) { final Expression result = newInstance(size + that.size); int i = result.size; int thisI = this.size; int thatI = that.size; Literal thisLiteral = thisI > 0 ? this.literals[--thisI] : null; Literal thatLiteral = thatI > 0 ? that.literals[--thatI] : null; while (thisLiteral != null || thatLiteral != null) { int c; if (thisLiteral == null) { c = 1; } else if (thatLiteral == null) { c = -1; } else { c = -thisLiteral.compareTo(thatLiteral); } if (c < 0) { final JsclInteger thisCoefficient = this.coefficients[thisI]; --i; result.literals[i] = thisLiteral; result.coefficients[i] = thisCoefficient; thisLiteral = thisI > 0 ? literals[--thisI] : null; } else if (c > 0) { JsclInteger en = that.coefficients[thatI]; --i; result.literals[i] = thatLiteral; result.coefficients[i] = en; thatLiteral = thatI > 0 ? that.literals[--thatI] : null; } else { JsclInteger sum = coefficients[thisI].add(that.coefficients[thatI]); if (sum.signum() != 0) { --i; result.literals[i] = thisLiteral; result.coefficients[i] = sum; } thisLiteral = thisI > 0 ? literals[--thisI] : null; thatLiteral = thatI > 0 ? that.literals[--thatI] : null; } } result.resize(result.size - i); return result; } @Nonnull public Generic add(@Nonnull Generic that) { if (that instanceof Expression) { return add((Expression) that); } else if (that instanceof JsclInteger || that instanceof Rational || that instanceof NumericWrapper) { return add(valueOf(that)); } else { return that.valueOf(this).add(that); } } public Expression subtract(Expression expression) { return multiplyAndAdd(Literal.newInstance(), JsclInteger.valueOf(-1), expression); } @Nonnull public Generic subtract(@Nonnull Generic that) { if (that instanceof Expression) { return subtract((Expression) that); } else if (that instanceof JsclInteger || that instanceof Rational || that instanceof NumericWrapper) { return subtract(valueOf(that)); } else { return that.valueOf(this).subtract(that); } } Expression multiplyAndAdd(@Nonnull Literal literal, @Nonnull JsclInteger coefficient, @Nonnull Expression that) { if (coefficient.signum() == 0) return this; final Expression result = newInstance(size + that.size); int i = result.size; int thisI = this.size; int thatI = that.size; Literal thisLiteral = thisI > 0 ? literals[--thisI] : null; Literal thatLiteral = thatI > 0 ? that.literals[--thatI].multiply(literal) : null; while (thisLiteral != null || thatLiteral != null) { int c = thisLiteral == null ? 1 : (thatLiteral == null ? -1 : -thisLiteral.compareTo(thatLiteral)); if (c < 0) { JsclInteger en = coefficients[thisI]; --i; result.literals[i] = thisLiteral; result.coefficients[i] = en; thisLiteral = thisI > 0 ? literals[--thisI] : null; } else if (c > 0) { JsclInteger en = that.coefficients[thatI].multiply(coefficient); --i; result.literals[i] = thatLiteral; result.coefficients[i] = en; thatLiteral = thatI > 0 ? that.literals[--thatI].multiply(literal) : null; } else { JsclInteger en = coefficients[thisI].add(that.coefficients[thatI].multiply(coefficient)); if (en.signum() != 0) { --i; result.literals[i] = thisLiteral; result.coefficients[i] = en; } thisLiteral = thisI > 0 ? literals[--thisI] : null; thatLiteral = thatI > 0 ? that.literals[--thatI].multiply(literal) : null; } } result.resize(result.size - i); return result; } public Expression multiply(Expression expression) { Expression result = newInstance(0); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { result = result.multiplyAndAdd(literals[i], coefficients[i], expression); } return result; } @Nonnull public Generic multiply(@Nonnull Generic that) { if (that instanceof Expression) { return multiply((Expression) that); } else if (that instanceof JsclInteger || that instanceof Rational || that instanceof NumericWrapper) { return multiply(valueOf(that)); } else { return that.multiply(this); } } @Nonnull public Generic divide(@Nonnull Generic that) throws NotDivisibleException { Generic a[] = divideAndRemainder(that); if (a[1].signum() == 0) return a[0]; else throw new NotDivisibleException(); } public Generic[] divideAndRemainder(Generic generic) throws ArithmeticException { if (generic instanceof Expression) { Expression ex = (Expression) generic; Literal l1 = literalScm(); Literal l2 = ex.literalScm(); Literal l = l1.gcd(l2); Variable va[] = l.variables(); if (va.length == 0) { if (signum() == 0 && ex.signum() != 0) return new Generic[]{this, JsclInteger.valueOf(0)}; else try { return divideAndRemainder(ex.integerValue()); } catch (NotIntegerException e) { return new Generic[]{JsclInteger.valueOf(0), this}; } } else { Polynomial fact = Polynomial.factory(va[0]); Polynomial p[] = fact.valueOf(this).divideAndRemainder(fact.valueOf(ex)); return new Generic[]{p[0].genericValue(), p[1].genericValue()}; } } else if (generic instanceof JsclInteger) { try { Expression ex = newInstance(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ex.literals[i] = literals[i]; ex.coefficients[i] = coefficients[i].divide((JsclInteger) generic); } return new Generic[]{ex, JsclInteger.valueOf(0)}; } catch (NotDivisibleException e) { return new Generic[]{JsclInteger.valueOf(0), this}; } } else if (generic instanceof Rational || generic instanceof NumericWrapper) { return divideAndRemainder(valueOf(generic)); } else { return generic.valueOf(this).divideAndRemainder(generic); } } public Generic gcd(@Nonnull Generic generic) { if (generic instanceof Expression) { final Expression that = (Expression) generic; final Literal thisL = this.literalScm(); final Literal thatL = that.literalScm(); final Literal gcdL = thisL.gcd(thatL); final Variable vars[] = gcdL.variables(); if (vars.length == 0) { if (signum() == 0) { return that; } else { return this.gcd(that.gcd()); } } else { Polynomial p = Polynomial.factory(vars[0]); return p.valueOf(this).gcd(p.valueOf(that)).genericValue(); } } else if (generic instanceof JsclInteger) { if (generic.signum() == 0) { return this; } else { return this.gcd().gcd(generic); } } else if (generic instanceof Rational || generic instanceof NumericWrapper) { return gcd(valueOf(generic)); } else { return generic.valueOf(this).gcd(generic); } } @Nonnull public Generic gcd() { JsclInteger result = JsclInteger.valueOf(0); for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result = result.gcd(coefficients[i]); } return result; } @Nonnull public Literal literalScm() { Literal result = Literal.newInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { result = result.scm(literals[i]); } return result; } public Generic negate() { return multiply(JsclInteger.valueOf(-1)); } public int signum() { return size == 0 ? 0 : coefficients[0].signum(); } public int degree() { return 0; } public Generic antiDerivative(@Nonnull Variable variable) throws NotIntegrableException { if (isPolynomial(variable)) { return ((UnivariatePolynomial) Polynomial.factory(variable).valueOf(this)).antiderivative().genericValue(); } else { try { Variable v = variableValue(); try { return v.antiDerivative(variable); } catch (NotIntegrableException e) { if (v instanceof Fraction) { Generic g[] = ((Fraction) v).getParameters(); if (g[1].isConstant(variable)) { return new Inverse(g[1]).selfExpand().multiply(g[0].antiDerivative(variable)); } } } } catch (NotVariableException e) { Generic sumElements[] = sumValue(); if (sumElements.length > 1) { Generic result = JsclInteger.valueOf(0); for (Generic sumElement : sumElements) { result = result.add(sumElement.antiDerivative(variable)); } return result; } else { final Generic products[] = sumElements[0].productValue(); Generic constantProduct = JsclInteger.valueOf(1); Generic notConstantProduct = JsclInteger.valueOf(1); for (Generic product : products) { if (product.isConstant(variable)) { constantProduct = constantProduct.multiply(product); } else { notConstantProduct = notConstantProduct.multiply(product); } } if (constantProduct.compareTo(JsclInteger.valueOf(1)) != 0) { return constantProduct.multiply(notConstantProduct.antiDerivative(variable)); } } } } throw new NotIntegrableException(this); } public Generic derivative(@Nonnull Variable variable) { Generic s = JsclInteger.valueOf(0); Literal l = literalScm(); int n = l.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Variable v = l.getVariable(i); Generic a = ((UnivariatePolynomial) Polynomial.factory(v).valueOf(this)).derivative(variable).genericValue(); s = s.add(a); } return s; } public Generic substitute(@Nonnull final Variable variable, final Generic generic) { final Map<Variable, Generic> content = literalScm().content(new<Variable, Generic>() { @Nonnull public Generic apply(@Nonnull Variable v) { return v.substitute(variable, generic); } }); return substitute(content); } @Nonnull private Generic substitute(@Nonnull Map<Variable, Generic> content) { // sum = sumElement_0 + sumElement_1 + ... + sumElement_size Generic sum = JsclInteger.ZERO; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final Literal literal = literals[i]; // sumElement = variable_1 ^ power_1 * variable_2 ^ power_2 * ... * variable_size ^ power_size Generic sumElement = coefficients[i]; for (int j = 0; j < literal.size(); j++) { final Variable variable = literal.getVariable(j); final int power = literal.getPower(j); final Generic contentVariable = content.get(variable); Generic b = pow(contentVariable, power); if (Matrix.isMatrixProduct(sumElement, b)) { throw new ArithmeticException("Should not be matrix!"); } sumElement = sumElement.multiply(b); } sum = sum.add(sumElement); } return sum; } @Nonnull private Generic pow(@Nonnull Generic g, int power) { switch (power) { case 0: return JsclInteger.valueOf(1); case 1: return g; default: return g.pow(power); } } public Generic expand() { return substitute(literalScm().content(EXPAND_CONVERTER)); } public Generic factorize() { return Factorization.compute(substitute(literalScm().content(FACTORIZE_CONVERTER))); } public Generic elementary() { return substitute(literalScm().content(ELEMENTARY_CONVERTER)); } public Generic simplify() { return Simplification.compute(this); } public Generic numeric() { try { return integerValue().numeric(); } catch (NotIntegerException ex) { return substitute(literalScm().content(NUMERIC_CONVERTER)); } } @Nonnull public Generic valueOf(@Nonnull Generic generic) { return newInstance(0).init(generic); } @Nonnull public Generic[] sumValue() { final Generic result[] = new Generic[size]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = valueOf(literals[i], coefficients[i]); } return result; } @Nonnull public Generic[] productValue() throws NotProductException { if (size == 0) { return new Generic[]{JsclInteger.valueOf(0)}; } else if (size == 1) { final Literal l = literals[0]; final JsclInteger k = coefficients[0]; Generic productElements[] = l.productValue(); if (k.compareTo(JsclInteger.valueOf(1)) == 0) { return productElements; } else { final Generic result[] = new Generic[productElements.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(productElements, 0, result, 1, productElements.length); result[0] = k; return result; } } else { throw new NotProductException(); } } public Power powerValue() throws NotPowerException { if (size == 0) return new Power(JsclInteger.valueOf(0), 1); else if (size == 1) { Literal l = literals[0]; JsclInteger en = coefficients[0]; if (en.compareTo(JsclInteger.valueOf(1)) == 0) return l.powerValue(); else if ( == 0) return en.powerValue(); else throw new NotPowerException(); } else throw new NotPowerException(); } public Expression expressionValue() throws NotExpressionException { return this; } @Override public boolean isInteger() { try { integerValue(); return true; } catch (NotIntegerException e) { return false; } } public JsclInteger integerValue() throws NotIntegerException { if (size == 0) { return JsclInteger.valueOf(0); } else if (size == 1) { final Literal l = literals[0]; final JsclInteger c = coefficients[0]; if ( == 0) { return c; } else { throw NotIntegerException.get(); } } else { throw NotIntegerException.get(); } } @Override public double doubleValue() throws NotDoubleException { if (size == 0) { return 0f; } else if (size == 1) { final Literal l = literals[0]; final JsclInteger c = coefficients[0]; if ( == 0) { return c.doubleValue(); } else { throw NotDoubleException.get(); } } else { throw NotDoubleException.get(); } } public Variable variableValue() throws NotVariableException { if (size == 0) { throw new NotVariableException(); } else if (size == 1) { final Literal l = literals[0]; final JsclInteger c = coefficients[0]; if (c.compareTo(JsclInteger.valueOf(1)) == 0) { return l.variableValue(); } else { throw new NotVariableException(); } } else { throw new NotVariableException(); } } public Variable[] variables() { return literalScm().variables(); } public boolean isPolynomial(@Nonnull Variable variable) { boolean result = true; final Literal l = literalScm(); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { final Variable v = l.getVariable(i); if (!v.isConstant(variable) && !v.isIdentity(variable)) { result = false; break; } } return result; } public boolean isConstant(@Nonnull Variable variable) { Literal l = literalScm(); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { if (!l.getVariable(i).isConstant(variable)) { return false; } } return true; } public JsclVector grad(Variable variable[]) { Generic v[] = new Generic[variable.length]; for (int i = 0; i < variable.length; i++) v[i] = derivative(variable[i]); return new JsclVector(v); } public Generic laplacian(Variable variable[]) { return grad(variable).divergence(variable); } public Generic dalembertian(Variable variable[]) { Generic a = derivative(variable[0]).derivative(variable[0]); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) a = a.subtract(derivative(variable[i]).derivative(variable[i])); return a; } public int compareTo(Expression expression) { int i1 = size; int i2 = expression.size; Literal l1 = i1 == 0 ? null : literals[--i1]; Literal l2 = i2 == 0 ? null : expression.literals[--i2]; while (l1 != null || l2 != null) { int c = l1 == null ? -1 : (l2 == null ? 1 : l1.compareTo(l2)); if (c < 0) return -1; else if (c > 0) return 1; else { c = coefficients[i1].compareTo(expression.coefficients[i2]); if (c < 0) return -1; else if (c > 0) return 1; l1 = i1 == 0 ? null : literals[--i1]; l2 = i2 == 0 ? null : expression.literals[--i2]; } } return 0; } public int compareTo(@Nonnull Generic generic) { if (generic instanceof Expression) { return compareTo((Expression) generic); } else if (generic instanceof JsclInteger || generic instanceof Rational || generic instanceof NumericWrapper) { return compareTo(valueOf(generic)); } else { return generic.valueOf(this).compareTo(generic); } } void init(Literal lit, JsclInteger integer) { if (integer.signum() != 0) { init(1); literals[0] = lit; coefficients[0] = integer; } else init(0); } void init(Expression expression) { init(expression.size); System.arraycopy(expression.literals, 0, literals, 0, size); System.arraycopy(expression.coefficients, 0, coefficients, 0, size); } void init(JsclInteger integer) { init(Literal.newInstance(), integer); } void init(Rational rational) { try { init(Literal.newInstance(), rational.integerValue()); } catch (NotIntegerException e) { init(Literal.valueOf(rational.variableValue()), JsclInteger.valueOf(1)); } } Expression init(@Nonnull Generic generic) { if (generic instanceof Expression) { init((Expression) generic); } else if (generic instanceof JsclInteger) { init((JsclInteger) generic); } else if (generic instanceof NumericWrapper) { init((NumericWrapper) generic); } else if (generic instanceof Rational) { init((Rational) generic); } else throw new ArithmeticException("Could not initialize expression with " + generic.getClass()); return this; } public String toString() { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (signum() == 0) { result.append("0"); } // result = coef[0] * literal[0] + coef[1] * literal[1] + ... + for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final Literal literal = literals[i]; final JsclInteger coefficient = coefficients[i]; if (coefficient.signum() > 0 && i > 0) { result.append("+"); } if ( == 0) { result.append(coefficient); } else { if (coefficient.abs().compareTo(JsclInteger.valueOf(1)) == 0) { if (coefficient.signum() < 0) { result.append("-"); } } else { result.append(coefficient).append("*"); } result.append(literal); } } return result.toString(); } public String toJava() { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (signum() == 0) { result.append("JsclDouble.valueOf(0)"); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Literal l = literals[i]; JsclInteger en = coefficients[i]; if (i > 0) { if (en.signum() < 0) { result.append(".subtract("); en = (JsclInteger) en.negate(); } else result.append(".add("); } if ( == 0) result.append(en.toJava()); else { if (en.abs().compareTo(JsclInteger.valueOf(1)) == 0) { if (en.signum() > 0) result.append(l.toJava()); else if (en.signum() < 0) result.append(l.toJava()).append(".negate()"); } else result.append(en.toJava()).append(".multiply(").append(l.toJava()).append(")"); } if (i > 0) result.append(")"); } return result.toString(); } public void toMathML(MathML element, @Nullable Object data) { MathML e1 = element.element("mrow"); if (signum() == 0) { MathML e2 = element.element("mn"); e2.appendChild(element.text("0")); e1.appendChild(e2); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Literal l = literals[i]; JsclInteger en = coefficients[i]; if (en.signum() > 0 && i > 0) { MathML e2 = element.element("mo"); e2.appendChild(element.text("+")); e1.appendChild(e2); } if ( == 0) separateSign(e1, en); else { if (en.abs().compareTo(JsclInteger.valueOf(1)) == 0) { if (en.signum() < 0) { MathML e2 = element.element("mo"); e2.appendChild(element.text("-")); e1.appendChild(e2); } } else separateSign(e1, en); l.toMathML(e1, null); } } element.appendChild(e1); } @Nonnull @Override public Set<? extends Constant> getConstants() { final Set<Constant> result = new HashSet<Constant>(); for (Literal literal : literals) { for (Variable variable : literal.variables()) { result.addAll(variable.getConstants()); } } return result; } @Nonnull private Expression newInstance(int n) { return new Expression(n); } }