package com.akjava.gwt.jszip.client; import static; import java.util.Date; import com.akjava.gwt.html5.client.file.Blob; import com.akjava.gwt.html5.client.file.Uint8Array; import; import; import; import; import; public class JSZip extends JavaScriptObject{ protected JSZip(){} private static final DateTimeFormat dateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss"); public static native final boolean exists()/*-{ if($wnd.JSZip){ return true; }else{ return false; } }-*/; public final static native JSZip newJSZip()/*-{ return new $wnd.JSZip(); }-*/; public final static native JSZip newJSZip(Uint8Array array)/*-{ return new $wnd.JSZip(array); }-*/; public final native JSFile getFile(String fileName)/*-{ return this.file(fileName); }-*/; public final native JavaScriptObject files()/*-{ return this.files; }-*/; public final native JsArrayString getFiles()/*-{ var ret=[]; for(var value in this.files){ ret.push(value); } return ret; }-*/; /** * * @param fileName * if fileName contain /,directory is created automatically * @param text * @return */ public final native JSZip file(String fileName,String text)/*-{ return this.file(fileName,text); }-*/; public final native JSZip file(String fileName,String text,String dateLabel)/*-{ return this.file(fileName,text,{date : new $wnd.Date(dateLabel)}); }-*/; public final JSZip file(String fileName,String text,long datetime){ String dateLabel=dateTimeFormat.format(new Date(datetime)); return file(fileName,text,dateLabel); } /** * designed for canvas-url * @param fileName * @param url * @return */ public final JSZip base64UrlFile(String fileName,String url){ int index=url.indexOf("base64,"); String imgData; if(index==-1){ imgData=url; }else{ imgData=url.substring(index+"base64,".length()); } return file(fileName, imgData,JSFileOptions.newJSFileOptions().base64(true)); } public final native JSZip file(String fileName,String text,JSFileOptions option)/*-{ return this.file(fileName,text,option); }-*/; /** * not tested * @param fileName * @param data * @param option * @return */ public final native JSZip file(String fileName,JavaScriptObject data,JSFileOptions option)/*-{ return this.file(fileName,data,option); }-*/; public final native JSZip file(String fileName,Uint8Array data,JSFileOptions option)/*-{ return this.file(fileName,data,option); }-*/; public final native JSZip folder(String folderName)/*-{ return this.folder(folderName); }-*/; public final native JSZip load(String xhrText)/*-{ return this.load(xhrText); }-*/; public final native JSZip load(Uint8Array array)/*-{ return this.load(array); }-*/; public final native JSZip load(String text,JSFileOptions option)/*-{ return this.load(text,option); }-*/; public final native JSZip remove(String name)/*-{ return this.remove(name); }-*/; //TODO cast type public final native Object generate()/*-{ return this.generate(); }-*/; public final native JavaScriptObject generate(GenerateParameter parameter)/*-{ return this.generate(parameter); }-*/; public final native Uint8ArrayNative generateUnit8Deflate(int compressionLevel)/*-{ return this.generate({type:"uint8array",compression:"DEFLATE",compressionOptions:{level:compressionLevel}}); }-*/; /** * this is very useful but this method need html5 libs <inherits name="com.akjava.gwt.lib.Commons"/> <inherits name="com.akjava.gwt.html5.Html5widget" /> * @param compression * @return */ public final native Blob generateBlob(String compression)/*-{ var parameter={type:"blob"}; if(compression){ parameter.compression=compression; } return this.generate(parameter); }-*/; //path must be from module public static final JSZip loadFile(String url){ checkState(JSZip.exists(),"you need load jszip.js on html"); JSZip zip=JSZip.newJSZip(); if(!url.startsWith("/")){ url="../"+url;//relative from module } return zip.load(getBinaryResource(url)); } public static final JSZip loadBase64(String base64){ checkState(JSZip.exists(),"you need load jszip.js on html"); //TODO Base64Utils.cutHeader(text) in here JSZip zip=JSZip.newJSZip(); zip.load(base64,JSFileOptions.newJSFileOptions().base64(true)); return zip; } public static final JSZip loadFromArray(Uint8Array array){ checkState(JSZip.exists(),"you need load jszip.js on html"); JSZip zip=JSZip.newJSZip(); zip.load(array); return zip; } public static final JSZip loadFromArrayBuffer(ArrayBuffer buffer){ checkState(JSZip.exists(),"you need load jszip.js on html"); JSZip zip=JSZip.newJSZip(); zip.load(Uint8Array.createUint8(buffer)); return zip; } //from private static native String getBinaryResource(String url) /*-{ // ...implemented with JavaScript var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, false); // The last parameter determines whether the request is asynchronous -> this case is sync. req.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); req.send(null); if (req.status == 200) { return req.responseText; } else return null }-*/; }