/** Ajah HTML library, for consuming and creating HTML markup. <p>"Wait, what? Create HTML with Java? Isn't that a terrible idea?", you ask, suddenly doubting my abilities as a developer. "Is this guy some crackpot, some ... noob? I bet he even loved EJB1s. Forget this loser and all of the code he's written."</p> <p>So let's clarify. First, I never liked EJBs. Second, it's not a great idea. I'd love to do this some more elegant way. I'd love to even use someone else's not-great idea to do this so I can spend more time on less-not-great ideas. The fact that I have to justify a package's existence in a package-info.java is a big clue that this is not something to be proud of, and yet I'm not only doing it, I'm putting it out in public. Why?</p> <ol> <li>It's less bad than other options - I need to write HTML automatically. I could have done this with velocity templates or string bundles. I could have embedded a JSP engine and written .tag files. I won't say those are necessarily worse ideas, but I don't see them being much better either.</li> <li>ECS is dead - Apache/Jakarta had a project that did basically the same, but it was abandoned. It was old code that didn't use nice new Java features, so rather than use it I just started clean.</li> <li>JSF is terrible - Seriously, it's a disaster. I'd rather use EJBs. OK, maybe not that bad, but it's bad.</li> <li>I'd like to find a better way - This addresses the "why is this public" question more than the "why did you do this" quetsion. So please, suggest away.</li> </ol> @author Eric F. Savage @version 1.0 */ package com.ajah.html;