package io.airlift.airship.cli; import; import; import; import io.airlift.airline.Option; import io.airlift.airship.coordinator.SlotFilterBuilder; import io.airlift.airship.shared.HttpUriBuilder; import io.airlift.airship.shared.SlotStatus; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import static; import static; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; public class SlotFilter { @Option(name = {"-b", "--binary"}, description = "Select slots with a given binary") public final List<String> binary = newArrayList(); @Option(name = {"-B", "--not-binary"}, description = "Excludes slots with a given binary") public final List<String> notBinary = newArrayList(); @Option(name = {"-c", "--config"}, description = "Select slots with a given configuration") public final List<String> config = newArrayList(); @Option(name = {"-C", "--not-config"}, description = "Excludes slots with a given configuration") public final List<String> notConfig = newArrayList(); @Option(name = {"-h", "--host"}, description = "Select slots on the given host or ip") public final List<String> host = newArrayList(); @Option(name = {"-H", "--not-host"}, description = "Excludes slots on the given host or ip") public final List<String> notHost = newArrayList(); @Option(name = {"-m", "--machine"}, description = "Select agents on the given machine") public final List<String> machine = newArrayList(); @Option(name = {"-M", "--not-machine"}, description = "Excludes agents on the given machine") public final List<String> notMachine = newArrayList(); @Option(name = {"-u", "--uuid"}, description = "Select slot with the given UUID") public final List<String> uuid = newArrayList(); @Option(name = {"-U", "--not-uuid"}, description = "Excludes slot with the given UUID") public final List<String> notUuid = newArrayList(); @Option(name = {"-s", "--state"}, description = "Select 'r{unning}', 's{topped}' or 'u{nknown}' slots") public final List<String> state = newArrayList(); @Option(name = {"-S", "--not-state"}, description = "Excludes 'r{unning}', 's{topped}' or 'u{nknown}' slots") public final List<String> notState = newArrayList(); @Option(name = "--all", description = "Select all slots") public boolean selectAll; public boolean isFiltered() { return selectAll || Iterables.any(asList(binary, notBinary, config, notConfig, host, notHost, uuid, notUuid, state, notState), not(emptyPredicate())); } public Predicate<SlotStatus> toSlotPredicate(boolean filterRequired, List<UUID> allUuids) { return createFilterBuilder().buildPredicate(filterRequired, allUuids); } public URI toUri(URI baseUri) { return createFilterBuilder().buildUri(baseUri); } public URI toUri(HttpUriBuilder uriBuilder) { return createFilterBuilder().buildUri(uriBuilder); } private SlotFilterBuilder createFilterBuilder() { SlotFilterBuilder slotFilterBuilder = SlotFilterBuilder.builder(); for (String binaryGlob : binary) { slotFilterBuilder.addBinaryGlobFilter(binaryGlob); } for (String notBinaryGlob : notBinary) { slotFilterBuilder.addNotBinaryGlobFilter(notBinaryGlob); } for (String configGlob : config) { slotFilterBuilder.addConfigGlobFilter(configGlob); } for (String notConfigGlob : notConfig) { slotFilterBuilder.addNotConfigGlobFilter(notConfigGlob); } for (String hostGlob : host) { slotFilterBuilder.addHostGlobFilter(hostGlob); } for (String notHostGlob : notHost) { slotFilterBuilder.addNotHostGlobFilter(notHostGlob); } for (String machineGlob : machine) { slotFilterBuilder.addMachineGlobFilter(machineGlob); } for (String notMachineGlob : notMachine) { slotFilterBuilder.addNotMachineGlobFilter(notMachineGlob); } for (String stateFilter : state) { slotFilterBuilder.addStateFilter(stateFilter); } for (String notStateFilter : notState) { slotFilterBuilder.addNotStateFilter(notStateFilter); } for (String shortId : uuid) { slotFilterBuilder.addSlotUuidFilter(shortId); } for (String notShortId : notUuid) { slotFilterBuilder.addNotSlotUuidFilter(notShortId); } if (selectAll) { slotFilterBuilder.selectAll(); } return slotFilterBuilder; } @Override public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(this) .add("binary", binary) .add("notBinary", notBinary) .add("config", config) .add("notConfig", notConfig) .add("host", host) .add("notHost", notHost) .add("machine", machine) .add("notMachine", notMachine) .add("uuid", uuid) .add("notUuid", notUuid) .add("state", state) .add("notState", notState) .add("selectAll", selectAll) .toString(); } private static Predicate<List<?>> emptyPredicate() { return new Predicate<List<?>>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable List<?> input) { return input.isEmpty(); } }; } }