package com.redheap.selenium.component; import com.redheap.selenium.errors.SubIdNotFoundException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ServiceLoader; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.ConstructorUtils; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.Platform; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement; public class AdfComponent /*extends BaseObject*/ { private final WebDriver driver; private final String clientid; private final WebElement element; private long timeoutMillisecs = DFLT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MSECS; public static final long DFLT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MSECS = 30000; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AdfComponent.class.getName()); private static final ServiceLoader<ComponentFactory> factories = ServiceLoader.load(ComponentFactory.class); private static final Map<String, Class<? extends AdfComponent>> defaultComponents = new HashMap<>(); protected static final String JS_FIND_COMPONENT = "var comp=AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId(arguments[0]);"; protected static final String JS_FIND_PEER = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "var peer=comp.getPeer(); peer.bind(comp);"; protected static final String JS_FIND_ELEMENT = JS_FIND_PEER + "var elem=peer.getDomElement();"; private static final String JS_GET_ABSOLUTE_LOCATOR = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "return comp.getAbsoluteLocator()"; private static final String JS_GET_COMPONENT_TYPE = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "return comp.getComponentType()"; private static final String JS_FIND_ANCESTOR_COMPONENT = "return AdfRichUIPeer.getFirstAncestorComponent(arguments[0]).getClientId();"; private static final String JS_FIND_RELATIVE_COMPONENT_CLIENTID = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "child=comp.findComponent(arguments[1],true); return child?child.getClientId():null;"; private static final String JS_FIND_COMPONENT_BY_LOCATOR = "var comp=AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteLocator(arguments[0]); return [comp.getComponentType(),comp.getClientId()]"; private static final String JS_GET_DESCENDANT_COMPONENTS = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "var desc=comp.getDescendantComponents();" + "var retval=[];" + "desc.forEach(function(comp){retval.push([comp.getClientId(),comp.getComponentType()]);});" + "return retval;"; private static final String JS_FIND_CHILD_COMPONENTS = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "var retval=[];" + "comp.visitChildren(function(comp){retval.push([comp.getClientId(),comp.getComponentType()]);return 1});" + "return retval;"; private static final String JS_GET_PROPERTY_KEYS = "return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(" + JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "return comp.getPropertyKeys());"; private static final String JS_GET_PROPERTY = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "return comp.getProperty(arguments[1])"; private static final String JS_SCROLLINTOVIEW_FOCUS_SUBTARGET = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "comp.scrollIntoView(arguments[1], arguments[2])"; private static final String JS_SCROLLINTOVIEW_FOCUS = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "comp.scrollIntoView(arguments[1]);"; private static final String JS_SCROLLINTOVIEW_SUBTARGET = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "comp.scrollIntoView(arguments[1]);"; private static final String JS_SCROLLINTOVIEW = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "comp.scrollIntoView();"; private static final String JS_FIND_CONTENT_NODE = JS_FIND_ELEMENT + "return AdfDhtmlEditableValuePeer.GetContentNode(comp, elem);"; private static final String JS_FIND_SUBID_ELEMENT = JS_FIND_PEER + "return peer.getSubIdDomElement(comp,arguments[1]);"; private static final String JS_FIND_SUBID_CLIENTID = JS_FIND_PEER + "var subelem=peer.getSubIdDomElement(comp,arguments[1]); if(!subelem){return null;}return AdfRichUIPeer.getFirstAncestorComponent(subelem).getClientId();"; private static final String JS_GET_DISABLED = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "return comp.getDisabled();"; private static final String JS_IS_NAMINGCONTAINER = JS_FIND_COMPONENT + "return AdfUIComponent.__isNamingContainer(comp.constructor);"; private static final Pattern RELATIVE_ID = Pattern.compile("(:*)(.+)"); protected AdfComponent(WebDriver driver, String clientid) { this.driver = driver; this.clientid = clientid; final List<WebElement> elems = driver.findElements(; // some components do not have element (like dynamic declarative component) // TODO: why not lazy resolving in getElement? this.element = (elems != null && elems.size() == 1) ? elems.get(0) : null; } public static <C extends AdfComponent> C forClientId(WebDriver driver, String clientid) { // find component type String type = (String) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(JS_GET_COMPONENT_TYPE, clientid); return forClientId(driver, type, clientid); } private static <C extends AdfComponent> C forClientId(WebDriver driver, String componentType, String clientid) { // instantiate default component or one from ServiceLoader Iterator<ComponentFactory> iter = factories.iterator(); if (iter.hasNext()) { final List<WebElement> elems = driver.findElements(; // some components do not have element (like dynamic declarative component) WebElement element = (elems != null && elems.size() == 1) ? elems.get(0) : null; while (iter.hasNext()) { ComponentFactory factory =; final C component = factory.createComponent(driver, componentType, clientid, element); if (component != null) { return component; } } } // none found from serviceloaders so try to use our defaults if (!defaultComponents.containsKey(componentType)) { // no class loaded yet for this type // determing java class from javascript type: // oracle.adf.RichInputText to com.redheap.selenium.component.AdfInputText String simpleType = componentType.substring(componentType.lastIndexOf('.') + ".Rich".length()); // InputText String className = AdfComponent.class.getPackage().getName() + ".Adf" + simpleType; final Class<? extends C> c; try { c = (Class<? extends C>) ClassUtils.getClass(className); defaultComponents.put(componentType, c); // remember class to prevent class loading each time } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { defaultComponents.put(componentType, null); // no class found and remember this } } Class<? extends C> cls = (Class<? extends C>) defaultComponents.get(componentType); if (cls == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unknown component type: " + componentType); } try { return ConstructorUtils.invokeConstructor(cls, driver, clientid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebDriverException("unable to instantiate adf component: " + clientid, e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause() : e); } } public static <T extends AdfComponent> T forElement(WebElement element) { RemoteWebElement rwe = (RemoteWebElement) element; RemoteWebDriver rwd = (RemoteWebDriver) rwe.getWrappedDriver(); String clientid = (String) rwd.executeScript(JS_FIND_ANCESTOR_COMPONENT, element); return forClientId(rwd, clientid); } public void setTimout(long milliseconds) { this.timeoutMillisecs = milliseconds; } protected Object executeScript(CharSequence script, Object... args) { JavascriptExecutor jsrunner = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; logger.finer("executing script '" + script + "' with params " + Arrays.asList(args)); Object result = jsrunner.executeScript(script.toString(), args); logger.finer("executed script returned: " + result + (result == null ? "" : String.format(" (%s)", result.getClass()))); return result; } /** * Makes wrapped RemoteWebElement availabl for subclasses. * @return RemoteWebElement supplied to the constructor. */ public WebElement getElement() { return element; } public WebDriver getDriver() { return driver; } public <T extends AdfComponent> T findAdfComponent(String relativeClientId) { String clientid = (String) executeScript(JS_FIND_RELATIVE_COMPONENT_CLIENTID, getClientId(), relativeClientId); if (clientid == null) { return null; } return AdfComponent.forClientId(driver, clientid); } public <T extends AdfComponent> T findAdfComponentByLocator(String relativeLocator) { // use logic similar to relativeClientId: // - when starting with :, the locator is absolute and starts from root of page // - when starting with multiple :, first traverse up the naming containers // - when not starting with :, traverse up to nearest naming container (which chould be this component itself) // - can use indices with relative lookups: // * lookup "[3]it2" from an af:table // * lookup "::[3]it2" from tab1[1]:it2 // TODO: refactor or duplicate this to com.redheap.selenium.AdfFinder to implement org.openqa.selenium.By Matcher matcher = RELATIVE_ID.matcher(relativeLocator); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal locator: " + relativeLocator); } int qualifiers =; String searchScopedId =; boolean relative = (qualifiers == 0 || qualifiers > 1); String absoluteLocator; if (!relative) { absoluteLocator = searchScopedId; } else { String base = getAbsoluteLocator(); // traverse up based on number of : prefixes in relative locator int upcount; if (qualifiers > 1) { upcount = qualifiers - 1; } else { // when base is not a NamingContainer we need to go up one first to get to the NamingContainer upcount = isNamingContainer() ? 0 : 1; } while (upcount > 0) { base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf(":")); upcount--; } if (searchScopedId.startsWith("[")) { // indexed locator like [3]it4 if (base.endsWith("]")) { // strip index from base base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf("[")); } absoluteLocator = base + searchScopedId; // no need for : separator } else { absoluteLocator = base + ":" + searchScopedId; } } logger.fine("locating component by absolute locator " + absoluteLocator); List<?> jsresult = (List<?>) executeScript(JS_FIND_COMPONENT_BY_LOCATOR, absoluteLocator); String componentType = (String) jsresult.get(0); String clientid = (String) jsresult.get(1); return AdfComponent.forClientId(driver, componentType, clientid); } public String getId() { // simple (local) id return getElement().getAttribute("id"); } public String getClientId() { return clientid; } public String getAbsoluteLocator() { return (String) executeScript(JS_GET_ABSOLUTE_LOCATOR, getClientId()); } public boolean isDisplayed() { return getElement().isDisplayed(); } private boolean isNamingContainer() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(executeScript(JS_IS_NAMINGCONTAINER, getClientId())); } public void click() { WebElement element = getElement(); logger.fine("clicking " + element);; waitForPpr(); } public void clickWithDialogDetect() { WebElement element = getElement(); logger.fine("clicking " + element);; waitForPprWithDialogDetect(); } public void contextClick() { new Actions(driver).contextClick(getElement()).perform(); waitForPpr(); } public void doubleClick() { new Actions(driver).doubleClick(getElement()).perform(); waitForPpr(); } public void moveMouseTo() { new Actions(driver).moveToElement(getElement()).perform(); waitForPpr(); } public void dragAndDropTo(AdfComponent target) { dragAndDropTo(target.getElement()); waitForPpr(); } public void dragAndDropTo(WebElement target) { new Actions(driver).clickAndHold(this.getElement()).moveToElement(target).release(target).perform(); waitForPpr(); } public List<ComponentReference> getDescendantComponents() { return buildReferences((List<List<String>>) executeScript(JS_GET_DESCENDANT_COMPONENTS, getClientId())); } public List<ComponentReference> getChildComponents() { return buildReferences((List<List<String>>) executeScript(JS_FIND_CHILD_COMPONENTS, getClientId())); } public boolean isDisabled() { return (Boolean) executeScript(JS_GET_DISABLED, getClientId()); } public List<String> getPropertyKeys() { return (List<String>) executeScript(JS_GET_PROPERTY_KEYS, getClientId()); } public Object getProperty(String propName) { return executeScript(JS_GET_PROPERTY, getClientId(), propName); } public void scrollIntoView(boolean focus, String subTargetId) { executeScript(JS_SCROLLINTOVIEW_FOCUS_SUBTARGET, getClientId(), focus, subTargetId); } public void scrollIntoView(boolean focus) { executeScript(JS_SCROLLINTOVIEW_FOCUS, getClientId(), focus); } public void scrollIntoView(String subTargetId) { executeScript(JS_SCROLLINTOVIEW_SUBTARGET, getClientId(), subTargetId); } public void scrollIntoView() { executeScript(JS_SCROLLINTOVIEW, getClientId()); } protected void scrollIntoView(WebElement element) { executeScript("arguments[0].scrollIntoView()", element); } protected List<ComponentReference> buildReferences(List<List<String>> jsResult) { List<ComponentReference> retval = new ArrayList<ComponentReference>(jsResult.size()); for (List<String> comp : jsResult) { retval.add(new ComponentReference(comp.get(0), comp.get(1))); } return retval; } protected WebElement findContentNode() { final Object result = executeScript(JS_FIND_CONTENT_NODE, getClientId()); if (result instanceof WebElement) { return (WebElement) result; } else { throw new SubIdNotFoundException("could not find content node for " + getElement()); } } protected WebElement findSubIdElement(String subid) { return (WebElement) executeScript(JS_FIND_SUBID_ELEMENT, getClientId(), subid); } protected List<WebElement> findSubIdElements(String subid) { return (List<WebElement>) executeScript(JS_FIND_SUBID_ELEMENT, getClientId(), subid); } protected <T extends AdfComponent> T findSubIdComponent(String subid) { final String subClientId = (String) executeScript(JS_FIND_SUBID_CLIENTID, getClientId(), subid); if (subClientId == null) { return null; } if (getClientId().equals(subClientId)) { WebElement elem = findSubIdElement(subid); throw new SubIdNotFoundException("subid " + subid + " for " + getElement() + " does not point to a component but to sub-element " + (elem == null ? "unknown" : elem.getTagName())); } return AdfComponent.forClientId(driver, subClientId); } protected void waitForPpr() { RichWebDrivers.waitForServer(driver, timeoutMillisecs); } protected void waitForPprWithDialogDetect() { RichWebDrivers.waitForServer(driver, timeoutMillisecs, true); } protected boolean isPlatform(Platform p) { return ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getCapabilities().getPlatform().is(p); } public void hover() { WebElement element = getElement(); // we use pause to give javascript timer to detect hover and show popup new Actions(getDriver()).moveToElement(element).pause(1000).perform(); waitForPpr(); } @Override public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this).append("clientid", clientid).build(); } }