package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import focusedCrawler.util.parser.BackLinkNeighborhood; import focusedCrawler.util.parser.LinkNeighborhood; import focusedCrawler.util.persistence.PersistentHashtable; import focusedCrawler.util.persistence.Tuple; public class BipartiteGraphRepository { private final int pagesToCommit = 100; private int uncommittedCount = 0; private PersistentHashtable<String> authGraph; private PersistentHashtable<String> authID; private PersistentHashtable<String> hubGraph; private PersistentHashtable<String> hubID; private PersistentHashtable<String> url2id; private final String separator = "###"; private String authGraphDirectory = "data_backlinks/auth_graph"; private String urlIdDirectory = "data_backlinks/url"; private String authIdDirectory = "data_backlinks/auth_id"; private String hubIdDirectory = "data_backlinks/hub_id"; private String hubGraphDirectory = "data_backlinks/hub_graph"; public BipartiteGraphRepository(String dataPath) { int cacheSize = 10000; this.authGraph = new PersistentHashtable<>(dataPath + "/" + authGraphDirectory, cacheSize, String.class); this.url2id = new PersistentHashtable<>(dataPath + "/" + urlIdDirectory, cacheSize, String.class); this.authID = new PersistentHashtable<>(dataPath + "/" + authIdDirectory, cacheSize, String.class); this.hubID = new PersistentHashtable<>(dataPath + "/" + hubIdDirectory, cacheSize, String.class); this.hubGraph = new PersistentHashtable<>(dataPath + "/" + hubGraphDirectory, cacheSize, String.class); } public Tuple<String>[] getAuthGraph() throws Exception{ return authGraph.getTableAsArray(); } public Tuple<String>[] getHubGraph() throws Exception{ return hubGraph.getTableAsArray(); } public String getID(String url){ return url2id.get(url); } public String getHubURL(String id) throws IOException{ String url = hubID.get(id); if(url != null){ String[] fields = url.split(":::"); url = fields[0]; } return url; } public String getAuthURL(String id){ String url = authID.get(id); if(url != null){ String[] fields = url.split(":::"); url = fields[0]; } return url; } public String[] getOutlinks(String id){ String links = hubGraph.get(id); if(links != null){ return links.split("###"); }else{ return null; } } public String[] getBacklinks(String id){ String links = authGraph.get(id); if(links != null){ return links.split("###"); }else{ return null; } } public LinkNeighborhood[] getLNs() throws Exception{ Tuple<String>[] tuples = authID.getTableAsArray(); LinkNeighborhood[] lns = new LinkNeighborhood[tuples.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lns.length; i++) { String strln = tuples[i].getValue(); if(strln != null){ String[] fields = strln.split(":::"); lns[i] = new LinkNeighborhood(new URL(fields[0])); if(fields.length > 1){ lns[i].setAnchor(fields[1].split(" ")); if(fields.length > 2){ lns[i].setAround(fields[2].split(" ")); } } } } return lns; } public LinkNeighborhood[] getBacklinkLN() throws Exception{ Tuple<String>[] tuples = hubID.getTableAsArray(); LinkNeighborhood[] lns = new LinkNeighborhood[tuples.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lns.length; i++) { String strln = tuples[i].getValue(); if(strln != null){ String[] fields = strln.split(":::"); lns[i] = new LinkNeighborhood(new URL(fields[0])); if(fields.length > 1){ String title = fields[1]; if(title != null){ StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(title," "); List<String> anchorTemp = new ArrayList<String>(); while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ anchorTemp.add(tokenizer.nextToken()); } String[] aroundArray = new String[anchorTemp.size()]; anchorTemp.toArray(aroundArray); lns[i].setAround(aroundArray); } } } } return lns; } public LinkNeighborhood getBacklinkLN(URL url) throws MalformedURLException{ LinkNeighborhood ln = null; String urlId = url2id.get(url.toString()); if(urlId != null){ String strln = hubID.get(urlId); if(strln != null){ String[] fields = strln.split(":::"); ln = new LinkNeighborhood(new URL(fields[0])); if(fields.length > 1){ String title = fields[1]; if(title != null){ StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(title," "); List<String> anchorTemp = new ArrayList<String>(); while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ anchorTemp.add(tokenizer.nextToken()); } String[] aroundArray = new String[anchorTemp.size()]; anchorTemp.toArray(aroundArray); ln.setAround(aroundArray); } } } } return ln; } public LinkNeighborhood getLN(URL url) throws MalformedURLException{ LinkNeighborhood ln = null; URL normalizedURL = url;//new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), "/"); String urlId = url2id.get(normalizedURL.toString()); if(urlId != null){ String strln = authID.get(urlId); ln = parseString(strln); } return ln; } public LinkNeighborhood[] getOutlinks(URL url) throws IOException{ String urlId = url2id.get(url.toString()); if(urlId == null){ return null; } else { String[] linkIds = hubGraph.get(urlId).split("###"); LinkNeighborhood[] lns = new LinkNeighborhood[linkIds.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lns.length; i++) { String strln = authID.get(linkIds[i]); if(strln != null){ String[] fields = strln.split(":::"); LinkNeighborhood ln = new LinkNeighborhood(new URL(fields[0])); lns[i] = ln; if(fields.length > 1){ ln.setAnchor(fields[1].split(" ")); if(fields.length > 2){ ln.setAround(fields[2].split(" ")); } } } } return lns; } } /** * This method retrieves the the backlinks of a given url. * @param url * @return * @throws IOException */ public BackLinkNeighborhood[] getBacklinks(URL url) throws IOException { URL normalizedURL = new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), "/"); String urlId = url2id.get(normalizedURL.toString()); if(urlId == null){ return null; } String strLinks = authGraph.get(urlId); if(strLinks == null){ return null; } else { List<BackLinkNeighborhood> tempBacklinks = new ArrayList<BackLinkNeighborhood> (); String[] backlinkIds = strLinks.split("###"); for (int i = 0; i < backlinkIds.length; i++) { String url_title = hubID.get(backlinkIds[i]); if(url_title != null){ BackLinkNeighborhood bln = new BackLinkNeighborhood(); String[] fields = url_title.split(":::"); bln.setLink(fields[0]); if(fields.length > 1){ bln.setTitle(fields[1]); } tempBacklinks.add(bln); } } BackLinkNeighborhood[] blns = new BackLinkNeighborhood[tempBacklinks.size()]; tempBacklinks.toArray(blns); return blns; } } public LinkNeighborhood[] getBacklinksLN(URL url) throws IOException { String urlId = url2id.get(url.toString()); if(urlId == null){ return null; } String strLinks = authGraph.get(urlId); if(strLinks == null){ return null; } else { List<LinkNeighborhood> tempLNs = new ArrayList<LinkNeighborhood> (); String[] linkIds = strLinks.split("###"); for (int i = 0; i < linkIds.length; i++) { String lnStr = authID.get(linkIds[i]); LinkNeighborhood ln = parseString(lnStr); if(ln != null){ tempLNs.add(ln); } } LinkNeighborhood[] lns = new LinkNeighborhood[tempLNs.size()]; tempLNs.toArray(lns); return lns; } } /** * Insert outlinks from hubs * @param page */ public synchronized void insertOutlinks(URL url, LinkNeighborhood[] lns){ String urlId = getId(url.toString()); String strCurrentLinks = hubGraph.get(urlId); HashSet<String> currentLinks = parseRecordForwardLink(strCurrentLinks); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < lns.length; i++) { if(lns[i] != null){ String lnURL = lns[i].getLink().toString(); String id = getId(lnURL); if(!currentLinks.contains(id)){ String ln = authID.get(id); if(ln == null){ authID.put(id, lnURL + ":::" + lns[i].getAnchorString() + ":::" + lns[i].getAroundString()); } buffer.append(id); buffer.append(separator); currentLinks.add(id); } String strLinks = authGraph.get(id); HashSet<String> tempCurrentLinks = parseRecordBacklink(strLinks); if(!tempCurrentLinks.contains(urlId)){ if(tempCurrentLinks.size() == 0){ strLinks = urlId + separator; }else{ strLinks = strLinks + urlId + separator; } String url_string = hubID.get(id); if(url_string == null){ hubID.put(id, lnURL + ":::"); } authGraph.put(id, strLinks); } } } if(strCurrentLinks == null){ strCurrentLinks = buffer.toString(); } else { strCurrentLinks = strCurrentLinks + buffer.toString(); } if(!strCurrentLinks.equals("")){ hubGraph.put(urlId, strCurrentLinks); } uncommittedCount++; if (uncommittedCount == pagesToCommit) { this.commit(); uncommittedCount = 0; } } /** * Insert backlinks from authorities * @param page * @throws IOException */ public synchronized void insertBacklinks(URL url, BackLinkNeighborhood[] links) throws IOException{ String urlId = getId(url.toString()); String strCurrentLinks = authGraph.get(urlId); HashSet<String> currentLinks = parseRecordBacklink(strCurrentLinks); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { String id = getId(links[i].getLink()); if(!currentLinks.contains(id)){ String url_string = hubID.get(id); if(url_string == null){ hubID.put(id, links[i].getLink() + ":::" + links[i].getTitle()); } buffer.append(id); buffer.append(separator); currentLinks.add(id); } String strLinks = hubGraph.get(id); HashSet<String> tempCurrentLinks = parseRecordForwardLink(strLinks); if(!tempCurrentLinks.contains(urlId)){ if(tempCurrentLinks.size() == 0){ strLinks = urlId + separator; }else{ strLinks = strLinks + urlId + separator; } hubGraph.put(id, strLinks); } } if(strCurrentLinks == null){ strCurrentLinks = buffer.toString(); }else{ strCurrentLinks = strCurrentLinks + buffer.toString(); } authGraph.put(urlId, strCurrentLinks); uncommittedCount++; if(uncommittedCount == pagesToCommit){ this.commit(); uncommittedCount = 0; } } private String getId(String url){ String id = url2id.get(url); if(id == null){ String maxId = url2id.get("MAX"); if(maxId == null){ maxId = "0"; } int newId = Integer.parseInt(maxId) + 1; id = newId+""; url2id.put(url, id); url2id.put("MAX", id); } return id; } public synchronized void commit(){ url2id.commit(); authGraph.commit(); authID.commit(); hubID.commit(); hubGraph.commit(); } public void close(){ this.commit(); url2id.close(); authGraph.close(); authID.close(); hubID.close(); hubGraph.close(); } private HashSet<String> parseRecordBacklink(String strLinks){ HashSet<String> currentLinks = new HashSet<String>(); if(strLinks != null){ String[] links = strLinks.split("###"); for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { currentLinks.add(links[i]); } } return currentLinks; } private HashSet<String> parseRecordForwardLink(String strLinks){ HashSet<String> currentLinks = new HashSet<String>(); if(strLinks != null){ String[] linkIds = strLinks.split("###"); for (int i = 0; i < linkIds.length; i++) { currentLinks.add(linkIds[i]); } } return currentLinks; } private LinkNeighborhood parseString(String lnStr) throws MalformedURLException{ LinkNeighborhood ln = null; if(lnStr != null){ String[] fields = lnStr.split(":::"); ln = new LinkNeighborhood(new URL(fields[0])); if(fields.length > 1){ ln.setAnchor(fields[1].split(" ")); if(fields.length > 2){ ln.setAround(fields[2].split(" ")); } } } return ln; } }