package tv.avfun.api; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import tv.avfun.entity.Article; import tv.avfun.entity.Comment; import tv.avfun.entity.Contents; import tv.avfun.entity.VideoInfo; import tv.avfun.entity.VideoPart; import tv.avfun.entity.VideoSegment; import tv.avfun.util.Connectivity; import tv.avfun.util.DataStore; import tv.avfun.util.NetWorkUtil; import tv.avfun.util.StringUtil; import tv.avfun.util.UserAgent; import android.text.Html; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; public class ApiParser { /** * 确保解析失败时,立即重试 */ private class RetryParse extends Throwable{} private static final String TAG = ApiParser.class.getSimpleName(); public static List<Contents> getChannelContents(int channelId, String address) throws Exception { JSONObject jsonObject = Connectivity.getJSONObject(address); return getChannelContents(channelId,jsonObject); } /** * 获取频道内容。 * @param jsonObject * @return * @throws Exception */ public static List<Contents> getChannelContents(int channelId,JSONObject jsonObject) throws Exception{ List<Contents> contents = new ArrayList<Contents>(); if(jsonObject == null) return null; JSONArray jsarray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("contents"); for (int i = 0; i < jsarray.length(); i++) { JSONObject jobj = (JSONObject) jsarray.get(i); Contents c = new Contents(); c.setTitle(StringUtil.getSource(jobj.getString("title"))); c.setUsername(jobj.getString("username")); /* c.setDescription(jobj.getString("description").replace(" ", " ") .replace("&", "&").replaceAll("\\<.*?>", ""));*/ c.setDescription(jobj.getString("description")); c.setViews(jobj.getLong("views")); c.setTitleImg(jobj.getString("titleImg")); c.setAid(jobj.getString("aid")); // 好多不知名的东西乱入... 比如 110 84 之类的id // 由调用者自己决定id // c.setChannelId(jobj.getInt("channelId")); c.setChannelId(channelId); c.setComments(jobj.getInt("comments")); c.setReleaseDate(jobj.getLong("releaseDate")); contents.add(c); } return contents; } /* * 首页主频道列表 */ private static Channel[] channels = new Channel[]{ new Channel("动画", id.ANIMATION, R.drawable.title_bg_anim), new Channel("音乐", id.MUSIC, R.drawable.title_bg_music), new Channel("娱乐", id.FUN, R.drawable.title_bg_fun), new Channel("短影", id.VIDEO, R.drawable.title_bg_movie), new Channel("游戏", id.GAME , R.drawable.title_bg_game), // new Channel("番剧", id.BANGUMI, R.drawable.title_bg_anim) }; /** * 获取首页频道列表 推荐内容 * @param count 每个频道推荐个数 * @param mode 显示模式 1 default, 2 hot list, 3 latest replied * @return 获取失败,返回null */ public static Channel[] getRecommendChannels(int count, String mode) { if(!NetWorkUtil.isNetworkAvailable(AcApp.context())) return null; try { for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { Channel c = channels[i]; if("3".equals(mode)) c.contents = getChannelLatestReplied(c.getChannelId(), count); else if("2".equals(mode)) c.contents = getChannelHotList(c.getChannelId(), count); else c.contents = getChannelDefault(c.getChannelId(), count); if(c.contents == null) return null; // 有一个获取失败直接返回null } return channels; } catch (Exception e) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Log.e(ApiParser.class.getSimpleName(), "获取失败", e); } return null; } } public static List<Contents> getChannelDefault(int channelId, int count) throws Exception{ String url = ChannelApi.getDefaultUrl(channelId, count); return getChannelContents(channelId,url); } public static List<Contents> getChannelHotList(int channelId, int count) throws Exception { String url = ChannelApi.getHotListUrl(channelId, count); return getChannelContents(channelId,url); } public static List<Contents> getChannelLatestReplied(int channelId, int count) throws Exception { String url = ChannelApi.getLatestRepliedUrl(channelId, count); return getChannelContents(channelId,url); } /** * reset when getComments(String, int) invoke */ public static List<Integer> commentIdList; public static SparseArray<Comment> getComments(String aid, int page) throws Exception { String url = "" + aid + "¤tPage=" + page; JSONObject jsonObject = Connectivity.getJSONObject(url); JSONArray commentList = jsonObject.getJSONArray("commentList"); commentsTotalPage = jsonObject.getInt("totalPage"); SparseArray<Comment> comments = null; if (commentList.length() > 0) { commentIdList = new ArrayList<Integer>(commentList.length()); for(int i=0 ;i < commentList.length();i++){ commentIdList.add(commentList.getInt(i)); } comments = new SparseArray<Comment>(); JSONObject commentContentArr = jsonObject.getJSONObject("commentContentArr"); for(Iterator<String> keysIterator = commentContentArr.keys();keysIterator.hasNext();){ String key =; JSONObject content = commentContentArr.getJSONObject(key); Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.cid = content.getInt("cid"); comment.content = content.getString("content"); comment.userName = content.getString("userName"); comment.userID = content.getLong("userID"); comment.postDate = content.getString("postDate"); comment.userImgUrl = content.getString("userImg"); comment.quoteId = content.optInt("quoteId"); comment.count = content.optInt("count"); comments.put(comment.cid,comment); } }else{ if(commentIdList != null){ commentIdList.clear(); commentIdList = null; } } return comments; } /** * reset when getComments(String, int) invoke */ public static int commentsTotalPage = 1; public static List<Map<String, Object>> getComment(String aid, int page) throws Exception { String url = "" + aid + "¤tPage=" + page; ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> comments = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); JSONObject jsonObject = Connectivity.getJSONObject(url); JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("commentList"); int totalPage = jsonObject.getInt("totalPage"); if (jsonArray.length() > 0) { JSONObject comjsonobj = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("commentContentArr"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); JSONObject contentobj = comjsonobj.getJSONObject("c" + jsonArray.get(i).toString()); map.put("userName", contentobj.getString("userName")); map.put("content", contentobj.getString("content").replace(" ", " ") .replace("&", "&").replaceAll("\\<.*?>", "") .replaceAll("\\[.*?]", "").replaceFirst("\\s+", "")); map.put("userImg", contentobj.getString("userImg")); map.put("totalPage", totalPage); map.put("postDate", contentobj.getString("postDate")); map.put("count", contentobj.optString("count")); map.put("quoteId",contentobj.optInt("quoteId")); comments.add(map); } return comments; } else { return comments; } } public static List<Bangumi[]> getBangumiTimeList(int ulIndex){ Document doc =DataStore.getInstance().getHomeCache(); if(doc == null){ doc =Connectivity.getDoc("", UserAgent.MY_UA); DataStore.getInstance().saveHomeCache(doc); } Log.i(TAG, String.format("get %d list",ulIndex)); return getBangumiTimeList(doc,ulIndex); } public static List<Bangumi[]> getBangumiTimeList(Document doc, int ulIndex){ if(doc == null) return null; Elements ems = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("id", "bangumi-index"); if(ems == null || ems.size() == 0) { if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.e("Parser", "获取失败!检查网页连接!"); return null; } ems = ems.get(0).getElementsByTag("ul"); if (ulIndex >ems.size()) ulIndex = ems.size(); ems = ems.get(ulIndex).getElementsByTag("li"); ems.remove(ems.size() - 1); List<Bangumi[]> timelist = new ArrayList<Bangumi[]>(); for (Element element : ems) { Elements videoems = element.getElementsByClass("title"); Bangumi[] bangumis = new Bangumi[videoems.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < videoems.size(); i++) { bangumis[i] = new Bangumi(); bangumis[i].title = videoems.get(i).text(); bangumis[i].aid = videoems.get(i).attr("data-aid"); } timelist.add(bangumis); } return timelist; } public static VideoInfo getVideoInfoByAid(String aid) throws Exception{ VideoInfo video = new VideoInfo(); = new ArrayList<VideoPart>(); String url = "" + aid; JSONObject jsonObject = Connectivity.getJSONObject(url); // get tags if(!jsonObject.optBoolean("success")) return null; JSONArray tagsArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("tags"); video.tags = new String[tagsArray.length()]; for(int i=0; i<tagsArray.length();i++){ video.tags[i] = tagsArray.getJSONObject(i).getString("name"); } // get info JSONObject info = jsonObject.getJSONObject("info"); video.title = StringUtil.getSource(info.getString("title")); video.titleImage = info.getString("titleimage"); video.description = info.getString("description"); video.channelId = info.getJSONObject("channel").getInt("channelID"); video.upman = info.getJSONObject("postuser").getString("name"); // statistics Array JSONArray statisArray = info.getJSONArray("statistics"); video.views = statisArray.getInt(0); video.comments = statisArray.getInt(1); // get content array JSONArray contentArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("content"); if (Integer.parseInt(aid) > 327496) { for (int i = 0; i < contentArray.length(); i++) { VideoPart item = new VideoPart(); JSONObject job = (JSONObject) contentArray.get(i); String videoContent = job.getString("content"); // content: "[video]425564[/video]" Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\[video\\](.\\d+)\\[/video\\]", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(videoContent); String contentId = ""; if(matcher.find()) contentId =; item.subtitle = Html.fromHtml(job.getString("subtitle")).toString(); // parse vid and type into item parseVideoItem(contentId, item);; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < contentArray.length(); i++) { String vid = ""; VideoPart item = new VideoPart(); JSONObject job = (JSONObject) contentArray.get(i); String ContentStr = job.toString(); //System.out.println(ContentStr); ContentStr = ContentStr.replace("id='ACFlashPlayer'", "").replace( "id=\\\"ACFlashPlayer\\\"", ""); //System.out.println(ContentStr); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("id=(.[0-9a-zA-Z]+)"); Matcher matcher = p.matcher(ContentStr); if (matcher.find()) { vid =; } String title = (String) job.get("subtitle"); item.subtitle = Html.fromHtml(title).toString(); item.vid = vid; item.vtype = parseVideoType(ContentStr);; } } return video; } private static void parseVideoItem(String contentId, VideoPart item) throws Exception{ String url = "" + contentId + ".aspx"; JSONObject jsonObject = Connectivity.getJSONObject(url); item.vtype = jsonObject.getString("vtype"); item.vid = jsonObject.get("vid").toString(); if(AcApp.getParseMode() < 2 && "sina".equals(parseVideoType(item.vtype))){ item.vid = getSinaMp4Vid(item.vid); } } public static final String parseVideoType(String str) { String Type = ""; if (str.contains("youku")) { Type = "youku"; } if (str.contains("sina")) { Type = "sina"; } if (str.contains("tudou")) { Type = "tudou"; } if (str.contains("qq")) { Type = "qq"; } if (Type.equals("video")) { Type = "sina"; } if (Type.equals("")) { Type = "sina"; } return Type; } public static Article getArticle(String aid) throws Exception { Article article = new Article(); String url = "" + aid; JSONObject jsonObject = Connectivity.getJSONObject(url); JSONObject infoobj = jsonObject.getJSONObject("info"); article.setTitle(infoobj.getString("title")); article.setPosttime(infoobj.getLong("posttime")); article.setName(infoobj.getJSONObject("postuser").getString("name")); article.setUid(infoobj.getJSONObject("postuser").get("uid").toString()); article.setId(aid); JSONArray statistics = infoobj.getJSONArray("statistics"); article.setViews(statistics.getInt(0)); article.setComments(statistics.getInt(1)); article.setStows(statistics.getInt(5)); JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("content"); ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> contents = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(); ArrayList<String> imgs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); JSONObject job = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); map.put("subtitle", job.getString("subtitle")); String content = job.getString("content"); map.put("content", content); String regex = "<img.+?src=[\"|'](.+?)[\"|']"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content); while (matcher.find()) { imgs.add(; } contents.add(map); } article.setImgUrls(imgs); article.setContents(contents); return article; } /** * 获取搜索结果集 * * @param word * @param page * @return 搜索不到或者结果无,返回null * @throws Exception */ public static List<Contents> getSearchContents(String word, int page) throws Exception { String url = "" + URLEncoder.encode(word, "utf-8") + "&orderId=0&channelId=0&pageNo=" + page + "&pageSize=20"; JSONObject jsonObject = Connectivity.getJSONObject(url); succeeded = jsonObject.getBoolean("success"); if (!succeeded || (totalcount = jsonObject.getInt("totalcount")) == 0) { return null; } List<Contents> cs = new ArrayList<Contents>(); JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("contents"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject job = (JSONObject) jsonArray.get(i); Contents c = new Contents(); c.setAid(job.getString("aid")); c.setTitle(job.getString("title")); c.setUsername(job.getString("author")); c.setViews(job.getLong("views")); c.setTitleImg(job.getString("titleImg")); c.setDescription(StringUtil.getSource(job.getString("description"))); c.setChannelId(job.getInt("channelId")); c.setComments(job.getInt("comments")); c.setReleaseDate(job.getLong("releaseDate")); cs.add(c); } return cs; } private static boolean succeeded = false; private static int totalcount = 0; /** * 获取搜索结果页数,之前需调用{@link #getSearchContents(String,int)},否则返回值为-1 * * @return */ public static int getCountPage() { if (!succeeded) { return -1; // TODO 1? } int countpage; if (totalcount % 20 == 0) { countpage = totalcount / 20; } else { countpage = totalcount / 20 + 1; } return countpage; } /** * FIXME 解析似乎有问题!!! * 解析视频地址 到item中 * @param item * @param parseMode 0为标清 1高清优先 2 超清优先 */ public static void parseVideoParts(VideoPart item, int parseMode){ if(item == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(item.vid)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("item or item's vid cannot be null"); if("sina".equals(item.vtype)){ parseSinaVideoItem(item, parseMode); }else if("youku".equals(item.vtype)){ parseYoukuVideoItem(item, parseMode); }else if("tudou".equals(item.vtype)){ parseTudouVideoItem(item); }else if("qq".equals(item.vtype)){ parseQQVideoItem(item); } } private static String getSinaMp4Vid(String vid) throws Exception{ String checkIdUrl = ""+vid; JSONObject jsonObj = Connectivity.getJSONObject(checkIdUrl); if(jsonObj == null) return null; int ipadVid = jsonObj.getInt("ipad_vid"); if(ipadVid != 0 && ipadVid != Integer.valueOf(vid)) vid = ipadVid+""; // 赋予新Id return vid; } public static void parseSinaVideoItem(VideoPart item, int parseMode){ try { if(item == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(item.vid)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("item or item's vid cannot be null"); if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "尝试获取sina :"+item.vid); // if(parseMode<2){ // item.vid = getSinaMp4Vid(item.vid); // 获取mp4 的vid // } // String url = "" + item.vid; String url = ""+item.vid +"&dtime="+System.currentTimeMillis(); Document doc = Connectivity.getDoc(url, UserAgent.DEFAULT); if(doc == null) doc = Connectivity.getDoc("" + item.vid, UserAgent.DEFAULT); Elements result = doc.getElementsByTag("result"); if(result!= null && result.size()>0) { String r = result.get(0).text(); if("error".equals(r)) throw new IllegalAccessException(); } Elements durls = doc.getElementsByTag("durl"); item.segments = new ArrayList<VideoSegment>(); for(int i=0;i<durls.size();i++){ Element durl = durls.get(i); String duration = durl.getElementsByTag("length").get(0).text(); String text = durl.getElementsByTag("url").get(0).text(); if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i("parse sina", "url="+text+",duration="+duration); VideoSegment s = new VideoSegment(); s.duration = Long.parseLong(duration); s.num = i; s.url = text; = s.url; // TODO: get download url item.segments.add(s); } } catch (Exception e) { if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.w(TAG, "获取sina视频失败"+item.vid,e); } } public static void parseQQVideoItem(VideoPart item){ if(item == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(item.vid)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("item or item's vid cannot be null"); //vid=84sHlkSh6bE //String url = ""+item.vid+".flv?channel=web&rfc=v0"; String url = ""+item.vid; if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "尝试获取QQ :"+item.vid); try { HttpURLConnection conn = Connectivity.openConnection(url); if(conn.getResponseCode() == 200){ String raw = DataStore.readData(conn.getInputStream(),"UTF-8"); int start = "QZOutputJson=".length(); int end = raw.lastIndexOf(';'); end = end < 0 ? raw.length():end; JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(raw.substring(start,end)); JSONArray viArray = jsonObject.getJSONObject("vd").getJSONArray("vi"); item.segments = new ArrayList<VideoSegment>(); for(int i=0;i<viArray.length();i++){ JSONObject vi = viArray.getJSONObject(i); VideoSegment s = new VideoSegment(); s.duration = (long)(Float.parseFloat(vi.getString("dur"))*1000); // "dur": "6022.36" s.size = vi.getLong("fs"); // "fs": 452279984 s.num = i; s.url = vi.getString("url");// "url": " = s.url; item.segments.add(s); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void parseTudouVideoItem(VideoPart item){ if(item == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(item.vid)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("item or item's vid cannot be null"); String url = "" + item.vid; if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "尝试获取tudou :"+item.vid); try { Elements ems = Connectivity.getElements(url, "f"); item.segments = new ArrayList<VideoSegment>(); String sha1 = ""; for (int i=0;i<ems.size();i++) { Element em = ems.get(i); String eSha1 = em.attr("sha1"); if(!sha1.equals(eSha1)){ sha1 = eSha1; String size = em.attr("size"); if(BuildConfig.DEBUG){ String brt = em.attr("brt"); Log.d(TAG, Integer.parseInt(brt)+"url="+em.text()+",size="+size); } VideoSegment s = new VideoSegment(); s.url = em.text(); s.size = Long.parseLong(size); s.num = i; = s.url; item.segments.add(s); } } } catch (Exception e) { if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.w(TAG, "解析视频地址失败"+url,e); } } /** * FIXME MP4解析似乎有问题 * @param item * @param parseMode 0为标清 1高清 2 超清如果有的话 */ public static void parseYoukuVideoItem(VideoPart item, int parseMode){ if(item == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(item.vid)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("item or item's vid cannot be null"); String url = ""+item.vid; if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "尝试获取youku :"+item.vid); try { JSONObject jsonObject = Connectivity.getJSONObject(url); if(jsonObject == null) return; JSONObject data = jsonObject.getJSONArray("data").getJSONObject(0); Double seed = data.getDouble("seed"); JSONObject fileids = data.getJSONObject("streamfileids"); String seg = null; String fids = null; if(parseMode >= 2 && fileids.has("hd2")){ seg = "hd2"; if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "hd2超清模式"); }else if(parseMode >= 1 && fileids.has("mp4")){ seg = "mp4"; if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "mp4高清模式"); }else if(fileids.has("flv")){ seg = "flv"; if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "flv标清模式"); } fids = fileids.getString(seg); String realFileid =getFileID(fids, seed); JSONObject segs = data.getJSONObject("segs"); JSONArray vArray = segs.getJSONArray(seg); item.segments = new ArrayList<VideoSegment>(vArray.length()); String vPath = seg.equals("mp4")?"mp4":"flv"; for(int i=0;i<vArray.length();i++){ JSONObject part = vArray.getJSONObject(i); String k = part.getString("k"); String k2 = part.getString("k2"); VideoSegment s = new VideoSegment(); s.duration = (long) (Float.parseFloat(part.getString("seconds"))*1000); s.num = i; s.size = part.getLong("size"); String u = ""+System.currentTimeMillis()+"_"+ String.format("%02d", i)+"/st/"+vPath+"/fileid/"+ realFileid.substring(0, 8)+ String.format("%02X", i) + realFileid.substring(10)+"?K="+k+",k2:"+k2; if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "url= "+u); s.url = Connectivity.getRedirectLocation(u, UserAgent.DEFAULT); = s.url; item.segments.add(s); } } catch (JSONException e) { if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.w(TAG, "解析视频地址失败"+url,e); } } public static String genKey(String key1, String key2) { int key = Long.valueOf("key1", 16).intValue(); key ^= 0xA55AA5A5; return "key2" + Long.toHexString(key); } public static String getFileIDMixString(double seed) { StringBuilder mixed = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder source = new StringBuilder( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/\\:._-1234567890"); int index, len = source.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { seed = (seed * 211 + 30031) % 65536; index = (int) Math.floor(seed / 65536 * source.length()); mixed.append(source.charAt(index)); source.deleteCharAt(index); } return mixed.toString(); } public static String getFileID(String fileid, double seed) { String mixed = getFileIDMixString(seed); String[] ids = fileid.split("\\*"); StringBuilder realId = new StringBuilder(); int idx; for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { idx = Integer.parseInt(ids[i]); realId.append(mixed.charAt(idx)); } return realId.toString(); } public static String genSid() { int i1 = (int) (1000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999)); int i2 = (int) (1000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9000)); return System.currentTimeMillis() + "" + i1 + "" + i2; } }