package; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; class RelationshipService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RelationshipService.class); private final CMSClientService service; private LoadingCache<String, MetaClass> metadatas; private static String RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_TEMPLATE = "%s[@_oid=\"%s\"].%s[@_oid=\"%s\"]"; private static final int MAX_RETRY_COUNT = 300; RelationshipService(CMSClientService service) { this.service = service; this.metadatas = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(500).expireAfterAccess(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .build(new CacheLoader<String, MetaClass>() { @Override public MetaClass load(String key) throws Exception { return RelationshipService.this.service.getMetadata(key, null); } }); } /** * Creates relationship between the fromEntity and the toEntity. If the * fromEntity(toEntity) is not existing, a new entity will be created. * * @param fromEntity * @param refField * @param toEntity * @param context */ public <T extends ICMSEntity, K extends ICMSEntity> void createRelationship(final T fromEntity, final String refField, final K toEntity, CMSClientContext context) { context = context != null ? context : new CMSClientContext(); String fromType = fromEntity.get_type(); MetaClass fromMetaClass = getMetadata(fromType); ensureFromEntity(fromEntity, refField, context); MetaField field = fromMetaClass.getField(refField); if (!(field instanceof MetaRelationship)) { throw new CMSEntityException(MessageFormat.format("Field {0} on class {1} is not relationship!", refField, fromType)); } MetaRelationship relation = (MetaRelationship) field; ensureToEntity(fromEntity, refField, toEntity, context, fromType); if (relation.getRelationType().equals(RelationTypeEnum.Reference)) { // array handling final T opEntity = createNewEntity(fromEntity); if (field.getCardinality() == CardinalityEnum.Many) { opEntity.removeFieldValue(refField); opEntity.addFieldValue(refField, toEntity); } else { opEntity.setFieldValue(refField, toEntity); } final CMSClientContext fContext = context; // CMS-3930:: add retry for update operation in relationship API retryRelationshipOperation(service, logger, context, new Callable<Integer>() { @Override public Integer call() throws Exception { String query = String.format(RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_TEMPLATE, opEntity.get_type(), opEntity.get_id(), refField, toEntity.get_id()); CMSQuery cmsQuery = new CMSQuery(query); CMSQueryResult<GenericCMSEntity> ge = service.query(cmsQuery, fContext); if (ge.getEntities().size() > 0) { // already existing return 0; } service.updateEntityField(opEntity, refField, fContext); return 0; } }, opEntity.get_type(), opEntity.get_id(), refField, toEntity.get_type(), toEntity.get_id(), "create"); } } private <T extends ICMSEntity, K extends ICMSEntity> void ensureToEntity(T fromEntity, String refField, K toEntity, CMSClientContext context, String fromType) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(toEntity.get_id())) { K getTo = getEntity(toEntity, context); if (getTo == null) { // create to entity context.setPath(fromType, fromEntity.get_id(), refField); service.create(toEntity, context); } } else { context.setPath(fromType, fromEntity.get_id(), refField); service.create(toEntity, context); } } private <T extends ICMSEntity> void ensureFromEntity(T fromEntity, String refField, CMSClientContext context) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fromEntity.get_id())) { T getFrom = getEntity(fromEntity, context); if (getFrom == null) { createOrUpdateFromEntity(fromEntity, refField, context, true); } else { createOrUpdateFromEntity(fromEntity, refField, context, false); } } else { createOrUpdateFromEntity(fromEntity, refField, context, true); } } private <T extends ICMSEntity> T getEntity(T givenEntity, CMSClientContext context) { if (givenEntity.getClass() == GenericCMSEntity.class) { return (T) service.get(givenEntity.get_id(), givenEntity.get_type(), context); } else { return service.get(givenEntity.get_id(), (Class<T>) givenEntity.getClass(), context); } } private <T extends ICMSEntity> void createOrUpdateFromEntity(final T fromEntity, final String refField, final CMSClientContext context, boolean create) { boolean hasOldValue = fromEntity.hasField(refField); Object oldFieldValue = fromEntity.getFieldValue(refField); fromEntity.removeFieldValue(refField); if (create) { service.create(fromEntity, context); } else { // CMS-3930:: add retry for update operation in relationship API GenericEntityService.retryOperation(service, logger, context, new Callable<Integer>() { @Override public Integer call() throws Exception { service.update(fromEntity, context); return 0; } }, GenericEntityService.RETRY_LOG_MESSAGE, -1); } if (hasOldValue) { fromEntity.setFieldValue(refField, oldFieldValue); } } @Deprecated public <T extends ICMSEntity, K extends ICMSEntity> void createRelationship(T fromEntity, RelationshipField<T, K> field, K toEntity, CMSClientContext context) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(field, "Relationship field couldn't be null!"); createRelationship(fromEntity, field.getFieldName(), toEntity, context); } /** * Deletes relationship between the fromEntity and the toEntity if any. * * * @param fromEntity * @param refField * @param toEntity * @param context */ public <T extends ICMSEntity, K extends ICMSEntity> void deleteRelationship(final T fromEntity, final String refField, final K toEntity, CMSClientContext context) { context = context != null ? context : new CMSClientContext(); Preconditions.checkArgument(!StringUtils.isEmpty(refField), String.format("refField could not be null!")); T getFrom = getEntity(fromEntity, context); if (getFrom == null) { // no from entity found return; } K getTo = getEntity(toEntity, context); if (getTo == null) { // no to entity found return; } final String fromType = fromEntity.get_type(); MetaClass meta = getMetadata(fromType); final MetaField field = meta.getField(refField); if (! (field instanceof MetaRelationship)) { throw new CMSEntityException(MessageFormat.format("Field {0} on class {1} is not relationship!", refField, fromType)); } MetaRelationship relationship = (MetaRelationship)field; if (relationship.getRelationType().equals(RelationTypeEnum.Inner) || relationship.getRelationType().equals(RelationTypeEnum.Embedded)) { // delete inner/ebmed entity will automatically remove the reference service.delete(toEntity, context); } else { // array handling final T opEntity = createNewEntity(fromEntity); if (field.getCardinality() == CardinalityEnum.Many) { // create new Entity for operation. Can not rely on the given // entity, since user might pass untentional objects opEntity.setFieldValue(refField, Arrays.asList(toEntity)); } else { opEntity.setFieldValue(refField, toEntity); } final CMSClientContext fContext = context; // CMS-3930:: add retry for update operation in relationship API retryRelationshipOperation(service, logger, context, new Callable<Integer>() { @Override public Integer call() throws Exception { String query = String.format(RELATIONSHIP_QUERY_TEMPLATE, opEntity.get_type(), opEntity.get_id(), refField, toEntity.get_id()); CMSQuery cmsQuery = new CMSQuery(query); CMSQueryResult<GenericCMSEntity> ge = service.query(cmsQuery, fContext); if (ge.getEntities().size() == 0) { // already removed return 0; } service.deleteField(opEntity, refField, fContext); return 0; } }, opEntity.get_type(), opEntity.get_id(), refField, toEntity.get_type(), toEntity.get_id(), "delete"); } } // copy the entity with id and type set from given entity private <T extends ICMSEntity> T createNewEntity(T entity) { T newEntity; try { newEntity = (T) entity.getClass().newInstance(); newEntity.set_id(entity.get_id()); newEntity.set_type(entity.get_type()); return newEntity; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new CMSEntityException(MessageFormat.format("Can not create new entity for operation! Type: {0}", entity.getClass().getSimpleName())); } } /** * A almost loop-ever retry. Use mass of parameter * for logging... * */ private <T extends ICMSEntity, K> K retryRelationshipOperation(CMSClientService service, Logger logger, CMSClientContext context, Callable<K> op, String fromType, String fromId, String refField, String toType, String toId, String opName) { String message = String.format(" failed operation of " + opName + " relationship " + "from entity of type: %s, _oid: %s, through field: %s, to entity of type: %s, _oid: %s ! " + "This is the relationship loop, will retry! Current retry count is {5}! ", fromType, fromId, refField, toType, toId); return GenericEntityService.retryOperation(service, logger, context, op, message, MAX_RETRY_COUNT); } @Deprecated public <T extends ICMSEntity, K extends ICMSEntity> void deleteRelationship(T fromEntity, RelationshipField<T, K>field, K toEntity, CMSClientContext context) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(field, "Relationship field couldn't be null!"); deleteRelationship(fromEntity, field.getFieldName(), toEntity, context); } public MetaClass getMetadata(String fromType) { MetaClass meta = null; try { meta = this.metadatas.get(fromType); } catch (ExecutionException e) { String msg = MessageFormat.format("Unable to find metaclass {0}!", fromType); logger.error(msg); throw new CMSClientException(msg, e); } return meta; } }