package org.xpect.state; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.IAcceptor; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Exceptions; import org.xpect.parameter.ParameterParser; import org.xpect.state.ResolvedConfiguration.DerivedValue; import org.xpect.state.ResolvedConfiguration.Factory; import org.xpect.state.ResolvedConfiguration.PrimaryValue; import org.xpect.state.ResolvedConfiguration.Value; import org.xpect.text.CharSequences; import org.xpect.text.Table; import org.xpect.text.Table.Row; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Similar to a Guice injector. It is created from the {@link Configuration} by the Xpect runners. It can inject using key (annotation) and type (of object). If the type is unique, * the default annotation is used and only the type is used as a key. This injector is aware of dependencies, that is, if an object is to be created which needs other objects, * these other objects are created as well. * <p> * The state container is also used to retrieve arguments for a test method call, see {@link #tryGet(Class, Object...)} for details. * */ public class StateContainer { protected class FactoryInstance { private final List<Instance> down = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List<Instance> up = Lists.newArrayList(); private final Factory factory; private final Object instance; public FactoryInstance(Factory factory, Object instance) { super(); this.factory = factory; this.instance = instance; } } protected abstract class Instance implements Managed<Object> { private final List<FactoryInstance> down = Lists.newArrayList(); private FactoryInstance up = null; private final Value key; public Instance(Value key) { super(); this.key = key; } public void invalidate() { StateContainer.this.invalidate(this); } } protected class ManagedInstance extends Instance { private final Managed<?> value; public ManagedInstance(Value key, Managed<?> value) { super(key); this.value = value; } public Object get() { return value.get(); } } protected static class State { private final Map<Factory, FactoryInstance> factory2instance = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); private final Map<Value, Instance> value2instance = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); } protected class ValueInstance extends Instance { private final Object value; public ValueInstance(Value key, Object value) { super(key); this.value = value; } public Object get() { return value; } } private final ResolvedConfiguration config; private final State state; public StateContainer(ResolvedConfiguration config) { this.config = config; this.state = new State(); } public StateContainer(IAcceptor<Configuration> config) { Configuration cfg = new Configuration("default"); config.accept(cfg); this.config = new ResolvedConfiguration(cfg); this.state = new State(); } public StateContainer(StateContainer parent, ResolvedConfiguration config) { this.config = config; this.state = parent.state; if (parent.config != this.config.getParent()) throw new IllegalStateException("Parent configs must be the same"); } public StateContainer(StateContainer parent, IAcceptor<Configuration> config) { Configuration cfg = new Configuration("default"); config.accept(cfg); this.config = new ResolvedConfiguration(cfg); this.state = parent.state; if (parent.config != this.config.getParent()) throw new IllegalStateException("Parent configs must be the same"); } protected void collectDependees(FactoryInstance fact, Set<FactoryInstance> factories, Set<Instance> instances) { for (Instance i : fact.down) if (instances.add(i)) collectDependees(i, factories, instances); } protected void collectDependees(Instance instance, Set<FactoryInstance> factories, Set<Instance> instances) { for (FactoryInstance fi : instance.down) if (factories.add(fi)) collectDependees(fi, factories, instances); } protected FactoryInstance createFactory(Factory factory) { Constructor<?> constructor = factory.getConstructor(); Class<?>[] paramTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes(); Object[] paramsObjects = new Object[paramTypes.length]; Instance[] paramsInstances = new Instance[paramTypes.length]; Annotation[][] paramAnnot = constructor.getParameterAnnotations(); for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) { paramsInstances[i] = (Instance) get(paramTypes[i], (Object[]) paramAnnot[i]); paramsObjects[i] = paramsInstances[i].get(); } try { Object instance = constructor.newInstance(paramsObjects); FactoryInstance result = new FactoryInstance(factory, instance); for (Instance inst : paramsInstances) { inst.down.add(result); result.up.add(inst); } return result; } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Exceptions.sneakyThrow(e.getCause()); return null; } } protected Instance createInstance(DerivedValue value) { FactoryInstance factory = getFactory(value.getFactory()); try { Object instance = value.getMethod().invoke(factory.instance); Instance result = createInstance(value, instance); factory.down.add(result); result.up = factory; return result; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected Instance createInstance(PrimaryValue value) { return createInstance(value, value.getValue()); } protected Instance createInstance(Value value) { if (value instanceof PrimaryValue) return createInstance((PrimaryValue) value); if (value instanceof DerivedValue) return createInstance((DerivedValue) value); throw new IllegalStateException(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Instance createInstance(Value key, Object value) { if (value instanceof Managed<?>) return new ManagedInstance(key, (Managed<Object>) value); return new ValueInstance(key, value); } public <T> Managed<T> get(Class<T> expectedType, Object... annotations) { return get(expectedType, true, annotations); } /** * The following workflow is performed to get the argument of expected type (annotated with given annotations): * <ol> * <li>get "raw" value: * <ol> * <li>get the parameter from the parser defined by {@link ParameterParser} if possible * <li>if this fails, get value identified via annotations (used as key) and type * </ol> * <li>for all parsers (some parameters may be parsers, e.g., expectations), get the {@link IParameterProvider} via {@code parseRegion()} defined similarly (not equally) in * {@link IParameterParser} subtypes. * <li>if necessary, also create {@link IParameterAdapter}, configured via {@link XpectParameterAdapter}. * <li>use {@link IParameterProvider} or {@link IParameterAdapter} to get argument * </ol> */ public <T> T tryGet(Class<T> expectedType, Object... annotations) { Managed<T> managed = get(expectedType, false, annotations); if (managed != null) return managed.get(); return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T> Managed<T> get(Class<T> expectedType, boolean throwException, Object... annotations) { if (expectedType == StateContainer.class) return (Managed<T>) new ManagedInstance(null, new ManagedImpl<T>((T) this)); Class<? extends Annotation> annotatedWith = getAnnotation(annotations); Value value = config.getValue(annotatedWith, expectedType); if (value == null) { if (throwException) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown key @" + annotatedWith.getName() + " " + expectedType.getName()); } else return null; } Instance instance = state.value2instance.get(value); if (instance == null) state.value2instance.put(value, instance = createInstance(value)); return (Managed<T>) instance; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Class<? extends Annotation> getAnnotation(Object... annotations) { if (annotations.length == 0) return Default.class; Object annotation = annotations[0]; if (annotation instanceof Class<?>) return (Class<? extends Annotation>) annotation; if (annotation instanceof Annotation) return ((Annotation) annotation).annotationType(); throw new IllegalStateException(); } public ResolvedConfiguration getConfiguration() { return config; } protected FactoryInstance getFactory(Factory factory) { FactoryInstance instance = state.factory2instance.get(factory); if (instance == null) state.factory2instance.put(factory, instance = createFactory(factory)); return instance; } public void invalidate() { Set<FactoryInstance> factories = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); Set<Instance> instances = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (PrimaryValue fact : config.getPrimaryValues()) { Instance instance = state.value2instance.get(fact); if (instance != null && instances.add(instance)) collectDependees(instance, factories, instances); } for (Factory fact : config.getResolvedFactories()) { FactoryInstance instance = state.factory2instance.get(fact); if (instance != null && factories.add(instance)) collectDependees(instance, factories, instances); } invalidate(factories, instances); } protected void invalidate(FactoryInstance instance, DerivedValue key, Object val) { Method invalidator = key.getInvalidator(); try { invalidator.invoke(instance.instance, val); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected void invalidate(Instance instance) { Set<FactoryInstance> factories = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); Set<Instance> instances = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); instances.add(instance); collectDependees(instance, factories, instances); invalidate(factories, instances); } protected void invalidate(Set<FactoryInstance> factories, Set<Instance> instances) { for (Instance inst : instances) { if (inst instanceof ManagedInstance) { ManagedInstance mi = (ManagedInstance) inst; mi.value.invalidate(); } if (inst.key instanceof DerivedValue) { DerivedValue derivedValue = (DerivedValue) inst.key; Method invalidator = derivedValue.getInvalidator(); if (invalidator != null) { FactoryInstance factoryInstance = state.factory2instance.get(derivedValue.getFactory()); invalidate(factoryInstance, derivedValue, inst.get()); } } } for (Instance inst : instances) { state.value2instance.remove(inst.key); inst.down.clear(); if (inst.up != null) { inst.up.down.remove(inst); } } for (FactoryInstance fact : factories) { state.factory2instance.remove(fact.factory); fact.down.clear(); for (Instance up : fact.up) { up.down.remove(fact); } } } protected class ToString { protected class ValueRow implements Comparable<ValueRow> { public ValueRow(ResolvedConfiguration scope, Value value) { super(); this.declaredScope = scope; this.value = value; this.keyType = value.getType() == null ? "null" : value.getType().getName(); this.keyAnnotation = value.getAnnotatedWith().getSimpleName(); } private final Value value; private final String keyType; private final String keyAnnotation; private final ResolvedConfiguration declaredScope; private ResolvedConfiguration lifecycleScope = null; private Set<ValueRow> dependencies = Sets.newHashSet(); public String getInstanceString() { if (value instanceof PrimaryValue) return CharSequences.toSingleLineString(((PrimaryValue) value).getValue(), 80); Instance instance = state.value2instance.get(value); if (instance == null) return "(not created)"; Object object = instance.get(); if (object == null) return "(null)"; return CharSequences.toSingleLineString(object, 80); } public int compareTo(ValueRow o) { return ComparisonChain.start().compare(keyType, o.keyType).compare(keyAnnotation, keyAnnotation).result(); } public String getKeyString() { if (Default.class.getSimpleName().equals(keyAnnotation)) return keyType; return "@" + keyAnnotation + " " + keyType; } public Object getDependenciesString() { List<ValueRow> dependencies = Lists.newArrayList(this.dependencies); Collections.sort(dependencies); List<String> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ValueRow val : dependencies) result.add(val.getKeyString()); return Joiner.on(", ").join(result); } public Object getScopeString() { if (lifecycleScope != null) return lifecycleScope.getName(); return declaredScope.getName(); } } private Map<Value, ValueRow> rows = Maps.newHashMap(); private void collectValues(ResolvedConfiguration cfg) { for (Value value : cfg.getValues().values()) rows.put(value, new ValueRow(cfg, value)); ResolvedConfiguration parent = cfg.getParent(); if (parent != null) collectValues(parent); } private void updateCollectDependencies(ResolvedConfiguration cfg) { for (ResolvedConfiguration.Factory fac : cfg.getResolvedFactories()) for (Value out : fac.getOut()) { ValueRow row = rows.get(out); for (Value in : fac.getIn()) row.dependencies.add(rows.get(in)); } ResolvedConfiguration parent = cfg.getParent(); if (parent != null) updateCollectDependencies(parent); } private boolean isMoreNarrow(ResolvedConfiguration candidate, ResolvedConfiguration ref) { if (candidate == null || ref == null || candidate == ref) return false; ResolvedConfiguration parent = candidate.getParent(); if (parent == ref) return true; return isMoreNarrow(parent, ref); } private ResolvedConfiguration updateScope(ValueRow row) { ResolvedConfiguration result = row.lifecycleScope; if (result != null) return result; result = row.declaredScope; for (ValueRow dependency : row.dependencies) { ResolvedConfiguration dep = updateScope(dependency); if (isMoreNarrow(dep, result)) result = dep; } row.lifecycleScope = result; return result; } @Override public String toString() { collectValues(config); updateCollectDependencies(config); for (ValueRow row1 : rows.values()) updateScope(row1); List<ValueRow> rows = Lists.newArrayList(this.rows.values()); Collections.sort(rows); Table table = new Table(); table.setRowSeparatorHeight(0); Row header = table.addRow(); header.addCell().setText("Key"); header.addCell().setText("Scope"); header.addCell().setText("Value"); header.addCell().setText("Dependencies"); header.getBottomSeparator().setHeight(1).setBackground("-"); for (ValueRow vr : rows) { Row row = table.addRow(); row.addCell().setText(vr.getKeyString()); row.addCell().setText(vr.getScopeString()); row.addCell().setText(vr.getInstanceString()); row.addCell().setText(vr.getDependenciesString()); } return table.toString(); } } @Override public String toString() { return new ToString().toString(); } }