package application.librarymode; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.logging.Level; import com.jfoenix.controls.JFXButton; import com.jfoenix.controls.JFXToggleButton; import application.Main; import application.settings.ApplicationSettingsController.SettingsTab; import; import; import; import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener; import javafx.beans.Observable; import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings; import; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader; import javafx.geometry.Bounds; import javafx.geometry.Side; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar; import javafx.scene.control.SplitPane; import javafx.scene.control.ToolBar; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.util.Duration; import xplayer.presenter.XPlayerController; /** * This class contains everything needed going on LibraryMode. * * @author SuperGoliath */ public class LibraryMode extends BorderPane { @FXML private SplitPane topSplitPane; @FXML private BorderPane borderPane; @FXML private StackPane librariesStackView; @FXML private Button newLibrary; @FXML private GridPane topGrid; @FXML private JFXToggleButton selectionModeToggle; @FXML private ToolBar libraryToolBar; @FXML private Button deleteLibrary; @FXML private Button renameLibrary; @FXML private Button openOrCloseLibrary; @FXML private Button openLibraryContextMenu; @FXML private Button settingsOfLibrary; @FXML private HBox botttomHBox; @FXML private ScrollBar horizontalScrollBar; @FXML private JFXButton previous; @FXML private JFXButton createLibrary; @FXML private JFXButton next; @FXML private JFXButton showSettings; @FXML private Label librariesInfoLabel; @FXML private SplitPane bottomSplitPane; // ------------------------------------------------ // protected boolean dragDetected /** * The mechanism which allows you to transport items between libraries and * more. */ public final LibrariesSearchBox librariesSearcher = new LibrariesSearchBox(); /** * The mechanism which allows you to view the libraries as components with * image etc. */ public TeamViewer teamViewer; /** The mechanism behind of opening multiple libraries. */ public final MultipleLibraries multipleLibs = new MultipleLibraries(); //--------Images ------------------------------ /** * Default image of a library(which has not a costume one selected by the * user. */ public static Image defaultImage;//= InfoTool.getImageFromDocuments("visualizer.jpg"); /** * A classic warning image to inform the user about something * */ public static final Image warningImage = InfoTool.getImageFromResourcesFolder("warning.png"); //----- Library Specific ------------------ /** The settings. */ public LibrarySettings settings = new LibrarySettings(); /** The context menu. */ public LibraryContextMenu librariesContextMenu = new LibraryContextMenu(); /** * This binding contains a number which shows how many libraries are * currently opened */ public SimpleIntegerProperty openedLibraries = new SimpleIntegerProperty(); //----- Invalidation Listeners ------------------ /** This variable is used during the creation of a new library. */ private final InvalidationListener creationInvalidator = new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable observable) { // Remove the Listener Main.renameWindow.showingProperty().removeListener(this); // !Showing && !XPressed if (!Main.renameWindow.isShowing() && Main.renameWindow.wasAccepted()) { Main.window.requestFocus(); // Check if this name already exists String name = Main.renameWindow.getUserInput(); // if can pass if (!teamViewer.getViewer().getItemsObservableList().stream().anyMatch(lib -> lib.getLibraryName().equals(name))) { String tableName; boolean validName; // Until the randomName doesn't already exists do { tableName = ActionTool.returnRandomTableName(); validName = !Main.dbManager.doesTableExist(tableName); } while (!validName); final String dataBaseTableName = tableName; //add it to a final variable //Ok Now Go try (PreparedStatement insertNewLibrary = Main.dbManager.getConnection().prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO LIBRARIES (NAME,TABLENAME,STARS,DATECREATED,TIMECREATED,DESCRIPTION,SAVEMODE,POSITION,LIBRARYIMAGE,OPENED) " + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); Statement statement = Main.dbManager.getConnection().createStatement()) { // Create the dataBase table statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE '" + dataBaseTableName + "' (PATH TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL ," + "STARS DOUBLE NOT NULL," + "TIMESPLAYED INT NOT NULL," + "DATE TEXT NOT NULL," + "HOUR TEXT NOT NULL)"); // Create the Library Library currentLib = new Library(name, dataBaseTableName, 0, null, null, null, 1, teamViewer.getViewer().getItemsObservableList().size(), null, false); // Add the library currentLib.goOnSelectionMode(selectionModeToggle.isSelected()); teamViewer.getViewer().addLibrary(currentLib, true); // Add a row on libraries table insertNewLibrary.setString(1, name); insertNewLibrary.setString(2, dataBaseTableName); insertNewLibrary.setDouble(3, currentLib.starsProperty().get()); insertNewLibrary.setString(4, currentLib.getDateCreated()); insertNewLibrary.setString(5, currentLib.getTimeCreated()); insertNewLibrary.setString(6, currentLib.getDescription()); insertNewLibrary.setInt(7, 1); insertNewLibrary.setInt(8, currentLib.getPosition()); insertNewLibrary.setString(9, null); insertNewLibrary.setBoolean(10, false); insertNewLibrary.executeUpdate(); // Commit Main.dbManager.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { Main.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "", ex); ActionTool.showNotification("Error Creating a Library", "Library can't be created cause of:" + ex.getMessage(), Duration.seconds(2), NotificationType.WARNING); } } else { ActionTool.showNotification("Dublicate Name", "A Library or PlayList with this name already exists!", Duration.seconds(2), NotificationType.INFORMATION); } } } }; /** * Constructor. */ public LibraryMode() { // FXMLLOADER FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource(InfoTool.FXMLS + "LibraryMode.fxml")); loader.setController(this); loader.setRoot(this); try { loader.load(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Return the library with the given name. * * @param name * the name * @return the library with name */ public Library getLibraryWithName(String name) { // Find that for (Library library : teamViewer.getViewer().getItemsObservableList()) if (library.getLibraryName().equals(name)) return library; return null; } /** * Update Settings Total Library only if this Library exists and it is on * settings mode * * @param name */ // public void updateLibraryTotalLabel(String name) { // Library lib = getLibraryWithName(name); // if (lib != null) // lib.updateSettingsTotalLabel(); // } /** * Called as soon as FXML file has been loaded */ @FXML public void initialize() { //Initialize teamViewer = new TeamViewer(this); // createLibrary createLibrary.setOnAction(a -> createNewLibrary(createLibrary)); // newLibrary newLibrary.setOnAction(a -> createNewLibrary(newLibrary)); newLibrary.visibleProperty().bind(Bindings.size(teamViewer.getViewer().getItemsObservableList()).isEqualTo(0)); // selectionModeToggle selectionModeToggle.selectedProperty().addListener((observable , oldValue , newValue) -> teamViewer.getViewer().goOnSelectionMode(newValue)); // searchLibrary //topGrid.add(librariesSearcher, 1, 0) botttomHBox.getChildren().add(librariesSearcher); // previous previous.setOnAction(a -> teamViewer.getViewer().previous()); // next next.setOnAction(a -> teamViewer.getViewer().next()); //showSettings showSettings.setOnAction(a -> Main.settingsWindow.showWindow(SettingsTab.LIBRARIES)); // StackPane librariesStackView.getChildren().addAll(teamViewer.getViewer(), librariesSearcher.region, librariesSearcher.searchProgress); teamViewer.getViewer().toBack(); // XPlayer - 0 Main.xPlayersList.addXPlayerController(new XPlayerController(0)); Main.xPlayersList.getXPlayerController(0).makeTheDisc(150, 150, Color.FIREBRICK, 45, Side.LEFT); Main.xPlayersList.getXPlayerController(0).makeTheVisualizer(Side.RIGHT); //add(Main.xPlayersList.getXPlayerController(0), 1, 0); //super.row //super.setRowIndex(borderPane, 1); //Let'z GO // -- openLibrariesContextMenu openLibraryContextMenu.setOnAction(a -> { Library library = teamViewer.getViewer().getSelectedItem(); Bounds bounds = library.localToScreen(library.getBoundsInLocal());, bounds.getMinX() + bounds.getWidth() / 3, bounds.getMinY() + bounds.getHeight() / 4, library); }); // -- libraryToolBar libraryToolBar.disableProperty().bind(teamViewer.getViewer().centerItemProperty().isNull()); // -- renameLibrary renameLibrary.setOnAction(a -> teamViewer.getViewer().centerItemProperty().get().renameLibrary(renameLibrary)); // -- deleteLibrary deleteLibrary.setOnAction(a -> teamViewer.getViewer().centerItemProperty().get().deleteLibrary(deleteLibrary)); // -- openOrCloseLibrary teamViewer.getViewer().centerItemProperty().addListener((observable , oldValue , newValue) -> { if (newValue != null) openOrCloseLibrary.textProperty() .bind(Bindings.when(teamViewer.getViewer().centerItemProperty().get().openedProperty()).then("Close").otherwise("Open")); else { openOrCloseLibrary.textProperty().unbind(); openOrCloseLibrary.setText("..."); } }); openOrCloseLibrary.setOnAction(a -> teamViewer.getViewer().centerItemProperty().get() .libraryOpenClose(!teamViewer.getViewer().centerItemProperty().get().isOpened(), false)); // -- settingsOfLibrary settingsOfLibrary.setOnAction(a -> settings.showWindow(teamViewer.getViewer().centerItemProperty().get())); //----librariesInfoLabel librariesInfoLabel.textProperty().bind(Bindings.concat("[ ", teamViewer.getViewer().itemsWrapperProperty().sizeProperty(), " ] Libraries", " , [ ", openedLibraries, " ] Opened")); } /** * Recalculates the opened libraries */ public void calculateOpenedLibraries() { openedLibraries.set((int) teamViewer.getViewer().getItemsObservableList().stream().filter(library -> library.isOpened()).count()); } /** * Used to create a new Library * * @param owner */ public void createNewLibrary(Node owner) { if (Main.renameWindow.isShowing()) return; // Open rename window"", owner, "Creating new Library"); // Add the showing listener Main.renameWindow.showingProperty().addListener(creationInvalidator); } /** * Gets the previous. * * @return the previous */ public Button getPrevious() { return previous; } /** * Gets the next. * * @return the next */ public Button getNext() { return next; } /** * @return the horizontalScrollBar */ public ScrollBar getHorizontalScrollBar() { return horizontalScrollBar; } // Variables private double[] topSplitPaneDivider = { 0.45 , 0.55 }; // Variables private double[] bottomSplitPaneDivider = { 0.65 , 0.35 }; // /** // * Updates the values of array that holds DividerPositions of splitPane // */ // public void updateTopSplitPaneDividerArray(double[] array) { // topSplitPaneDivider[0] = array[0]; // topSplitPaneDivider[1] = array[1]; // } // // /** // * Updates the values of array that holds DividerPositions of splitPane // */ // public void updateBottomSplitPaneDividerArray(double[] array) { // bottomSplitPaneDivider[0] = array[0]; // bottomSplitPaneDivider[1] = array[1]; // } //---------------------------- /** * Updates the SplitPane DividerPositions based on the saved array */ public void updateTopSplitPaneDivider() { topSplitPane.setDividerPositions(topSplitPaneDivider); } /** * Updates the SplitPane DividerPositions based on the saved array */ public void updateBottomSplitPaneDivider() { bottomSplitPane.setDividerPositions(bottomSplitPaneDivider); } //---------------------------- /** * Saves current divider positions of SplitPane into an array */ public void saveTopSplitPaneDivider() { topSplitPaneDivider = topSplitPane.getDividerPositions(); } /** * Saves current divider positions of SplitPane into an array */ public void saveBottomSplitPaneDivider() { bottomSplitPaneDivider = bottomSplitPane.getDividerPositions(); } /** * Turns the Library Mode Upside Down or opposite * * @param turnDown */ public void turnUpsideDownSplitPane(boolean turnDown) { //Check if it can enter based on the library border pane position if ( ( turnDown && !topSplitPane.getItems().get(0).equals(borderPane) ) || ( !turnDown && topSplitPane.getItems().get(0).equals(borderPane) )) return; //this.saveTopSplitPaneDivider(); double temp = topSplitPaneDivider[0]; topSplitPaneDivider[0] = topSplitPaneDivider[1]; topSplitPaneDivider[1] = temp; boolean libraryIsOnTop = topSplitPane.getItems().get(0).equals(borderPane); topSplitPane.getItems().clear(); if (libraryIsOnTop) topSplitPane.getItems().addAll(bottomSplitPane, borderPane); else topSplitPane.getItems().addAll(borderPane, bottomSplitPane); this.updateTopSplitPaneDivider(); } //---------------------------- /** * @return the topSplitPane */ public SplitPane getTopSplitPane() { return topSplitPane; } /** * @return the bottomSplitPane */ public SplitPane getBottomSplitPane() { return bottomSplitPane; } }