package extlib; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Vector; import lotus.domino.Database; import lotus.domino.DateRange; import lotus.domino.DateTime; import lotus.domino.Document; import lotus.domino.NotesException; import lotus.domino.Session; import lotus.domino.View; import lotus.domino.ViewEntry; import lotus.domino.ViewEntryCollection; import; import; public class DataInitializer { // Delete? boolean deleteAllDoc; // Users boolean createUsers; int users_maxUsers; // US States boolean createStates; // Discussion threads boolean createDiscussionDocuments; int disc_rootDocs; int disc_maxResponse; int disc_maxDepth; // All types boolean createAllTypes; public DataInitializer() { } // =================================================================== // Import data // =================================================================== public void run() throws NotesException, IOException { Database db = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase(); if(deleteAllDoc) { deleteAllDocuments(); } if(createUsers) { createUsers(db); } if(createStates) { createStates(db); } if(createDiscussionDocuments) { createDiscussionDocuments(db); } if(createAllTypes) { createAllTypes(db); } } public void initDeleteDocuments() throws NotesException { this.deleteAllDoc = true; } public void initUsers(int maxUsers) throws NotesException { this.createUsers = true; this.users_maxUsers = maxUsers; } public void initStates() throws NotesException { this.createStates = true; } public void initDiscussionDocuments(int rootDocs, int maxResponse, int maxDepth) { this.createDiscussionDocuments = true; this.disc_rootDocs = rootDocs; this.disc_maxResponse = maxResponse; this.disc_maxDepth = maxDepth; } public void initAllTypes() throws NotesException { this.createAllTypes = true; } // =================================================================== // Delete all documents // =================================================================== void deleteAllDocuments() throws NotesException { Database db = ExtLibUtil.getCurrentDatabase(); db.getAllDocuments().removeAll(true); } // =================================================================== // Users // =================================================================== private static final boolean UNIQUE_USERS = true; void createUsers(Database db) throws NotesException, IOException { View w = db.getView("AllContacts"); w.getAllEntries().removeAll(true); String[] firstNames = SampleDataUtil.readFirstNames(); String[] lastNames = SampleDataUtil.readLastNames(); String[] cities = SampleDataUtil.readCities(); HashSet<String> users = UNIQUE_USERS ? new HashSet<String>() : null; for( int i=0; i<users_maxUsers; i++ ) { while(true) { String firstName = firstNames[(int)(Math.random()*firstNames.length)]; String lastName = lastNames[(int)(Math.random()*lastNames.length)]; String fullcity = cities[(int)(Math.random()*cities.length)]; String city = SampleDataUtil.cityName(fullcity); String state = SampleDataUtil.cityState(fullcity); String email = createEmail(firstName, lastName, city); String id = "CN="+firstName+" "+lastName+"/O=renovations"; // If user already there, then reject and continue // Else, create it... String nn = lastName+" "+firstName; if(users==null || !users.contains(nn)) { if(users!=null) { users.add(nn); } createUser(db, id, firstName, lastName, city, state, email); break; } } } } void createUser(Database db, String id, String firstName, String lastName, String city, String state, String email) throws NotesException { Document doc = db.createDocument(); try { doc.replaceItemValue("Form","Contact"); doc.replaceItemValue("Id",id); doc.replaceItemValue("FirstName",firstName); doc.replaceItemValue("LastName",lastName); doc.replaceItemValue("City",city); doc.replaceItemValue("State",state); doc.replaceItemValue("email",email);; } finally { doc.recycle(); } } String createEmail(String firstName, String lastName, String city) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for(int i=0; i<firstName.length(); i++) { char c = Character.toLowerCase(firstName.charAt(i)); if(c>='a' && c<='z') { b.append(c); } } b.append('_'); for(int i=0; i<lastName.length(); i++) { char c = Character.toLowerCase(lastName.charAt(i)); if(c>='a' && c<='z') { b.append(c); } } b.append("@"); // for(int i=0; i<city.length(); i++) { // char c = Character.toLowerCase(city.charAt(i)); // if(c>='a' && c<='z') { // b.append(c); // } else if(c==',') { // State... // break; // } // } // b.append("."); b.append(""); return b.toString(); } // =================================================================== // US States // =================================================================== void createStates(Database db) throws NotesException, IOException { View w = db.getView("AllStates"); w.getAllEntries().removeAll(true); String[] states = SampleDataUtil.readStates(); for( int i=0; i<states.length; i++ ) { String[] s = StringUtil.splitString(states[i], ','); createState(db, s[1], s[0]); } } void createState(Database db, String key, String name) throws NotesException { Document doc = db.createDocument(); try { doc.replaceItemValue("Form","State"); doc.replaceItemValue("Key",key); doc.replaceItemValue("Name",name);; } finally { doc.recycle(); } } // =================================================================== // Discussion // =================================================================== void createDiscussionDocuments(Database db) throws NotesException, IOException { // Construct a list of authors // As we want the tag cloud to render differences between the authors, we give // as different weight to each author by adding it a random # of times in the list // We read the author names from the database ArrayList<String> users = new ArrayList<String>(); View authorView = db.getView("AllContacts"); authorView.refresh(); try { int maxAuthors = 15; int nAuthor = 0; ViewEntryCollection authorCol = authorView.getAllEntries(); for(ViewEntry e=authorCol.getFirstEntry(); e!=null && nAuthor<maxAuthors; e=authorCol.getNextEntry()) { Vector<?> values = e.getColumnValues(); String name = (String)values.get(7); // Add it a random number of times to the list int n = ((int)(Math.random()*maxAuthors))+1; for(int jj=0; jj<n; jj++) { users.add(name); } nAuthor++; } } finally { authorView.recycle(); } if(users.size()==0) { // Just in case they were not created... users.add("John Doe"); } View w = db.getView("AllThreads"); w.getAllEntries().removeAll(true); createDiscussionDocument(db, null, users, new int[]{0}, disc_rootDocs); } void createDiscussionDocument(Database db, Document parent, ArrayList<String> users, int[] pos, int nDoc) throws NotesException, IOException { DateTime date = db.getParent().createDateTime(new Date()); String[] loremIpsum = SampleDataUtil.readLoremIpsum(); for(int j=0; j<nDoc; j++) { pos[pos.length-1] = j+1; Document doc = db.createDocument(); try { doc.replaceItemValue("Form","Discussion"); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for(int i=0; i<pos.length; i++) { if(i>0) { b.append("/"); } b.append(pos[i]); } int idx = (int)(Math.random()*(loremIpsum.length-1)); String body = loremIpsum[idx]; int dot = body.indexOf('.'); if(dot<0) {dot=body.length()-1;} int coma = body.indexOf(','); if(coma<0) {coma=body.length()-1;} String title = body.substring(0,Math.min(dot,coma)); // Get a random author int x = Math.min((int)(Math.random()*((double)users.size())),users.size()); String author = users.get(x); doc.replaceItemValue("Title",title); doc.replaceItemValue("Body",body); doc.replaceItemValue("Author",author); doc.replaceItemValue("Date",date); if(parent!=null) { doc.makeResponse(parent); } doc.computeWithForm(false, false);; if(pos.length<disc_maxDepth) { double r = Math.random(); if(r<=(1.0/(double)pos.length)) { int[] newPos = new int[pos.length+1]; System.arraycopy(pos, 0, newPos, 0, pos.length); int n = (int)(Math.random()*5); createDiscussionDocument(db, doc, users, newPos, n); } } // Move the date to the day before if requested boolean mvd = Math.random()<=0.40; if(mvd) { // Previous day... date.adjustDay(-1); } } finally { doc.recycle(); } } } // =================================================================== // All Types // =================================================================== void createAllTypes(Database db) throws NotesException, IOException { View w = db.getView("AllTypes"); w.getAllEntries().removeAll(true); for(int i=1; i<25; i++) { createAllType(db,i); } } void createAllType(Database db, int index) throws NotesException { Session session = db.getParent(); String sIndex = Integer.toString(index); Document doc = db.createDocument(); try { doc.replaceItemValue("Form","AllTypes"); doc.replaceItemValue("fldIcon",index); doc.replaceItemValue("fldText","text_"+sIndex); doc.replaceItemValue("fldNumber",index*100); doc.replaceItemValue("fldDate",createDate(session, 2010, 1, index)); doc.replaceItemValue("fldTime",createTime(session, 5, 1, index)); doc.replaceItemValue("fldDateTime",createDateTime(session, 2011, 2, index, 8, 9, index)); doc.replaceItemValue("fldDateTimeRange",createDateTimeRange(session, 2012, 3, index, 8, 9, index)); doc.replaceItemValue("fldDialogList","dlg_"+sIndex); Vector<Object> mx = new Vector<Object>(); mx.add("text_"+sIndex+"_1"); mx.add("text_"+sIndex+"_2"); mx.add("text_"+sIndex+"_3"); doc.replaceItemValue("fldText2",mx); Vector<Object> mn = new Vector<Object>(); mn.add(index*100+1); mn.add(index*100+2); mn.add(index*100+3); doc.replaceItemValue("fldNumber2",mn); Vector<Object> md = new Vector<Object>(); md.add(createDate(session, 2010, 1, index)); md.add(createDate(session, 2010, 2, index)); md.add(createDate(session, 2010, 3, index)); doc.replaceItemValue("fldDate2",md); Vector<Object> mt = new Vector<Object>(); mt.add(createTime(session, 6, 1, index)); mt.add(createTime(session, 6, 2, index)); mt.add(createTime(session, 6, 3, index)); doc.replaceItemValue("fldTime2",mt); Vector<Object> mdt = new Vector<Object>(); mdt.add(createDateTime(session, 2011, 1, index, 6, 1, index)); mdt.add(createDateTime(session, 2011, 2, index, 6, 2, index)); mdt.add(createDateTime(session, 2011, 3, index, 6, 3, index)); doc.replaceItemValue("fldDateTime2",mdt); if(false) { // DateTime range do not work with multiple values? Vector<Object> mrg = new Vector<Object>(); mrg.add(createDateTimeRange(session, 2012, 2, index, 4, 1, index)); mrg.add(createDateTimeRange(session, 2012, 3, index, 5, 1, index)); mrg.add(createDateTimeRange(session, 2012, 4, index, 6, 1, index)); doc.replaceItemValue("fldDateTimeRange2",mrg); } Vector<Object> mdg = new Vector<Object>(); mdg.add("dlgx_"+sIndex+"_1"); mdg.add("dlgx_"+sIndex+"_1"); mdg.add("dlgx_"+sIndex+"_1"); doc.replaceItemValue("fldDialogList2",mdg);; } finally { doc.recycle(); } } protected DateTime createDate(Session session, int year, int month, int day) throws NotesException { DateTime d = session.createDateTime(new Date()); d.setLocalDate(year, month, day); return d; } protected DateTime createTime(Session session, int hour, int minute, int second) throws NotesException { DateTime d = session.createDateTime(new Date()); d.setLocalTime(hour,minute,second,0); return d; } protected DateTime createDateTime(Session session, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second) throws NotesException { DateTime d = session.createDateTime(new Date()); d.setLocalDate(year, month, day); d.setLocalTime(hour,minute,second,0); return d; } protected DateRange createDateTimeRange(Session session, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second) throws NotesException { DateRange r = session.createDateRange(new Date(),new Date()); r.setStartDateTime(createDateTime(session, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)); r.setEndDateTime(createDateTime(session, year+1, month, day, hour+1, minute, second)); return r; } }