/* Copyright 2013 Paul LeBeau, Cave Rock Software Ltd. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Box; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.ClipPath; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Colour; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.CurrentColor; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.GradientElement; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.GradientSpread; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Length; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Line; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Marker; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.NotDirectlyRendered; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.PaintReference; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.PathDefinition; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.PathInterface; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Pattern; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Rect; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.SolidColor; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Stop; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Style; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Style.FontStyle; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Style.TextAnchor; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Style.TextDecoration; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Style.VectorEffect; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.SvgContainer; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.SvgElement; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.SvgElementBase; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.SvgLinearGradient; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.SvgObject; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.SvgPaint; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.SvgRadialGradient; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.TextContainer; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.TextSequence; import com.xdroid.animation.anim.svg.SVG.Unit; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.DashPathEffect; import android.graphics.LinearGradient; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Path; import android.graphics.PathMeasure; import android.graphics.RadialGradient; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.graphics.Shader; import android.graphics.Shader.TileMode; import android.graphics.Typeface; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; /** * The rendering part of AndroidSVG. * <p> * All interaction with AndroidSVG is via the SVG class. You may ignore this class. * * @hide */ public class SVGAndroidRenderer { private static final String TAG = "SVGAndroidRenderer"; private Canvas canvas; private Box canvasViewPort; private float dpi; // dots per inch. Needed for accurate conversion of length values that have real world units, such as "cm". private boolean directRenderingMode; // Renderer state private SVG document; private RendererState state; private Stack<RendererState> stateStack; // Keeps track of render state as we render // Keep track of element stack while rendering. private Stack<SvgContainer> parentStack; // The 'render parent' for elements like Symbol cf. file parent private Stack<Matrix> matrixStack; // Keeps track of current transform as we descend into element tree // Canvas stack for when we are processing mask elements private Stack<Canvas> canvasStack; private Stack<Bitmap> bitmapStack; private static final float BEZIER_ARC_FACTOR = 0.5522847498f; // The feColorMatrix luminance-to-alpha coefficient. Used for <mask>s. // Using integer arithmetic for a little extra speed. private static final int LUMINANCE_FACTOR_SHIFT = 15; private static final int LUMINANCE_TO_ALPHA_RED = (int)(0.2125f * (1 << LUMINANCE_FACTOR_SHIFT)); private static final int LUMINANCE_TO_ALPHA_GREEN = (int)(0.7154f * (1 << LUMINANCE_FACTOR_SHIFT)); private static final int LUMINANCE_TO_ALPHA_BLUE = (int)(0.0721f * (1 << LUMINANCE_FACTOR_SHIFT)); private static final String DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY = "sans-serif"; private class RendererState implements Cloneable { public Style style; public boolean hasFill; public boolean hasStroke; public Paint fillPaint; public Paint strokePaint; public SVG.Box viewPort; public SVG.Box viewBox; public boolean spacePreserve; // Set when we doing direct rendering. public boolean directRendering; public RendererState() { fillPaint = new Paint(); fillPaint.setFlags(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.DEV_KERN_TEXT_FLAG | Paint.SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG); fillPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); fillPaint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT); strokePaint = new Paint(); strokePaint.setFlags(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG | Paint.DEV_KERN_TEXT_FLAG | Paint.SUBPIXEL_TEXT_FLAG); strokePaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); strokePaint.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT); style = Style.getDefaultStyle(); } @Override protected Object clone() { RendererState obj; try { obj = (RendererState) super.clone(); obj.style = (Style) style.clone(); obj.fillPaint = new Paint(fillPaint); obj.strokePaint = new Paint(strokePaint); return obj; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new InternalError(e.toString()); } } } private void resetState() { state = new RendererState(); stateStack = new Stack<RendererState>(); // Initialise the style state properties like Paints etc using a fresh instance of Style updateStyle(state, Style.getDefaultStyle()); state.viewPort = this.canvasViewPort; state.spacePreserve = false; state.directRendering = this.directRenderingMode; // Push a copy of the state with 'default' style, so that inherit works for top level objects stateStack.push((RendererState) state.clone()); // Manual push here - don't use statePush(); // Initialise the stacks used for mask handling canvasStack = new Stack<Canvas>(); bitmapStack = new Stack<Bitmap>(); // Keep track of element stack while rendering. // The 'render parent' for some elements (eg <use> references) is different from its DOM parent. matrixStack = new Stack<Matrix>(); parentStack = new Stack<SvgContainer>(); } /* * Create a new renderer instance. * * @param canvas the canvas to draw to. * @param viewPort the default viewport to be rendered into. For example the dimensions of the bitmap. * @param defaultDPI the DPI setting to use when converting real-world units such as centimetres. */ protected SVGAndroidRenderer(Canvas canvas, SVG.Box viewPort, float defaultDPI) { this.canvas = canvas; this.dpi = defaultDPI; this.canvasViewPort = viewPort; } protected float getDPI() { return dpi; } protected float getCurrentFontSize() { return state.fillPaint.getTextSize(); } protected float getCurrentFontXHeight() { // The CSS3 spec says to use 0.5em if there is no way to determine true x-height; return state.fillPaint.getTextSize() / 2f; } /* * Get the current view port in user units. * */ protected SVG.Box getCurrentViewPortInUserUnits() { if (state.viewBox != null) return state.viewBox; else return state.viewPort; } /* * Render the whole document. */ protected void renderDocument(SVG document, Box viewBox, PreserveAspectRatio positioning, boolean directRenderingMode) { this.document = document; this.directRenderingMode = directRenderingMode; SVG.Svg rootObj = document.getRootElement(); if (rootObj == null) { warn("Nothing to render. Document is empty."); return; } // Initialise the state resetState(); checkXMLSpaceAttribute(rootObj); // Render the document render(rootObj, rootObj.width, rootObj.height, (viewBox != null) ? viewBox : rootObj.viewBox, (positioning != null) ? positioning : rootObj.preserveAspectRatio); } //============================================================================== // Render dispatcher private void render(SVG.SvgObject obj) { if (obj instanceof NotDirectlyRendered) return; // Save state statePush(); checkXMLSpaceAttribute(obj); if (obj instanceof SVG.Svg) { render((SVG.Svg) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Use) { render((SVG.Use) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Switch) { render((SVG.Switch) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Group) { render((SVG.Group) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Image) { render((SVG.Image) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Path) { render((SVG.Path) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Rect) { render((SVG.Rect) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Circle) { render((SVG.Circle) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Ellipse) { render((SVG.Ellipse) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Line) { render((SVG.Line) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Polygon) { render((SVG.Polygon) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.PolyLine) { render((SVG.PolyLine) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Text) { render((SVG.Text) obj); } // Restore state statePop(); } //============================================================================== private void renderChildren(SvgContainer obj, boolean isContainer) { if (isContainer) { parentPush(obj); } for (SVG.SvgObject child: obj.getChildren()) { render(child); } if (isContainer) { parentPop(); } } //============================================================================== private void statePush() { // Save matrix and clip canvas.save(); // Save style state stateStack.push(state); state = (RendererState) state.clone(); } private void statePop() { // Restore matrix and clip canvas.restore(); // Restore style state state = stateStack.pop(); } //============================================================================== @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void parentPush(SvgContainer obj) { parentStack.push(obj); matrixStack.push(canvas.getMatrix()); } private void parentPop() { parentStack.pop(); matrixStack.pop(); } //============================================================================== private void updateStyleForElement(RendererState state, SvgElementBase obj) { boolean isRootSVG = (obj.parent == null); state.style.resetNonInheritingProperties(isRootSVG); // Apply the styles defined by style attributes on the element if (obj.baseStyle != null) updateStyle(state, obj.baseStyle); // Apply the styles from any CSS files or <style> elements if (document.hasCSSRules()) { for (CSSParser.Rule rule: document.getCSSRules()) { if (CSSParser.ruleMatch(rule.selector, obj)) { updateStyle(state, rule.style); } } } // Apply the styles defined by the 'style' attribute. They have the highest precedence. if (obj.style != null) updateStyle(state, obj.style); } /* * Check and update xml:space handling. */ private void checkXMLSpaceAttribute(SVG.SvgObject obj) { if (!(obj instanceof SvgElementBase)) return; SvgElementBase bobj = (SvgElementBase) obj; if (bobj.spacePreserve != null) state.spacePreserve = bobj.spacePreserve; } /* * Fill a path with either the given paint, or if a pattern is set, with the pattern. */ private void doFilledPath(SvgElement obj, Path path) { // First check for pattern fill. It requires special handling. if (state.style.fill instanceof SVG.PaintReference) { SVG.SvgObject ref = document.resolveIRI(((SVG.PaintReference) state.style.fill).href); if (ref instanceof SVG.Pattern) { SVG.Pattern pattern = (SVG.Pattern)ref; fillWithPattern(obj, path, pattern); return; } } // Otherwise do a normal fill canvas.drawPath(path, state.fillPaint); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void doStroke(Path path) { // TODO handle degenerate subpaths properly if (state.style.vectorEffect == VectorEffect.NonScalingStroke) { // For non-scaling-stroke, the stroke width is not transformed along with the path. // It will be rendered at the same width no matter how the document contents are transformed. // First step: get the current canvas matrix Matrix currentMatrix = canvas.getMatrix(); // Transform the path using this transform Path transformedPath = new Path(); path.transform(currentMatrix, transformedPath); // Reset the current canvas transform completely canvas.setMatrix(new Matrix()); // If there is a shader (such as a gradient), we need to update its transform also Shader shader = state.strokePaint.getShader(); Matrix currentShaderMatrix = new Matrix(); if (shader != null) { shader.getLocalMatrix(currentShaderMatrix); Matrix newShaderMatrix = new Matrix(currentShaderMatrix); newShaderMatrix.postConcat(currentMatrix); shader.setLocalMatrix(newShaderMatrix); } // Render the transformed path. The stroke width used will be in unscaled device units. canvas.drawPath(transformedPath, state.strokePaint); // Return the current canvas transform to what it was before all this happened canvas.setMatrix(currentMatrix); // And reset the shader matrix also if (shader != null) shader.setLocalMatrix(currentShaderMatrix); } else { canvas.drawPath(path, state.strokePaint); } } //============================================================================== private static void warn(String format, Object... args) { Log.w(TAG, String.format(format, args)); } private static void error(String format, Object... args) { Log.e(TAG, String.format(format, args)); } private static void debug(String format, Object... args) { if (LibConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, String.format(format, args)); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void info(String format, Object... args) { Log.i(TAG, String.format(format, args)); } //============================================================================== // Renderers for each element type private void render(SVG.Svg obj) { render(obj, obj.width, obj.height); } // When referenced by a <use> element, it's width and height take precedence over the ones in the <svg> object. private void render(SVG.Svg obj, SVG.Length width, SVG.Length height) { render(obj, width, height, obj.viewBox, obj.preserveAspectRatio); } // When called from renderDocument, we pass in our own viewBox. // If rendering the whole document, it will be rootObj.viewBox. When rendering a view // it will be the viewBox from the <view> element. private void render(SVG.Svg obj, SVG.Length width, SVG.Length height, Box viewBox, PreserveAspectRatio positioning) { debug("Svg render"); if ((width != null && width.isZero()) || (height != null && height.isZero())) return; // "If attribute 'preserveAspectRatio' is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of xMidYMid meet were specified." if (positioning == null) positioning = (obj.preserveAspectRatio != null) ? obj.preserveAspectRatio : PreserveAspectRatio.LETTERBOX; updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; // <svg> elements establish a new viewport. float _x = 0f; float _y = 0f; if (obj.parent != null) // Ignore x,y for root <svg> element { _x = (obj.x != null) ? obj.x.floatValueX(this) : 0f; _y = (obj.y != null) ? obj.y.floatValueY(this) : 0f; } Box viewPortUser = getCurrentViewPortInUserUnits(); float _w = (width != null) ? width.floatValueX(this) : viewPortUser.width; // default 100% float _h = (height != null) ? height.floatValueY(this) : viewPortUser.height; state.viewPort = new SVG.Box(_x, _y, _w, _h); if (!state.style.overflow) { setClipRect(state.viewPort.minX, state.viewPort.minY, state.viewPort.width, state.viewPort.height); } checkForClipPath(obj, state.viewPort); if (viewBox != null) { canvas.concat(calculateViewBoxTransform(state.viewPort, viewBox, positioning)); state.viewBox = obj.viewBox; // Note: definitely obj.viewBox here. Not viewBox parameter. } boolean compositing = pushLayer(); // Action the viewport-fill property (if set) viewportFill(); renderChildren(obj, true); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.Group obj) { debug("Group render"); updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (obj.transform != null) { canvas.concat(obj.transform); } checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); renderChildren(obj, true); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); } //============================================================================== /* * Called by an object to update it's parent's bounding box. * * This operation is made more tricky because the childs bbox is in the child's coordinate space, * but the parent needs it in the parent's coordinate space. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void updateParentBoundingBox(SvgElement obj) { if (obj.parent == null) // skip this if obj is root element return; if (obj.boundingBox == null) // empty bbox, possibly as a result of a badly defined element (eg bad use reference etc) return; // Convert the corners of the child bbox to world space Matrix m = new Matrix(); // Get the inverse of the child transform if (matrixStack.peek().invert(m)) { float[] pts = {obj.boundingBox.minX, obj.boundingBox.minY, obj.boundingBox.maxX(), obj.boundingBox.minY, obj.boundingBox.maxX(), obj.boundingBox.maxY(), obj.boundingBox.minX, obj.boundingBox.maxY()}; // Now concatenate the parent's matrix to create a child-to-parent transform m.preConcat(canvas.getMatrix()); m.mapPoints(pts); // Finally, find the bounding box of the transformed points RectF rect = new RectF(pts[0], pts[1], pts[0], pts[1]); for (int i=2; i<=6; i+=2) { if (pts[i] < rect.left) rect.left = pts[i]; if (pts[i] > rect.right) rect.right = pts[i]; if (pts[i+1] < rect.top) rect.top = pts[i+1]; if (pts[i+1] > rect.bottom) rect.bottom = pts[i+1]; } // Update the parent bounding box with the transformed bbox SvgElement parent = (SvgElement) parentStack.peek(); if (parent.boundingBox == null) parent.boundingBox = Box.fromLimits(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); else parent.boundingBox.union(Box.fromLimits(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom)); } } //============================================================================== private boolean pushLayer() { if (!requiresCompositing()) return false; // Custom version of statePush() that also saves the layer canvas.saveLayerAlpha(null, clamp255(state.style.opacity), Canvas.HAS_ALPHA_LAYER_SAVE_FLAG); // Save style state stateStack.push(state); state = (RendererState) state.clone(); if (state.style.mask != null && state.directRendering) { SVG.SvgObject ref = document.resolveIRI(state.style.mask); // Check the we are referencing a mask element if (ref == null || !(ref instanceof SVG.Mask)) { // This is an invalid mask reference - disable this object's mask error("Mask reference '%s' not found", state.style.mask); state.style.mask = null; return true; } // We now need to replace the canvas with one onto which we draw the content that is getting masked canvasStack.push(canvas); duplicateCanvas(); } return true; } private void popLayer(SvgElement obj) { // If this is masked content, apply the mask now if (state.style.mask != null && state.directRendering) { // The masked content has been drawn, now we have to render the mask to a separate canvas SVG.SvgObject ref = document.resolveIRI(state.style.mask); duplicateCanvas(); renderMask((SVG.Mask) ref, obj); Bitmap maskedContent = processMaskBitmaps(); // Retrieve the real canvas canvas = canvasStack.pop(); canvas.save(); // Reset the canvas matrix so that we can draw the maskedContent exactly over the top of the root bitmap canvas.setMatrix(new Matrix()); canvas.drawBitmap(maskedContent, 0, 0, state.fillPaint); maskedContent.recycle(); canvas.restore(); } statePop(); } private boolean requiresCompositing() { if (state.style.mask != null && !state.directRendering) warn("Masks are not supported when using getPicture()"); return (state.style.opacity < 1.0f) || (state.style.mask != null && state.directRendering); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void duplicateCanvas() { try { Bitmap newBM = Bitmap.createBitmap(canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); bitmapStack.push(newBM); Canvas newCanvas = new Canvas(newBM); newCanvas.setMatrix(canvas.getMatrix()); canvas = newCanvas; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { error("Not enough memory to create temporary bitmaps for mask processing"); throw e; } } private Bitmap processMaskBitmaps() { // Retrieve the rendered mask Bitmap mask = bitmapStack.pop(); // Retrieve the rendered content to which the mask is to be applied Bitmap maskedContent = bitmapStack.pop(); // Convert the mask bitmap to an alpha channel and multiply it to the content // We will process the bitmaps in a row-wise fashion to save memory. // It doesn't seem to be be significantly slower than doing it all at once. int w = mask.getWidth(); int h = mask.getHeight(); int[] maskBuf = new int[w]; int[] maskedContentBuf = new int[w]; for (int y=0; y<h; y++) { mask.getPixels(maskBuf, 0, w, 0, y, w, 1); maskedContent.getPixels(maskedContentBuf, 0, w, 0, y, w, 1); for (int x=0; x<w; x++) { int px = maskBuf[x]; int b = px & 0xff; int g = (px >> 8) & 0xff; int r = (px >> 16) & 0xff; int a = (px >> 24) & 0xff; if (a == 0) { // Shortcut for transparent mask pixels maskedContentBuf[x] = 0; continue; } int maskAlpha = (r * LUMINANCE_TO_ALPHA_RED + g * LUMINANCE_TO_ALPHA_GREEN + b * LUMINANCE_TO_ALPHA_BLUE) * a / (255 << LUMINANCE_FACTOR_SHIFT); int content = maskedContentBuf[x]; int contentAlpha = (content >> 24) & 0xff; contentAlpha = (contentAlpha * maskAlpha) / 255; maskedContentBuf[x] = (content & 0x00ffffff) | (contentAlpha << 24); } maskedContent.setPixels(maskedContentBuf, 0, w, 0, y, w, 1); } mask.recycle(); return maskedContent; } //============================================================================== /* * Find the first child of the switch that passes the feature tests and render only that child. */ private void render(SVG.Switch obj) { debug("Switch render"); updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (obj.transform != null) { canvas.concat(obj.transform); } checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); renderSwitchChild(obj); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); } private void renderSwitchChild(SVG.Switch obj) { String deviceLanguage = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); SVGExternalFileResolver fileResolver = document.getFileResolver(); ChildLoop: for (SVG.SvgObject child: obj.getChildren()) { // Ignore any objects that don't belong in a <switch> if (!(child instanceof SVG.SvgConditional)) { continue; } SVG.SvgConditional condObj = (SVG.SvgConditional) child; // We don't support extensions if (condObj.getRequiredExtensions() != null) { continue; } // Check language Set<String> syslang = condObj.getSystemLanguage(); if (syslang != null && (syslang.isEmpty() || !syslang.contains(deviceLanguage))) { continue; } // Check features Set<String> reqfeat = condObj.getRequiredFeatures(); if (reqfeat != null && (reqfeat.isEmpty() || !SVGParser.supportedFeatures.containsAll(reqfeat))) { continue; } // Check formats (MIME types) Set<String> reqfmts = condObj.getRequiredFormats(); if (reqfmts != null) { if (reqfmts.isEmpty() || fileResolver==null) continue; for (String mimeType: reqfmts) { if (!fileResolver.isFormatSupported(mimeType)) continue ChildLoop; } } // Check formats (MIME types) Set<String> reqfonts = condObj.getRequiredFonts(); if (reqfonts != null) { if (reqfonts.isEmpty() || fileResolver==null) continue; for (String fontName: reqfonts) { if (fileResolver.resolveFont(fontName, state.style.fontWeight, String.valueOf(state.style.fontStyle)) == null) continue ChildLoop; } } // All checks passed! Render this one element and exit render(child); break; } } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.Use obj) { debug("Use render"); if ((obj.width != null && obj.width.isZero()) || (obj.height != null && obj.height.isZero())) return; updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; // Locate the referenced object SVG.SvgObject ref = obj.document.resolveIRI(obj.href); if (ref == null) { error("Use reference '%s' not found", obj.href); return; } if (obj.transform != null) { canvas.concat(obj.transform); } // We handle the x,y,width,height attributes by adjusting the transform Matrix m = new Matrix(); float _x = (obj.x != null) ? obj.x.floatValueX(this) : 0f; float _y = (obj.y != null) ? obj.y.floatValueY(this) : 0f; m.preTranslate(_x, _y); canvas.concat(m); checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); parentPush(obj); if (ref instanceof SVG.Svg) { statePush(); SVG.Svg svgElem = (SVG.Svg) ref; Length _w = (obj.width != null) ? obj.width : svgElem.width; Length _h = (obj.height != null) ? obj.height : svgElem.height; render(svgElem, _w, _h); statePop(); } else if (ref instanceof SVG.Symbol) { Length _w = (obj.width != null) ? obj.width : new Length(100, Unit.percent); Length _h = (obj.height != null) ? obj.height : new Length(100, Unit.percent); statePush(); render((SVG.Symbol) ref, _w, _h); statePop(); } else { render(ref); } parentPop(); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.Path obj) { debug("Path render"); updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; if (!state.hasStroke && !state.hasFill) return; if (obj.transform != null) canvas.concat(obj.transform); Path path = (new PathConverter(obj.d)).getPath(); if (obj.boundingBox == null) { obj.boundingBox = calculatePathBounds(path); } updateParentBoundingBox(obj); checkForGradiantsAndPatterns(obj); checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); if (state.hasFill) { path.setFillType(getFillTypeFromState()); doFilledPath(obj, path); } if (state.hasStroke) doStroke(path); renderMarkers(obj); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); } private Box calculatePathBounds(Path path) { RectF pathBounds = new RectF(); path.computeBounds(pathBounds, true); return new Box(pathBounds.left, pathBounds.top, pathBounds.width(), pathBounds.height()); } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.Rect obj) { debug("Rect render"); if (obj.width == null || obj.height == null || obj.width.isZero() || obj.height.isZero()) return; updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; if (obj.transform != null) canvas.concat(obj.transform); Path path = makePathAndBoundingBox(obj); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); checkForGradiantsAndPatterns(obj); checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); if (state.hasFill) doFilledPath(obj, path); if (state.hasStroke) doStroke(path); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.Circle obj) { debug("Circle render"); if (obj.r == null || obj.r.isZero()) return; updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; if (obj.transform != null) canvas.concat(obj.transform); Path path = makePathAndBoundingBox(obj); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); checkForGradiantsAndPatterns(obj); checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); if (state.hasFill) doFilledPath(obj, path); if (state.hasStroke) doStroke(path); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.Ellipse obj) { debug("Ellipse render"); if (obj.rx == null || obj.ry == null || obj.rx.isZero() || obj.ry.isZero()) return; updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; if (obj.transform != null) canvas.concat(obj.transform); Path path = makePathAndBoundingBox(obj); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); checkForGradiantsAndPatterns(obj); checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); if (state.hasFill) doFilledPath(obj, path); if (state.hasStroke) doStroke(path); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.Line obj) { debug("Line render"); updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; if (!state.hasStroke) return; if (obj.transform != null) canvas.concat(obj.transform); Path path = makePathAndBoundingBox(obj); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); checkForGradiantsAndPatterns(obj); checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); doStroke(path); renderMarkers(obj); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); } private List<MarkerVector> calculateMarkerPositions(SVG.Line obj) { float _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2; _x1 = (obj.x1 != null) ? obj.x1.floatValueX(this) : 0f; _y1 = (obj.y1 != null) ? obj.y1.floatValueY(this) : 0f; _x2 = (obj.x2 != null) ? obj.x2.floatValueX(this) : 0f; _y2 = (obj.y2 != null) ? obj.y2.floatValueY(this) : 0f; List<MarkerVector> markers = new ArrayList<MarkerVector>(2); markers.add(new MarkerVector(_x1, _y1, (_x2-_x1), (_y2-_y1))); markers.add(new MarkerVector(_x2, _y2, (_x2-_x1), (_y2-_y1))); return markers; } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.PolyLine obj) { debug("PolyLine render"); updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; if (!state.hasStroke && !state.hasFill) return; if (obj.transform != null) canvas.concat(obj.transform); int numPoints = obj.points.length; if (numPoints < 2) return; Path path = makePathAndBoundingBox(obj); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); checkForGradiantsAndPatterns(obj); checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); if (state.hasFill) doFilledPath(obj, path); if (state.hasStroke) doStroke(path); renderMarkers(obj); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); } private List<MarkerVector> calculateMarkerPositions(SVG.PolyLine obj) { int numPoints = obj.points.length; if (numPoints < 2) return null; List<MarkerVector> markers = new ArrayList<MarkerVector>(); MarkerVector lastPos = new MarkerVector(obj.points[0], obj.points[1], 0, 0); float x = 0, y = 0; for (int i=2; i<numPoints; i+=2) { x = obj.points[i]; y = obj.points[i+1]; lastPos.add(x, y); markers.add(lastPos); MarkerVector newPos = new MarkerVector(x, y, x-lastPos.x, y-lastPos.y); lastPos = newPos; } // Deal with last point if (obj instanceof SVG.Polygon) { if (x != obj.points[0] && y != obj.points[1]) { x = obj.points[0]; y = obj.points[1]; lastPos.add(x, y); markers.add(lastPos); // Last marker point needs special handling because its orientation depends // on the orientation of the very first segment of the path MarkerVector newPos = new MarkerVector(x, y, x-lastPos.x, y-lastPos.y); newPos.add(markers.get(0)); markers.add(newPos); markers.set(0, newPos); // Start marker is the same } } else { markers.add(lastPos); } return markers; } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.Polygon obj) { debug("Polygon render"); updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; if (!state.hasStroke && !state.hasFill) return; if (obj.transform != null) canvas.concat(obj.transform); int numPoints = obj.points.length; if (numPoints < 2) return; Path path = makePathAndBoundingBox(obj); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); checkForGradiantsAndPatterns(obj); checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); if (state.hasFill) doFilledPath(obj, path); if (state.hasStroke) doStroke(path); renderMarkers(obj); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.Text obj) { debug("Text render"); updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (obj.transform != null) canvas.concat(obj.transform); // Get the first coordinate pair from the lists in the x and y properties. float x = (obj.x == null || obj.x.size() == 0) ? 0f : obj.x.get(0).floatValueX(this); float y = (obj.y == null || obj.y.size() == 0) ? 0f : obj.y.get(0).floatValueY(this); float dx = (obj.dx == null || obj.dx.size() == 0) ? 0f : obj.dx.get(0).floatValueX(this); float dy = (obj.dy == null || obj.dy.size() == 0) ? 0f : obj.dy.get(0).floatValueY(this); // Handle text alignment Style.TextAnchor anchor = getAnchorPosition(); if (anchor != Style.TextAnchor.Start) { float textWidth = calculateTextWidth(obj); if (anchor == Style.TextAnchor.Middle) { x -= (textWidth / 2); } else { x -= textWidth; // 'End' (right justify) } } if (obj.boundingBox == null) { TextBoundsCalculator proc = new TextBoundsCalculator(x, y); enumerateTextSpans(obj, proc); obj.boundingBox = new Box(proc.bbox.left, proc.bbox.top, proc.bbox.width(), proc.bbox.height()); } updateParentBoundingBox(obj); checkForGradiantsAndPatterns(obj); checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); enumerateTextSpans(obj, new PlainTextDrawer(x + dx, y + dy)); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); } private Style.TextAnchor getAnchorPosition() { if (state.style.direction == Style.TextDirection.LTR || state.style.textAnchor == TextAnchor.Middle) return state.style.textAnchor; // Handle RTL case where Start and End are reversed return (state.style.textAnchor == TextAnchor.Start) ? TextAnchor.End : TextAnchor.Start; } private class PlainTextDrawer extends TextProcessor { public float x; public float y; public PlainTextDrawer(float x, float y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } @Override public void processText(String text) { debug("TextSequence render"); if (visible()) { if (state.hasFill) canvas.drawText(text, x, y, state.fillPaint); if (state.hasStroke) canvas.drawText(text, x, y, state.strokePaint); } // Update the current text position x += state.fillPaint.measureText(text); } } //============================================================================== // Text sequence enumeration private abstract class TextProcessor { public boolean doTextContainer(TextContainer obj) { return true; } public abstract void processText(String text); } /* * Given a text container, recursively visit its children invoking the TextDrawer * handler for each segment of text found. */ private void enumerateTextSpans(TextContainer obj, TextProcessor textprocessor) { if (!display()) return; Iterator<SvgObject> iter = obj.children.iterator(); boolean isFirstChild = true; while (iter.hasNext()) { SvgObject child = iter.next(); if (child instanceof SVG.TextSequence) { textprocessor.processText(textXMLSpaceTransform(((SVG.TextSequence) child).text, isFirstChild, !iter.hasNext() /*isLastChild*/)); } else { processTextChild(child, textprocessor); } isFirstChild = false; } } private void processTextChild(SVG.SvgObject obj, TextProcessor textprocessor) { // Ask the processor implementation if it wants to process this object if (!textprocessor.doTextContainer((SVG.TextContainer) obj)) return; if (obj instanceof SVG.TextPath) { // Save state statePush(); renderTextPath((SVG.TextPath) obj); // Restore state statePop(); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.TSpan) { debug("TSpan render"); // Save state statePush(); SVG.TSpan tspan = (SVG.TSpan) obj; updateStyleForElement(state, tspan); if (display()) { // Get the first coordinate pair from the lists in the x and y properties. float x=0, y=0, dx=0, dy=0; if (textprocessor instanceof PlainTextDrawer) { x = (tspan.x == null || tspan.x.size() == 0) ? ((PlainTextDrawer) textprocessor).x : tspan.x.get(0).floatValueX(this); y = (tspan.y == null || tspan.y.size() == 0) ? ((PlainTextDrawer) textprocessor).y : tspan.y.get(0).floatValueY(this); dx = (tspan.dx == null || tspan.dx.size() == 0) ? 0f : tspan.dx.get(0).floatValueX(this); dy = (tspan.dy == null || tspan.dy.size() == 0) ? 0f : tspan.dy.get(0).floatValueY(this); } checkForGradiantsAndPatterns((SvgElement) tspan.getTextRoot()); if (textprocessor instanceof PlainTextDrawer) { ((PlainTextDrawer) textprocessor).x = x + dx; ((PlainTextDrawer) textprocessor).y = y + dy; } boolean compositing = pushLayer(); enumerateTextSpans(tspan, textprocessor); if (compositing) popLayer(tspan); } // Restore state statePop(); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.TRef) { // Save state statePush(); SVG.TRef tref = (SVG.TRef) obj; updateStyleForElement(state, tref); if (display()) { checkForGradiantsAndPatterns((SvgElement) tref.getTextRoot()); // Locate the referenced object SVG.SvgObject ref = obj.document.resolveIRI(tref.href); if (ref != null && (ref instanceof TextContainer)) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); extractRawText((TextContainer) ref, str); if (str.length() > 0) { textprocessor.processText(str.toString()); } } else { error("Tref reference '%s' not found", tref.href); } } // Restore state statePop(); } } //============================================================================== private void renderTextPath(SVG.TextPath obj) { debug("TextPath render"); updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; SVG.SvgObject ref = obj.document.resolveIRI(obj.href); if (ref == null) { error("TextPath reference '%s' not found", obj.href); return; } SVG.Path pathObj = (SVG.Path) ref; Path path = (new PathConverter(pathObj.d)).getPath(); if (pathObj.transform != null) path.transform(pathObj.transform); PathMeasure measure = new PathMeasure(path, false); float startOffset = (obj.startOffset != null) ? obj.startOffset.floatValue(this, measure.getLength()) : 0f; // Handle text alignment Style.TextAnchor anchor = getAnchorPosition(); if (anchor != Style.TextAnchor.Start) { float textWidth = calculateTextWidth(obj); if (anchor == Style.TextAnchor.Middle) { startOffset -= (textWidth / 2); } else { startOffset -= textWidth; // 'End' (right justify) } } checkForGradiantsAndPatterns((SvgElement) obj.getTextRoot()); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); enumerateTextSpans(obj, new PathTextDrawer(path, startOffset, 0f)); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); } private class PathTextDrawer extends PlainTextDrawer { private Path path; public PathTextDrawer(Path path, float x, float y) { super(x, y); this.path = path; } @Override public void processText(String text) { if (visible()) { if (state.hasFill) canvas.drawTextOnPath(text, path, x, y, state.fillPaint); if (state.hasStroke) canvas.drawTextOnPath(text, path, x, y, state.strokePaint); } // Update the current text position x += state.fillPaint.measureText(text); } } //============================================================================== /* * Calculate the approximate width of this line of text. * To simplify, we will ignore font changes and just assume that all the text * uses the current font. */ private float calculateTextWidth(TextContainer parentTextObj) { TextWidthCalculator proc = new TextWidthCalculator(); enumerateTextSpans(parentTextObj, proc); return proc.x; } private class TextWidthCalculator extends TextProcessor { public float x = 0; @Override public void processText(String text) { x += state.fillPaint.measureText(text); } } //============================================================================== /* * Use the TextDrawer process to determine the bounds of a <text> element */ private class TextBoundsCalculator extends TextProcessor { float x; float y; RectF bbox = new RectF(); public TextBoundsCalculator(float x, float y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } @Override public boolean doTextContainer(TextContainer obj) { if (obj instanceof SVG.TextPath) { // Since we cheat a bit with our textPath rendering, we need // to cheat a bit with our bbox calculation. SVG.TextPath tpath = (SVG.TextPath) obj; SVG.SvgObject ref = obj.document.resolveIRI(tpath.href); if (ref == null) { error("TextPath path reference '%s' not found", tpath.href); return false; } SVG.Path pathObj = (SVG.Path) ref; Path path = (new PathConverter(pathObj.d)).getPath(); if (pathObj.transform != null) path.transform(pathObj.transform); RectF pathBounds = new RectF(); path.computeBounds(pathBounds, true); bbox.union(pathBounds); return false; } return true; } @Override public void processText(String text) { if (visible()) { android.graphics.Rect rect = new android.graphics.Rect(); // Get text bounding box (for offset 0) state.fillPaint.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length(), rect); RectF textbounds = new RectF(rect); // Adjust bounds to offset at text position textbounds.offset(x, y); // Merge with accumulated bounding box bbox.union(textbounds); } // Update the current text position x += state.fillPaint.measureText(text); } } /* * Extract the raw text from a TextContainer. Used by <tref> handler code. */ private void extractRawText(TextContainer parent, StringBuilder str) { Iterator<SvgObject> iter = parent.children.iterator(); boolean isFirstChild = true; while (iter.hasNext()) { SvgObject child = iter.next(); if (child instanceof TextContainer) { extractRawText((TextContainer) child, str); } else if (child instanceof TextSequence) { str.append(textXMLSpaceTransform(((TextSequence) child).text, isFirstChild, !iter.hasNext() /*isLastChild*/)); } isFirstChild = false; } } //============================================================================== // Process the text string according to the xml:space rules private String textXMLSpaceTransform(String text, boolean isFirstChild, boolean isLastChild) { if (state.spacePreserve) // xml:space = "preserve" return text.replaceAll("[\\n\\t]", " "); // xml:space = "default" text = text.replaceAll("\\n", ""); text = text.replaceAll("\\t", " "); //text = text.trim(); if (isFirstChild) text = text.replaceAll("^\\s+", ""); if (isLastChild) text = text.replaceAll("\\s+$", ""); return text.replaceAll("\\s{2,}", " "); } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.Symbol obj, SVG.Length width, SVG.Length height) { debug("Symbol render"); if ((width != null && width.isZero()) || (height != null && height.isZero())) return; // "If attribute 'preserveAspectRatio' is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of xMidYMid meet were specified." PreserveAspectRatio positioning = (obj.preserveAspectRatio != null) ? obj.preserveAspectRatio : PreserveAspectRatio.LETTERBOX; updateStyleForElement(state, obj); float _w = (width != null) ? width.floatValueX(this) : state.viewPort.width; float _h = (height != null) ? height.floatValueX(this) : state.viewPort.height; state.viewPort = new SVG.Box(0, 0, _w, _h); if (!state.style.overflow) { setClipRect(state.viewPort.minX, state.viewPort.minY, state.viewPort.width, state.viewPort.height); } if (obj.viewBox != null) { canvas.concat(calculateViewBoxTransform(state.viewPort, obj.viewBox, positioning)); state.viewBox = obj.viewBox; } boolean compositing = pushLayer(); renderChildren(obj, true); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); } //============================================================================== private void render(SVG.Image obj) { debug("Image render"); if (obj.width == null || obj.width.isZero() || obj.height == null || obj.height.isZero()) return; if (obj.href == null) return; // "If attribute 'preserveAspectRatio' is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of xMidYMid meet were specified." PreserveAspectRatio positioning = (obj.preserveAspectRatio != null) ? obj.preserveAspectRatio : PreserveAspectRatio.LETTERBOX; // Locate the referenced image Bitmap image = checkForImageDataURL(obj.href); if (image == null) { SVGExternalFileResolver fileResolver = document.getFileResolver(); if (fileResolver == null) return; image = fileResolver.resolveImage(obj.href); } if (image == null) { error("Could not locate image '%s'", obj.href); return; } updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; if (obj.transform != null) { canvas.concat(obj.transform); } float _x = (obj.x != null) ? obj.x.floatValueX(this) : 0f; float _y = (obj.y != null) ? obj.y.floatValueY(this) : 0f; float _w = obj.width.floatValueX(this); float _h = obj.height.floatValueX(this); state.viewPort = new SVG.Box(_x, _y, _w, _h); if (!state.style.overflow) { setClipRect(state.viewPort.minX, state.viewPort.minY, state.viewPort.width, state.viewPort.height); } obj.boundingBox = new SVG.Box(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()); canvas.concat(calculateViewBoxTransform(state.viewPort, obj.boundingBox, positioning)); updateParentBoundingBox(obj); checkForClipPath(obj); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); viewportFill(); canvas.drawBitmap(image, 0, 0, state.fillPaint); if (compositing) popLayer(obj); } //============================================================================== /* * Check for an decode an image encoded in a data URL. * We don't handle all permutations of data URLs. Only base64 ones. */ private Bitmap checkForImageDataURL(String url) { if (!url.startsWith("data:")) return null; if (url.length() < 14) return null; int comma = url.indexOf(','); if (comma == -1 || comma < 12) return null; if (!";base64".equals(url.substring(comma-7, comma))) return null; byte[] imageData = Base64.decode(url.substring(comma+1), Base64.DEFAULT); return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageData, 0, imageData.length); } private boolean display() { if (state.style.display != null) return state.style.display; return true; } private boolean visible() { if (state.style.visibility != null) return state.style.visibility; return true; } /* * Calculate the transform required to fit the supplied viewBox into the current viewPort. * See spec section 7.8 for an explanation of how this works. * * aspectRatioRule determines where the graphic is placed in the viewPort when aspect ration * is kept. xMin means left justified, xMid is centred, xMax is right justified etc. * slice determines whether we see the whole image or not. True fill the whole viewport. * If slice is false, the image will be "letter-boxed". * * Note values in the two Box parameters whould be in user units. If you pass values * that are in "objectBoundingBox" space, you will get incorrect results. */ private Matrix calculateViewBoxTransform(Box viewPort, Box viewBox, PreserveAspectRatio positioning) { Matrix m = new Matrix(); if (positioning == null || positioning.getAlignment() == null) return m; float xScale = viewPort.width / viewBox.width; float yScale = viewPort.height / viewBox.height; float xOffset = -viewBox.minX; float yOffset = -viewBox.minY; // 'none' means scale both dimensions to fit the viewport if (positioning.equals(PreserveAspectRatio.STRETCH)) { m.preTranslate(viewPort.minX, viewPort.minY); m.preScale(xScale, yScale); m.preTranslate(xOffset, yOffset); return m; } // Otherwise, the aspect ratio of the image is kept. // What scale are we going to use? float scale = (positioning.getScale() == PreserveAspectRatio.Scale.Slice) ? Math.max(xScale, yScale) : Math.min(xScale, yScale); // What size will the image end up being? float imageW = viewPort.width / scale; float imageH = viewPort.height / scale; // Determine final X position switch (positioning.getAlignment()) { case XMidYMin: case XMidYMid: case XMidYMax: xOffset -= (viewBox.width - imageW) / 2; break; case XMaxYMin: case XMaxYMid: case XMaxYMax: xOffset -= (viewBox.width - imageW); break; default: // nothing to do break; } // Determine final Y position switch (positioning.getAlignment()) { case XMinYMid: case XMidYMid: case XMaxYMid: yOffset -= (viewBox.height - imageH) / 2; break; case XMinYMax: case XMidYMax: case XMaxYMax: yOffset -= (viewBox.height - imageH); break; default: // nothing to do break; } m.preTranslate(viewPort.minX, viewPort.minY); m.preScale(scale, scale); m.preTranslate(xOffset, yOffset); return m; } private boolean isSpecified(Style style, long flag) { return (style.specifiedFlags & flag) != 0; } /* * Updates the global style state with the style defined by the current object. * Will also update the current paints etc where appropriate. */ private void updateStyle(RendererState state, Style style) { // Now update each style property we know about if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_COLOR)) { state.style.color = style.color; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_OPACITY)) { state.style.opacity = style.opacity; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_FILL)) { state.style.fill = style.fill; state.hasFill = (style.fill != null); } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_FILL_OPACITY)) { state.style.fillOpacity = style.fillOpacity; } // If either fill or its opacity has changed, update the fillPaint if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_FILL | SVG.SPECIFIED_FILL_OPACITY | SVG.SPECIFIED_COLOR | SVG.SPECIFIED_OPACITY)) { setPaintColour(state, true, state.style.fill); } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_FILL_RULE)) { state.style.fillRule = style.fillRule; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE)) { state.style.stroke = style.stroke; state.hasStroke = (style.stroke != null); } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE_OPACITY)) { state.style.strokeOpacity = style.strokeOpacity; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE | SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE_OPACITY | SVG.SPECIFIED_COLOR | SVG.SPECIFIED_OPACITY)) { setPaintColour(state, false, state.style.stroke); } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_VECTOR_EFFECT)) { state.style.vectorEffect = style.vectorEffect; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE_WIDTH)) { state.style.strokeWidth = style.strokeWidth; state.strokePaint.setStrokeWidth(state.style.strokeWidth.floatValue(this)); } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE_LINECAP)) { state.style.strokeLineCap = style.strokeLineCap; switch (style.strokeLineCap) { case Butt: state.strokePaint.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.BUTT); break; case Round: state.strokePaint.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); break; case Square: state.strokePaint.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.SQUARE); break; default: break; } } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE_LINEJOIN)) { state.style.strokeLineJoin = style.strokeLineJoin; switch (style.strokeLineJoin) { case Miter: state.strokePaint.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.MITER); break; case Round: state.strokePaint.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.ROUND); break; case Bevel: state.strokePaint.setStrokeJoin(Paint.Join.BEVEL); break; default: break; } } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE_MITERLIMIT)) { state.style.strokeMiterLimit = style.strokeMiterLimit; state.strokePaint.setStrokeMiter(style.strokeMiterLimit); } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE_DASHARRAY)) { state.style.strokeDashArray = style.strokeDashArray; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE_DASHOFFSET)) { state.style.strokeDashOffset = style.strokeDashOffset; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE_DASHARRAY | SVG.SPECIFIED_STROKE_DASHOFFSET)) { // Either the dash array or dash offset has changed. if (state.style.strokeDashArray == null) { state.strokePaint.setPathEffect(null); } else { float intervalSum = 0f; int n = state.style.strokeDashArray.length; // SVG dash arrays can be odd length, whereas Android dash arrays must have an even length. // So we solve the problem by doubling the array length. int arrayLen = (n % 2==0) ? n : n*2; float[] intervals = new float[arrayLen]; for (int i=0; i<arrayLen; i++) { intervals[i] = state.style.strokeDashArray[i % n].floatValue(this); intervalSum += intervals[i]; } if (intervalSum == 0f) { state.strokePaint.setPathEffect(null); } else { float offset = state.style.strokeDashOffset.floatValue(this); if (offset < 0) { // SVG offsets can be negative. Not sure if Android ones can be. // Just in case we will convert it. offset = intervalSum + (offset % intervalSum); } state.strokePaint.setPathEffect( new DashPathEffect(intervals, offset) ); } } } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_FONT_SIZE)) { float currentFontSize = getCurrentFontSize(); state.style.fontSize = style.fontSize; state.fillPaint.setTextSize(style.fontSize.floatValue(this, currentFontSize)); state.strokePaint.setTextSize(style.fontSize.floatValue(this, currentFontSize)); } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_FONT_FAMILY)) { state.style.fontFamily = style.fontFamily; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_FONT_WEIGHT)) { // Font weights are 100,200...900 if (style.fontWeight == Style.FONT_WEIGHT_LIGHTER && state.style.fontWeight > 100) state.style.fontWeight -= 100; else if (style.fontWeight == Style.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLDER && state.style.fontWeight < 900) state.style.fontWeight += 100; else state.style.fontWeight = style.fontWeight; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_FONT_STYLE)) { state.style.fontStyle = style.fontStyle; } // If typeface, weight or style has changed, update the paint typeface if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_FONT_FAMILY | SVG.SPECIFIED_FONT_WEIGHT | SVG.SPECIFIED_FONT_STYLE)) { SVGExternalFileResolver fileResolver = null; Typeface font = null; if (state.style.fontFamily != null && document != null) { fileResolver = document.getFileResolver(); for (String fontName: state.style.fontFamily) { font = checkGenericFont(fontName, state.style.fontWeight, state.style.fontStyle); if (font == null && fileResolver != null) { font = fileResolver.resolveFont(fontName, state.style.fontWeight, String.valueOf(state.style.fontStyle)); } if (font != null) break; } } if (font == null) { // Fall back to default font font = checkGenericFont(DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, state.style.fontWeight, state.style.fontStyle); } state.fillPaint.setTypeface(font); state.strokePaint.setTypeface(font); } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_TEXT_DECORATION)) { state.style.textDecoration = style.textDecoration; state.fillPaint.setStrikeThruText(style.textDecoration == TextDecoration.LineThrough); state.fillPaint.setUnderlineText(style.textDecoration == TextDecoration.Underline); // There is a bug in Android <= JELLY_BEAN (16) that causes stroked underlines to // not be drawn properly. See bug (39511). This has been fixed in JELLY_BEAN_MR1 (4.2) if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) { state.strokePaint.setStrikeThruText(style.textDecoration == TextDecoration.LineThrough); state.strokePaint.setUnderlineText(style.textDecoration == TextDecoration.Underline); } } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_DIRECTION)) { state.style.direction = style.direction; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_TEXT_ANCHOR)) { state.style.textAnchor = style.textAnchor; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_OVERFLOW)) { state.style.overflow = style.overflow; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_MARKER_START)) { state.style.markerStart = style.markerStart; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_MARKER_MID)) { state.style.markerMid = style.markerMid; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_MARKER_END)) { state.style.markerEnd = style.markerEnd; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_DISPLAY)) { state.style.display = style.display; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_VISIBILITY)) { state.style.visibility = style.visibility; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_CLIP)) { state.style.clip = style.clip; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_CLIP_PATH)) { state.style.clipPath = style.clipPath; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_CLIP_RULE)) { state.style.clipRule = style.clipRule; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_MASK)) { state.style.mask = style.mask; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STOP_COLOR)) { state.style.stopColor = style.stopColor; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_STOP_OPACITY)) { state.style.stopOpacity = style.stopOpacity; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_VIEWPORT_FILL)) { state.style.viewportFill = style.viewportFill; } if (isSpecified(style, SVG.SPECIFIED_VIEWPORT_FILL_OPACITY)) { state.style.viewportFillOpacity = style.viewportFillOpacity; } } private void setPaintColour(RendererState state, boolean isFill, SvgPaint paint) { float paintOpacity = (isFill) ? state.style.fillOpacity : state.style.strokeOpacity; int col; if (paint instanceof SVG.Colour) { col = ((SVG.Colour) paint).colour; } else if (paint instanceof CurrentColor) { col = state.style.color.colour; } else { return; } col = clamp255(paintOpacity) << 24 | col; if (isFill) state.fillPaint.setColor(col); else state.strokePaint.setColor(col); } private Typeface checkGenericFont(String fontName, Integer fontWeight, FontStyle fontStyle) { Typeface font = null; int typefaceStyle; boolean italic = (fontStyle == Style.FontStyle.Italic); typefaceStyle = (fontWeight > 500) ? (italic ? Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC : Typeface.BOLD) : (italic ? Typeface.ITALIC : Typeface.NORMAL); if (fontName.equals("serif")) { font = Typeface.create(Typeface.SERIF, typefaceStyle); } else if (fontName.equals("sans-serif")) { font = Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, typefaceStyle); } else if (fontName.equals("monospace")) { font = Typeface.create(Typeface.MONOSPACE, typefaceStyle); } else if (fontName.equals("cursive")) { font = Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, typefaceStyle); } else if (fontName.equals("fantasy")) { font = Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, typefaceStyle); } return font; } private int clamp255(float val) { int i = (int)(val * 256f); return (i<0) ? 0 : (i>255) ? 255 : i; } private Path.FillType getFillTypeFromState() { if (state.style.fillRule == null) return Path.FillType.WINDING; switch (state.style.fillRule) { case EvenOdd: return Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD; case NonZero: default: return Path.FillType.WINDING; } } private void setClipRect(float minX, float minY, float width, float height) { float left = minX; float top = minY; float right = minX + width; float bottom = minY + height; if (state.style.clip != null) { left += state.style.clip.left.floatValueX(this); top += state.style.clip.top.floatValueY(this); right -= state.style.clip.right.floatValueX(this); bottom -= state.style.clip.bottom.floatValueY(this); } canvas.clipRect(left, top, right, bottom); } /* * Viewport fill colour. A new feature in SVG 1.2. */ private void viewportFill() { int col; if (state.style.viewportFill instanceof SVG.Colour) { col = ((SVG.Colour) state.style.viewportFill).colour; } else if (state.style.viewportFill instanceof CurrentColor) { col = state.style.color.colour; } else { return; } if (state.style.viewportFillOpacity != null) col = clamp255(state.style.viewportFillOpacity) << 24 | col; canvas.drawColor(col); } //============================================================================== /* * Convert an internal PathDefinition to an android.graphics.Path object */ private class PathConverter implements PathInterface { Path path = new Path(); float lastX, lastY; public PathConverter(PathDefinition pathDef) { pathDef.enumeratePath(this); } public Path getPath() { return path; } @Override public void moveTo(float x, float y) { path.moveTo(x, y); lastX = x; lastY = y; } @Override public void lineTo(float x, float y) { path.lineTo(x, y); lastX = x; lastY = y; } @Override public void cubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { path.cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); lastX = x3; lastY = y3; } @Override public void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { path.quadTo(x1, y1, x2, y2); lastX = x2; lastY = y2; } @Override public void arcTo(float rx, float ry, float xAxisRotation, boolean largeArcFlag, boolean sweepFlag, float x, float y) { SVGAndroidRenderer.arcTo(lastX, lastY, rx, ry, xAxisRotation, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, x, y, this); lastX = x; lastY = y; } @Override public void close() { path.close(); } } //========================================================================= // Handling of Arcs /* * SVG arc representation uses "endpoint parameterisation" where we specify the endpoint of the arc. * This is to be consistent with the other path commands. However we need to convert this to "centre point * parameterisation" in order to calculate the arc. Handily, the SVG spec provides all the required maths * in section "F.6 Elliptical arc implementation notes". * * Some of this code has been borrowed from the Batik library (Apache-2 license). */ private static void arcTo(float lastX, float lastY, float rx, float ry, float angle, boolean largeArcFlag, boolean sweepFlag, float x, float y, PathInterface pather) { if (lastX == x && lastY == y) { // If the endpoints (x, y) and (x0, y0) are identical, then this // is equivalent to omitting the elliptical arc segment entirely. // (behaviour specified by the spec) return; } // Handle degenerate case (behaviour specified by the spec) if (rx == 0 || ry == 0) { pather.lineTo(x, y); return; } // Sign of the radii is ignored (behaviour specified by the spec) rx = Math.abs(rx); ry = Math.abs(ry); // Convert angle from degrees to radians float angleRad = (float) Math.toRadians(angle % 360.0); double cosAngle = Math.cos(angleRad); double sinAngle = Math.sin(angleRad); // We simplify the calculations by transforming the arc so that the origin is at the // midpoint calculated above followed by a rotation to line up the coordinate axes // with the axes of the ellipse. // Compute the midpoint of the line between the current and the end point double dx2 = (lastX - x) / 2.0; double dy2 = (lastY - y) / 2.0; // Step 1 : Compute (x1', y1') - the transformed start point double x1 = (cosAngle * dx2 + sinAngle * dy2); double y1 = (-sinAngle * dx2 + cosAngle * dy2); double rx_sq = rx * rx; double ry_sq = ry * ry; double x1_sq = x1 * x1; double y1_sq = y1 * y1; // Check that radii are large enough. // If they are not, the spec says to scale them up so they are. // This is to compensate for potential rounding errors/differences between SVG implementations. double radiiCheck = x1_sq / rx_sq + y1_sq / ry_sq; if (radiiCheck > 1) { rx = (float) Math.sqrt(radiiCheck) * rx; ry = (float) Math.sqrt(radiiCheck) * ry; rx_sq = rx * rx; ry_sq = ry * ry; } // Step 2 : Compute (cx1, cy1) - the transformed centre point double sign = (largeArcFlag == sweepFlag) ? -1 : 1; double sq = ((rx_sq * ry_sq) - (rx_sq * y1_sq) - (ry_sq * x1_sq)) / ((rx_sq * y1_sq) + (ry_sq * x1_sq)); sq = (sq < 0) ? 0 : sq; double coef = (sign * Math.sqrt(sq)); double cx1 = coef * ((rx * y1) / ry); double cy1 = coef * -((ry * x1) / rx); // Step 3 : Compute (cx, cy) from (cx1, cy1) double sx2 = (lastX + x) / 2.0; double sy2 = (lastY + y) / 2.0; double cx = sx2 + (cosAngle * cx1 - sinAngle * cy1); double cy = sy2 + (sinAngle * cx1 + cosAngle * cy1); // Step 4 : Compute the angleStart (angle1) and the angleExtent (dangle) double ux = (x1 - cx1) / rx; double uy = (y1 - cy1) / ry; double vx = (-x1 - cx1) / rx; double vy = (-y1 - cy1) / ry; double p, n; // Compute the angle start n = Math.sqrt((ux * ux) + (uy * uy)); p = ux; // (1 * ux) + (0 * uy) sign = (uy < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0; double angleStart = Math.toDegrees(sign * Math.acos(p / n)); // Compute the angle extent n = Math.sqrt((ux * ux + uy * uy) * (vx * vx + vy * vy)); p = ux * vx + uy * vy; sign = (ux * vy - uy * vx < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0; double angleExtent = Math.toDegrees(sign * Math.acos(p / n)); if (!sweepFlag && angleExtent > 0) { angleExtent -= 360f; } else if (sweepFlag && angleExtent < 0) { angleExtent += 360f; } angleExtent %= 360f; angleStart %= 360f; // Many elliptical arc implementations including the Java2D and Android ones, only // support arcs that are axis aligned. Therefore we need to substitute the arc // with bezier curves. The following method call will generate the beziers for // a unit circle that covers the arc angles we want. float[] bezierPoints = arcToBeziers(angleStart, angleExtent); // Calculate a transformation matrix that will move and scale these bezier points to the correct location. Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.postScale(rx, ry); m.postRotate(angle); m.postTranslate((float) cx, (float) cy); m.mapPoints(bezierPoints); // The last point in the bezier set should match exactly the last coord pair in the arc (ie: x,y). But // considering all the mathematical manipulation we have been doing, it is bound to be off by a tiny // fraction. Experiments show that it can be up to around 0.00002. So why don't we just set it to // exactly what it ought to be. bezierPoints[bezierPoints.length-2] = x; bezierPoints[bezierPoints.length-1] = y; // Final step is to add the bezier curves to the path for (int i=0; i<bezierPoints.length; i+=6) { pather.cubicTo(bezierPoints[i], bezierPoints[i+1], bezierPoints[i+2], bezierPoints[i+3], bezierPoints[i+4], bezierPoints[i+5]); } } /* * Generate the control points and endpoints for a set of bezier curves that match * a circular arc starting from angle 'angleStart' and sweep the angle 'angleExtent'. * The circle the arc follows will be centred on (0,0) and have a radius of 1.0. * * Each bezier can cover no more than 90 degrees, so the arc will be divided evenly * into a maximum of four curves. * * The resulting control points will later be scaled and rotated to match the final * arc required. * * The returned array has the format [x0,y0, x1,y1,...] and excludes the start point * of the arc. */ private static float[] arcToBeziers(double angleStart, double angleExtent) { int numSegments = (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(angleExtent) / 90.0); angleStart = Math.toRadians(angleStart); angleExtent = Math.toRadians(angleExtent); float angleIncrement = (float) (angleExtent / numSegments); // The length of each control point vector is given by the following formula. double controlLength = 4.0 / 3.0 * Math.sin(angleIncrement / 2.0) / (1.0 + Math.cos(angleIncrement / 2.0)); float[] coords = new float[numSegments * 6]; int pos = 0; for (int i=0; i<numSegments; i++) { double angle = angleStart + i * angleIncrement; // Calculate the control vector at this angle double dx = Math.cos(angle); double dy = Math.sin(angle); // First control point coords[pos++] = (float) (dx - controlLength * dy); coords[pos++] = (float) (dy + controlLength * dx); // Second control point angle += angleIncrement; dx = Math.cos(angle); dy = Math.sin(angle); coords[pos++] = (float) (dx + controlLength * dy); coords[pos++] = (float) (dy - controlLength * dx); // Endpoint of bezier coords[pos++] = (float) dx; coords[pos++] = (float) dy; } return coords; } //============================================================================== // Marker handling //============================================================================== private class MarkerVector { public float x, y, dx=0f, dy=0f; public MarkerVector(float x, float y, float dx, float dy) { this.x = x; this.y = y; // normalise direction vector double len = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ); if (len != 0) { this.dx = (float) (dx / len); this.dy = (float) (dy / len); } } public void add(float x, float y) { // In order to get accurate angles, we have to normalise // all vectors before we add them. As long as they are // all the same length, the angles will work out correctly. float dx = (x - this.x); float dy = (y - this.y); double len = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ); if (len != 0) { this.dx += (float) (dx / len); this.dy += (float) (dy / len); } } public void add(MarkerVector v2) { this.dx += v2.dx; this.dy += v2.dy; } @Override public String toString() { return "("+x+","+y+" "+dx+","+dy+")"; } } /* * Calculates the positions and orientations of any markers that should be placed on the given path. */ private class MarkerPositionCalculator implements PathInterface { private List<MarkerVector> markers = new ArrayList<MarkerVector>(); private float startX, startY; private MarkerVector lastPos = null; private boolean startArc = false, normalCubic = true; private int subpathStartIndex = -1; private boolean closepathReAdjustPending; public MarkerPositionCalculator(PathDefinition pathDef) { // Generate and add markers for the first N-1 points pathDef.enumeratePath(this); if (closepathReAdjustPending) { // Now correct the start and end marker points of the subpath. // They should both be oriented as if this was a midpoint (ie sum the vectors). lastPos.add(markers.get(subpathStartIndex)); // Overwrite start marker. Other (end) marker will be written on exit or at start of next subpath. markers.set(subpathStartIndex, lastPos); closepathReAdjustPending = false; } // Add the marker for the pending last point if (lastPos != null) { markers.add(lastPos); } } public List<MarkerVector> getMarkers() { return markers; } @Override public void moveTo(float x, float y) { if (closepathReAdjustPending) { // Now correct the start and end marker points of the subpath. // They should both be oriented as if this was a midpoint (ie sum the vectors). lastPos.add(markers.get(subpathStartIndex)); // Overwrite start marker. Other (end) marker will be written on exit or at start of next subpath. markers.set(subpathStartIndex, lastPos); closepathReAdjustPending = false; } if (lastPos != null) { markers.add(lastPos); } startX = x; startY = y; lastPos = new MarkerVector(x, y, 0, 0); subpathStartIndex = markers.size(); } @Override public void lineTo(float x, float y) { lastPos.add(x, y); markers.add(lastPos); MarkerVector newPos = new MarkerVector(x, y, x-lastPos.x, y-lastPos.y); lastPos = newPos; closepathReAdjustPending = false; } @Override public void cubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { if (normalCubic || startArc) { lastPos.add(x1, y1); markers.add(lastPos); startArc = false; } MarkerVector newPos = new MarkerVector(x3, y3, x3-x2, y3-y2); lastPos = newPos; closepathReAdjustPending = false; } @Override public void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { lastPos.add(x1, y1); markers.add(lastPos); MarkerVector newPos = new MarkerVector(x2, y2, x2-x1, y2-y1); lastPos = newPos; closepathReAdjustPending = false; } @Override public void arcTo(float rx, float ry, float xAxisRotation, boolean largeArcFlag, boolean sweepFlag, float x, float y) { // We'll piggy-back on the arc->bezier conversion to get our start and end vectors startArc = true; normalCubic = false; SVGAndroidRenderer.arcTo(lastPos.x, lastPos.y, rx, ry, xAxisRotation, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, x, y, this); normalCubic = true; closepathReAdjustPending = false; } @Override public void close() { markers.add(lastPos); lineTo(startX, startY); // We may need to readjust the first and last markers on this subpath so that // the orientation is a sum of the inward and outward vectors. // But this only happens if the path ends or the next subpath starts with a Move. // See description of "orient" attribute in section 11.6.2. closepathReAdjustPending = true; } } private void renderMarkers(SVG.GraphicsElement obj) { if (state.style.markerStart == null && state.style.markerMid == null && state.style.markerEnd == null) return; SVG.Marker _markerStart = null; SVG.Marker _markerMid = null; SVG.Marker _markerEnd = null; if (state.style.markerStart != null) { SVG.SvgObject ref = obj.document.resolveIRI(state.style.markerStart); if (ref != null) _markerStart = (SVG.Marker) ref; else error("Marker reference '%s' not found", state.style.markerStart); } if (state.style.markerMid != null) { SVG.SvgObject ref = obj.document.resolveIRI(state.style.markerMid); if (ref != null) _markerMid = (SVG.Marker) ref; else error("Marker reference '%s' not found", state.style.markerMid); } if (state.style.markerEnd != null) { SVG.SvgObject ref = obj.document.resolveIRI(state.style.markerEnd); if (ref != null) _markerEnd = (SVG.Marker) ref; else error("Marker reference '%s' not found", state.style.markerEnd); } List<MarkerVector> markers = null; if (obj instanceof SVG.Path) markers = (new MarkerPositionCalculator(((SVG.Path) obj).d)).getMarkers(); else if (obj instanceof SVG.Line) markers = calculateMarkerPositions((SVG.Line) obj); else // PolyLine and Polygon markers = calculateMarkerPositions((SVG.PolyLine) obj); if (markers == null) return; int markerCount = markers.size(); if (markerCount == 0) return; // We don't want the markers to inherit themselves as markers, otherwise we get infinite recursion. state.style.markerStart = state.style.markerMid = state.style.markerEnd = null; if (_markerStart != null) renderMarker(_markerStart, markers.get(0)); if (_markerMid != null) { for (int i=1; i<(markerCount-1); i++) { renderMarker(_markerMid, markers.get(i)); } } if (_markerEnd != null) renderMarker(_markerEnd, markers.get(markerCount-1)); } /* * Render the given marker type at the given position */ private void renderMarker(Marker marker, MarkerVector pos) { float angle = 0f; float unitsScale; statePush(); // Calculate vector angle if (marker.orient != null) { if (Float.isNaN(marker.orient)) // Indicates "auto" { if (pos.dx != 0 || pos.dy != 0) { angle = (float) Math.toDegrees( Math.atan2(pos.dy, pos.dx) ); } } else { angle = marker.orient; } } // Calculate units scale unitsScale = marker.markerUnitsAreUser ? 1f : state.style.strokeWidth.floatValue(dpi); // "Properties inherit into the <marker> element from its ancestors; properties do not // inherit from the element referencing the <marker> element." (sect 11.6.2) state = findInheritFromAncestorState(marker); Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.preTranslate(pos.x, pos.y); m.preRotate(angle); m.preScale(unitsScale, unitsScale); // Scale and/or translate the marker to fit in the marker viewPort float _refX = (marker.refX != null) ? marker.refX.floatValueX(this) : 0f; float _refY = (marker.refY != null) ? marker.refY.floatValueY(this) : 0f; float _markerWidth = (marker.markerWidth != null) ? marker.markerWidth.floatValueX(this) : 3f; float _markerHeight = (marker.markerHeight != null) ? marker.markerHeight.floatValueY(this) : 3f; // We now do a simplified version of calculateViewBoxTransform(). For now we will // ignore the alignment setting because refX and refY have to be aligned with the // marker position, and alignment would complicate the calculations. Box _viewBox = (marker.viewBox != null) ? marker.viewBox : state.viewPort; float xScale, yScale; xScale = _markerWidth / _viewBox.width; yScale = _markerHeight / _viewBox.height; // If we are keeping aspect ratio, then set both scales to the appropriate value depending on 'slice' PreserveAspectRatio positioning = (marker.preserveAspectRatio != null) ? marker.preserveAspectRatio : PreserveAspectRatio.LETTERBOX; if (!positioning.equals(PreserveAspectRatio.STRETCH)) { float aspectScale = (positioning.getScale() == PreserveAspectRatio.Scale.Slice) ? Math.max(xScale, yScale) : Math.min(xScale, yScale); xScale = yScale = aspectScale; } //m.preTranslate(viewPort.minX, viewPort.minY); m.preTranslate(-_refX * xScale, -_refY * yScale); canvas.concat(m); if (!state.style.overflow) { // Now we need to take account of alignment setting, because it affects the // size and position of the clip rectangle. float imageW = _viewBox.width * xScale; float imageH = _viewBox.height * yScale; float xOffset = 0f; float yOffset = 0f; switch (positioning.getAlignment()) { case XMidYMin: case XMidYMid: case XMidYMax: xOffset -= (_markerWidth - imageW) / 2; break; case XMaxYMin: case XMaxYMid: case XMaxYMax: xOffset -= (_markerWidth - imageW); break; default: // nothing to do break; } // Determine final Y position switch (positioning.getAlignment()) { case XMinYMid: case XMidYMid: case XMaxYMid: yOffset -= (_markerHeight - imageH) / 2; break; case XMinYMax: case XMidYMax: case XMaxYMax: yOffset -= (_markerHeight - imageH); break; default: // nothing to do break; } setClipRect(xOffset, yOffset, _markerWidth, _markerHeight); } m.reset(); m.preScale(xScale, yScale); canvas.concat(m); boolean compositing = pushLayer(); renderChildren(marker, false); if (compositing) popLayer(marker); statePop(); } /* * Determine an elements style based on it's ancestors in the tree rather than * it's render time ancestors. */ private RendererState findInheritFromAncestorState(SvgObject obj) { RendererState newState = new RendererState(); updateStyle(newState, Style.getDefaultStyle()); return findInheritFromAncestorState(obj, newState); } private RendererState findInheritFromAncestorState(SvgObject obj, RendererState newState) { List<SvgElementBase> ancestors = new ArrayList<SvgElementBase>(); // Traverse up the document tree adding element styles to a list. while (true) { if (obj instanceof SvgElementBase) { ancestors.add(0, (SvgElementBase) obj); } if (obj.parent == null) break; obj = (SvgObject) obj.parent; } // Now apply the ancestor styles in reverse order to a fresh RendererState object for (SvgElementBase ancestor: ancestors) updateStyleForElement(newState, ancestor); // Caller may also need a valid viewBox in order to calculate percentages newState.viewBox = document.getRootElement().viewBox; if (newState.viewBox == null) { newState.viewBox = this.canvasViewPort; } // May also need a base viewport newState.viewPort = this.canvasViewPort; // Set the directRendering mode based on what the current state has set newState.directRendering = state.directRendering; return newState; } //============================================================================== // Gradients //============================================================================== /* * Check for gradiant fills or strokes on this object. These are always relative * to the object, so can't be preconfigured. They have to be initialised at the * time each object is rendered. */ private void checkForGradiantsAndPatterns(SvgElement obj) { if (state.style.fill instanceof PaintReference) { decodePaintReference(true, obj.boundingBox, (PaintReference) state.style.fill); } if (state.style.stroke instanceof PaintReference) { decodePaintReference(false, obj.boundingBox, (PaintReference) state.style.stroke); } } /* * Takes a PaintReference object and generates an appropriate Android Shader object from it. */ private void decodePaintReference(boolean isFill, Box boundingBox, PaintReference paintref) { SVG.SvgObject ref = document.resolveIRI(paintref.href); if (ref == null) { error("%s reference '%s' not found", (isFill ? "Fill":"Stroke"), paintref.href); if (paintref.fallback != null) { setPaintColour(state, isFill, paintref.fallback); } else { if (isFill) state.hasFill = false; else state.hasStroke = false; } return; } if (ref instanceof SvgLinearGradient) makeLinearGradiant(isFill, boundingBox, (SvgLinearGradient) ref); if (ref instanceof SvgRadialGradient) makeRadialGradiant(isFill, boundingBox, (SvgRadialGradient) ref); if (ref instanceof SolidColor) setSolidColor(isFill, (SolidColor) ref); //if (ref instanceof SVG.Pattern) {} // May be needed later if/when we do direct rendering } private void makeLinearGradiant(boolean isFill, Box boundingBox, SvgLinearGradient gradient) { if (gradient.href != null) fillInChainedGradientFields(gradient, gradient.href); boolean userUnits = (gradient.gradientUnitsAreUser != null && gradient.gradientUnitsAreUser); Paint paint = isFill ? state.fillPaint : state.strokePaint; float _x1,_y1,_x2,_y2; if (userUnits) { Box viewPortUser = getCurrentViewPortInUserUnits(); _x1 = (gradient.x1 != null) ? gradient.x1.floatValueX(this): 0f; _y1 = (gradient.y1 != null) ? gradient.y1.floatValueY(this): 0f; _x2 = (gradient.x2 != null) ? gradient.x2.floatValueX(this): viewPortUser.width; // 100% _y2 = (gradient.y2 != null) ? gradient.y2.floatValueY(this): 0f; } else { _x1 = (gradient.x1 != null) ? gradient.x1.floatValue(this, 1f): 0f; _y1 = (gradient.y1 != null) ? gradient.y1.floatValue(this, 1f): 0f; _x2 = (gradient.x2 != null) ? gradient.x2.floatValue(this, 1f): 1f; _y2 = (gradient.y2 != null) ? gradient.y2.floatValue(this, 1f): 0f; } // Push the state statePush(); // Set the style for the gradient (inherits from its own ancestors, not from callee's state) state = findInheritFromAncestorState(gradient); // Calculate the gradient transform matrix Matrix m = new Matrix(); if (!userUnits) { m.preTranslate(boundingBox.minX, boundingBox.minY); m.preScale(boundingBox.width, boundingBox.height); } if (gradient.gradientTransform != null) { m.preConcat(gradient.gradientTransform); } // Create the colour and position arrays for the shader int numStops = gradient.children.size(); if (numStops == 0) { // If there are no stops defined, we are to treat it as paint = 'none' (see spec 13.2.4) statePop(); if (isFill) state.hasFill = false; else state.hasStroke = false; return; } int[] colours = new int[numStops]; float[] positions = new float[numStops]; int i = 0; float lastOffset = -1; for (SvgObject child: gradient.children) { Stop stop = (Stop) child; if (i == 0 || stop.offset >= lastOffset) { positions[i] = stop.offset; lastOffset = stop.offset; } else { // Each offset must be equal or greater than the last one. // If it doesn't we need to replace it with the previous value. positions[i] = lastOffset; } statePush(); updateStyleForElement(state, stop); Colour col = (SVG.Colour) state.style.stopColor; if (col == null) col = Colour.BLACK; colours[i] = clamp255(state.style.stopOpacity) << 24 | col.colour; i++; statePop(); } // If gradient vector is zero length, we instead fill with last stop colour if ((_x1 == _x2 && _y1 == _y2) || numStops == 1) { statePop(); paint.setColor(colours[numStops - 1]); return; } // Convert spreadMethod->TileMode TileMode tileMode = TileMode.CLAMP; if (gradient.spreadMethod != null) { if (gradient.spreadMethod == GradientSpread.reflect) tileMode = TileMode.MIRROR; else if (gradient.spreadMethod == GradientSpread.repeat) tileMode = TileMode.REPEAT; } statePop(); // Create shader instance LinearGradient gr = new LinearGradient(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, colours, positions, tileMode); gr.setLocalMatrix(m); paint.setShader(gr); } private void makeRadialGradiant(boolean isFill, Box boundingBox, SvgRadialGradient gradient) { if (gradient.href != null) fillInChainedGradientFields(gradient, gradient.href); boolean userUnits = (gradient.gradientUnitsAreUser != null && gradient.gradientUnitsAreUser); Paint paint = isFill ? state.fillPaint : state.strokePaint; float _cx,_cy,_r; if (userUnits) { SVG.Length fiftyPercent = new SVG.Length(50f, Unit.percent); _cx = (gradient.cx != null) ? gradient.cx.floatValueX(this): fiftyPercent.floatValueX(this); _cy = (gradient.cy != null) ? gradient.cy.floatValueY(this): fiftyPercent.floatValueY(this); _r = (gradient.r != null) ? gradient.r.floatValue(this): fiftyPercent.floatValue(this); } else { _cx = (gradient.cx != null) ? gradient.cx.floatValue(this, 1f): 0.5f; _cy = (gradient.cy != null) ? gradient.cy.floatValue(this, 1f): 0.5f; _r = (gradient.r != null) ? gradient.r.floatValue(this, 1f): 0.5f; } // fx and fy are ignored because Android RadialGradient doesn't support a // 'focus' point that is different from cx,cy. // Push the state statePush(); // Set the style for the gradient (inherits from its own ancestors, not from callee's state) state = findInheritFromAncestorState(gradient); // Calculate the gradient transform matrix Matrix m = new Matrix(); if (!userUnits) { m.preTranslate(boundingBox.minX, boundingBox.minY); m.preScale(boundingBox.width, boundingBox.height); } if (gradient.gradientTransform != null) { m.preConcat(gradient.gradientTransform); } // Create the colour and position arrays for the shader int numStops = gradient.children.size(); if (numStops == 0) { // If there are no stops defined, we are to treat it as paint = 'none' (see spec 13.2.4) statePop(); if (isFill) state.hasFill = false; else state.hasStroke = false; return; } int[] colours = new int[numStops]; float[] positions = new float[numStops]; int i = 0; float lastOffset = -1; for (SvgObject child: gradient.children) { Stop stop = (Stop) child; if (i == 0 || stop.offset >= lastOffset) { positions[i] = stop.offset; lastOffset = stop.offset; } else { // Each offset must be equal or greater than the last one. // If it doesn't we need to replace it with the previous value. positions[i] = lastOffset; } statePush(); updateStyleForElement(state, stop); Colour col = (SVG.Colour) state.style.stopColor; if (col == null) col = Colour.BLACK; colours[i] = clamp255(state.style.stopOpacity) << 24 | col.colour; i++; statePop(); } // If gradient radius is zero, we instead fill with last stop colour if (_r == 0 || numStops == 1) { statePop(); paint.setColor(colours[numStops - 1]); return; } // Convert spreadMethod->TileMode TileMode tileMode = TileMode.CLAMP; if (gradient.spreadMethod != null) { if (gradient.spreadMethod == GradientSpread.reflect) tileMode = TileMode.MIRROR; else if (gradient.spreadMethod == GradientSpread.repeat) tileMode = TileMode.REPEAT; } statePop(); // Create shader instance RadialGradient gr = new RadialGradient(_cx, _cy, _r, colours, positions, tileMode); gr.setLocalMatrix(m); paint.setShader(gr); } /* * Any unspecified fields in this gradient can be 'borrowed' from another * gradient specified by the href attribute. */ private void fillInChainedGradientFields(GradientElement gradient, String href) { // Locate the referenced object SVG.SvgObject ref = gradient.document.resolveIRI(href); if (ref == null) { // Non-existent warn("Gradient reference '%s' not found", href); return; } if (!(ref instanceof GradientElement)) { error("Gradient href attributes must point to other gradient elements"); return; } if (ref == gradient) { error("Circular reference in gradient href attribute '%s'", href); return; } GradientElement grRef = (GradientElement) ref; if (gradient.gradientUnitsAreUser == null) gradient.gradientUnitsAreUser = grRef.gradientUnitsAreUser; if (gradient.gradientTransform == null) gradient.gradientTransform = grRef.gradientTransform; if (gradient.spreadMethod == null) gradient.spreadMethod = grRef.spreadMethod; if (gradient.children.isEmpty()) gradient.children = grRef.children; try { if (gradient instanceof SvgLinearGradient) { fillInChainedGradientFields((SvgLinearGradient) gradient, (SvgLinearGradient) ref); } else { fillInChainedGradientFields((SvgRadialGradient) gradient, (SvgRadialGradient) ref); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { /* expected - do nothing */ } if (grRef.href != null) fillInChainedGradientFields(gradient, grRef.href); } private void fillInChainedGradientFields(SvgLinearGradient gradient, SvgLinearGradient grRef) { if (gradient.x1 == null) gradient.x1 = grRef.x1; if (gradient.y1 == null) gradient.y1 = grRef.y1; if (gradient.x2 == null) gradient.x2 = grRef.x2; if (gradient.y2 == null) gradient.y2 = grRef.y2; } private void fillInChainedGradientFields(SvgRadialGradient gradient, SvgRadialGradient grRef) { if (gradient.cx == null) gradient.cx = grRef.cx; if (gradient.cy == null) gradient.cy = grRef.cy; if (gradient.r == null) gradient.r = grRef.r; if (gradient.fx == null) gradient.fx = grRef.fx; if (gradient.fy == null) gradient.fy = grRef.fy; } private void setSolidColor(boolean isFill, SolidColor ref) { // Make a Style object that has fill or stroke color values set depending on the value of isFill. if (isFill) { if (isSpecified(ref.baseStyle, SVG.SPECIFIED_SOLID_COLOR)) { state.style.fill = ref.baseStyle.solidColor; state.hasFill = (ref.baseStyle.solidColor != null); } if (isSpecified(ref.baseStyle, SVG.SPECIFIED_SOLID_OPACITY)) { state.style.fillOpacity = ref.baseStyle.solidOpacity; } // If either fill or its opacity has changed, update the fillPaint if (isSpecified(ref.baseStyle, SVG.SPECIFIED_SOLID_COLOR | SVG.SPECIFIED_SOLID_OPACITY)) { setPaintColour(state, isFill, state.style.fill); } } else { if (isSpecified(ref.baseStyle, SVG.SPECIFIED_SOLID_COLOR)) { state.style.stroke = ref.baseStyle.solidColor; state.hasStroke = (ref.baseStyle.solidColor != null); } if (isSpecified(ref.baseStyle, SVG.SPECIFIED_SOLID_OPACITY)) { state.style.strokeOpacity = ref.baseStyle.solidOpacity; } // If either fill or its opacity has changed, update the fillPaint if (isSpecified(ref.baseStyle, SVG.SPECIFIED_SOLID_COLOR | SVG.SPECIFIED_SOLID_OPACITY)) { setPaintColour(state, isFill, state.style.stroke); } } } //============================================================================== // Clip paths //============================================================================== private void checkForClipPath(SvgElement obj) { checkForClipPath(obj, obj.boundingBox); } private void checkForClipPath(SvgElement obj, Box boundingBox) { if (state.style.clipPath == null) return; // Locate the referenced object SVG.SvgObject ref = obj.document.resolveIRI(state.style.clipPath); if (ref == null) { error("ClipPath reference '%s' not found", state.style.clipPath); return; } ClipPath clipPath = (ClipPath) ref; // An empty clipping path will completely clip away the element (sect 14.3.5). if (clipPath.children.isEmpty()) { canvas.clipRect(0, 0, 0, 0); return; } boolean userUnits = (clipPath.clipPathUnitsAreUser == null || clipPath.clipPathUnitsAreUser); if ((obj instanceof SVG.Group) && !userUnits) { warn("<clipPath clipPathUnits=\"objectBoundingBox\"> is not supported when referenced from container elements (like %s)", obj.getClass().getSimpleName()); return; } clipStatePush(); if (!userUnits) { Matrix m = new Matrix(); m.preTranslate(boundingBox.minX, boundingBox.minY); m.preScale(boundingBox.width, boundingBox.height); canvas.concat(m); } if (clipPath.transform != null) { canvas.concat(clipPath.transform); } // "Properties inherit into the <clipPath> element from its ancestors; properties do not // inherit from the element referencing the <clipPath> element." (sect 14.3.5) state = findInheritFromAncestorState(clipPath); checkForClipPath(clipPath); Path combinedPath = new Path(); for (SvgObject child: clipPath.children) { addObjectToClip(child, true, combinedPath, new Matrix()); } canvas.clipPath(combinedPath); clipStatePop(); } private void addObjectToClip(SvgObject obj, boolean allowUse, Path combinedPath, Matrix combinedPathMatrix) { if (!display()) return; // Save state clipStatePush(); if (obj instanceof SVG.Use) { if (allowUse) { addObjectToClip((SVG.Use) obj, combinedPath, combinedPathMatrix); } else { error("<use> elements inside a <clipPath> cannot reference another <use>"); } } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Path) { addObjectToClip((SVG.Path) obj, combinedPath, combinedPathMatrix); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.Text) { addObjectToClip((SVG.Text) obj, combinedPath, combinedPathMatrix); } else if (obj instanceof SVG.GraphicsElement) { addObjectToClip((SVG.GraphicsElement) obj, combinedPath, combinedPathMatrix); } else { error("Invalid %s element found in clipPath definition", obj.getClass().getSimpleName()); } // Restore state clipStatePop(); } // The clip state push and pop methods only save the matrix. // The normal push/pop save the clip region also which would // destroy the clip region we are trying to build. private void clipStatePush() { // Save matrix and clip canvas.save(Canvas.MATRIX_SAVE_FLAG); // Save style state stateStack.push(state); state = (RendererState) state.clone(); } private void clipStatePop() { // Restore matrix and clip canvas.restore(); // Restore style state state = stateStack.pop(); } private Path.FillType getClipRuleFromState() { if (state.style.clipRule == null) return Path.FillType.WINDING; switch (state.style.clipRule) { case EvenOdd: return Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD; case NonZero: default: return Path.FillType.WINDING; } } private void addObjectToClip(SVG.Path obj, Path combinedPath, Matrix combinedPathMatrix) { updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; if (obj.transform != null) combinedPathMatrix.preConcat(obj.transform); Path path = (new PathConverter(obj.d)).getPath(); if (obj.boundingBox == null) { obj.boundingBox = calculatePathBounds(path); } checkForClipPath(obj); //path.setFillType(getClipRuleFromState()); combinedPath.setFillType(getClipRuleFromState()); combinedPath.addPath(path, combinedPathMatrix); } private void addObjectToClip(SVG.GraphicsElement obj, Path combinedPath, Matrix combinedPathMatrix) { updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; if (obj.transform != null) combinedPathMatrix.preConcat(obj.transform); Path path; if (obj instanceof SVG.Rect) path = makePathAndBoundingBox((SVG.Rect) obj); else if (obj instanceof SVG.Circle) path = makePathAndBoundingBox((SVG.Circle) obj); else if (obj instanceof SVG.Ellipse) path = makePathAndBoundingBox((SVG.Ellipse) obj); else if (obj instanceof SVG.PolyLine) path = makePathAndBoundingBox((SVG.PolyLine) obj); else return; checkForClipPath(obj); combinedPath.setFillType(path.getFillType()); combinedPath.addPath(path, combinedPathMatrix); } private void addObjectToClip(SVG.Use obj, Path combinedPath, Matrix combinedPathMatrix) { updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (!visible()) return; if (obj.transform != null) combinedPathMatrix.preConcat(obj.transform); // Locate the referenced object SVG.SvgObject ref = obj.document.resolveIRI(obj.href); if (ref == null) { error("Use reference '%s' not found", obj.href); return; } checkForClipPath(obj); addObjectToClip(ref, false, combinedPath, combinedPathMatrix); } private void addObjectToClip(SVG.Text obj, Path combinedPath, Matrix combinedPathMatrix) { updateStyleForElement(state, obj); if (!display()) return; if (obj.transform != null) combinedPathMatrix.preConcat(obj.transform); // Get the first coordinate pair from the lists in the x and y properties. float x = (obj.x == null || obj.x.size() == 0) ? 0f : obj.x.get(0).floatValueX(this); float y = (obj.y == null || obj.y.size() == 0) ? 0f : obj.y.get(0).floatValueY(this); float dx = (obj.dx == null || obj.dx.size() == 0) ? 0f : obj.dx.get(0).floatValueX(this); float dy = (obj.dy == null || obj.dy.size() == 0) ? 0f : obj.dy.get(0).floatValueY(this); // Handle text alignment if (state.style.textAnchor != Style.TextAnchor.Start) { float textWidth = calculateTextWidth(obj); if (state.style.textAnchor == Style.TextAnchor.Middle) { x -= (textWidth / 2); } else { x -= textWidth; // 'End' (right justify) } } if (obj.boundingBox == null) { TextBoundsCalculator proc = new TextBoundsCalculator(x, y); enumerateTextSpans(obj, proc); obj.boundingBox = new Box(proc.bbox.left, proc.bbox.top, proc.bbox.width(), proc.bbox.height()); } checkForClipPath(obj); Path textAsPath = new Path(); enumerateTextSpans(obj, new PlainTextToPath(x + dx, y + dy, textAsPath)); combinedPath.setFillType(getClipRuleFromState()); combinedPath.addPath(textAsPath, combinedPathMatrix); } private class PlainTextToPath extends TextProcessor { public float x; public float y; public Path textAsPath; public PlainTextToPath(float x, float y, Path textAsPath) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.textAsPath = textAsPath; } @Override public boolean doTextContainer(TextContainer obj) { if (obj instanceof SVG.TextPath) { warn("Using <textPath> elements in a clip path is not supported."); return false; } return true; } @Override public void processText(String text) { if (visible()) { //state.fillPaint.getTextPath(text, 0, text.length(), x, y, textAsPath); Path spanPath = new Path(); state.fillPaint.getTextPath(text, 0, text.length(), x, y, spanPath); textAsPath.addPath(spanPath); } // Update the current text position x += state.fillPaint.measureText(text); } } //============================================================================== // Convert the different shapes to paths //============================================================================== private Path makePathAndBoundingBox(Line obj) { float x1 = (obj.x1 == null) ? 0 : obj.x1.floatValue(this); float y1 = (obj.y1 == null) ? 0 : obj.y1.floatValue(this); float x2 = (obj.x2 == null) ? 0 : obj.x2.floatValue(this); float y2 = (obj.y2 == null) ? 0 : obj.y2.floatValue(this); if (obj.boundingBox == null) { obj.boundingBox = new Box(Math.min(x1, y1), Math.min(y1, y2), Math.abs(x2-x1), Math.abs(y2-y1)); } Path p = new Path(); p.moveTo(x1, y1); p.lineTo(x2, y2); return p; } private Path makePathAndBoundingBox(Rect obj) { float x, y, w, h, rx, ry; if (obj.rx == null && obj.ry == null) { rx = 0; ry = 0; } else if (obj.rx == null) { rx = ry = obj.ry.floatValueY(this); } else if (obj.ry == null) { rx = ry = obj.rx.floatValueX(this); } else { rx = obj.rx.floatValueX(this); ry = obj.ry.floatValueY(this); } rx = Math.min(rx, obj.width.floatValueX(this) / 2f); ry = Math.min(ry, obj.height.floatValueY(this) / 2f); x = (obj.x != null) ? obj.x.floatValueX(this) : 0f; y = (obj.y != null) ? obj.y.floatValueY(this) : 0f; w = obj.width.floatValueX(this); h = obj.height.floatValueY(this); if (obj.boundingBox == null) { obj.boundingBox = new Box(x, y, w, h); } float right = x + w; float bottom = y + h; Path p = new Path(); if (rx == 0 || ry == 0) { // Simple rect p.moveTo(x, y); p.lineTo(right, y); p.lineTo(right, bottom); p.lineTo(x, bottom); p.lineTo(x, y); } else { // Rounded rect // Bexier control point lengths for a 90 degress arc float cpx = rx * BEZIER_ARC_FACTOR; float cpy = ry * BEZIER_ARC_FACTOR; p.moveTo(x, y+ry); p.cubicTo(x, y+ry-cpy, x+rx-cpx, y, x+rx, y); p.lineTo(right-rx, y); p.cubicTo(right-rx+cpx, y, right, y+ry-cpy, right, y+ry); p.lineTo(right, bottom-ry); p.cubicTo(right, bottom-ry+cpy, right-rx+cpx, bottom, right-rx, bottom); p.lineTo(x+rx, bottom); p.cubicTo(x+rx-cpx, bottom, x, bottom-ry+cpy, x, bottom-ry); p.lineTo(x, y+ry); } p.close(); return p; } private Path makePathAndBoundingBox(SVG.Circle obj) { float cx = (obj.cx != null) ? obj.cx.floatValueX(this) : 0f; float cy = (obj.cy != null) ? obj.cy.floatValueY(this) : 0f; float r = obj.r.floatValue(this); float left = cx - r; float top = cy - r; float right = cx + r; float bottom = cy + r; if (obj.boundingBox == null) { obj.boundingBox = new Box(left, top, r*2, r*2); } float cp = r * BEZIER_ARC_FACTOR; Path p = new Path(); p.moveTo(cx, top); p.cubicTo(cx+cp, top, right, cy-cp, right, cy); p.cubicTo(right, cy+cp, cx+cp, bottom, cx, bottom); p.cubicTo(cx-cp, bottom, left, cy+cp, left, cy); p.cubicTo(left, cy-cp, cx-cp, top, cx, top); p.close(); return p; } private Path makePathAndBoundingBox(SVG.Ellipse obj) { float cx = (obj.cx != null) ? obj.cx.floatValueX(this) : 0f; float cy = (obj.cy != null) ? obj.cy.floatValueY(this) : 0f; float rx = obj.rx.floatValueX(this); float ry = obj.ry.floatValueY(this); float left = cx - rx; float top = cy - ry; float right = cx + rx; float bottom = cy + ry; if (obj.boundingBox == null) { obj.boundingBox = new Box(left, top, rx*2, ry*2); } float cpx = rx * BEZIER_ARC_FACTOR; float cpy = ry * BEZIER_ARC_FACTOR; Path p = new Path(); p.moveTo(cx, top); p.cubicTo(cx+cpx, top, right, cy-cpy, right, cy); p.cubicTo(right, cy+cpy, cx+cpx, bottom, cx, bottom); p.cubicTo(cx-cpx, bottom, left, cy+cpy, left, cy); p.cubicTo(left, cy-cpy, cx-cpx, top, cx, top); p.close(); return p; } private Path makePathAndBoundingBox(SVG.PolyLine obj) { Path path = new Path(); path.moveTo(obj.points[0], obj.points[1]); for (int i=2; i<obj.points.length; i+=2) { path.lineTo(obj.points[i], obj.points[i+1]); } if (obj instanceof SVG.Polygon) path.close(); if (obj.boundingBox == null) { obj.boundingBox = calculatePathBounds(path); } path.setFillType(getClipRuleFromState()); return path; } //============================================================================== // Pattern fills //============================================================================== /* * Fill a path with a pattern by setting the path as a clip path and * drawing the pattern element as a repeating tile inside it. */ private void fillWithPattern(SvgElement obj, Path path, Pattern pattern) { boolean patternUnitsAreUser = (pattern.patternUnitsAreUser != null && pattern.patternUnitsAreUser); float x, y, w, h; float originX, originY; if (pattern.href != null) fillInChainedPatternFields(pattern, pattern.href); if (patternUnitsAreUser) { x = (pattern.x != null) ? pattern.x.floatValueX(this): 0f; y = (pattern.y != null) ? pattern.y.floatValueY(this): 0f; w = (pattern.width != null) ? pattern.width.floatValueX(this): 0f; h = (pattern.height != null) ? pattern.height.floatValueY(this): 0f; } else { // Convert objectBoundingBox space to user space x = (pattern.x != null) ? pattern.x.floatValue(this, 1f): 0f; y = (pattern.y != null) ? pattern.y.floatValue(this, 1f): 0f; w = (pattern.width != null) ? pattern.width.floatValue(this, 1f): 0f; h = (pattern.height != null) ? pattern.height.floatValue(this, 1f): 0f; x = obj.boundingBox.minX + x * obj.boundingBox.width; y = obj.boundingBox.minY + y * obj.boundingBox.height; w *= obj.boundingBox.width; h *= obj.boundingBox.height; } if (w == 0 || h == 0) return; // "If attribute 'preserveAspectRatio' is not specified, then the effect is as if a value of xMidYMid meet were specified." PreserveAspectRatio positioning = (pattern.preserveAspectRatio != null) ? pattern.preserveAspectRatio : PreserveAspectRatio.LETTERBOX; // Push the state statePush(); // Set path as the clip region canvas.clipPath(path); // Set the style for the pattern (inherits from its own ancestors, not from callee's state) RendererState baseState = new RendererState(); updateStyle(baseState, Style.getDefaultStyle()); baseState.style.overflow = false; // By default patterns do not overflow state = findInheritFromAncestorState(pattern, baseState); // The bounds of the area we need to cover with pattern to ensure that our shape is filled Box patternArea = obj.boundingBox; // Apply the patternTransform if (pattern.patternTransform != null) { canvas.concat(pattern.patternTransform); // A pattern transform will affect the area we need to cover with the pattern. // So we need to alter the area bounding rectangle. Matrix inverse = new Matrix(); if (pattern.patternTransform.invert(inverse)) { float[] pts = {obj.boundingBox.minX, obj.boundingBox.minY, obj.boundingBox.maxX(), obj.boundingBox.minY, obj.boundingBox.maxX(), obj.boundingBox.maxY(), obj.boundingBox.minX, obj.boundingBox.maxY()}; inverse.mapPoints(pts); // Find the bounding box of the shape created by the inverse transform RectF rect = new RectF(pts[0], pts[1], pts[0], pts[1]); for (int i=2; i<=6; i+=2) { if (pts[i] < rect.left) rect.left = pts[i]; if (pts[i] > rect.right) rect.right = pts[i]; if (pts[i+1] < rect.top) rect.top = pts[i+1]; if (pts[i+1] > rect.bottom) rect.bottom = pts[i+1]; } patternArea = new Box(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top); } } // Calculate the pattern origin originX = x + (float) Math.floor((patternArea.minX - x) / w) * w; originY = y + (float) Math.floor((patternArea.minY - y) / h) * h; // For each Y step, then each X step float right = patternArea.maxX(); float bottom = patternArea.maxY(); Box stepViewBox = new Box(0,0,w,h); for (float stepY = originY; stepY < bottom; stepY += h) { for (float stepX = originX; stepX < right; stepX += w) { stepViewBox.minX = stepX; stepViewBox.minY = stepY; // Push the state statePush(); // Set pattern clip rectangle if appropriate if (!state.style.overflow) { setClipRect(stepViewBox.minX, stepViewBox.minY, stepViewBox.width, stepViewBox.height); } // Calculate and set the viewport for each instance of the pattern if (pattern.viewBox != null) { canvas.concat(calculateViewBoxTransform(stepViewBox, pattern.viewBox, positioning)); } else { boolean patternContentUnitsAreUser = (pattern.patternContentUnitsAreUser == null || pattern.patternContentUnitsAreUser); // Simple translate of pattern to step position canvas.translate(stepX, stepY); if (!patternContentUnitsAreUser) { canvas.scale(obj.boundingBox.width, obj.boundingBox.height); } } boolean compositing = pushLayer(); // Render the pattern for (SVG.SvgObject child: pattern.children) { render(child); } if (compositing) popLayer(pattern); // Pop the state statePop(); } } // Pop the state statePop(); } /* * Any unspecified fields in this pattern can be 'borrowed' from another * pattern specified by the href attribute. */ private void fillInChainedPatternFields(Pattern pattern, String href) { // Locate the referenced object SVG.SvgObject ref = pattern.document.resolveIRI(href); if (ref == null) { // Non-existent warn("Pattern reference '%s' not found", href); return; } if (!(ref instanceof Pattern)) { error("Pattern href attributes must point to other pattern elements"); return; } if (ref == pattern) { error("Circular reference in pattern href attribute '%s'", href); return; } Pattern pRef = (Pattern) ref; if (pattern.patternUnitsAreUser == null) pattern.patternUnitsAreUser = pRef.patternUnitsAreUser; if (pattern.patternContentUnitsAreUser == null) pattern.patternContentUnitsAreUser = pRef.patternContentUnitsAreUser; if (pattern.patternTransform == null) pattern.patternTransform = pRef.patternTransform; if (pattern.x == null) pattern.x = pRef.x; if (pattern.y == null) pattern.y = pRef.y; if (pattern.width == null) pattern.width = pRef.width; if (pattern.height == null) pattern.height = pRef.height; // attributes from superclasses if (pattern.children.isEmpty()) pattern.children = pRef.children; if (pattern.viewBox == null) pattern.viewBox = pRef.viewBox; if (pattern.preserveAspectRatio == null) { pattern.preserveAspectRatio = pRef.preserveAspectRatio; } if (pRef.href != null) fillInChainedPatternFields(pattern, pRef.href); } //============================================================================== // Masks //============================================================================== /* * Render the contents of a mask element. */ private void renderMask(SVG.Mask mask, SvgElement obj) { debug("Mask render"); boolean maskUnitsAreUser = (mask.maskUnitsAreUser != null && mask.maskUnitsAreUser); float x, y, w, h; if (maskUnitsAreUser) { w = (mask.width != null) ? mask.width.floatValueX(this): obj.boundingBox.width; h = (mask.height != null) ? mask.height.floatValueY(this): obj.boundingBox.height; x = (mask.x != null) ? mask.x.floatValueX(this): (float)(obj.boundingBox.minX - 0.1 * obj.boundingBox.width); y = (mask.y != null) ? mask.y.floatValueY(this): (float)(obj.boundingBox.minY - 0.1 * obj.boundingBox.height); } else { // Convert objectBoundingBox space to user space x = (mask.x != null) ? mask.x.floatValue(this, 1f): -0.1f; y = (mask.y != null) ? mask.y.floatValue(this, 1f): -0.1f; w = (mask.width != null) ? mask.width.floatValue(this, 1f): 1.2f; h = (mask.height != null) ? mask.height.floatValue(this, 1f): 1.2f; x = obj.boundingBox.minX + x * obj.boundingBox.width; y = obj.boundingBox.minY + y * obj.boundingBox.height; w *= obj.boundingBox.width; h *= obj.boundingBox.height; } if (w == 0 || h == 0) return; // Push the state statePush(); state = findInheritFromAncestorState(mask); // Set the style for the pattern (inherits from its own ancestors, not from callee's state) // The 'opacity', 'filter' and 'display' properties do not apply to the 'mask' element" (sect 14.4) // Next line is not actually needed since we aren't calling pushLayer() here. Kept for future reference. state.style.opacity = 1f; //state.style.filter = null; boolean maskContentUnitsAreUser = (mask.maskContentUnitsAreUser == null || mask.maskContentUnitsAreUser); if (!maskContentUnitsAreUser) { canvas.translate(obj.boundingBox.minX, obj.boundingBox.minY); canvas.scale(obj.boundingBox.width, obj.boundingBox.height); } // Render the mask renderChildren(mask, false); // Pop the state statePop(); } }