package org.wiztools.restclient.persistence; import*; import; import java.util.*; import nu.xom.*; import org.wiztools.commons.MultiValueMap; import org.wiztools.restclient.Versions; import org.wiztools.restclient.bean.*; import org.wiztools.restclient.util.Util; import org.wiztools.restclient.util.XMLUtil; /** * * @author rsubramanian */ public class XmlPersistenceWrite implements PersistenceWrite { private Element getRootElement() { Element eRoot = new Element("rest-client"); // set version attributes to rest-client root tag eRoot.addAttribute(new Attribute("version", Versions.CURRENT)); return eRoot; } protected Element getRequestElement(final Request bean) { Element reqElement = new Element("request"); { // HTTP Version Element e = new Element("http-version"); e.appendChild(bean.getHttpVersion().versionNumber()); reqElement.appendChild(e); } if(bean.isFollowRedirect()) { // HTTP Follow Redirect Element e = new Element("http-follow-redirects"); reqElement.appendChild(e); } if(bean.isIgnoreResponseBody()) { // Response body ignored Element e = new Element("ignore-response-body"); reqElement.appendChild(e); } { // creating the URL child element Element e = new Element("URL"); e.appendChild(bean.getUrl().toString()); reqElement.appendChild(e); } { // creating the method child element Element e = new Element("method"); e.appendChild(bean.getMethod().name()); reqElement.appendChild(e); } { // auth Auth auth = bean.getAuth(); if(auth != null) { Element eAuth = XmlAuthUtil.getAuthElement(auth); reqElement.appendChild(eAuth); } } // Creating SSL elements if(bean.getSslReq() != null) { Element eSsl = XmlSslUtil.getSslReq(bean.getSslReq()); reqElement.appendChild(eSsl); } // creating the headers child element MultiValueMap<String, String> headers = bean.getHeaders(); if (!headers.isEmpty()) { Element e = new Element("headers"); for (String key : headers.keySet()) { for(String value: headers.get(key)) { Element ee = new Element("header"); ee.addAttribute(new Attribute("key", key)); ee.addAttribute(new Attribute("value", value)); e.appendChild(ee); } } reqElement.appendChild(e); } // Cookies List<HttpCookie> cookies = bean.getCookies(); if(!cookies.isEmpty()) { Element e = new Element("cookies"); for(HttpCookie cookie: cookies) { Element ee = new Element("cookie"); ee.addAttribute(new Attribute("name", cookie.getName())); ee.addAttribute(new Attribute("value", cookie.getValue())); ee.addAttribute(new Attribute("version", String.valueOf(cookie.getVersion()))); e.appendChild(ee); } reqElement.appendChild(e); } { // creating the body child element ReqEntity entityBean = bean.getBody(); if(entityBean != null) { XmlBodyWrite bdUtl = new XmlBodyWrite(); Element e = bdUtl.getReqEntity(entityBean); reqElement.appendChild(e); } } // creating the test-script child element String testScript = bean.getTestScript(); if (testScript != null) { Element e = new Element("test-script"); e.appendChild(testScript); reqElement.appendChild(e); } return reqElement; } protected Document request2XML(final Request bean) throws XMLException { Element reqRootElement = getRootElement(); reqRootElement.appendChild(getRequestElement(bean)); Document xomDocument = new Document(reqRootElement); return xomDocument; } protected Element getResponseElement(final Response bean) { Element respElement = new Element("response"); Element respChildSubElement = null; Element respChildSubSubElement = null; // adding first sub child element - execution-time and append to response child element respChildSubElement = new Element("execution-time"); respChildSubElement.appendChild(String.valueOf(bean.getExecutionTime())); respElement.appendChild(respChildSubElement); // adding second sub child element - status and code attributes and append to response child element respChildSubElement = new Element("status"); Attribute codeAttributes = new Attribute("code", String.valueOf(bean.getStatusCode())); respChildSubElement.addAttribute(codeAttributes); respChildSubElement.appendChild(bean.getStatusLine()); respElement.appendChild(respChildSubElement); // adding third sub child element - headers MultiValueMap<String, String> headers = bean.getHeaders(); if (!headers.isEmpty()) { Attribute keyAttribute = null; Attribute valueAttribute = null; // creating sub child-child element respChildSubElement = new Element("headers"); for (String key : headers.keySet()) { for(String value: headers.get(key)) { respChildSubSubElement = new Element("header"); keyAttribute = new Attribute("key", key); valueAttribute = new Attribute("value", value); respChildSubSubElement.addAttribute(keyAttribute); respChildSubSubElement.addAttribute(valueAttribute); respChildSubElement.appendChild(respChildSubSubElement); } } // add response child element - headers respElement.appendChild(respChildSubElement); } byte[] responseBody = bean.getResponseBody(); if (responseBody != null) { //creating the body child element and append to response child element respChildSubElement = new Element("body"); final String base64encodedBody = Util.base64encode(responseBody); respChildSubElement.appendChild(base64encodedBody); respElement.appendChild(respChildSubElement); } // test result TestResult testResult = bean.getTestResult(); if (testResult != null) { //creating the test-result child element respChildSubElement = new Element("test-result"); // Counts: Element e_runCount = new Element("run-count"); e_runCount.appendChild(String.valueOf(testResult.getRunCount())); Element e_failureCount = new Element("failure-count"); e_failureCount.appendChild(String.valueOf(testResult.getFailureCount())); Element e_errorCount = new Element("error-count"); e_errorCount.appendChild(String.valueOf(testResult.getErrorCount())); respChildSubElement.appendChild(e_runCount); respChildSubElement.appendChild(e_failureCount); respChildSubElement.appendChild(e_errorCount); // Failures if (testResult.getFailureCount() > 0) { Element e_failures = new Element("failures"); List<TestExceptionResult> l = testResult.getFailures(); for (TestExceptionResult b : l) { Element e_message = new Element("message"); e_message.appendChild(b.getExceptionMessage()); Element e_line = new Element("line-number"); e_line.appendChild(String.valueOf(b.getLineNumber())); Element e_failure = new Element("failure"); e_failure.appendChild(e_message); e_failure.appendChild(e_line); e_failures.appendChild(e_failure); } respChildSubElement.appendChild(e_failures); } //Errors if (testResult.getErrorCount() > 0) { Element e_errors = new Element("errors"); List<TestExceptionResult> l = testResult.getErrors(); for (TestExceptionResult b : l) { Element e_message = new Element("message"); e_message.appendChild(b.getExceptionMessage()); Element e_line = new Element("line-number"); e_line.appendChild(String.valueOf(b.getLineNumber())); Element e_error = new Element("error"); e_error.appendChild(e_message); e_error.appendChild(e_line); e_errors.appendChild(e_error); } respChildSubElement.appendChild(e_errors); } // Trace Element e_trace = new Element("trace"); e_trace.appendChild(testResult.toString()); respChildSubElement.appendChild(e_trace); respElement.appendChild(respChildSubElement); } return respElement; } protected Document response2XML(final Response bean) throws XMLException { Element respRootElement = getRootElement(); respRootElement.appendChild(getResponseElement(bean)); Document xomDocument = new Document(respRootElement); return xomDocument; } protected void writeXML(final Document doc, final File f) throws IOException, XMLException { try { OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); out = new BufferedOutputStream(out); // getDocumentCharset(f) - to retrieve the charset encoding attribute Serializer serializer = new Serializer(out, XMLUtil.getDocumentCharset(f)); serializer.write(doc); out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new XMLException(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } @Override public void writeRequest(final Request bean, final File f) throws IOException, XMLException { Document doc = request2XML(bean); writeXML(doc, f); } @Override public void writeResponse(final Response bean, final File f) throws IOException, XMLException { Document doc = response2XML(bean); writeXML(doc, f); } }