package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Text; public class SecDecryptor extends SecBase { private Document xmlDoc; private List<SecDataRef> dataRefs; private SecCrypto crypto; static { // initialize apache santuario framework; } public SecDecryptor(SecCrypto crypto) { this.crypto = crypto; } // decryption is processed after the signature of // a SOAP message has been verified public Document decrypt(Document xmlDoc) throws Exception { this.xmlDoc = xmlDoc; // determine security header from envelope document Element elem = getSecHeader(this.xmlDoc); /* * EXAMPLE STRUCTURE * * <wsse:Security> * <xenc:EncryptedKey> * <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="�"/> * <ds:KeyInfo> * <wsse:SecurityTokenReference> * */ // determine EncryptedKey Element encKey = null; NodeList children = elem.getChildNodes(); for (int i=0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node child = children.item(i); String ns = child.getNamespaceURI(); String ln = child.getLocalName(); if (ln.equals("EncryptedKey") && ns.equals(SecConstants.ENC_NS)) { encKey = (Element)child; break; } } if (encKey == null) return null; // lookup xenc:EncryptionMethod, get the Algorithm attribute to determine // how the key was encrypted. Then check if we support the algorithm String encAlgo = getEncAlgo(encKey); if (encAlgo == null) { throw new Exception("[SecDecryptor] Unsupported algorithm."); } Cipher cipher = SecUtil.getCipherInstance(encAlgo); cipher.init(Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, crypto.getPrivateKey()); // Now lookup CipherValue. Element tmp = SecUtil.getDirectChildElement(encKey, "CipherData", SecConstants.ENC_NS); Element xencCipherValue = null; if (tmp != null) { xencCipherValue = SecUtil.getDirectChildElement(tmp, "CipherValue", SecConstants.ENC_NS); } if (xencCipherValue == null) { throw new Exception("[SecDecryptor] Invalid security."); } List<String> dataRefURIs = getDataRefURIs(encKey); byte[] encryptedEphemeralKey = null; SecretKey symmetricKey = null; try { encryptedEphemeralKey = getDecodedBase64EncodedData(xencCipherValue); String keyAlgorithm = SecUtil.getKeyAlgorithm(SecConstants.AES_128); symmetricKey = (SecretKey)cipher.unwrap(encryptedEphemeralKey, keyAlgorithm, Cipher.SECRET_KEY); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { throw new Exception("[SecDecrytor] Check failed."); } dataRefs = decryptDataRefs(dataRefURIs, symmetricKey); return this.xmlDoc; } public Node getDecryptedNode() { if ((this.dataRefs == null) || (this.dataRefs.size() == 0)) return null; SecDataRef dataRef = this.dataRefs.get(0); return dataRef.getProtectedNode(); } // Decrypt all data references private List<SecDataRef> decryptDataRefs(List<String> dataRefURIs, SecretKey symmetricKey) throws Exception { // At this point we have the decrypted session (symmetric) key. According // to W3C XML-Enc this key is used to decrypt _any_ references contained in // the reference list if (dataRefURIs == null || dataRefURIs.isEmpty()) { return null; } List<SecDataRef> dataRefs = new ArrayList<SecDataRef>(); for (String dataRefURI:dataRefURIs) { SecDataRef dataRef = decryptDataRef(dataRefURI, symmetricKey); dataRefs.add(dataRef); } return dataRefs; } // Decrypt an EncryptedData element referenced by dataRefURI private SecDataRef decryptDataRef(String dataRefURI, SecretKey symmetricKey) throws Exception { // Find the encrypted data element referenced by dataRefURI Element encryptedDataElement = findEncryptedDataElement(dataRefURI); // Prepare the SecretKey object to decrypt EncryptedData String symEncAlgo = getEncAlgo(encryptedDataElement); return decryptEncryptedData(dataRefURI, encryptedDataElement, symmetricKey, symEncAlgo); } /* * Look up the encrypted data. First try Id="someURI". If no such Id then try * wsu:Id="someURI". */ private Element findEncryptedDataElement(String dataRefURI) throws Exception { DOMCallbackLookup callbackLookup = new DOMCallbackLookup(this.xmlDoc); Element encryptedDataElement = callbackLookup.getElement(dataRefURI, null, true); if (encryptedDataElement == null) { throw new Exception("[SecDecryptor] Invalid security."); } if (encryptedDataElement.getLocalName().equals(SecConstants.ENCRYPTED_HEADER) && encryptedDataElement.getNamespaceURI().equals(SecConstants.WSSE11_NS)) { Node child = encryptedDataElement.getFirstChild(); while (child != null && child.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { child = child.getNextSibling(); } return (Element)child; } return encryptedDataElement; } // Decrypt the EncryptedData argument using a SecretKey. public SecDataRef decryptEncryptedData(String dataRefURI, Element encData, SecretKey symmetricKey, String symEncAlgo) throws Exception { XMLCipher xmlCipher = null; try { xmlCipher = XMLCipher.getInstance(symEncAlgo); xmlCipher.setSecureValidation(true); xmlCipher.init(XMLCipher.DECRYPT_MODE, symmetricKey); } catch (XMLEncryptionException ex) { throw new Exception("[SecDecryptor] Unsupported algorithm."); } SecDataRef dataRef = new SecDataRef(); dataRef.setWsuId(dataRefURI); dataRef.setAlgorithm(symEncAlgo); boolean content = SecUtil.isContent(encData); dataRef.setContent(content); Node parent = encData.getParentNode(); Node previousSibling = encData.getPreviousSibling(); if (content) { encData = (Element) encData.getParentNode(); parent = encData.getParentNode(); } try { xmlCipher.doFinal(this.xmlDoc, encData, content); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("[SecDecryptor] Check failed."); } if (parent.getLocalName().equals(SecConstants.ENCRYPTED_HEADER) && parent.getNamespaceURI().equals(SecConstants.WSSE11_NS)) { Node decryptedHeader = parent.getFirstChild(); Node soapHeader = parent.getParentNode(); soapHeader.replaceChild(decryptedHeader, parent); dataRef.setProtectedNode(decryptedHeader); dataRef.setXpath(getXPath(decryptedHeader)); } else if (content) { // this is the default path dataRef.setProtectedNode(encData); dataRef.setXpath(getXPath(encData)); } else { Node decryptedNode; if (previousSibling == null) { decryptedNode = parent.getFirstChild(); } else { decryptedNode = previousSibling.getNextSibling(); } if (decryptedNode != null) dataRef.setProtectedNode(decryptedNode); dataRef.setXpath(getXPath(decryptedNode)); } return dataRef; } private String getEncAlgo(Node encKey) throws Exception { Element tmp = SecUtil.getDirectChildElement(encKey, "EncryptionMethod", SecConstants.ENC_NS); String symEncAlgo = null; if (tmp != null) { symEncAlgo = tmp.getAttribute("Algorithm"); if (symEncAlgo == null || "".equals(symEncAlgo)) { throw new Exception("[SecDecryptor] Unsupported algorithm."); } } return symEncAlgo; } // Find the list of all URIs that this encrypted Key references private List<String> getDataRefURIs(Element xencEncryptedKey) { // Lookup the references that are encrypted with this key Element refList = SecUtil.getDirectChildElement(xencEncryptedKey, "ReferenceList", SecConstants.ENC_NS); List<String> dataRefURIs = new LinkedList<String>(); if (refList != null) { for (Node node = refList.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling()) { if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType() && SecConstants.ENC_NS.equals(node.getNamespaceURI()) && "DataReference".equals(node.getLocalName())) { String dataRefURI = ((Element) node).getAttribute("URI"); if (dataRefURI.charAt(0) == '#') { dataRefURI = dataRefURI.substring(1); } dataRefURIs.add(dataRefURI); } } } return dataRefURIs; } private static byte[] getDecodedBase64EncodedData(Element element) throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Node node = element.getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { if (Node.TEXT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { sb.append(((Text) node).getData()); } node = node.getNextSibling(); } String encodedData = sb.toString(); return; } public String getXPath(Node decryptedNode) { if (decryptedNode == null) { return null; } String result = ""; if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == decryptedNode.getNodeType()) { result = decryptedNode.getNodeName(); result = prependFullPath(result, decryptedNode.getParentNode()); } else if (Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE == decryptedNode.getNodeType()) { result = "@" + decryptedNode.getNodeName(); result = prependFullPath(result, ((Attr)decryptedNode).getOwnerElement()); } else { return null; } return result; } // Recursively build an absolute xpath (starting with the root) private String prependFullPath(String xpath, Node node) { if (node == null) { // probably a detached node... not really useful return null; } else if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { xpath = node.getNodeName() + "/" + xpath; return prependFullPath(xpath, node.getParentNode()); } else if (Node.DOCUMENT_NODE == node.getNodeType()) { return "/" + xpath; } else { return prependFullPath(xpath, node.getParentNode()); } } }