/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.calendar; import static android.provider.Calendar.EVENT_BEGIN_TIME; import static android.provider.Calendar.EVENT_END_TIME; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.database.Cursor; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Path; import android.graphics.PorterDuff; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.graphics.Typeface; import android.graphics.Paint.Style; import android.graphics.Path.Direction; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Handler; import android.provider.Calendar.Attendees; import android.provider.Calendar.Calendars; import android.provider.Calendar.Events; import android.text.format.DateFormat; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.text.format.Time; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.ContextMenu; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.PopupWindow; import android.widget.TextView; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; /** * This is the base class for a set of classes that implement views (day view * and week view to start with) that share some common code. */ public class CalendarView extends View implements View.OnCreateContextMenuListener, View.OnClickListener { private boolean mOnFlingCalled; protected CalendarApplication mCalendarApp; protected CalendarActivity mParentActivity; private static final String[] CALENDARS_PROJECTION = new String[] { Calendars._ID, // 0 Calendars.ACCESS_LEVEL, // 1 }; private static final int CALENDARS_INDEX_ACCESS_LEVEL = 1; private static final String CALENDARS_WHERE = Calendars._ID + "=%d"; private static final String[] ATTENDEES_PROJECTION = new String[] { Attendees._ID, // 0 Attendees.ATTENDEE_RELATIONSHIP, // 1 }; private static final int ATTENDEES_INDEX_RELATIONSHIP = 1; private static final String ATTENDEES_WHERE = Attendees.EVENT_ID + "=%d"; private static final float SMALL_ROUND_RADIUS = 3.0F; private static final int FROM_NONE = 0; private static final int FROM_ABOVE = 1; private static final int FROM_BELOW = 2; private static final int FROM_LEFT = 4; private static final int FROM_RIGHT = 8; private static final int HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_THRESHOLD = 50; private ContinueScroll mContinueScroll = new ContinueScroll(); // Make this visible within the package for more informative debugging Time mBaseDate; private Typeface mBold = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD; private int mFirstJulianDay; private int mLastJulianDay; private int mMonthLength; private int mFirstDate; private int[] mEarliestStartHour; // indexed by the week day offset private boolean[] mHasAllDayEvent; // indexed by the week day offset private String mDetailedView = CalendarPreferenceActivity.DEFAULT_DETAILED_VIEW; /** * This variable helps to avoid unnecessarily reloading events by keeping * track of the start millis parameter used for the most recent loading * of events. If the next reload matches this, then the events are not * reloaded. To force a reload, set this to zero (this is set to zero * in the method clearCachedEvents()). */ private long mLastReloadMillis; private ArrayList<Event> mEvents = new ArrayList<Event>(); private int mSelectionDay; // Julian day private int mSelectionHour; /* package private so that CalendarActivity can read it when creating new * events */ boolean mSelectionAllDay; private int mCellWidth; private boolean mLaunchNewView; // Pre-allocate these objects and re-use them private Rect mRect = new Rect(); private RectF mRectF = new RectF(); private Rect mSrcRect = new Rect(); private Rect mDestRect = new Rect(); private Paint mPaint = new Paint(); private Paint mPaintBorder = new Paint(); private Paint mEventTextPaint = new Paint(); private Paint mSelectionPaint = new Paint(); private Path mPath = new Path(); protected boolean mDrawTextInEventRect; private int mStartDay; private PopupWindow mPopup; private View mPopupView; // The number of milliseconds to show the popup window private static final int POPUP_DISMISS_DELAY = 3000; private DismissPopup mDismissPopup = new DismissPopup(); // For drawing to an off-screen Canvas private Bitmap mBitmap; private Canvas mCanvas; private boolean mRedrawScreen = true; private boolean mRemeasure = true; private final EventLoader mEventLoader; protected final EventGeometry mEventGeometry; private static final int DAY_GAP = 1; private static final int HOUR_GAP = 1; private static final int SINGLE_ALLDAY_HEIGHT = 20; private static final int MAX_ALLDAY_HEIGHT = 72; private static final int ALLDAY_TOP_MARGIN = 3; private static final int MAX_ALLDAY_EVENT_HEIGHT = 18; /* The extra space to leave above the text in all-day events */ private static final int ALL_DAY_TEXT_TOP_MARGIN = 0; /* The extra space to leave above the text in normal events */ private static final int NORMAL_TEXT_TOP_MARGIN = 2; private static final int HOURS_LEFT_MARGIN = 2; private static final int HOURS_RIGHT_MARGIN = 4; private static final int HOURS_MARGIN = HOURS_LEFT_MARGIN + HOURS_RIGHT_MARGIN; /* package */ static final int MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60; /* package */ static final int MINUTES_PER_DAY = MINUTES_PER_HOUR * 24; /* package */ static final int MILLIS_PER_MINUTE = 60 * 1000; /* package */ static final int MILLIS_PER_HOUR = (3600 * 1000); /* package */ static final int MILLIS_PER_DAY = MILLIS_PER_HOUR * 24; private static final int NORMAL_FONT_SIZE = 12; private static final int EVENT_TEXT_FONT_SIZE = 12; private static final int HOURS_FONT_SIZE = 12; private static final int AMPM_FONT_SIZE = 9; private static final int MIN_CELL_WIDTH_FOR_TEXT = 10; private static final int MAX_EVENT_TEXT_LEN = 500; private static final float MIN_EVENT_HEIGHT = 15.0F; // in pixels private static int mSelectionColor; private static int mPressedColor; private static int mSelectedEventTextColor; private static int mEventTextColor; private int mViewStartX; private int mViewStartY; private int mMaxViewStartY; private int mBitmapHeight; private int mViewHeight; private int mViewWidth; private int mGridAreaHeight; private int mCellHeight; private int mScrollStartY; private int mPreviousDirection; private int mPreviousDistanceX; private int mHoursTextHeight; private int mEventTextAscent; private int mEventTextHeight; private int mAllDayHeight; private int mBannerPlusMargin; private int mMaxAllDayEvents; protected int mNumDays = 7; private int mNumHours = 10; private int mHoursWidth; private int mDateStrWidth; private int mFirstCell; private int mFirstHour = -1; private int mFirstHourOffset; private String[] mHourStrs; private String[] mDayStrs; private String[] mDayStrs2Letter; private boolean mIs24HourFormat; private float[] mCharWidths = new float[MAX_EVENT_TEXT_LEN]; private ArrayList<Event> mSelectedEvents = new ArrayList<Event>(); private boolean mComputeSelectedEvents; private Event mSelectedEvent; private Event mPrevSelectedEvent; private Rect mPrevBox = new Rect(); protected final Resources mResources; private String mAmString; private String mPmString; private DeleteEventHelper mDeleteEventHelper; private ContextMenuHandler mContextMenuHandler = new ContextMenuHandler(); /** * The initial state of the touch mode when we enter this view. */ private static final int TOUCH_MODE_INITIAL_STATE = 0; /** * Indicates we just received the touch event and we are waiting to see if * it is a tap or a scroll gesture. */ private static final int TOUCH_MODE_DOWN = 1; /** * Indicates the touch gesture is a vertical scroll */ private static final int TOUCH_MODE_VSCROLL = 0x20; /** * Indicates the touch gesture is a horizontal scroll */ private static final int TOUCH_MODE_HSCROLL = 0x40; private int mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_INITIAL_STATE; /** * The selection modes are HIDDEN, PRESSED, SELECTED, and LONGPRESS. */ private static final int SELECTION_HIDDEN = 0; private static final int SELECTION_PRESSED = 1; private static final int SELECTION_SELECTED = 2; private static final int SELECTION_LONGPRESS = 3; private int mSelectionMode = SELECTION_HIDDEN; private boolean mScrolling = false; private String mDateRange; private TextView mTitleTextView; public CalendarView(CalendarActivity activity) { super(activity); mResources = activity.getResources(); mEventLoader = activity.mEventLoader; mEventGeometry = new EventGeometry(); mEventGeometry.setMinEventHeight(MIN_EVENT_HEIGHT); mEventGeometry.setHourGap(HOUR_GAP); mParentActivity = activity; mCalendarApp = (CalendarApplication) mParentActivity.getApplication(); mDeleteEventHelper = new DeleteEventHelper(activity, false /* don't exit when done */); init(activity); } private void init(Context context) { setFocusable(true); // Allow focus in touch mode so that we can do keyboard shortcuts // even after we've entered touch mode. setFocusableInTouchMode(true); setClickable(true); setOnCreateContextMenuListener(this); mStartDay = Calendar.getInstance().getFirstDayOfWeek(); if (mStartDay == Calendar.SATURDAY) { mStartDay = Time.SATURDAY; } else if (mStartDay == Calendar.MONDAY) { mStartDay = Time.MONDAY; } else { mStartDay = Time.SUNDAY; } mSelectionColor = mResources.getColor(R.color.selection); mPressedColor = mResources.getColor(R.color.pressed); mSelectedEventTextColor = mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_event_selected_text_color); mEventTextColor = mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_event_text_color); mEventTextPaint.setColor(mEventTextColor); mEventTextPaint.setTextSize(EVENT_TEXT_FONT_SIZE); mEventTextPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); mEventTextPaint.setAntiAlias(true); int gridLineColor = mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_grid_line_highlight_color); Paint p = mSelectionPaint; p.setColor(gridLineColor); p.setStyle(Style.STROKE); p.setStrokeWidth(2.0f); p.setAntiAlias(false); p = mPaint; p.setAntiAlias(true); mPaintBorder.setColor(0xffc8c8c8); mPaintBorder.setStyle(Style.STROKE); mPaintBorder.setAntiAlias(true); mPaintBorder.setStrokeWidth(2.0f); // Allocate space for 2 weeks worth of weekday names so that we can // easily start the week display at any week day. mDayStrs = new String[14]; // Also create an array of 2-letter abbreviations. mDayStrs2Letter = new String[14]; for (int i = Calendar.SUNDAY; i <= Calendar.SATURDAY; i++) { int index = i - Calendar.SUNDAY; // e.g. Tue for Tuesday mDayStrs[index] = DateUtils.getDayOfWeekString(i, DateUtils.LENGTH_MEDIUM); mDayStrs[index + 7] = mDayStrs[index]; // e.g. Tu for Tuesday mDayStrs2Letter[index] = DateUtils.getDayOfWeekString(i, DateUtils.LENGTH_SHORT); mDayStrs2Letter[index + 7] = mDayStrs2Letter[index]; } // Figure out how much space we need for the 3-letter abbrev names // in the worst case. p.setTextSize(NORMAL_FONT_SIZE); p.setTypeface(mBold); String[] dateStrs = {" 28", " 30"}; mDateStrWidth = computeMaxStringWidth(0, dateStrs, p); mDateStrWidth += computeMaxStringWidth(0, mDayStrs, p); p.setTextSize(HOURS_FONT_SIZE); p.setTypeface(null); mIs24HourFormat = DateFormat.is24HourFormat(context); mHourStrs = mIs24HourFormat ? CalendarData.s24Hours : CalendarData.s12HoursNoAmPm; mHoursWidth = computeMaxStringWidth(0, mHourStrs, p); mAmString = DateUtils.getAMPMString(Calendar.AM); mPmString = DateUtils.getAMPMString(Calendar.PM); String[] ampm = {mAmString, mPmString}; p.setTextSize(AMPM_FONT_SIZE); mHoursWidth = computeMaxStringWidth(mHoursWidth, ampm, p); mHoursWidth += HOURS_MARGIN; LayoutInflater inflater; inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); mPopupView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.bubble_event, null); mPopupView.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mPopup = new PopupWindow(context); mPopup.setContentView(mPopupView); Resources.Theme dialogTheme = getResources().newTheme(); dialogTheme.applyStyle(android.R.style.Theme_Dialog, true); TypedArray ta = dialogTheme.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.windowBackground }); mPopup.setBackgroundDrawable(ta.getDrawable(0)); ta.recycle(); // Enable touching the popup window mPopupView.setOnClickListener(this); mBaseDate = new Time(); long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); mBaseDate.set(millis); mEarliestStartHour = new int[mNumDays]; mHasAllDayEvent = new boolean[mNumDays]; mNumHours = context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.number_of_hours); mTitleTextView = (TextView) mParentActivity.findViewById(R.id.title); } /** * This is called when the popup window is pressed. */ public void onClick(View v) { if (v == mPopupView) { // Pretend it was a trackball click because that will always // jump to the "View event" screen. switchViews(true /* trackball */); } } /** * Returns the start of the selected time in milliseconds since the epoch. * * @return selected time in UTC milliseconds since the epoch. */ long getSelectedTimeInMillis() { Time time = new Time(mBaseDate); time.setJulianDay(mSelectionDay); time.hour = mSelectionHour; // We ignore the "isDst" field because we want normalize() to figure // out the correct DST value and not adjust the selected time based // on the current setting of DST. return time.normalize(true /* ignore isDst */); } Time getSelectedTime() { Time time = new Time(mBaseDate); time.setJulianDay(mSelectionDay); time.hour = mSelectionHour; // We ignore the "isDst" field because we want normalize() to figure // out the correct DST value and not adjust the selected time based // on the current setting of DST. time.normalize(true /* ignore isDst */); return time; } /** * Returns the start of the selected time in minutes since midnight, * local time. The derived class must ensure that this is consistent * with the return value from getSelectedTimeInMillis(). */ int getSelectedMinutesSinceMidnight() { return mSelectionHour * MINUTES_PER_HOUR; } public void setSelectedDay(Time time) { mBaseDate.set(time); mSelectionHour = mBaseDate.hour; mSelectedEvent = null; mPrevSelectedEvent = null; long millis = mBaseDate.toMillis(false /* use isDst */); mSelectionDay = Time.getJulianDay(millis, mBaseDate.gmtoff); mSelectedEvents.clear(); mComputeSelectedEvents = true; // Force a recalculation of the first visible hour mFirstHour = -1; recalc(); mTitleTextView.setText(mDateRange); // Force a redraw of the selection box. mSelectionMode = SELECTION_SELECTED; mRedrawScreen = true; mRemeasure = true; invalidate(); } public Time getSelectedDay() { Time time = new Time(mBaseDate); time.setJulianDay(mSelectionDay); time.hour = mSelectionHour; // We ignore the "isDst" field because we want normalize() to figure // out the correct DST value and not adjust the selected time based // on the current setting of DST. time.normalize(true /* ignore isDst */); return time; } private void recalc() { // Set the base date to the beginning of the week if we are displaying // 7 days at a time. if (mNumDays == 7) { int dayOfWeek = mBaseDate.weekDay; int diff = dayOfWeek - mStartDay; if (diff != 0) { if (diff < 0) { diff += 7; } mBaseDate.monthDay -= diff; mBaseDate.normalize(true /* ignore isDst */); } } final long start = mBaseDate.toMillis(false /* use isDst */); long end = start; mFirstJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(start, mBaseDate.gmtoff); mLastJulianDay = mFirstJulianDay + mNumDays - 1; mMonthLength = mBaseDate.getActualMaximum(Time.MONTH_DAY); mFirstDate = mBaseDate.monthDay; int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR; if (DateFormat.is24HourFormat(mContext)) { flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_24HOUR; } if (mNumDays > 1) { mBaseDate.monthDay += mNumDays - 1; end = mBaseDate.toMillis(true /* ignore isDst */); mBaseDate.monthDay -= mNumDays - 1; flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_MONTH_DAY; } else { flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH; } mDateRange = DateUtils.formatDateRange(mParentActivity, start, end, flags); // Do not set the title here because this is called when executing // initNextView() to prepare the Day view when sliding the finger // horizontally but we don't always want to change the title. And // if we change the title here and then change it back in the caller // then we get an annoying flicker. } void setDetailedView(String detailedView) { mDetailedView = detailedView; } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int width, int height, int oldw, int oldh) { mViewWidth = width; mViewHeight = height; int gridAreaWidth = width - mHoursWidth; mCellWidth = (gridAreaWidth - (mNumDays * DAY_GAP)) / mNumDays; Paint p = new Paint(); p.setTextSize(NORMAL_FONT_SIZE); int bannerTextHeight = (int) Math.abs(p.ascent()); p.setTextSize(HOURS_FONT_SIZE); mHoursTextHeight = (int) Math.abs(p.ascent()); p.setTextSize(EVENT_TEXT_FONT_SIZE); float ascent = -p.ascent(); mEventTextAscent = (int) Math.ceil(ascent); float totalHeight = ascent + p.descent(); mEventTextHeight = (int) Math.ceil(totalHeight); if (mNumDays > 1) { mBannerPlusMargin = bannerTextHeight + 14; } else { mBannerPlusMargin = 0; } remeasure(width, height); } // Measures the space needed for various parts of the view after // loading new events. This can change if there are all-day events. private void remeasure(int width, int height) { // First, clear the array of earliest start times, and the array // indicating presence of an all-day event. for (int day = 0; day < mNumDays; day++) { mEarliestStartHour[day] = 25; // some big number mHasAllDayEvent[day] = false; } // Compute the space needed for the all-day events, if any. // Make a pass over all the events, and keep track of the maximum // number of all-day events in any one day. Also, keep track of // the earliest event in each day. int maxAllDayEvents = 0; ArrayList<Event> events = mEvents; int len = events.size(); for (int ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) { Event event = events.get(ii); if (event.startDay > mLastJulianDay || event.endDay < mFirstJulianDay) continue; if (event.allDay) { int max = event.getColumn() + 1; if (maxAllDayEvents < max) { maxAllDayEvents = max; } int daynum = event.startDay - mFirstJulianDay; int durationDays = event.endDay - event.startDay + 1; if (daynum < 0) { durationDays += daynum; daynum = 0; } if (daynum + durationDays > mNumDays) { durationDays = mNumDays - daynum; } for (int day = daynum; durationDays > 0; day++, durationDays--) { mHasAllDayEvent[day] = true; } } else { int daynum = event.startDay - mFirstJulianDay; int hour = event.startTime / 60; if (daynum >= 0 && hour < mEarliestStartHour[daynum]) { mEarliestStartHour[daynum] = hour; } // Also check the end hour in case the event spans more than // one day. daynum = event.endDay - mFirstJulianDay; hour = event.endTime / 60; if (daynum < mNumDays && hour < mEarliestStartHour[daynum]) { mEarliestStartHour[daynum] = hour; } } } mMaxAllDayEvents = maxAllDayEvents; mFirstCell = mBannerPlusMargin; int allDayHeight = 0; if (maxAllDayEvents > 0) { // If there is at most one all-day event per day, then use less // space (but more than the space for a single event). if (maxAllDayEvents == 1) { allDayHeight = SINGLE_ALLDAY_HEIGHT; } else { // Allow the all-day area to grow in height depending on the // number of all-day events we need to show, up to a limit. allDayHeight = maxAllDayEvents * MAX_ALLDAY_EVENT_HEIGHT; if (allDayHeight > MAX_ALLDAY_HEIGHT) { allDayHeight = MAX_ALLDAY_HEIGHT; } } mFirstCell = mBannerPlusMargin + allDayHeight + ALLDAY_TOP_MARGIN; } else { mSelectionAllDay = false; } mAllDayHeight = allDayHeight; mGridAreaHeight = height - mFirstCell; mCellHeight = (mGridAreaHeight - ((mNumHours + 1) * HOUR_GAP)) / mNumHours; int usedGridAreaHeight = (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP) * mNumHours + HOUR_GAP; int bottomSpace = mGridAreaHeight - usedGridAreaHeight; mEventGeometry.setHourHeight(mCellHeight); // Create an off-screen bitmap that we can draw into. mBitmapHeight = HOUR_GAP + 24 * (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP) + bottomSpace; if ((mBitmap == null || mBitmap.getHeight() < mBitmapHeight) && width > 0 && mBitmapHeight > 0) { if (mBitmap != null) { mBitmap.recycle(); } mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, mBitmapHeight, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); mCanvas = new Canvas(mBitmap); } mMaxViewStartY = mBitmapHeight - mGridAreaHeight; if (mFirstHour == -1) { initFirstHour(); mFirstHourOffset = 0; } // When we change the base date, the number of all-day events may // change and that changes the cell height. When we switch dates, // we use the mFirstHourOffset from the previous view, but that may // be too large for the new view if the cell height is smaller. if (mFirstHourOffset >= mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP) { mFirstHourOffset = mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP - 1; } mViewStartY = mFirstHour * (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP) - mFirstHourOffset; int eventAreaWidth = mNumDays * (mCellWidth + DAY_GAP); mPopup.dismiss(); mPopup.setWidth(eventAreaWidth - 20); mPopup.setHeight(WindowManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); } /** * Initialize the state for another view. The given view is one that has * its own bitmap and will use an animation to replace the current view. * The current view and new view are either both Week views or both Day * views. They differ in their base date. * * @param view the view to initialize. */ private void initView(CalendarView view) { view.mSelectionHour = mSelectionHour; view.mSelectedEvents.clear(); view.mComputeSelectedEvents = true; view.mFirstHour = mFirstHour; view.mFirstHourOffset = mFirstHourOffset; view.remeasure(getWidth(), getHeight()); view.mSelectedEvent = null; view.mPrevSelectedEvent = null; view.mStartDay = mStartDay; if (view.mEvents.size() > 0) { view.mSelectionAllDay = mSelectionAllDay; } else { view.mSelectionAllDay = false; } // Redraw the screen so that the selection box will be redrawn. We may // have scrolled to a different part of the day in some other view // so the selection box in this view may no longer be visible. view.mRedrawScreen = true; view.recalc(); } /** * Switch to another view based on what was selected (an event or a free * slot) and how it was selected (by touch or by trackball). * * @param trackBallSelection true if the selection was made using the * trackball. */ private void switchViews(boolean trackBallSelection) { Event selectedEvent = mSelectedEvent; mPopup.dismiss(); if (mNumDays > 1) { // This is the Week view. // With touch, we always switch to Day/Agenda View // With track ball, if we selected a free slot, then create an event. // If we selected a specific event, switch to EventInfo view. if (trackBallSelection) { if (selectedEvent == null) { // Switch to the EditEvent view long startMillis = getSelectedTimeInMillis(); long endMillis = startMillis + DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS; Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setClassName(mContext, EditEvent.class.getName()); intent.putExtra(EVENT_BEGIN_TIME, startMillis); intent.putExtra(EVENT_END_TIME, endMillis); mParentActivity.startActivity(intent); } else { // Switch to the EventInfo view Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Uri eventUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Events.CONTENT_URI, selectedEvent.id); intent.setData(eventUri); intent.setClassName(mContext, EventInfoActivity.class.getName()); intent.putExtra(EVENT_BEGIN_TIME, selectedEvent.startMillis); intent.putExtra(EVENT_END_TIME, selectedEvent.endMillis); mParentActivity.startActivity(intent); } } else { // This was a touch selection. If the touch selected a single // unambiguous event, then view that event. Otherwise go to // Day/Agenda view. if (mSelectedEvents.size() == 1) { // Switch to the EventInfo view Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Uri eventUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Events.CONTENT_URI, selectedEvent.id); intent.setData(eventUri); intent.setClassName(mContext, EventInfoActivity.class.getName()); intent.putExtra(EVENT_BEGIN_TIME, selectedEvent.startMillis); intent.putExtra(EVENT_END_TIME, selectedEvent.endMillis); mParentActivity.startActivity(intent); } else { // Switch to the Day/Agenda view. long millis = getSelectedTimeInMillis(); MenuHelper.switchTo(mParentActivity, mDetailedView, millis); mParentActivity.finish(); } } } else { // This is the Day view. // If we selected a free slot, then create an event. // If we selected an event, then go to the EventInfo view. if (selectedEvent == null) { // Switch to the EditEvent view long startMillis = getSelectedTimeInMillis(); long endMillis = startMillis + DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS; Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setClassName(mContext, EditEvent.class.getName()); intent.putExtra(EVENT_BEGIN_TIME, startMillis); intent.putExtra(EVENT_END_TIME, endMillis); mParentActivity.startActivity(intent); } else { // Switch to the EventInfo view Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Uri eventUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Events.CONTENT_URI, selectedEvent.id); intent.setData(eventUri); intent.setClassName(mContext, EventInfoActivity.class.getName()); intent.putExtra(EVENT_BEGIN_TIME, selectedEvent.startMillis); intent.putExtra(EVENT_END_TIME, selectedEvent.endMillis); mParentActivity.startActivity(intent); } } } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { mScrolling = false; long duration = event.getEventTime() - event.getDownTime(); switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER: if (mSelectionMode == SELECTION_HIDDEN) { // Don't do anything unless the selection is visible. break; } if (mSelectionMode == SELECTION_PRESSED) { // This was the first press when there was nothing selected. // Change the selection from the "pressed" state to the // the "selected" state. We treat short-press and // long-press the same here because nothing was selected. mSelectionMode = SELECTION_SELECTED; mRedrawScreen = true; invalidate(); break; } // Check the duration to determine if this was a short press if (duration < ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout()) { switchViews(true /* trackball */); } else { mSelectionMode = SELECTION_LONGPRESS; mRedrawScreen = true; invalidate(); performLongClick(); } break; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (mSelectionMode == SELECTION_HIDDEN) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) { // Display the selection box but don't move or select it // on this key press. mSelectionMode = SELECTION_SELECTED; mRedrawScreen = true; invalidate(); return true; } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER) { // Display the selection box but don't select it // on this key press. mSelectionMode = SELECTION_PRESSED; mRedrawScreen = true; invalidate(); return true; } } mSelectionMode = SELECTION_SELECTED; mScrolling = false; boolean redraw; int selectionDay = mSelectionDay; switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL: // Delete the selected event, if any Event selectedEvent = mSelectedEvent; if (selectedEvent == null) { return false; } mPopup.dismiss(); long begin = selectedEvent.startMillis; long end = selectedEvent.endMillis; long id = selectedEvent.id; mDeleteEventHelper.delete(begin, end, id, -1); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER: switchViews(true /* trackball or keyboard */); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: mPopup.dismiss(); mParentActivity.finish(); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT: if (mSelectedEvent != null) { mSelectedEvent = mSelectedEvent.nextLeft; } if (mSelectedEvent == null) { selectionDay -= 1; } redraw = true; break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT: if (mSelectedEvent != null) { mSelectedEvent = mSelectedEvent.nextRight; } if (mSelectedEvent == null) { selectionDay += 1; } redraw = true; break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP: if (mSelectedEvent != null) { mSelectedEvent = mSelectedEvent.nextUp; } if (mSelectedEvent == null) { if (!mSelectionAllDay) { mSelectionHour -= 1; adjustHourSelection(); mSelectedEvents.clear(); mComputeSelectedEvents = true; } } redraw = true; break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN: if (mSelectedEvent != null) { mSelectedEvent = mSelectedEvent.nextDown; } if (mSelectedEvent == null) { if (mSelectionAllDay) { mSelectionAllDay = false; } else { mSelectionHour++; adjustHourSelection(); mSelectedEvents.clear(); mComputeSelectedEvents = true; } } redraw = true; break; default: return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } if ((selectionDay < mFirstJulianDay) || (selectionDay > mLastJulianDay)) { boolean forward; CalendarView view = mParentActivity.getNextView(); Time date = view.mBaseDate; date.set(mBaseDate); if (selectionDay < mFirstJulianDay) { date.monthDay -= mNumDays; forward = false; } else { date.monthDay += mNumDays; forward = true; } date.normalize(true /* ignore isDst */); view.mSelectionDay = selectionDay; initView(view); mTitleTextView.setText(view.mDateRange); mParentActivity.switchViews(forward, 0, 0); return true; } mSelectionDay = selectionDay; mSelectedEvents.clear(); mComputeSelectedEvents = true; if (redraw) { mRedrawScreen = true; invalidate(); return true; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } // This is called after scrolling stops to move the selected hour // to the visible part of the screen. private void resetSelectedHour() { if (mSelectionHour < mFirstHour + 1) { mSelectionHour = mFirstHour + 1; mSelectedEvent = null; mSelectedEvents.clear(); mComputeSelectedEvents = true; } else if (mSelectionHour > mFirstHour + mNumHours - 3) { mSelectionHour = mFirstHour + mNumHours - 3; mSelectedEvent = null; mSelectedEvents.clear(); mComputeSelectedEvents = true; } } private void initFirstHour() { mFirstHour = mSelectionHour - mNumHours / 2; if (mFirstHour < 0) { mFirstHour = 0; } else if (mFirstHour + mNumHours > 24) { mFirstHour = 24 - mNumHours; } } /** * Recomputes the first full hour that is visible on screen after the * screen is scrolled. */ private void computeFirstHour() { // Compute the first full hour that is visible on screen mFirstHour = (mViewStartY + mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP - 1) / (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP); mFirstHourOffset = mFirstHour * (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP) - mViewStartY; } private void adjustHourSelection() { if (mSelectionHour < 0) { mSelectionHour = 0; if (mMaxAllDayEvents > 0) { mPrevSelectedEvent = null; mSelectionAllDay = true; } } if (mSelectionHour > 23) { mSelectionHour = 23; } // If the selected hour is at least 2 time slots from the top and // bottom of the screen, then don't scroll the view. if (mSelectionHour < mFirstHour + 1) { // If there are all-days events for the selected day but there // are no more normal events earlier in the day, then jump to // the all-day event area. // Exception 1: allow the user to scroll to 8am with the trackball // before jumping to the all-day event area. // Exception 2: if 12am is on screen, then allow the user to select // 12am before going up to the all-day event area. int daynum = mSelectionDay - mFirstJulianDay; if (mMaxAllDayEvents > 0 && mEarliestStartHour[daynum] > mSelectionHour && mFirstHour > 0 && mFirstHour < 8) { mPrevSelectedEvent = null; mSelectionAllDay = true; mSelectionHour = mFirstHour + 1; return; } if (mFirstHour > 0) { mFirstHour -= 1; mViewStartY -= (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP); if (mViewStartY < 0) { mViewStartY = 0; } return; } } if (mSelectionHour > mFirstHour + mNumHours - 3) { if (mFirstHour < 24 - mNumHours) { mFirstHour += 1; mViewStartY += (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP); if (mViewStartY > mBitmapHeight - mGridAreaHeight) { mViewStartY = mBitmapHeight - mGridAreaHeight; } return; } else if (mFirstHour == 24 - mNumHours && mFirstHourOffset > 0) { mViewStartY = mBitmapHeight - mGridAreaHeight; } } } void clearCachedEvents() { mLastReloadMillis = 0; } private Runnable mCancelCallback = new Runnable() { public void run() { clearCachedEvents(); } }; void reloadEvents() { // Protect against this being called before this view has been // initialized. if (mParentActivity == null) { return; } mSelectedEvent = null; mPrevSelectedEvent = null; mSelectedEvents.clear(); // The start date is the beginning of the week at 12am Time weekStart = new Time(); weekStart.set(mBaseDate); weekStart.hour = 0; weekStart.minute = 0; weekStart.second = 0; long millis = weekStart.normalize(true /* ignore isDst */); // Avoid reloading events unnecessarily. if (millis == mLastReloadMillis) { return; } mLastReloadMillis = millis; // load events in the background mParentActivity.startProgressSpinner(); final ArrayList<Event> events = new ArrayList<Event>(); mEventLoader.loadEventsInBackground(mNumDays, events, millis, new Runnable() { public void run() { mEvents = events; mRemeasure = true; mRedrawScreen = true; mComputeSelectedEvents = true; recalc(); mParentActivity.stopProgressSpinner(); invalidate(); } }, mCancelCallback); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (mRemeasure) { remeasure(getWidth(), getHeight()); mRemeasure = false; } if (mRedrawScreen && mCanvas != null) { doDraw(mCanvas); mRedrawScreen = false; } if ((mTouchMode & TOUCH_MODE_HSCROLL) != 0) { canvas.save(); if (mViewStartX > 0) { canvas.translate(mViewWidth - mViewStartX, 0); } else { canvas.translate(-(mViewWidth + mViewStartX), 0); } CalendarView nextView = mParentActivity.getNextView(); // Prevent infinite recursive calls to onDraw(). nextView.mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_INITIAL_STATE; nextView.onDraw(canvas); canvas.restore(); canvas.save(); canvas.translate(-mViewStartX, 0); } if (mBitmap != null) { drawCalendarView(canvas); } // Draw the fixed areas (that don't scroll) directly to the canvas. drawAfterScroll(canvas); mComputeSelectedEvents = false; if ((mTouchMode & TOUCH_MODE_HSCROLL) != 0) { canvas.restore(); } } private void drawCalendarView(Canvas canvas) { // Copy the scrollable region from the big bitmap to the canvas. Rect src = mSrcRect; Rect dest = mDestRect; src.top = mViewStartY; src.bottom = mViewStartY + mGridAreaHeight; src.left = 0; src.right = mViewWidth; dest.top = mFirstCell; dest.bottom = mViewHeight; dest.left = 0; dest.right = mViewWidth; canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(dest); canvas.drawColor(0, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, src, dest, null); canvas.restore(); } private void drawAfterScroll(Canvas canvas) { Paint p = mPaint; Rect r = mRect; if (mMaxAllDayEvents != 0) { drawAllDayEvents(mFirstJulianDay, mNumDays, r, canvas, p); drawUpperLeftCorner(r, canvas, p); } if (mNumDays > 1) { drawDayHeaderLoop(r, canvas, p); } // Draw the AM and PM indicators if we're in 12 hour mode if (!mIs24HourFormat) { drawAmPm(canvas, p); } // Update the popup window showing the event details, but only if // we are not scrolling and we have focus. if (!mScrolling && isFocused()) { updateEventDetails(); } } // This isn't really the upper-left corner. It's the square area just // below the upper-left corner, above the hours and to the left of the // all-day area. private void drawUpperLeftCorner(Rect r, Canvas canvas, Paint p) { p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_hour_background)); r.top = mBannerPlusMargin; r.bottom = r.top + mAllDayHeight + ALLDAY_TOP_MARGIN; r.left = 0; r.right = mHoursWidth; canvas.drawRect(r, p); } private void drawDayHeaderLoop(Rect r, Canvas canvas, Paint p) { // Draw the horizontal day background banner p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_date_banner_background)); r.top = 0; r.bottom = mBannerPlusMargin; r.left = 0; r.right = mHoursWidth + mNumDays * (mCellWidth + DAY_GAP); canvas.drawRect(r, p); // Fill the extra space on the right side with the default background r.left = r.right; r.right = mViewWidth; p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_grid_area_background)); canvas.drawRect(r, p); // Draw a highlight on the selected day (if any), but only if we are // displaying more than one day. if (mSelectionMode != SELECTION_HIDDEN) { if (mNumDays > 1) { p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_date_selected)); r.top = 0; r.bottom = mBannerPlusMargin; int daynum = mSelectionDay - mFirstJulianDay; r.left = mHoursWidth + daynum * (mCellWidth + DAY_GAP); r.right = r.left + mCellWidth; canvas.drawRect(r, p); } } p.setTextSize(NORMAL_FONT_SIZE); p.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.CENTER); int x = mHoursWidth; int deltaX = mCellWidth + DAY_GAP; int cell = mFirstJulianDay; String[] dayNames; if (mDateStrWidth < mCellWidth) { dayNames = mDayStrs; } else { dayNames = mDayStrs2Letter; } for (int day = 0; day < mNumDays; day++, cell++) { drawDayHeader(dayNames[day + mStartDay], day, cell, x, canvas, p); x += deltaX; } } private void drawAmPm(Canvas canvas, Paint p) { p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_ampm_label)); p.setTextSize(AMPM_FONT_SIZE); p.setTypeface(mBold); p.setAntiAlias(true); mPaint.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); String text = mAmString; if (mFirstHour >= 12) { text = mPmString; } int y = mFirstCell + mFirstHourOffset + 2 * mHoursTextHeight + HOUR_GAP; int right = mHoursWidth - HOURS_RIGHT_MARGIN; canvas.drawText(text, right, y, p); if (mFirstHour < 12 && mFirstHour + mNumHours > 12) { // Also draw the "PM" text = mPmString; y = mFirstCell + mFirstHourOffset + (12 - mFirstHour) * (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP) + 2 * mHoursTextHeight + HOUR_GAP; canvas.drawText(text, right, y, p); } } private void doDraw(Canvas canvas) { Paint p = mPaint; Rect r = mRect; drawGridBackground(r, canvas, p); drawHours(r, canvas, p); // Draw each day int x = mHoursWidth; int deltaX = mCellWidth + DAY_GAP; int cell = mFirstJulianDay; for (int day = 0; day < mNumDays; day++, cell++) { drawEvents(cell, x, HOUR_GAP, canvas, p); x += deltaX; } } private void drawHours(Rect r, Canvas canvas, Paint p) { // Draw the background for the hour labels p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_hour_background)); r.top = 0; r.bottom = 24 * (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP) + HOUR_GAP; r.left = 0; r.right = mHoursWidth; canvas.drawRect(r, p); // Fill the bottom left corner with the default grid background r.top = r.bottom; r.bottom = mBitmapHeight; p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_grid_area_background)); canvas.drawRect(r, p); // Draw a highlight on the selected hour (if needed) if (mSelectionMode != SELECTION_HIDDEN && !mSelectionAllDay) { p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_hour_selected)); r.top = mSelectionHour * (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP); r.bottom = r.top + mCellHeight + 2 * HOUR_GAP; r.left = 0; r.right = mHoursWidth; canvas.drawRect(r, p); // Also draw the highlight on the grid p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_grid_area_selected)); int daynum = mSelectionDay - mFirstJulianDay; r.left = mHoursWidth + daynum * (mCellWidth + DAY_GAP); r.right = r.left + mCellWidth; canvas.drawRect(r, p); // Draw a border around the highlighted grid hour. Path path = mPath; r.top += HOUR_GAP; r.bottom -= HOUR_GAP; path.reset(); path.addRect(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, Direction.CW); canvas.drawPath(path, mSelectionPaint); saveSelectionPosition(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom); } p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_hour_label)); p.setTextSize(HOURS_FONT_SIZE); p.setTypeface(mBold); p.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.RIGHT); p.setAntiAlias(true); int right = mHoursWidth - HOURS_RIGHT_MARGIN; int y = HOUR_GAP + mHoursTextHeight; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { String time = mHourStrs[i]; canvas.drawText(time, right, y, p); y += mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP; } } private void drawDayHeader(String dateStr, int day, int cell, int x, Canvas canvas, Paint p) { float xCenter = x + mCellWidth / 2.0f; p.setTypeface(mBold); p.setAntiAlias(true); boolean isWeekend = false; if ((mStartDay == Time.SUNDAY && (day == 0 || day == 6)) || (mStartDay == Time.MONDAY && (day == 5 || day == 6)) || (mStartDay == Time.SATURDAY && (day == 0 || day == 1))) { isWeekend = true; } if (isWeekend) { p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.week_weekend)); } else { p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_date_banner_text_color)); } int dateNum = mFirstDate + day; if (dateNum > mMonthLength) { dateNum -= mMonthLength; } String dateNumStr; // Add a leading zero if the date is a single digit if (dateNum < 10) { dateNumStr = "0" + dateNum; } else { dateNumStr = String.valueOf(dateNum); } dateStr = getResources().getString(R.string.weekday_day, dateStr, dateNumStr); float y = mBannerPlusMargin - 7; canvas.drawText(dateStr, xCenter, y, p); } private void drawGridBackground(Rect r, Canvas canvas, Paint p) { Paint.Style savedStyle = p.getStyle(); // Clear the background p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_grid_area_background)); r.top = 0; r.bottom = mBitmapHeight; r.left = 0; r.right = mViewWidth; canvas.drawRect(r, p); // Draw the horizontal grid lines p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_grid_line_horizontal_color)); p.setStyle(Style.STROKE); p.setStrokeWidth(0); p.setAntiAlias(false); float startX = mHoursWidth; float stopX = mHoursWidth + (mCellWidth + DAY_GAP) * mNumDays; float y = 0; float deltaY = mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP; for (int hour = 0; hour <= 24; hour++) { canvas.drawLine(startX, y, stopX, y, p); y += deltaY; } // Draw the vertical grid lines p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_grid_line_vertical_color)); float startY = 0; float stopY = HOUR_GAP + 24 * (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP); float deltaX = mCellWidth + DAY_GAP; float x = mHoursWidth + mCellWidth; for (int day = 0; day < mNumDays; day++) { canvas.drawLine(x, startY, x, stopY, p); x += deltaX; } // Restore the saved style. p.setStyle(savedStyle); p.setAntiAlias(true); } Event getSelectedEvent() { if (mSelectedEvent == null) { // There is no event at the selected hour, so create a new event. return getNewEvent(mSelectionDay, getSelectedTimeInMillis(), getSelectedMinutesSinceMidnight()); } return mSelectedEvent; } boolean isEventSelected() { return (mSelectedEvent != null); } Event getNewEvent() { return getNewEvent(mSelectionDay, getSelectedTimeInMillis(), getSelectedMinutesSinceMidnight()); } static Event getNewEvent(int julianDay, long utcMillis, int minutesSinceMidnight) { Event event = Event.newInstance(); event.startDay = julianDay; event.endDay = julianDay; event.startMillis = utcMillis; event.endMillis = event.startMillis + MILLIS_PER_HOUR; event.startTime = minutesSinceMidnight; event.endTime = event.startTime + MINUTES_PER_HOUR; return event; } private int computeMaxStringWidth(int currentMax, String[] strings, Paint p) { float maxWidthF = 0.0f; int len = strings.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { float width = p.measureText(strings[i]); maxWidthF = Math.max(width, maxWidthF); } int maxWidth = (int) (maxWidthF + 0.5); if (maxWidth < currentMax) { maxWidth = currentMax; } return maxWidth; } private void saveSelectionPosition(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) { mPrevBox.left = (int) left; mPrevBox.right = (int) right; mPrevBox.top = (int) top; mPrevBox.bottom = (int) bottom; } private Rect getCurrentSelectionPosition() { Rect box = new Rect(); box.top = mSelectionHour * (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP); box.bottom = box.top + mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP; int daynum = mSelectionDay - mFirstJulianDay; box.left = mHoursWidth + daynum * (mCellWidth + DAY_GAP); box.right = box.left + mCellWidth + DAY_GAP; return box; } private void drawAllDayEvents(int firstDay, int numDays, Rect r, Canvas canvas, Paint p) { p.setTextSize(NORMAL_FONT_SIZE); p.setTextAlign(Paint.Align.LEFT); Paint eventTextPaint = mEventTextPaint; // Draw the background for the all-day events area r.top = mBannerPlusMargin; r.bottom = r.top + mAllDayHeight + ALLDAY_TOP_MARGIN; r.left = mHoursWidth; r.right = r.left + mNumDays * (mCellWidth + DAY_GAP); p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_all_day_background)); canvas.drawRect(r, p); // Fill the extra space on the right side with the default background r.left = r.right; r.right = mViewWidth; p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_grid_area_background)); canvas.drawRect(r, p); // Draw the vertical grid lines p.setColor(mResources.getColor(R.color.calendar_grid_line_vertical_color)); p.setStyle(Style.STROKE); p.setStrokeWidth(0); p.setAntiAlias(false); float startY = r.top; float stopY = r.bottom; float deltaX = mCellWidth + DAY_GAP; float x = mHoursWidth + mCellWidth; for (int day = 0; day <= mNumDays; day++) { canvas.drawLine(x, startY, x, stopY, p); x += deltaX; } p.setAntiAlias(true); p.setStyle(Style.FILL); int y = mBannerPlusMargin + ALLDAY_TOP_MARGIN; float left = mHoursWidth; int lastDay = firstDay + numDays - 1; ArrayList<Event> events = mEvents; int numEvents = events.size(); float drawHeight = mAllDayHeight; float numRectangles = mMaxAllDayEvents; for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++) { Event event = events.get(i); if (!event.allDay) continue; int startDay = event.startDay; int endDay = event.endDay; if (startDay > lastDay || endDay < firstDay) continue; if (startDay < firstDay) startDay = firstDay; if (endDay > lastDay) endDay = lastDay; int startIndex = startDay - firstDay; int endIndex = endDay - firstDay; float height = drawHeight / numRectangles; // Prevent a single event from getting too big if (height > MAX_ALLDAY_EVENT_HEIGHT) { height = MAX_ALLDAY_EVENT_HEIGHT; } // Leave a one-pixel space between the vertical day lines and the // event rectangle. event.left = left + startIndex * (mCellWidth + DAY_GAP) + 2; event.right = left + endIndex * (mCellWidth + DAY_GAP) + mCellWidth - 1; event.top = y + height * event.getColumn(); // Multiply the height by 0.9 to leave a little gap between events event.bottom = event.top + height * 0.9f; RectF rf = drawAllDayEventRect(event, canvas, p, eventTextPaint); drawEventText(event, rf, canvas, eventTextPaint, ALL_DAY_TEXT_TOP_MARGIN); // Check if this all-day event intersects the selected day if (mSelectionAllDay && mComputeSelectedEvents) { if (startDay <= mSelectionDay && endDay >= mSelectionDay) { mSelectedEvents.add(event); } } } if (mSelectionAllDay) { // Compute the neighbors for the list of all-day events that // intersect the selected day. computeAllDayNeighbors(); if (mSelectedEvent != null) { Event event = mSelectedEvent; RectF rf = drawAllDayEventRect(event, canvas, p, eventTextPaint); drawEventText(event, rf, canvas, eventTextPaint, ALL_DAY_TEXT_TOP_MARGIN); } // Draw the highlight on the selected all-day area float top = mBannerPlusMargin + 1; float bottom = top + mAllDayHeight + ALLDAY_TOP_MARGIN - 1; int daynum = mSelectionDay - mFirstJulianDay; left = mHoursWidth + daynum * (mCellWidth + DAY_GAP) + 1; float right = left + mCellWidth + DAY_GAP - 1; if (mNumDays == 1) { // The Day view doesn't have a vertical line on the right. right -= 1; } Path path = mPath; path.reset(); path.addRect(left, top, right, bottom, Direction.CW); canvas.drawPath(path, mSelectionPaint); // Set the selection position to zero so that when we move down // to the normal event area, we will highlight the topmost event. saveSelectionPosition(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); } } private void computeAllDayNeighbors() { int len = mSelectedEvents.size(); if (len == 0 || mSelectedEvent != null) { return; } // First, clear all the links for (int ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) { Event ev = mSelectedEvents.get(ii); ev.nextUp = null; ev.nextDown = null; ev.nextLeft = null; ev.nextRight = null; } // For each event in the selected event list "mSelectedEvents", find // its neighbors in the up and down directions. This could be done // more efficiently by sorting on the Event.getColumn() field, but // the list is expected to be very small. // Find the event in the same row as the previously selected all-day // event, if any. int startPosition = -1; if (mPrevSelectedEvent != null && mPrevSelectedEvent.allDay) { startPosition = mPrevSelectedEvent.getColumn(); } int maxPosition = -1; Event startEvent = null; Event maxPositionEvent = null; for (int ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) { Event ev = mSelectedEvents.get(ii); int position = ev.getColumn(); if (position == startPosition) { startEvent = ev; } else if (position > maxPosition) { maxPositionEvent = ev; maxPosition = position; } for (int jj = 0; jj < len; jj++) { if (jj == ii) { continue; } Event neighbor = mSelectedEvents.get(jj); int neighborPosition = neighbor.getColumn(); if (neighborPosition == position - 1) { ev.nextUp = neighbor; } else if (neighborPosition == position + 1) { ev.nextDown = neighbor; } } } if (startEvent != null) { mSelectedEvent = startEvent; } else { mSelectedEvent = maxPositionEvent; } } RectF drawAllDayEventRect(Event event, Canvas canvas, Paint p, Paint eventTextPaint) { // If this event is selected, then use the selection color if (mSelectedEvent == event) { // Also, remember the last selected event that we drew mPrevSelectedEvent = event; p.setColor(mSelectionColor); eventTextPaint.setColor(mSelectedEventTextColor); } else { // Use the normal color for all-day events p.setColor(event.color); eventTextPaint.setColor(mEventTextColor); } RectF rf = mRectF; rf.top = event.top; rf.bottom = event.bottom; rf.left = event.left; rf.right = event.right; canvas.drawRoundRect(rf, SMALL_ROUND_RADIUS, SMALL_ROUND_RADIUS, p); rf.left += 2; rf.right -= 2; return rf; } private void drawEvents(int date, int left, int top, Canvas canvas, Paint p) { Paint eventTextPaint = mEventTextPaint; int cellWidth = mCellWidth; int cellHeight = mCellHeight; // Use the selected hour as the selection region Rect selectionArea = mRect; selectionArea.top = top + mSelectionHour * (cellHeight + HOUR_GAP); selectionArea.bottom = selectionArea.top + cellHeight; selectionArea.left = left; selectionArea.right = selectionArea.left + cellWidth; ArrayList<Event> events = mEvents; int numEvents = events.size(); EventGeometry geometry = mEventGeometry; for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++) { Event event = events.get(i); if (!geometry.computeEventRect(date, left, top, cellWidth, event)) { continue; } if (date == mSelectionDay && !mSelectionAllDay && mComputeSelectedEvents && geometry.eventIntersectsSelection(event, selectionArea)) { mSelectedEvents.add(event); } RectF rf = drawEventRect(event, canvas, p, eventTextPaint); drawEventText(event, rf, canvas, eventTextPaint, NORMAL_TEXT_TOP_MARGIN); } if (date == mSelectionDay && !mSelectionAllDay && isFocused() && mSelectionMode != SELECTION_HIDDEN) { computeNeighbors(); if (mSelectedEvent != null) { RectF rf = drawEventRect(mSelectedEvent, canvas, p, eventTextPaint); drawEventText(mSelectedEvent, rf, canvas, eventTextPaint, NORMAL_TEXT_TOP_MARGIN); } } } // Computes the "nearest" neighbor event in four directions (left, right, // up, down) for each of the events in the mSelectedEvents array. private void computeNeighbors() { int len = mSelectedEvents.size(); if (len == 0 || mSelectedEvent != null) { return; } // First, clear all the links for (int ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) { Event ev = mSelectedEvents.get(ii); ev.nextUp = null; ev.nextDown = null; ev.nextLeft = null; ev.nextRight = null; } Event startEvent = mSelectedEvents.get(0); int startEventDistance1 = 100000; // any large number int startEventDistance2 = 100000; // any large number int prevLocation = FROM_NONE; int prevTop; int prevBottom; int prevLeft; int prevRight; int prevCenter = 0; Rect box = getCurrentSelectionPosition(); if (mPrevSelectedEvent != null) { prevTop = (int) mPrevSelectedEvent.top; prevBottom = (int) mPrevSelectedEvent.bottom; prevLeft = (int) mPrevSelectedEvent.left; prevRight = (int) mPrevSelectedEvent.right; // Check if the previously selected event intersects the previous // selection box. (The previously selected event may be from a // much older selection box.) if (prevTop >= mPrevBox.bottom || prevBottom <= mPrevBox.top || prevRight <= mPrevBox.left || prevLeft >= mPrevBox.right) { mPrevSelectedEvent = null; prevTop = mPrevBox.top; prevBottom = mPrevBox.bottom; prevLeft = mPrevBox.left; prevRight = mPrevBox.right; } else { // Clip the top and bottom to the previous selection box. if (prevTop < mPrevBox.top) { prevTop = mPrevBox.top; } if (prevBottom > mPrevBox.bottom) { prevBottom = mPrevBox.bottom; } } } else { // Just use the previously drawn selection box prevTop = mPrevBox.top; prevBottom = mPrevBox.bottom; prevLeft = mPrevBox.left; prevRight = mPrevBox.right; } // Figure out where we came from and compute the center of that area. if (prevLeft >= box.right) { // The previously selected event was to the right of us. prevLocation = FROM_RIGHT; prevCenter = (prevTop + prevBottom) / 2; } else if (prevRight <= box.left) { // The previously selected event was to the left of us. prevLocation = FROM_LEFT; prevCenter = (prevTop + prevBottom) / 2; } else if (prevBottom <= box.top) { // The previously selected event was above us. prevLocation = FROM_ABOVE; prevCenter = (prevLeft + prevRight) / 2; } else if (prevTop >= box.bottom) { // The previously selected event was below us. prevLocation = FROM_BELOW; prevCenter = (prevLeft + prevRight) / 2; } // For each event in the selected event list "mSelectedEvents", search // all the other events in that list for the nearest neighbor in 4 // directions. for (int ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) { Event ev = mSelectedEvents.get(ii); int startTime = ev.startTime; int endTime = ev.endTime; int left = (int) ev.left; int right = (int) ev.right; int top = (int) ev.top; if (top < box.top) { top = box.top; } int bottom = (int) ev.bottom; if (bottom > box.bottom) { bottom = box.bottom; } if (false) { int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL | DateUtils.FORMAT_CAP_NOON_MIDNIGHT; if (DateFormat.is24HourFormat(mContext)) { flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_24HOUR; } String timeRange = DateUtils.formatDateRange(mParentActivity, ev.startMillis, ev.endMillis, flags); Log.i("Cal", "left: " + left + " right: " + right + " top: " + top + " bottom: " + bottom + " ev: " + timeRange + " " + ev.title); } int upDistanceMin = 10000; // any large number int downDistanceMin = 10000; // any large number int leftDistanceMin = 10000; // any large number int rightDistanceMin = 10000; // any large number Event upEvent = null; Event downEvent = null; Event leftEvent = null; Event rightEvent = null; // Pick the starting event closest to the previously selected event, // if any. distance1 takes precedence over distance2. int distance1 = 0; int distance2 = 0; if (prevLocation == FROM_ABOVE) { if (left >= prevCenter) { distance1 = left - prevCenter; } else if (right <= prevCenter) { distance1 = prevCenter - right; } distance2 = top - prevBottom; } else if (prevLocation == FROM_BELOW) { if (left >= prevCenter) { distance1 = left - prevCenter; } else if (right <= prevCenter) { distance1 = prevCenter - right; } distance2 = prevTop - bottom; } else if (prevLocation == FROM_LEFT) { if (bottom <= prevCenter) { distance1 = prevCenter - bottom; } else if (top >= prevCenter) { distance1 = top - prevCenter; } distance2 = left - prevRight; } else if (prevLocation == FROM_RIGHT) { if (bottom <= prevCenter) { distance1 = prevCenter - bottom; } else if (top >= prevCenter) { distance1 = top - prevCenter; } distance2 = prevLeft - right; } if (distance1 < startEventDistance1 || (distance1 == startEventDistance1 && distance2 < startEventDistance2)) { startEvent = ev; startEventDistance1 = distance1; startEventDistance2 = distance2; } // For each neighbor, figure out if it is above or below or left // or right of me and compute the distance. for (int jj = 0; jj < len; jj++) { if (jj == ii) { continue; } Event neighbor = mSelectedEvents.get(jj); int neighborLeft = (int) neighbor.left; int neighborRight = (int) neighbor.right; if (neighbor.endTime <= startTime) { // This neighbor is entirely above me. // If we overlap the same column, then compute the distance. if (neighborLeft < right && neighborRight > left) { int distance = startTime - neighbor.endTime; if (distance < upDistanceMin) { upDistanceMin = distance; upEvent = neighbor; } else if (distance == upDistanceMin) { int center = (left + right) / 2; int currentDistance = 0; int currentLeft = (int) upEvent.left; int currentRight = (int) upEvent.right; if (currentRight <= center) { currentDistance = center - currentRight; } else if (currentLeft >= center) { currentDistance = currentLeft - center; } int neighborDistance = 0; if (neighborRight <= center) { neighborDistance = center - neighborRight; } else if (neighborLeft >= center) { neighborDistance = neighborLeft - center; } if (neighborDistance < currentDistance) { upDistanceMin = distance; upEvent = neighbor; } } } } else if (neighbor.startTime >= endTime) { // This neighbor is entirely below me. // If we overlap the same column, then compute the distance. if (neighborLeft < right && neighborRight > left) { int distance = neighbor.startTime - endTime; if (distance < downDistanceMin) { downDistanceMin = distance; downEvent = neighbor; } else if (distance == downDistanceMin) { int center = (left + right) / 2; int currentDistance = 0; int currentLeft = (int) downEvent.left; int currentRight = (int) downEvent.right; if (currentRight <= center) { currentDistance = center - currentRight; } else if (currentLeft >= center) { currentDistance = currentLeft - center; } int neighborDistance = 0; if (neighborRight <= center) { neighborDistance = center - neighborRight; } else if (neighborLeft >= center) { neighborDistance = neighborLeft - center; } if (neighborDistance < currentDistance) { downDistanceMin = distance; downEvent = neighbor; } } } } if (neighborLeft >= right) { // This neighbor is entirely to the right of me. // Take the closest neighbor in the y direction. int center = (top + bottom) / 2; int distance = 0; int neighborBottom = (int) neighbor.bottom; int neighborTop = (int) neighbor.top; if (neighborBottom <= center) { distance = center - neighborBottom; } else if (neighborTop >= center) { distance = neighborTop - center; } if (distance < rightDistanceMin) { rightDistanceMin = distance; rightEvent = neighbor; } else if (distance == rightDistanceMin) { // Pick the closest in the x direction int neighborDistance = neighborLeft - right; int currentDistance = (int) rightEvent.left - right; if (neighborDistance < currentDistance) { rightDistanceMin = distance; rightEvent = neighbor; } } } else if (neighborRight <= left) { // This neighbor is entirely to the left of me. // Take the closest neighbor in the y direction. int center = (top + bottom) / 2; int distance = 0; int neighborBottom = (int) neighbor.bottom; int neighborTop = (int) neighbor.top; if (neighborBottom <= center) { distance = center - neighborBottom; } else if (neighborTop >= center) { distance = neighborTop - center; } if (distance < leftDistanceMin) { leftDistanceMin = distance; leftEvent = neighbor; } else if (distance == leftDistanceMin) { // Pick the closest in the x direction int neighborDistance = left - neighborRight; int currentDistance = left - (int) leftEvent.right; if (neighborDistance < currentDistance) { leftDistanceMin = distance; leftEvent = neighbor; } } } } ev.nextUp = upEvent; ev.nextDown = downEvent; ev.nextLeft = leftEvent; ev.nextRight = rightEvent; } mSelectedEvent = startEvent; } private RectF drawEventRect(Event event, Canvas canvas, Paint p, Paint eventTextPaint) { int color = event.color; // Fade visible boxes if event was declined. boolean declined = (event.selfAttendeeStatus == Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_DECLINED); if (declined) { int alpha = color & 0xff000000; color &= 0x00ffffff; int red = (color & 0x00ff0000) >> 16; int green = (color & 0x0000ff00) >> 8; int blue = (color & 0x0000ff); color = ((red >> 1) << 16) | ((green >> 1) << 8) | (blue >> 1); color += 0x7F7F7F + alpha; } // If this event is selected, then use the selection color if (mSelectedEvent == event) { if (mSelectionMode == SELECTION_PRESSED) { // Also, remember the last selected event that we drew mPrevSelectedEvent = event; // box = mBoxPressed; p.setColor(mPressedColor); // FIXME:pressed eventTextPaint.setColor(mSelectedEventTextColor); } else if (mSelectionMode == SELECTION_SELECTED) { // Also, remember the last selected event that we drew mPrevSelectedEvent = event; // box = mBoxSelected; p.setColor(mSelectionColor); eventTextPaint.setColor(mSelectedEventTextColor); } else if (mSelectionMode == SELECTION_LONGPRESS) { // box = mBoxLongPressed; p.setColor(mPressedColor); // FIXME: longpressed (maybe -- this doesn't seem to work) eventTextPaint.setColor(mSelectedEventTextColor); } else { p.setColor(color); eventTextPaint.setColor(mEventTextColor); } } else { p.setColor(color); eventTextPaint.setColor(mEventTextColor); } RectF rf = mRectF; rf.top = event.top; rf.bottom = event.bottom; rf.left = event.left; rf.right = event.right - 1; canvas.drawRoundRect(rf, SMALL_ROUND_RADIUS, SMALL_ROUND_RADIUS, p); // Draw a darker border float[] hsv = new float[3]; Color.colorToHSV(p.getColor(), hsv); hsv[1] = 1.0f; hsv[2] *= 0.75f; mPaintBorder.setColor(Color.HSVToColor(hsv)); canvas.drawRoundRect(rf, SMALL_ROUND_RADIUS, SMALL_ROUND_RADIUS, mPaintBorder); rf.left += 2; rf.right -= 2; return rf; } private void drawEventText(Event event, RectF rf, Canvas canvas, Paint p, int topMargin) { if (!mDrawTextInEventRect) { return; } float width = rf.right - rf.left; float height = rf.bottom - rf.top; // Leave one pixel extra space between lines int lineHeight = mEventTextHeight + 1; // If the rectangle is too small for text, then return if (width < MIN_CELL_WIDTH_FOR_TEXT || height <= lineHeight) { return; } // Truncate the event title to a known (large enough) limit String text = event.getTitleAndLocation(); int len = text.length(); if (len > MAX_EVENT_TEXT_LEN) { text = text.substring(0, MAX_EVENT_TEXT_LEN); len = MAX_EVENT_TEXT_LEN; } // Figure out how much space the event title will take, and create a // String fragment that will fit in the rectangle. Use multiple lines, // if available. p.getTextWidths(text, mCharWidths); String fragment = text; float top = rf.top + mEventTextAscent + topMargin; int start = 0; // Leave one pixel extra space at the bottom while (start < len && height >= (lineHeight + 1)) { boolean lastLine = (height < 2 * lineHeight + 1); // Skip leading spaces at the beginning of each line do { char c = text.charAt(start); if (c != ' ') break; start += 1; } while (start < len); float sum = 0; int end = start; for (int ii = start; ii < len; ii++) { char c = text.charAt(ii); // If we found the end of a word, then remember the ending // position. if (c == ' ') { end = ii; } sum += mCharWidths[ii]; // If adding this character would exceed the width and this // isn't the last line, then break the line at the previous // word. If there was no previous word, then break this word. if (sum > width) { if (end > start && !lastLine) { // There was a previous word on this line. fragment = text.substring(start, end); start = end; break; } // This is the only word and it is too long to fit on // the line (or this is the last line), so take as many // characters of this word as will fit. fragment = text.substring(start, ii); start = ii; break; } } // If sum <= width, then we can fit the rest of the text on // this line. if (sum <= width) { fragment = text.substring(start, len); start = len; } canvas.drawText(fragment, rf.left + 1, top, p); top += lineHeight; height -= lineHeight; } } private void updateEventDetails() { if (mSelectedEvent == null || mSelectionMode == SELECTION_HIDDEN || mSelectionMode == SELECTION_LONGPRESS) { mPopup.dismiss(); return; } // Remove any outstanding callbacks to dismiss the popup. getHandler().removeCallbacks(mDismissPopup); Event event = mSelectedEvent; TextView titleView = (TextView) mPopupView.findViewById(R.id.event_title); titleView.setText(event.title); ImageView imageView = (ImageView) mPopupView.findViewById(R.id.reminder_icon); imageView.setVisibility(event.hasAlarm ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); imageView = (ImageView) mPopupView.findViewById(R.id.repeat_icon); imageView.setVisibility(event.isRepeating ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); int flags; if (event.allDay) { flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_UTC | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL; } else { flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL | DateUtils.FORMAT_CAP_NOON_MIDNIGHT; } if (DateFormat.is24HourFormat(mContext)) { flags |= DateUtils.FORMAT_24HOUR; } String timeRange = DateUtils.formatDateRange(mParentActivity, event.startMillis, event.endMillis, flags); TextView timeView = (TextView) mPopupView.findViewById(R.id.time); timeView.setText(timeRange); TextView whereView = (TextView) mPopupView.findViewById(R.id.where); final boolean empty = TextUtils.isEmpty(event.location); whereView.setVisibility(empty ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); if (!empty) whereView.setText(event.location); mPopup.showAtLocation(this, Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.LEFT, mHoursWidth, 5); postDelayed(mDismissPopup, POPUP_DISMISS_DELAY); } // The following routines are called from the parent activity when certain // touch events occur. void doDown(MotionEvent ev) { mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_DOWN; mViewStartX = 0; mOnFlingCalled = false; mLaunchNewView = false; getHandler().removeCallbacks(mContinueScroll); } void doSingleTapUp(MotionEvent ev) { mSelectionMode = SELECTION_SELECTED; mRedrawScreen = true; invalidate(); if (mLaunchNewView) { mLaunchNewView = false; switchViews(false /* not the trackball */); } } void doShowPress(MotionEvent ev) { int x = (int) ev.getX(); int y = (int) ev.getY(); Event selectedEvent = mSelectedEvent; int selectedDay = mSelectionDay; int selectedHour = mSelectionHour; boolean validPosition = setSelectionFromPosition(x, y); if (!validPosition) { return; } mSelectionMode = SELECTION_PRESSED; mRedrawScreen = true; invalidate(); // If the tap is on an already selected event or hour slot, // then launch a new view. Otherwise, just select the event. if (selectedEvent != null && selectedEvent == mSelectedEvent) { // Launch the "View event" view when the finger lifts up, // unless the finger moves before lifting up. mLaunchNewView = true; } else if (selectedEvent == null && selectedDay == mSelectionDay && selectedHour == mSelectionHour) { // Launch the Day/Agenda view when the finger lifts up, // unless the finger moves before lifting up. mLaunchNewView = true; } } void doLongPress(MotionEvent ev) { mLaunchNewView = false; mSelectionMode = SELECTION_LONGPRESS; mRedrawScreen = true; invalidate(); performLongClick(); } void doScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float deltaX, float deltaY) { mLaunchNewView = false; // Use the distance from the current point to the initial touch instead // of deltaX and deltaY to avoid accumulating floating-point rounding // errors. Also, we don't need floats, we can use ints. int distanceX = (int) e1.getX() - (int) e2.getX(); int distanceY = (int) e1.getY() - (int) e2.getY(); // If we haven't figured out the predominant scroll direction yet, // then do it now. if (mTouchMode == TOUCH_MODE_DOWN) { int absDistanceX = Math.abs(distanceX); int absDistanceY = Math.abs(distanceY); mScrollStartY = mViewStartY; mPreviousDistanceX = 0; mPreviousDirection = 0; // If the x distance is at least twice the y distance, then lock // the scroll horizontally. Otherwise scroll vertically. if (absDistanceX >= 2 * absDistanceY) { mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_HSCROLL; mViewStartX = distanceX; initNextView(-mViewStartX); } else { mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_VSCROLL; } } else if ((mTouchMode & TOUCH_MODE_HSCROLL) != 0) { // We are already scrolling horizontally, so check if we // changed the direction of scrolling so that the other week // is now visible. mViewStartX = distanceX; if (distanceX != 0) { int direction = (distanceX > 0) ? 1 : -1; if (direction != mPreviousDirection) { // The user has switched the direction of scrolling // so re-init the next view initNextView(-mViewStartX); mPreviousDirection = direction; } } // If we have moved at least the HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_THRESHOLD, // then change the title to the new day (or week), but only // if we haven't already changed the title. if (distanceX >= HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_THRESHOLD) { if (mPreviousDistanceX < HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_THRESHOLD) { CalendarView view = mParentActivity.getNextView(); mTitleTextView.setText(view.mDateRange); } } else if (distanceX <= -HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_THRESHOLD) { if (mPreviousDistanceX > -HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_THRESHOLD) { CalendarView view = mParentActivity.getNextView(); mTitleTextView.setText(view.mDateRange); } } else { if (mPreviousDistanceX >= HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_THRESHOLD || mPreviousDistanceX <= -HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_THRESHOLD) { mTitleTextView.setText(mDateRange); } } mPreviousDistanceX = distanceX; } if ((mTouchMode & TOUCH_MODE_VSCROLL) != 0) { mViewStartY = mScrollStartY + distanceY; if (mViewStartY < 0) { mViewStartY = 0; } else if (mViewStartY > mMaxViewStartY) { mViewStartY = mMaxViewStartY; } computeFirstHour(); } mScrolling = true; if (mSelectionMode != SELECTION_HIDDEN) { mSelectionMode = SELECTION_HIDDEN; mRedrawScreen = true; } invalidate(); } void doFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_INITIAL_STATE; mSelectionMode = SELECTION_HIDDEN; mOnFlingCalled = true; int deltaX = (int) e2.getX() - (int) e1.getX(); int distanceX = Math.abs(deltaX); int deltaY = (int) e2.getY() - (int) e1.getY(); int distanceY = Math.abs(deltaY); if ((distanceX >= HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_THRESHOLD) && (distanceX > distanceY)) { boolean switchForward = initNextView(deltaX); CalendarView view = mParentActivity.getNextView(); mTitleTextView.setText(view.mDateRange); mParentActivity.switchViews(switchForward, mViewStartX, mViewWidth); mViewStartX = 0; return; } // Continue scrolling vertically mContinueScroll.init((int) velocityY / 20); post(mContinueScroll); } private boolean initNextView(int deltaX) { // Change the view to the previous day or week CalendarView view = mParentActivity.getNextView(); Time date = view.mBaseDate; date.set(mBaseDate); boolean switchForward; if (deltaX > 0) { date.monthDay -= mNumDays; view.mSelectionDay = mSelectionDay - mNumDays; switchForward = false; } else { date.monthDay += mNumDays; view.mSelectionDay = mSelectionDay + mNumDays; switchForward = true; } date.normalize(true /* ignore isDst */); initView(view); view.setFrame(getLeft(), getTop(), getRight(), getBottom()); view.reloadEvents(); return switchForward; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { int action = ev.getAction(); switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mParentActivity.mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(ev); return true; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: mParentActivity.mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(ev); return true; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: mParentActivity.mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(ev); if (mOnFlingCalled) { return true; } if ((mTouchMode & TOUCH_MODE_HSCROLL) != 0) { mTouchMode = TOUCH_MODE_INITIAL_STATE; if (Math.abs(mViewStartX) > HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_THRESHOLD) { // The user has gone beyond the threshold so switch views mParentActivity.switchViews(mViewStartX > 0, mViewStartX, mViewWidth); mViewStartX = 0; return true; } else { // Not beyond the threshold so invalidate which will cause // the view to snap back. Also call recalc() to ensure // that we have the correct starting date and title. recalc(); mTitleTextView.setText(mDateRange); invalidate(); mViewStartX = 0; } } // If we were scrolling, then reset the selected hour so that it // is visible. if (mScrolling) { mScrolling = false; resetSelectedHour(); mRedrawScreen = true; invalidate(); } return true; // This case isn't expected to happen. case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: mParentActivity.mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(ev); mScrolling = false; resetSelectedHour(); return true; default: if (mParentActivity.mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(ev)) { return true; } return super.onTouchEvent(ev); } } public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View view, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { MenuItem item; // If the trackball is held down, then the context menu pops up and // we never get onKeyUp() for the long-press. So check for it here // and change the selection to the long-press state. if (mSelectionMode != SELECTION_LONGPRESS) { mSelectionMode = SELECTION_LONGPRESS; mRedrawScreen = true; invalidate(); } final long startMillis = getSelectedTimeInMillis(); int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME | DateUtils.FORMAT_CAP_NOON_MIDNIGHT | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY; final String title = DateUtils.formatDateTime(mParentActivity, startMillis, flags); menu.setHeaderTitle(title); int numSelectedEvents = mSelectedEvents.size(); if (mNumDays == 1) { // Day view. // If there is a selected event, then allow it to be viewed and // edited. if (numSelectedEvents >= 1) { item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_VIEW, 0, R.string.event_view); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_info_details); if (isEventEditable(mContext, mSelectedEvent)) { item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_EDIT, 0, R.string.event_edit); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_edit); item.setAlphabeticShortcut('e'); item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_DELETE, 0, R.string.event_delete); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_delete); } item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_CREATE, 0, R.string.event_create); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_add); item.setAlphabeticShortcut('n'); } else { // Otherwise, if the user long-pressed on a blank hour, allow // them to create an event. They can also do this by tapping. item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_CREATE, 0, R.string.event_create); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_add); item.setAlphabeticShortcut('n'); } } else { // Week view. // If there is a selected event, then allow it to be viewed and // edited. if (numSelectedEvents >= 1) { item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_VIEW, 0, R.string.event_view); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_info_details); if (isEventEditable(mContext, mSelectedEvent)) { item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_EDIT, 0, R.string.event_edit); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_edit); item.setAlphabeticShortcut('e'); item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_DELETE, 0, R.string.event_delete); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_delete); } item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_CREATE, 0, R.string.event_create); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_add); item.setAlphabeticShortcut('n'); item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_DAY, 0, R.string.show_day_view); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_day); item.setAlphabeticShortcut('d'); item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_AGENDA, 0, R.string.show_agenda_view); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_agenda); item.setAlphabeticShortcut('a'); } else { // No events are selected item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_CREATE, 0, R.string.event_create); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_add); item.setAlphabeticShortcut('n'); item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_DAY, 0, R.string.show_day_view); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_day); item.setAlphabeticShortcut('d'); item = menu.add(0, MenuHelper.MENU_AGENDA, 0, R.string.show_agenda_view); item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(mContextMenuHandler); item.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_agenda); item.setAlphabeticShortcut('a'); } } mPopup.dismiss(); } private class ContextMenuHandler implements MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener { public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_VIEW: { if (mSelectedEvent != null) { long id = mSelectedEvent.id; Uri eventUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Events.CONTENT_URI, id); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(eventUri); intent.setClassName(mContext, EventInfoActivity.class.getName()); intent.putExtra(EVENT_BEGIN_TIME, mSelectedEvent.startMillis); intent.putExtra(EVENT_END_TIME, mSelectedEvent.endMillis); mParentActivity.startActivity(intent); } break; } case MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_EDIT: { if (mSelectedEvent != null) { long id = mSelectedEvent.id; Uri eventUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Events.CONTENT_URI, id); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_EDIT); intent.setData(eventUri); intent.setClassName(mContext, EditEvent.class.getName()); intent.putExtra(EVENT_BEGIN_TIME, mSelectedEvent.startMillis); intent.putExtra(EVENT_END_TIME, mSelectedEvent.endMillis); mParentActivity.startActivity(intent); } break; } case MenuHelper.MENU_DAY: { long startMillis = getSelectedTimeInMillis(); MenuHelper.switchTo(mParentActivity, DayActivity.class.getName(), startMillis); mParentActivity.finish(); break; } case MenuHelper.MENU_AGENDA: { long startMillis = getSelectedTimeInMillis(); MenuHelper.switchTo(mParentActivity, AgendaActivity.class.getName(), startMillis); mParentActivity.finish(); break; } case MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_CREATE: { long startMillis = getSelectedTimeInMillis(); long endMillis = startMillis + DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS; Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setClassName(mContext, EditEvent.class.getName()); intent.putExtra(EVENT_BEGIN_TIME, startMillis); intent.putExtra(EVENT_END_TIME, endMillis); intent.putExtra(EditEvent.EVENT_ALL_DAY, mSelectionAllDay); mParentActivity.startActivity(intent); break; } case MenuHelper.MENU_EVENT_DELETE: { if (mSelectedEvent != null) { Event selectedEvent = mSelectedEvent; long begin = selectedEvent.startMillis; long end = selectedEvent.endMillis; long id = selectedEvent.id; mDeleteEventHelper.delete(begin, end, id, -1); } break; } default: { return false; } } return true; } } private static boolean isEventEditable(Context context, Event e) { ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); int visibility = Calendars.NO_ACCESS; int relationship = Attendees.RELATIONSHIP_ORGANIZER; // Get the calendar id for this event Cursor cursor = cr.query(ContentUris.withAppendedId(Events.CONTENT_URI, e.id), new String[] { Events.CALENDAR_ID }, null /* selection */, null /* selectionArgs */, null /* sort */); if ((cursor == null) || (cursor.getCount() == 0)) { return false; } cursor.moveToFirst(); long calId = cursor.getLong(0); cursor.deactivate(); Uri uri = Calendars.CONTENT_URI; String where = String.format(CALENDARS_WHERE, calId); cursor = cr.query(uri, CALENDARS_PROJECTION, where, null, null); if (cursor != null) { cursor.moveToFirst(); visibility = cursor.getInt(CALENDARS_INDEX_ACCESS_LEVEL); cursor.close(); } // Attendees cursor uri = Attendees.CONTENT_URI; where = String.format(ATTENDEES_WHERE, e.id); Cursor attendeesCursor = cr.query(uri, ATTENDEES_PROJECTION, where, null, null); if (attendeesCursor != null) { if (attendeesCursor.moveToFirst()) { relationship = attendeesCursor.getInt(ATTENDEES_INDEX_RELATIONSHIP); } attendeesCursor.close(); } return visibility >= Calendars.CONTRIBUTOR_ACCESS && relationship >= Attendees.RELATIONSHIP_ORGANIZER; } /** * Sets mSelectionDay and mSelectionHour based on the (x,y) touch position. * If the touch position is not within the displayed grid, then this * method returns false. * * @param x the x position of the touch * @param y the y position of the touch * @return true if the touch position is valid */ private boolean setSelectionFromPosition(int x, int y) { if (x < mHoursWidth) { return false; } int day = (x - mHoursWidth) / (mCellWidth + DAY_GAP); if (day >= mNumDays) { day = mNumDays - 1; } day += mFirstJulianDay; int hour; if (y < mFirstCell + mFirstHourOffset) { mSelectionAllDay = true; } else { hour = (y - mFirstCell - mFirstHourOffset) / (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP); hour += mFirstHour; mSelectionHour = hour; mSelectionAllDay = false; } mSelectionDay = day; findSelectedEvent(x, y); // Log.i("Cal", "setSelectionFromPosition( " + x + ", " + y + " ) day: " + day // + " hour: " + hour // + " mFirstCell: " + mFirstCell + " mFirstHourOffset: " + mFirstHourOffset); // if (mSelectedEvent != null) { // Log.i("Cal", " num events: " + mSelectedEvents.size() + " event: " + mSelectedEvent.title); // for (Event ev : mSelectedEvents) { // int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL // | DateUtils.FORMAT_CAP_NOON_MIDNIGHT; // String timeRange = formatDateRange(mParentActivity, // ev.startMillis, ev.endMillis, flags); // // Log.i("Cal", " " + timeRange + " " + ev.title); // } // } return true; } private void findSelectedEvent(int x, int y) { int date = mSelectionDay; int cellWidth = mCellWidth; ArrayList<Event> events = mEvents; int numEvents = events.size(); int left = mHoursWidth + (mSelectionDay - mFirstJulianDay) * (cellWidth + DAY_GAP); int top = 0; mSelectedEvent = null; mSelectedEvents.clear(); if (mSelectionAllDay) { float yDistance; float minYdistance = 10000.0f; // any large number Event closestEvent = null; float drawHeight = mAllDayHeight; int yOffset = mBannerPlusMargin + ALLDAY_TOP_MARGIN; for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++) { Event event = events.get(i); if (!event.allDay) { continue; } if (event.startDay <= mSelectionDay && event.endDay >= mSelectionDay) { float numRectangles = event.getMaxColumns(); float height = drawHeight / numRectangles; if (height > MAX_ALLDAY_EVENT_HEIGHT) { height = MAX_ALLDAY_EVENT_HEIGHT; } float eventTop = yOffset + height * event.getColumn(); float eventBottom = eventTop + height; if (eventTop < y && eventBottom > y) { // If the touch is inside the event rectangle, then // add the event. mSelectedEvents.add(event); closestEvent = event; break; } else { // Find the closest event if (eventTop >= y) { yDistance = eventTop - y; } else { yDistance = y - eventBottom; } if (yDistance < minYdistance) { minYdistance = yDistance; closestEvent = event; } } } } mSelectedEvent = closestEvent; return; } // Adjust y for the scrollable bitmap y += mViewStartY - mFirstCell; // Use a region around (x,y) for the selection region Rect region = mRect; region.left = x - 10; region.right = x + 10; region.top = y - 10; region.bottom = y + 10; EventGeometry geometry = mEventGeometry; for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++) { Event event = events.get(i); // Compute the event rectangle. if (!geometry.computeEventRect(date, left, top, cellWidth, event)) { continue; } // If the event intersects the selection region, then add it to // mSelectedEvents. if (geometry.eventIntersectsSelection(event, region)) { mSelectedEvents.add(event); } } // If there are any events in the selected region, then assign the // closest one to mSelectedEvent. if (mSelectedEvents.size() > 0) { int len = mSelectedEvents.size(); Event closestEvent = null; float minDist = mViewWidth + mViewHeight; // some large distance for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) { Event ev = mSelectedEvents.get(index); float dist = geometry.pointToEvent(x, y, ev); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; closestEvent = ev; } } mSelectedEvent = closestEvent; // Keep the selected hour and day consistent with the selected // event. They could be different if we touched on an empty hour // slot very close to an event in the previous hour slot. In // that case we will select the nearby event. int startDay = mSelectedEvent.startDay; int endDay = mSelectedEvent.endDay; if (mSelectionDay < startDay) { mSelectionDay = startDay; } else if (mSelectionDay > endDay) { mSelectionDay = endDay; } int startHour = mSelectedEvent.startTime / 60; int endHour; if (mSelectedEvent.startTime < mSelectedEvent.endTime) { endHour = (mSelectedEvent.endTime - 1) / 60; } else { endHour = mSelectedEvent.endTime / 60; } if (mSelectionHour < startHour) { mSelectionHour = startHour; } else if (mSelectionHour > endHour) { mSelectionHour = endHour; } } } // Encapsulates the code to continue the scrolling after the // finger is lifted. Instead of stopping the scroll immediately, // the scroll continues to "free spin" and gradually slows down. private class ContinueScroll implements Runnable { int mSignDeltaY; int mAbsDeltaY; float mFloatDeltaY; long mFreeSpinTime; private static final float FRICTION_COEF = 0.7F; private static final long FREE_SPIN_MILLIS = 180; private static final int MAX_DELTA = 60; private static final int SCROLL_REPEAT_INTERVAL = 30; public void init(int deltaY) { mSignDeltaY = 0; if (deltaY > 0) { mSignDeltaY = 1; } else if (deltaY < 0) { mSignDeltaY = -1; } mAbsDeltaY = Math.abs(deltaY); // Limit the maximum speed if (mAbsDeltaY > MAX_DELTA) { mAbsDeltaY = MAX_DELTA; } mFloatDeltaY = mAbsDeltaY; mFreeSpinTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + FREE_SPIN_MILLIS; // Log.i("Cal", "init scroll: mAbsDeltaY: " + mAbsDeltaY // + " mViewStartY: " + mViewStartY); } public void run() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Start out with a frictionless "free spin" if (time > mFreeSpinTime) { // If the delta is small, then apply a fixed deceleration. // Otherwise if (mAbsDeltaY <= 10) { mAbsDeltaY -= 2; } else { mFloatDeltaY *= FRICTION_COEF; mAbsDeltaY = (int) mFloatDeltaY; } if (mAbsDeltaY < 0) { mAbsDeltaY = 0; } } if (mSignDeltaY == 1) { mViewStartY -= mAbsDeltaY; } else { mViewStartY += mAbsDeltaY; } // Log.i("Cal", " scroll: mAbsDeltaY: " + mAbsDeltaY // + " mViewStartY: " + mViewStartY); if (mViewStartY < 0) { mViewStartY = 0; mAbsDeltaY = 0; } else if (mViewStartY > mMaxViewStartY) { mViewStartY = mMaxViewStartY; mAbsDeltaY = 0; } computeFirstHour(); if (mAbsDeltaY > 0) { postDelayed(this, SCROLL_REPEAT_INTERVAL); } else { // Done scrolling. mScrolling = false; resetSelectedHour(); mRedrawScreen = true; } invalidate(); } } /** * Cleanup the pop-up. */ public void cleanup() { // Protect against null-pointer exceptions if (mPopup != null) { mPopup.dismiss(); } Handler handler = getHandler(); if (handler != null) { handler.removeCallbacks(mDismissPopup); } // Turn off redraw mRemeasure = false; mRedrawScreen = false; } @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { cleanup(); if (mBitmap != null) { mBitmap.recycle(); mBitmap = null; } super.onDetachedFromWindow(); } class DismissPopup implements Runnable { public void run() { // Protect against null-pointer exceptions if (mPopup != null) { mPopup.dismiss(); } } } }