package org.shujito.ucs.models; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator; import org.shujito.ucs.ApiException; import org.shujito.ucs.Constants; import org.shujito.ucs.Crypto; import org.shujito.ucs.db.Database; import; public class User { public static class Validation { public final boolean username; public final boolean password; public final boolean email; public Validation() { this.username = false; this.password = false; = false; } public Validation(boolean username, boolean password, boolean email) { this.username = username; this.password = password; = email; } } public static final String TAG = User.class.getSimpleName(); public static final String TABLE = "users"; public static final String UUID = "uuid"; public static final String CREATED_AT = "created_at"; public static final String UPDATED_AT = "updated_at"; public static final String DELETED_AT = "deleted_at"; public static final String USERNAME = "username"; public static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "display_name"; public static final String PASSWORD = "password"; public static final String PASSWORD_SALT = "password_salt"; public static final String EMAIL = "email"; public static List<User> getAll() throws Exception { try (Statement smt = Database.createStatement()) { try (ResultSet rs = smt .executeQuery("select uuid,created_at,display_name as username from users where deleted_at is null order by username asc")) { List<User> users = new ArrayList<>(); while ( { User user = User.fromResultSet(rs); users.add(user); } return users; } } } public static User fromUuid(String uuid) throws Exception { try (PreparedStatement smt = Database .prepareStatement("select created_at,display_name as username from users where uuid = ? and deleted_at is null")) { smt.setString(1, uuid); try (ResultSet rs = smt.executeQuery()) { if ( { User user = User.fromResultSet(rs); return user; } } throw new ApiException(Constants.Strings.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode()); } } public static User fromResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws Exception { ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData(); User user = new User(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); for (int idx = 1; idx <= count; idx++) { switch (rsmd.getColumnLabel(idx)) { case UUID: user.uuid = rs.getString(idx); break; case CREATED_AT: user.createdAt = rs.getLong(idx); break; case UPDATED_AT: user.updatedAt = rs.getLong(idx); break; case DELETED_AT: user.deletedAt = rs.getLong(idx); break; case USERNAME: user.username = rs.getString(idx); break; case DISPLAY_NAME: user.displayName = rs.getString(idx); break; case PASSWORD: user.password = rs.getString(idx); break; case EMAIL: = rs.getString(idx); break; } } return user; } @SerializedName(UUID) private String uuid; @SerializedName(CREATED_AT) private Long createdAt; @SerializedName(UPDATED_AT) private Long updatedAt; @SerializedName(DELETED_AT) private Long deletedAt; @SerializedName(USERNAME) private String username; @SerializedName(DISPLAY_NAME) private String displayName; @SerializedName(EMAIL) private String email; @SerializedName(PASSWORD) private String password; private Exception exception; public User() { } public User(@HeaderParam("access-token") String accessToken, @HeaderParam("user-agent") String userAgent) throws Exception { if (accessToken == null) { this.exception = new ApiException(Constants.Strings.ACCESS_DENIED, Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode()); return; } if (accessToken.length() != 44) { this.exception = new ApiException(Constants.Strings.MALFORMED_ACCESS_TOKEN, Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode()); return; } byte[] tokenBytes = Crypto.base64decode(accessToken); try (PreparedStatement psm = Database .prepareStatement("select " + "users.uuid," + "users.created_at," + "users.updated_at," + "users.username," + "users.display_name," + "" + " from users" + " inner join sessions" + " on users.uuid=sessions.user_uuid" + " where users.deleted_at is null" + " and datetime(sessions.expires_at/1000,'unixepoch','localtime') > datetime('now','localtime')" + " and sessions.access_token=?")) { psm.setBytes(1, tokenBytes); try (ResultSet rs = psm.executeQuery()) { if (! throw new ApiException(Constants.Strings.ACCESS_DENIED, Status.FORBIDDEN.getStatusCode()); this.loadResultSet(rs); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.exception = ex; } } public String getUuid() { return this.uuid; } public Long getCreatedAt() { return this.createdAt; } public Long getUpdatedAt() { return this.updatedAt; } public Long getDeletedAt() { return this.deletedAt; } public String getUsername() { return this.username; } public String getDisplayName() { return this.displayName; } public String getEmail() { return; } public String getPassword() { return this.password; } private void loadResultSet(ResultSet rs) throws Exception { User user = User.fromResultSet(rs); this.uuid = user.uuid; this.createdAt = user.createdAt; this.updatedAt = user.updatedAt; this.deletedAt = user.deletedAt; this.username = user.username; this.displayName = user.displayName; } public void validate(Validation validate) { if (validate.username && this.username == null) throw new ApiException(Constants.Strings.NO_USERNAME_SPECIFIED, Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE.getStatusCode()); if (validate.password && this.password == null) throw new ApiException(Constants.Strings.NO_PASSWORD_SPECIFIED, Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE.getStatusCode()); if ( && == null) throw new ApiException(Constants.Strings.NO_EMAIL_SPECIFIED, Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE.getStatusCode()); // lengths if (validate.password && this.password.length() < 10) throw new ApiException(Constants.Strings.PASSWORD_IS_TOO_SHORT, Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE.getStatusCode()); // formats if (validate.username && !Pattern.matches("[a-zA-Z]{2,24}", this.username)) throw new ApiException(Constants.Strings.USERNAME_CAN_ONLY_CONTAIN_BETWEEN_2_AND_24_LETTERS, Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE.getStatusCode()); if ( && !EmailValidator.getInstance().isValid( throw new ApiException(Constants.Strings.INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS, Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE.getStatusCode()); } public void continueOrThrow() throws Exception { if (this.exception != null) throw this.exception; } public void load() throws Exception { try (PreparedStatement psm = Database.prepareStatement("select " + "uuid," + "created_at," + "updated_at," + "deleted_at," + "username," + "display_name" + " from users where username = lower(?) and deleted_at is null")) { psm.setString(1, this.username); try (ResultSet rs = psm.executeQuery()) { if (! throw new ApiException(Constants.Strings.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode()); this.loadResultSet(rs); } } } public void save() throws Exception { try (PreparedStatement psm = Database.prepareStatement("insert into users(username,display_name,email) values(lower(?),?,?)")) { psm.setString(1, this.username); psm.setString(2, this.username); psm.setString(3,; psm.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new ApiException(ex.getMessage(), Status.CONFLICT.getStatusCode()); } try (PreparedStatement psm = Database.prepareStatement("select uuid from users where username=lower(?)")) { psm.setString(1, this.username); try (ResultSet rs = psm.executeQuery()) { if ( this.uuid = rs.getString("uuid"); } } } }