// Modifications by Adrian Romero package com.openbravo.pos.payment; import com.openbravo.pos.forms.AppLocal; import com.openbravo.pos.forms.AppProperties; import com.openbravo.pos.util.AltEncrypter; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.URLDecoder; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.security.Security; import java.util.*; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException; import org.apache.axis.client.Call; import org.apache.axis.client.Service; /** * * @author JG uniCenta */ public class PaymentGatewayPayPoint implements PaymentGateway { private static final String ENDPOINTADDRESS = "https://www.secpay.com/java-bin/soap"; //private static final String ENDPOINTADDRESS = "https://www.secpay.com/java-bin/ValCard"; private static final QName OPERATIONVALIDATE = new QName("SECCardService", "validateCardFull"); private static final QName OPERATIONREFUND = new QName("SECCardService", "refundCardFull"); private String m_sCommerceID; private String m_sCommercePassword; private String m_sCurrency; private boolean m_bTestMode; /** Creates a new instance of PaymentGatewaySECPay * @param props */ public PaymentGatewayPayPoint(AppProperties props) { // Propiedades del sistema System.setProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs", "com.sun.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol" ); Security.addProvider(new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider()); // Configuracion del pago m_sCommerceID = props.getProperty("payment.commerceid"); AltEncrypter cypher = new AltEncrypter("cypherkey" + props.getProperty("payment.commerceid")); this.m_sCommercePassword = cypher.decrypt(props.getProperty("payment.commercepassword").substring(6)); m_bTestMode = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("payment.testmode")).booleanValue(); m_sCurrency = (Locale.getDefault().getCountry().isEmpty()) ? Currency.getInstance("EUR").getCurrencyCode() : Currency.getInstance(Locale.getDefault()).getCurrencyCode(); } /** * */ public PaymentGatewayPayPoint(){ } /** * * @param payinfo */ @Override public void execute(PaymentInfoMagcard payinfo) { //test -> login: secpay / pass: secpay try { Service service = new Service(); Call call = (Call) service.createCall(); call.setTargetEndpointAddress(ENDPOINTADDRESS); Object[] methodParams; //AMOUNT must be > 1 if (payinfo.getTotal() > 0.0) { call.setOperationName(OPERATIONVALIDATE); methodParams = new Object[] { m_sCommerceID, m_sCommercePassword, payinfo.getTransactionID(), //unique InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(), payinfo.getHolderName(), payinfo.getCardNumber(), Double.toString(payinfo.getTotal()), payinfo.getExpirationDate(), "", // issue number "", // start date "", // order "", // shipping "", // billing //Options (StringUtils.getCardNumber()) (m_bTestMode ? "test_status=true," : "test_status=live,") + "dups=false,currency=" + m_sCurrency }; } else { //payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymentrefundsnotsupported")); call.setOperationName(OPERATIONREFUND); methodParams = new Object[] { m_sCommerceID, m_sCommercePassword, payinfo.getTransactionID(), Double.toString(Math.abs(payinfo.getTotal())), "secpay", "refund"+payinfo.getTransactionID() }; } String returned = (String) call.invoke(methodParams); // "?valid=true&trans_id=Twem0003&code=A&auth_code=9999&message=TEST AUTH¤cy=EUR&amount=50.0&test_status=true" payinfo.setReturnMessage(returned); if (returned == null) { payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Response empty."); } else { Map props = new HashMap(); StringTokenizer tk = new java.util.StringTokenizer(returned, "?&"); while(tk.hasMoreTokens()) { String sToken = tk.nextToken(); int i = sToken.indexOf('='); if (i >= 0) { props.put(URLDecoder.decode(sToken.substring(0, i), "UTF-8"), URLDecoder.decode(sToken.substring(i + 1), "UTF-8")); } else { props.put(URLDecoder.decode(sToken, "UTF-8"), null); } } if ("true".equals(props.get("valid"))) { // A Transaction authorised by bank. auth_code available as bank reference payinfo.paymentOK((String) props.get("auth_code"), (String) props.get("trans_id"), returned); } else { String sCode = (String) props.get("code"); // JG 16 May 12 use switch switch (sCode) { case "N": // N Transaction not authorised. Failure message text available to merchant payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymentnotauthorised"), (String) props.get("message")); break; case "C": // C Communication problem. Trying again later may well work payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Communication problem. Trying again later may well work."); break; case "P:A": // P:A Pre-bank checks. Amount not supplied or invalid payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Amount not supplied or invalid."); break; case "P:X": // P:X Pre-bank checks. Not all mandatory parameters supplied payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Not all mandatory parameters supplied."); break; case "P:P": // P:P Pre-bank checks. Same payment presented twice payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Same payment presented twice."); break; case "P:S": // P:S Pre-bank checks. Start date invalid payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Start date invalid."); break; case "P:E": // P:E Pre-bank checks. Expiry date invalid payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Expiry date invalid."); break; case "P:I": // P:I Pre-bank checks. Issue number invalid payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Issue number invalid."); break; case "P:C": // P:C Pre-bank checks. Card number fails LUHN check payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Card number fails LUHN check."); break; case "P:T": // P:T Pre-bank checks. Card type invalid - i.e. does not match card number prefix payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Card type invalid - i.e. does not match card number prefix."); break; case "P:N": // P:N Pre-bank checks. Customer name not supplied payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Customer name not supplied."); break; case "P:M": // P:M Pre-bank checks. Merchant does not exist or not registered yet payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Merchant does not exist or not registered yet."); break; case "P:B": // P:B Pre-bank checks. Merchant account for card type does not exist payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Merchant account for card type does not exist."); break; case "P:D": // P:D Pre-bank checks. Merchant account for this currency does not exist payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Merchant account for this currency does not exist."); break; case "P:V": // P:V Pre-bank checks. CVV2 security code mandatory and not supplied / invalid payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "CVV2 security code mandatory and not supplied / invalid."); break; case "P:R": // P:R Pre-bank checks. Transaction timed out awaiting a virtual circuit. Merchant may not have enough virtual circuits for the volume of business. payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "Transaction timed out awaiting a virtual circuit. Merchant may not have enough virtual circuits for the volume of business."); break; case "P:#": // P:# Pre-bank checks. No MD5 hash / token key set up against account payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterror"), "No MD5 hash / token key set up against account."); break; default: payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymenterrorunknown"), ""); break; } } } // JG 16 May 12 use multictach } catch (UnknownHostException | UnsupportedEncodingException | ServiceException eUH) { payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymentexceptionservice"), eUH.getMessage()); } catch (RemoteException remoteException) { payinfo.paymentError(AppLocal.getIntString("message.paymentexceptionremote"), remoteException.getMessage()); } } }