package fetcher.model; import; import; import; import fetcher.controller.MainController; import javafx.application.Platform; import org.jsoup.HttpStatusException; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; /** * * File name : * * This class represents the abstraction for a single URL entry. * Using Jsoup it fetches all the needed informations from the web page. * */ public class PageEntry{ String URL; String Name; String Description; Date DateAdded; String pageSnapshot; MainController controller; HashSet<String> tags; public PageEntry(String URLstr,MainController controller){ this.URL = URLstr; this.controller = controller; this.pageSnapshot = "images/octopus.png"; this.Description = ""; this.tags = new HashSet<String>(); //This is to 'reset' the filter by tags (Show all entries) . tags.add("all"); Thread workerThread = new Thread(new Worker(true)); workerThread.start(); } /** * Constructor used just when loading from the json file. * @param controller the mainController. */ public PageEntry(MainController controller){ this.controller = controller; this.tags = new HashSet<String>(); tags.add("all"); Thread workerThread = new Thread(new Worker(false)); workerThread.start(); } /** * Loads the page provided by the URL parameter and uses Jsoup to retrieve its content. * @return true if the page loading has success */ private boolean loadPage(){ Document doc; try { doc = Jsoup.connect(URL).userAgent("Mozilla").get(); } catch (HttpStatusException e){ System.out.println("Failed to load page : " + URL + " , HTTP status code received was : " + e.getStatusCode()); return false; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } this.Name = doc.title(); this.DateAdded = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); //Getting description if("p").first() != null) Description ="p").first().text(); //Getting the pad absolute path. final String padFolder = (new File(controller.pad.getpadName())).getParent(); Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String URL = getURL(); String dir = padFolder + File.separator + Utils.IMAGES_SUBFOLDER + File.separator; if(!URL.contains("youtube")) { pageSnapshot = "file:///" + dir + (new Snapshotter(getURL(), padFolder, controller)).getWebsiteSnapshot(); } else{ pageSnapshot = "file:///" + dir + Snapshotter.getYoutubeThumbnail(getURL(),dir); } } }); return true; } /** * Creates a JsonObject containing a json representation of this PageEntry. * @return savedJson is the JsonObject containing the fields of this PageEntry. */ public JsonObject saveEntry(){ JsonObject savedJson = new JsonObject(); JsonArray savedTags = new JsonArray(); savedJson.addProperty("URL",URL); savedJson.addProperty("Name",Name); savedJson.addProperty("Description",Description); savedJson.addProperty("DateAdded", new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMMM yy , hh:mm:ss" , Locale.getDefault()).format(this.DateAdded)); savedJson.addProperty("pageSnapshot",pageSnapshot); for(String tag : tags) savedTags.add(new JsonPrimitive(tag)); savedJson.add("Tags", savedTags); return savedJson; } /** * Loads an entry based on a json Object. * @param JsonObjectEntry the json object containing the entry. * @throws ParseException */ public void loadEntry(JsonObject JsonObjectEntry) throws ParseException { setURL(JsonObjectEntry.get("URL").getAsString()); setDescription(JsonObjectEntry.get("Description").getAsString()); setName(JsonObjectEntry.get("Name").getAsString()); setPageSnapshot(JsonObjectEntry.get("pageSnapshot").getAsString()); setDateAdded(new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMMM yy , hh:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault()).parse(JsonObjectEntry.get("DateAdded").getAsString())); } public String getURL() { return URL; } public void setURL(String URL) { this.URL = URL; } public String getName() { return Name; } public void setName(String name) { Name = name; } public Date getDateAdded() { return DateAdded; } public void setDateAdded(Date dateAdded) { DateAdded = dateAdded; } public String getPageSnapshot() { return pageSnapshot; } public void setPageSnapshot(String pageSnapshot) { this.pageSnapshot = pageSnapshot; } public String getDescription() { return Description; } public void setDescription(String description) { Description = description; } public void addTag(String tag){ this.tags.add(tag); } public HashSet<String> getTags() { return tags; } public void setTags(HashSet<String> tags) { this.tags = tags; } public void clearTags() { tags.clear(); tags.add("all"); } public void deleteTag(String selectedItem) { if(tags.contains(selectedItem) && !selectedItem.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) tags.remove(selectedItem); } /** * Worker class is used to load a single PageEntry from a Thread so that the main program doesn't get stuck. */ class Worker implements Runnable{ //The worker Thread is used both when loading a URL from the clipboard and when we are loading from json. This boolean makes the double-usage possible. boolean loadFromURL; public Worker(boolean loadFromUrl){ this.loadFromURL = loadFromUrl; } @Override public void run() { //If we are loading from a url we try to load the page. We return if the loading fails (so the controller won't be notified). if(loadFromURL) if(!loadPage()) return; controller.notifyControllerNewEntry(PageEntry.this); } } }