/* * Part of the CCNx Java Library. * * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received * a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.security.access.group; import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.security.crypto.CCNDigestHelper; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.DataUtils; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.Log; import org.ccnx.ccn.impl.support.Tuple; import org.ccnx.ccn.io.content.ContentEncodingException; import org.ccnx.ccn.io.content.KeyDirectory; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.CCNProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.VersionMissingException; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.VersioningProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.namespace.ParameterizedName; import org.ccnx.ccn.profiles.security.access.AccessControlProfile; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.CCNTime; import org.ccnx.ccn.protocol.ContentName; /** * This is a sub-Profile of AccessControlProfile defining naming conventions used in a group-based * access control scheme (where one can create Groups of users and other groups, and give rights to * nametrees based on group membership). * For descriptions of data, and how this access control system functions, see the separate CCNx Access * Control Specifications Document. * * This class specifies how a number of access control elements are named: * - users, and their keys * - groups, and their keys * - access control lists (ACLs) * - node keys, and their encryption under ACL member keys * - if used, markers indicating where to find ACLs/node keys */ public class GroupAccessControlProfile extends AccessControlProfile implements CCNProfile { // These may eventually want to move somewhere more general public static final String GROUP_PREFIX = "Groups"; public static final byte [] GROUP_PREFIX_BYTES = ContentName.componentParseNative(GROUP_PREFIX); public static final String USER_PREFIX = "Users"; public static final byte [] USER_PREFIX_BYTES = ContentName.componentParseNative(USER_PREFIX); // The labels used to tag group or user storage information in AccessControlPolicyMarkerObjects public static final String GROUP_LABEL = "Group"; public static final String USER_LABEL = "User"; public static final String GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_LIST_NAME = "MembershipList"; public static final String GROUP_POINTER_TO_PARENT_GROUP_NAME = "PointerToParentGroup"; public static final String ACL_NAME = "ACL"; public static final byte [] ACL_NAME_BYTES = ContentName.componentParseNative(ACL_NAME); public static final String NODE_KEY_NAME = "NK"; public static final byte [] NODE_KEY_NAME_BYTES = ContentName.componentParseNative(NODE_KEY_NAME); // These two must be the same length public static final byte [] USER_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX = ContentName.componentParseNative("p"); public static final byte [] GROUP_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX = ContentName.componentParseNative("g"); public static final ContentName ACL_POSTFIX = new ContentName(new byte[][]{ACCESS_CONTROL_MARKER_BYTES, ACL_NAME_BYTES}); /** * This class records information about a CCN principal. * This information includes: * - principal type (group, etc), * - friendly name (the name the principal is known by) * - version * * We define a mapping between name components and principals: * <TYPE_PREFIX>:<NAMESPACE_HASH>:<FRIENDLY_NAME>:<VERSION> * */ public static class PrincipalInfo { // Number of parts expected in a PI component representation // private static final int PI_COMPONENT_COUNT = 4; // However long our distinguishing hashes should be public static final int DISTINGUISHING_HASH_LENGTH = 8; private byte [] _typeMarker; private byte[] _distinguishingHash; private String _friendlyName; private CCNTime _versionTimestamp; /** * Parse the principal info for a specified public key name * @param isGroup whether the principal is a group * @param publicKeyName the public key name * @return the corresponding principal info * @throws VersionMissingException * @throws ContentEncodingException */ public PrincipalInfo(GroupAccessControlManager accessControlManager, ContentName publicKeyName) throws VersionMissingException, ContentEncodingException { boolean isGroup = accessControlManager.isGroupName(publicKeyName); _typeMarker = (isGroup ? GROUP_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX : USER_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX); _versionTimestamp = VersioningProfile.getLastVersionAsTimestamp(publicKeyName); // Now need to parse the principal name into a distinguishing hash and friendly name // How to do this depends on which group it is; there might be a postfix for the // name to deal with Tuple<ContentName, String> distinguishingPrefixAndFriendlyName = accessControlManager.parsePrefixAndFriendlyNameFromPublicKeyName(publicKeyName); _distinguishingHash = contentPrefixToDistinguishingHash(distinguishingPrefixAndFriendlyName.first()); _friendlyName = distinguishingPrefixAndFriendlyName.second(); } public PrincipalInfo(byte [] principalInfoNameComponent) { if (!PrincipalInfo.isPrincipalNameComponent(principalInfoNameComponent) || (principalInfoNameComponent.length <= USER_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX.length)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid principal name component!"); int pos = 0; try { // The group and user principal prefixes are of the same length _typeMarker = new byte[GROUP_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX.length]; System.arraycopy(principalInfoNameComponent, pos, _typeMarker, 0, _typeMarker.length); pos += _typeMarker.length; pos += CCNProfile.COMPONENT_SEPARATOR.length; // The distinguishing hash is of length DISTINGUISHING_HASH_LENGTH _distinguishingHash = new byte[DISTINGUISHING_HASH_LENGTH]; System.arraycopy(principalInfoNameComponent, pos, _distinguishingHash, 0, _distinguishingHash.length); pos += _distinguishingHash.length; pos += CCNProfile.COMPONENT_SEPARATOR.length; // friendly name until the next COMPONENT_SEPARATOR // We only check for the first byte of COMPONENT_SEPARATOR // since that byte is known to not appear in a friendly name int fnLength = 0; while (principalInfoNameComponent[pos + fnLength] != CCNProfile.COMPONENT_SEPARATOR[0]) fnLength++; byte[] friendlyNameBytes = new byte[fnLength]; System.arraycopy(principalInfoNameComponent, pos, friendlyNameBytes, 0, fnLength); _friendlyName = ContentName.componentPrintNative(friendlyNameBytes); pos += fnLength; pos += CCNProfile.COMPONENT_SEPARATOR.length; // the rest is the timestamp byte[] timestampBytes = new byte[principalInfoNameComponent.length - pos]; System.arraycopy(principalInfoNameComponent, pos, timestampBytes, 0, timestampBytes.length); _versionTimestamp = new CCNTime(timestampBytes); } catch (Exception e) { // we're having some trouble here... Log.severe(Log.FAC_ACCESSCONTROL, "PrincipalInfo: error in parsing component {0}", ContentName.componentPrintURI(principalInfoNameComponent)); Log.severe(Log.FAC_ACCESSCONTROL, "PrincipalInfo: typeMarker {0}, distinguishing hash {1}, friendly name {2}, timestamp {3}", ContentName.componentPrintURI(_typeMarker), ContentName.componentPrintURI(_distinguishingHash), _friendlyName, _versionTimestamp); System.exit(1); } } /** * Principal names for links to wrapped key blocks take the form: * {GROUP_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX | PRINCIPAL_PREFIX} COMPONENT_SEPARATOR distinguisingHash COMPONENT_SEPARATOR friendlName COMPONENT_SEPARATOR timestamp as 12-bit binary * This allows a single enumeration of a wrapped key directory to determine * not only which principals the keys are wrapped for, but also what versions of their * private keys the keys are wrapped under (also determinable from the contents of the * wrapped key blocks, but to do that you have to pull the wrapped key block). * These serve as the name of a link to the actual wrapped key block. */ public byte[] toNameComponent() { byte [] prefix = (isGroup() ? GROUP_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX : USER_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX); byte [] bytePrincipal = ContentName.componentParseNative(friendlyName()); byte [] byteTime = versionTimestamp().toBinaryTime(); byte [] component = new byte[prefix.length + distinguishingHash().length + bytePrincipal.length + byteTime.length + 3*COMPONENT_SEPARATOR.length]; // java 1.6 has much better functions for array copying int offset = 0; System.arraycopy(prefix, 0, component, offset, prefix.length); offset += prefix.length; System.arraycopy(COMPONENT_SEPARATOR, 0, component, offset, COMPONENT_SEPARATOR.length); offset += COMPONENT_SEPARATOR.length; System.arraycopy(distinguishingHash(), 0, component, offset, distinguishingHash().length); offset += distinguishingHash().length; System.arraycopy(COMPONENT_SEPARATOR, 0, component, offset, COMPONENT_SEPARATOR.length); offset += COMPONENT_SEPARATOR.length; System.arraycopy(bytePrincipal, 0, component, offset, bytePrincipal.length); offset += bytePrincipal.length; System.arraycopy(COMPONENT_SEPARATOR, 0, component, offset, COMPONENT_SEPARATOR.length); offset += COMPONENT_SEPARATOR.length; System.arraycopy(byteTime, 0, component, offset, byteTime.length); return component; } public boolean isGroup() { return Arrays.areEqual(GROUP_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX, _typeMarker); } public String friendlyName() { return _friendlyName; } public byte[] distinguishingHash() { return _distinguishingHash; } public CCNTime versionTimestamp() { return _versionTimestamp; } /** * Returns whether a specified name component is the name of a principal * @param nameComponent the name component * @return */ public static boolean isPrincipalNameComponent(byte [] nameComponent) { return (DataUtils.isBinaryPrefix(GroupAccessControlProfile.USER_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX, nameComponent) || DataUtils.isBinaryPrefix(GroupAccessControlProfile.GROUP_PRINCIPAL_PREFIX, nameComponent)); } /** * A first stab * @throws ContentEncodingException */ public static byte [] contentPrefixToDistinguishingHash(ContentName name) { byte[] fullDigest; byte[] encoded; try { encoded = name.encode(); } catch (ContentEncodingException e) { // Should never happen throw new RuntimeException(e); } fullDigest = CCNDigestHelper.digest(encoded); // Ensure that the distinguishing hash is always exactly of length DISTINGUISHING_HASH_LENGTH // to enable correct parsing of a byte[] representing a PrincipalInfo if (fullDigest.length > DISTINGUISHING_HASH_LENGTH) { byte [] returnedDigest = new byte[DISTINGUISHING_HASH_LENGTH]; System.arraycopy(fullDigest, 0, returnedDigest, 0, DISTINGUISHING_HASH_LENGTH); return returnedDigest; } else if (fullDigest.length < DISTINGUISHING_HASH_LENGTH) { byte [] returnedDigest = new byte[DISTINGUISHING_HASH_LENGTH]; System.arraycopy(fullDigest, 0, returnedDigest, 0, fullDigest.length); return returnedDigest; } return fullDigest; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s : %s", _friendlyName, DataUtils.printHexBytes(_distinguishingHash)); } } /** * Returns whether the specified name is the name of a node key * @param name the name * @return */ public static boolean isNodeKeyName(ContentName name) { if (!isAccessName(name) || !VersioningProfile.hasTerminalVersion(name)) { return false; } int versionComponent = VersioningProfile.findLastVersionComponent(name); if (name.stringComponent(versionComponent - 1).equals(NODE_KEY_NAME)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get the name of the node key for a given content node, if there is one. * This is nodeName/<access marker>/NK, with a version then added for a specific node key. * @param nodeName the name of the content node * @return the name of the corresponding node key */ public static ContentName nodeKeyName(ContentName nodeName) { ContentName rootName = accessRoot(nodeName); ContentName nodeKeyName = new ContentName(rootName, ACCESS_CONTROL_MARKER_BYTES, NODE_KEY_NAME_BYTES); return nodeKeyName; } /** * Get the name of the access control list (ACL) for a given content node. * This is nodeName/<access marker>/ACL. * @param nodeName the name of the content node * @return the name of the corresponding ACL */ public static ContentName aclName(ContentName nodeName) { ContentName baseName = accessRoot(nodeName); return baseName.append(aclPostfix()); } public static ContentName aclPostfix() { return ACL_POSTFIX; } /** * Get the name of the user namespace. * This assumes a top-level namespace, where the group information is stored in * namespace/Groups and namespace/Users.. * @param namespace the top-level name space * @return the name of the user namespace */ public static ContentName userNamespaceName(ContentName namespace) { return new ContentName(accessRoot(namespace), USER_PREFIX_BYTES); } /** * Get the name of the namespace for a specified user. * @param userNamespace the name of the user namespace * @param userName the user name * @return the name of the namespace for the user */ public static ContentName userNamespaceName(ContentName userNamespace, String userName) { return ContentName.fromNative(userNamespace, userName); } /** * Get the name of the group namespace. * This assumes a top-level namespace, where the group information is stored in * namespace/Groups and namespace/Users.. * @param namespace the top-level name space * @return the name of the group namespace */ public static ContentName groupNamespaceName(ContentName namespace) { return new ContentName(accessRoot(namespace), GROUP_PREFIX_BYTES); } /** * Get the name of the namespace for a specified group. * @param namespace the top-level namespace * @param groupFriendlyName the name of the group * @return the name of the namespace for the group */ public static ContentName groupName(ContentName namespace, String groupFriendlyName) { return ContentName.fromNative(groupNamespaceName(namespace), groupFriendlyName); } /** * Get the name of a group public key. * This is the unversioned root. The actual public key is stored at the latest version of * this name. The private key and decoding blocks are stored under that version, with * the segments of the group public key. * @param groupNamespaceName the namespace of the group * @param groupFriendlyName the name of the group * @return the name of the group public key */ public static ContentName groupPublicKeyName(ParameterizedName groupStorage, String groupFriendlyName) { ContentName groupFullName = ContentName.fromNative(groupStorage.prefix(), groupFriendlyName); return groupPublicKeyName(groupStorage, groupFullName); } /** * Get the name of the public key of a group specified by its full name * @param groupFullName the full name of the group * @return the name of the group public key */ public static ContentName groupPublicKeyName(ParameterizedName groupStorage, ContentName groupFullName) { if (null != groupStorage.suffix()) { return ContentName.fromNative(groupFullName.append(groupStorage.suffix()), KeyDirectory.GROUP_PUBLIC_KEY_NAME); } return ContentName.fromNative(groupFullName, KeyDirectory.GROUP_PUBLIC_KEY_NAME); } public static ContentName userPublicKeyName(ParameterizedName userStorage, ContentName userName) { if (null != userStorage.suffix()) { return userName.append(userStorage.suffix()); } return userName; } /** * Get the name of a group membership list for a specified group * @param groupNamespaceName the namespace of the group * @param groupFriendlyName the name of the group * @return the name of the group membership list */ public static ContentName groupMembershipListName(ParameterizedName groupNamespaceName, String groupFriendlyName) { return ContentName.fromNative(ContentName.fromNative(groupNamespaceName.prefix(), groupFriendlyName), GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_LIST_NAME); } /** * Get the friendly name of a specified group * @param groupName the full name of the group * @return the friendly name of the group */ public static String groupNameToFriendlyName(ContentName groupName) { return ContentName.componentPrintNative(groupName.lastComponent()); } /** * Get the name of a group private key key directory (containing the encrypted key blocks). * We hang the wrapped private key directly off the public key version. * @param groupPublicKeyNameAndVersion the versioned name of the group public key * @return the versioned name of the group private key */ public static ContentName groupPrivateKeyDirectory(ContentName groupPublicKeyNameAndVersion) { return groupPublicKeyNameAndVersion; } /** * Get the name of the private key block in a group private key directory, without version; * useful for checking cache status. * @param groupFullName * @return */ public static ContentName groupPrivateKeyBlockName(ContentName groupPublicKeyNameAndVersion) { return ContentName.fromNative(groupPrivateKeyDirectory(groupPublicKeyNameAndVersion), KeyDirectory.GROUP_PRIVATE_KEY_NAME); } public static ContentName groupPointerToParentGroupName(ContentName groupFullName) { return ContentName.fromNative(groupFullName, GROUP_POINTER_TO_PARENT_GROUP_NAME); } }