package com.github.plushaze.traynotification.notification; import com.github.plushaze.traynotification.animations.*; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane; import javafx.scene.paint.Paint; import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle; import javafx.stage.StageStyle; import javafx.util.Duration; import com.github.plushaze.traynotification.models.CustomStage; import; import; public final class TrayNotification { @FXML private Label lblTitle, lblMessage, lblClose; @FXML private ImageView imageIcon; @FXML private Rectangle rectangleColor; @FXML private AnchorPane rootNode; private CustomStage stage; private Notification notification; private Animation animation; private EventHandler<ActionEvent> onDismissedCallBack, onShownCallback; /** * Initializes an instance of the tray notification object * * @param title The title text to assign to the tray * @param body The body text to assign to the tray * @param img The image to show on the tray * @param rectangleFill The fill for the rectangle */ public TrayNotification(String title, String body, Image img, Paint rectangleFill, Notification notification) { initTrayNotification(title, body, notification); setImage(img); setRectangleFill(rectangleFill); } /** * Initializes an instance of the tray notification object * * @param title The title text to assign to the tray * @param body The body text to assign to the tray * @param notification The notification type to assign to the tray */ public TrayNotification(String title, String body, Notification notification) { initTrayNotification(title, body, notification); } /** * Initializes an empty instance of the tray notification */ public TrayNotification(Notification notification) { this("", "", notification); } /** * Initializes the tray notification with the default type. */ public TrayNotification() { this(Notifications.NOTICE); } private void initTrayNotification(String title, String message, Notification type) { FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("views/TrayNotification.fxml")); fxmlLoader.setController(this); try { fxmlLoader.load(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } initStage(); initAnimations(); setTray(title, message, type); } private void initAnimations() { setAnimation(Animations.SLIDE); // Default animation type } private void initStage() { stage = new CustomStage(rootNode, StageStyle.UNDECORATED); stage.setScene(new Scene(rootNode)); stage.setAlwaysOnTop(true); stage.setLocation(stage.getBottomRight()); lblClose.setOnMouseClicked(e -> dismiss()); } public void setNotification(Notification nType) { notification = nType; URL imageLocation = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(nType.getURLResource()); setRectangleFill(Paint.valueOf(nType.getPaintHex())); setImage(new Image(imageLocation.toString())); setTrayIcon(imageIcon.getImage()); } public Notification getNotification() { return notification; } public void setTray(String title, String message, Notification type) { setTitle(title); setMessage(message); setNotification(type); } public void setTray(String title, String message, Image img, Paint rectangleFill, Animation animation) { setTitle(title); setMessage(message); setImage(img); setRectangleFill(rectangleFill); setAnimation(animation); } public boolean isTrayShowing() { return animation.isShowing(); } /** * Shows and dismisses the tray notification * * @param dismissDelay How long to delay the start of the dismiss animation */ public void showAndDismiss(Duration dismissDelay) { if (!isTrayShowing()) {; onShown(); animation.playSequential(dismissDelay); } else dismiss(); onDismissed(); } /** * Displays the notification tray */ public void showAndWait() { if (!isTrayShowing()) {; animation.playShowAnimation(); onShown(); } } /** * Dismisses the notifcation tray */ public void dismiss() { if (isTrayShowing()) { animation.playDismissAnimation(); onDismissed(); } } private void onShown() { if (onShownCallback != null) onShownCallback.handle(new ActionEvent()); } private void onDismissed() { if (onDismissedCallBack != null) onDismissedCallBack.handle(new ActionEvent()); } /** * Sets an action event for when the tray has been dismissed * * @param event The event to occur when the tray has been dismissed */ public void setOnDismiss(EventHandler<ActionEvent> event) { onDismissedCallBack = event; } /** * Sets an action event for when the tray has been shown * * @param event The event to occur after the tray has been shown */ public void setOnShown(EventHandler<ActionEvent> event) { onShownCallback = event; } /** * Sets a new task bar image for the tray * * @param img The image to assign */ public void setTrayIcon(Image img) { stage.getIcons().clear(); stage.getIcons().add(img); } public Image getTrayIcon() { return stage.getIcons().get(0); } /** * Sets a title to the tray * * @param txt The text to assign to the tray icon */ public void setTitle(String txt) { Platform.runLater(() -> lblTitle.setText(txt)); } public String getTitle() { return lblTitle.getText(); } /** * Sets the message for the tray notification * * @param txt The text to assign to the body of the tray notification */ public void setMessage(String txt) { lblMessage.setText(txt); } public String getMessage() { return lblMessage.getText(); } public void setImage(Image img) { imageIcon.setImage(img); setTrayIcon(img); } public Image getImage() { return imageIcon.getImage(); } public void setRectangleFill(Paint value) { rectangleColor.setFill(value); } public Paint getRectangleFill() { return rectangleColor.getFill(); } public void setAnimation(Animation animation) { this.animation = animation; } public void setAnimation(Animations animation) { setAnimation(animation.newInstance(stage)); } public Animation getAnimation() { return animation; } }