package org.testng.internal; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.testng.IClass; import org.testng.IInstanceInfo; import org.testng.ITestContext; import org.testng.ITestObjectFactory; import org.testng.TestNGException; import org.testng.annotations.IAnnotation; import org.testng.collections.Lists; import org.testng.collections.Maps; import org.testng.internal.annotations.AnnotationHelper; import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder; import org.testng.xml.XmlClass; import org.testng.xml.XmlTest; import static org.testng.internal.ClassHelper.getAvailableMethods; /** * This class creates an ITestClass from a test class. * * @author <a href="">Cedric Beust</a> */ public class TestNGClassFinder extends BaseClassFinder { private final ITestContext m_testContext; private final Map<Class<?>, List<Object>> m_instanceMap = Maps.newHashMap(); public TestNGClassFinder(ClassInfoMap cim, XmlTest xmlTest, IConfiguration configuration, ITestContext testContext) { this(cim, Maps.<Class<?>, List<Object>>newHashMap(), xmlTest, configuration, testContext); } public TestNGClassFinder(ClassInfoMap cim, Map<Class<?>, List<Object>> instanceMap, XmlTest xmlTest, IConfiguration configuration, ITestContext testContext) { m_testContext = testContext; if (instanceMap == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("instanceMap must not be null"); } IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder = configuration.getAnnotationFinder(); ITestObjectFactory objectFactory = configuration.getObjectFactory(); // Find all the new classes and their corresponding instances Set<Class<?>> allClasses= cim.getClasses(); //very first pass is to find ObjectFactory, can't create anything else until then if(objectFactory == null) { objectFactory = new ObjectFactoryImpl(); outer: for (Class<?> cls : allClasses) { try { if (null != cls) { Method[] ms; try { ms = cls.getMethods(); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { // Utils.log("TestNGClassFinder", 5, "[WARN] Can't link and determine methods of " + cls + "(" + e.getMessage() + ")"); ms = new Method[0]; } for (Method m : ms) { IAnnotation a = annotationFinder.findAnnotation(m, org.testng.annotations.IObjectFactoryAnnotation.class); if (null != a) { if (!ITestObjectFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType())) { throw new TestNGException("Return type of " + m + " is not IObjectFactory"); } try { Object instance = cls.newInstance(); if (m.getParameterTypes().length > 0 && m.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(ITestContext.class)) { objectFactory = (ITestObjectFactory) m.invoke(instance, testContext); } else { objectFactory = (ITestObjectFactory) m.invoke(instance); } break outer; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TestNGException("Error creating object factory: " + cls, ex); } } } } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { Utils.log("[TestNGClassFinder]", 1, "Unable to read methods on class " + cls.getName() + " - unable to resolve class reference " + e.getMessage()); for (XmlClass xmlClass : xmlTest.getXmlClasses()) { if (xmlClass.loadClasses() && xmlClass.getName().equals(cls.getName())) { throw e; } } } } } for(Class<?> cls : allClasses) { if (null == cls) { Utils.log("TestNGClassFinder", 5, "[WARN] FOUND NULL CLASS"); continue; } if(isTestNGClass(cls, annotationFinder)) { List<Object> allInstances = instanceMap.get(cls); Object thisInstance = (allInstances != null && !allInstances.isEmpty()) ? allInstances.get(0) : null; // If annotation class and instances are abstract, skip them if ((null == thisInstance) && Modifier.isAbstract(cls.getModifiers())) { Utils.log("", 5, "[WARN] Found an abstract class with no valid instance attached: " + cls); continue; } if((null == thisInstance) && cls.isAnonymousClass()) { Utils.log("", 5, "[WARN] Found an anonymous class with no valid instance attached" + cls); continue; } IClass ic= findOrCreateIClass(m_testContext, cls, cim.getXmlClass(cls), thisInstance, xmlTest, annotationFinder, objectFactory); if(null != ic) { putIClass(cls, ic); List<ConstructorOrMethod> factoryMethods = ClassHelper.findDeclaredFactoryMethods(cls, annotationFinder); for (ConstructorOrMethod factoryMethod : factoryMethods) { if (factoryMethod.getEnabled()) { Object[] theseInstances = ic.getInstances(false); if (theseInstances.length == 0) { theseInstances = ic.getInstances(true); } Object instance = theseInstances.length != 0 ? theseInstances[0] : null; FactoryMethod fm = new FactoryMethod( factoryMethod, instance, xmlTest, annotationFinder, m_testContext, objectFactory); ClassInfoMap moreClasses = new ClassInfoMap(); // If the factory returned IInstanceInfo, get the class from it, // otherwise, just call getClass() on the returned instances int i = 0; for (Object o : fm.invoke()) { if (o == null) { throw new TestNGException("The factory " + fm + " returned a null instance" + "at index " + i); } Class<?> oneMoreClass; if(IInstanceInfo.class.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass())) { IInstanceInfo<?> ii = (IInstanceInfo) o; addInstance(ii); oneMoreClass = ii.getInstanceClass(); } else { addInstance(o); oneMoreClass = o.getClass(); } if(!classExists(oneMoreClass)) { moreClasses.addClass(oneMoreClass); } i++; } if(!moreClasses.isEmpty()) { TestNGClassFinder finder = new TestNGClassFinder(moreClasses, m_instanceMap, xmlTest, configuration, m_testContext); for(IClass ic2 : finder.findTestClasses()) { putIClass(ic2.getRealClass(), ic2); } } } } } // null != ic } // if not TestNG class else { Utils.log("TestNGClassFinder", 3, "SKIPPING CLASS " + cls + " no TestNG annotations found"); } } // for // // Add all the instances we found to their respective IClasses // for(Map.Entry<Class<?>, List<Object>> entry : m_instanceMap.entrySet()) { Class<?> clazz = entry.getKey(); for(Object instance : entry.getValue()) { IClass ic= getIClass(clazz); if(null != ic) { ic.addInstance(instance); } } } } /** * @return true if this class contains TestNG annotations (either on itself * or on a superclass). */ private static boolean isTestNGClass(Class<?> c, IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder) { Class<?> cls = c; try { for(Class<? extends IAnnotation> annotation : AnnotationHelper.getAllAnnotations()) { for (cls = c; cls != null; cls = cls.getSuperclass()) { // Try on the methods for (Method m : getAvailableMethods(cls)) { IAnnotation ma= annotationFinder.findAnnotation(m, annotation); if(null != ma) { return true; } } // Try on the class IAnnotation a= annotationFinder.findAnnotation(cls, annotation); if(null != a) { return true; } // Try on the constructors for (Constructor ctor : cls.getConstructors()) { IAnnotation ca= annotationFinder.findAnnotation(ctor, annotation); if(null != ca) { return true; } } } } return false; } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { Utils.log("[TestNGClassFinder]", 1, "Unable to read methods on class " + cls.getName() + " - unable to resolve class reference " + e.getMessage()); return false; } } // IInstanceInfo<T> should be replaced by IInstanceInfo<?> but eclipse complains against it: private <T> void addInstance(IInstanceInfo<T> ii) { addInstance(ii.getInstanceClass(), ii.getInstance()); } private void addInstance(Object o) { addInstance(o.getClass(), o); } // Class<S> should be replaced by Class<? extends T> but java doesn't fail as expected: private <T, S extends T> void addInstance(Class<S> clazz, T instance) { List<Object> instances = m_instanceMap.get(clazz); if (instances == null) { instances = Lists.newArrayList(); m_instanceMap.put(clazz, instances); } instances.add(instance); } }