/* Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Vladimir Nikic All rights reserved. Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * The name of HtmlCleaner may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. You can contact Vladimir Nikic by sending e-mail to nikic_vladimir@yahoo.com. Please include the word "HtmlCleaner" in the subject line. */ package org.htmlcleaner; import java.util.*; /** * <p>Utility for searching cleaned document tree with XPath expressions.</p> * Examples of supported axes: * <code> * <ul> * <li>//div//a</li> * <li>//div//a[@id][@class]</li> * <li>/body/*[1]/@type</li> * <li>//div[3]//a[@id][@href='r/n4']</li> * <li>//div[last() >= 4]//./div[position() = last()])[position() > 22]//li[2]//a</li> * <li>//div[2]/@*[2]</li> * <li>data(//div//a[@id][@class])</li> * <li>//p/last()</li> * <li>//body//div[3][@class]//span[12.2<position()]/@id</li> * <li>data(//a['v' < @id])</li> * </ul> * </code> */ public class XPather { // array of basic tokens of which XPath expression is made private String tokenArray[]; /** * Constructor - creates XPather instance with specified XPath expression. * @param expression */ public XPather(String expression) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(expression, "/()[]\"'=<>", true); int tokenCount = tokenizer.countTokens(); tokenArray = new String[tokenCount]; int index = 0; // this is not real XPath compiler, rather simple way to recognize basic XPaths expressions // and interpret them against some TagNode instance. while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { tokenArray[index++] = tokenizer.nextToken(); } } /** * Main public method for this class - a way to execute XPath expression against * specified TagNode instance. * @param node */ public Object[] evaluateAgainstNode(TagNode node) throws XPatherException { if (node == null) { throw new XPatherException("Cannot evaluate XPath expression against null value!"); } Collection collectionResult = evaluateAgainst(singleton(node), 0, tokenArray.length - 1, false, 1, 0, false, null); Object[] array = new Object[collectionResult.size()]; Iterator iterator = collectionResult.iterator(); int index = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { array[index++] = iterator.next(); } return array; } private void throwStandardException() throws XPatherException { throw new XPatherException(); } private Collection evaluateAgainst(Collection object, int from, int to, boolean isRecursive, int position, int last, boolean isFilterContext, Collection filterSource) throws XPatherException { if (from >= 0 && to < tokenArray.length && from <= to) { if ("".equals(tokenArray[from].trim())) { return evaluateAgainst(object, from + 1, to, isRecursive, position, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); } else if (isToken("(", from)) { int closingBracket = findClosingIndex(from, to); if (closingBracket > 0) { Collection value = evaluateAgainst(object, from + 1, closingBracket - 1, false, position, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); return evaluateAgainst(value, closingBracket + 1, to, false, position, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); } else { throwStandardException(); } } else if (isToken("[", from)) { int closingBracket = findClosingIndex(from, to); if (closingBracket > 0 && object instanceof Collection) { Collection value = filterByCondition(object, from + 1, closingBracket - 1); return evaluateAgainst(value, closingBracket + 1, to, false, position, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); } else { throwStandardException(); } } else if (isToken("\"", from) || isToken("'", from)) { // string constant int closingQuote = findClosingIndex(from, to); if (closingQuote > from) { Collection value = singleton( flatten(from + 1, closingQuote - 1) ); return evaluateAgainst(value, closingQuote + 1, to, false, position, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); } else { throwStandardException(); } } else if ( (isToken("=", from) || isToken("<", from) || isToken(">", from)) && isFilterContext ) { // operator inside filter boolean logicValue; if ( isToken("=", from + 1) && (isToken("<", from) || isToken(">", from)) ) { Collection secondObject = evaluateAgainst(filterSource, from + 2, to, false, position, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); logicValue = evaluateLogic(object, secondObject, tokenArray[from] + tokenArray[from + 1]); } else { Collection secondObject = evaluateAgainst(filterSource, from + 1, to, false, position, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); logicValue = evaluateLogic(object, secondObject, tokenArray[from]); } return singleton(new Boolean(logicValue)); } else if (isToken("/", from)) { // children of the node boolean goRecursive = isToken("/", from + 1); if (goRecursive) { from++; } if ( from < to ) { int toIndex = findClosingIndex(from, to) - 1; if (toIndex <= from) { toIndex = to; } Collection value = evaluateAgainst(object, from + 1, toIndex, goRecursive, 1, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); return evaluateAgainst(value, toIndex + 1, to, false, 1, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); } else { throwStandardException(); } } else if (isFunctionCall(from, to)) { int closingBracketIndex = findClosingIndex(from + 1, to); Collection funcValue = evaluateFunction(object, from, to, position, last, isFilterContext); return evaluateAgainst(funcValue, closingBracketIndex + 1, to, false, 1, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); } else if (isValidInteger(tokenArray[from])) { Collection value = singleton(new Integer(tokenArray[from])); return evaluateAgainst(value, from + 1, to, false, position, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); } else if (isValidDouble(tokenArray[from])) { Collection value = singleton(new Double(tokenArray[from])); return evaluateAgainst(value, from + 1, to, false, position, last, isFilterContext, filterSource); } else { return getElementsByName(object, from, to, isRecursive, isFilterContext); } } else { return object; } throw new XPatherException(); } private String flatten(int from, int to) { if (from <= to) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) { result.append(tokenArray[i]); } return result.toString(); } return ""; } private boolean isValidInteger(String s) { try { Integer.parseInt(s); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } } private boolean isValidDouble(String s) { try { Double.parseDouble(s); return true; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return false; } } /** * Checks if given string is valid identifier. * @param s */ private boolean isIdentifier(String s) { if (s == null) { return false; } s = s.trim(); if (s.length() > 0) { if ( !Character.isLetter(s.charAt(0)) ) { return false; } for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) { final char ch = s.charAt(i); if ( ch != '_' && ch != '-' && !Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) ) { return false; } } } return false; } /** * Checks if tokens in specified range represents valid function call. * @param from * @param to * @return True if it is valid function call, false otherwise. */ private boolean isFunctionCall(int from, int to) { if ( !isIdentifier(tokenArray[from]) && !isToken("(", from + 1) ) { return false; } return findClosingIndex(from + 1, to) > from + 1; } /** * Evaluates specified function. * Currently, following XPath functions are supported: last, position, text, count, data * @param source * @param from * @param to * @param position * @param last * @return Collection as the result of evaluation. */ private Collection evaluateFunction(Collection source, int from, int to, int position, int last, boolean isFilterContext) throws XPatherException { String name = tokenArray[from].trim(); ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); final int size = source.size(); Iterator iterator = source.iterator(); int index = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object curr = iterator.next(); index++; if ( "last".equals(name) ) { result.add( new Integer(isFilterContext ? last : size) ); } else if ( "position".equals(name) ) { result.add( new Integer(isFilterContext ? position : index) ); } else if ( "text".equals(name) ) { if (curr instanceof TagNode) { result.add( ((TagNode)curr).getText() ); } else if (curr instanceof String) { result.add( curr.toString() ); } } else if ( "count".equals(name) ) { Collection argumentEvaluated = evaluateAgainst(source, from + 2, to - 1, false, position, 0, isFilterContext, null); result.add( new Integer(argumentEvaluated.size()) ); } else if ( "data".equals(name) ) { Collection argumentEvaluated = evaluateAgainst(source, from + 2, to - 1, false, position, 0, isFilterContext, null); Iterator it = argumentEvaluated.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object elem = it.next(); if (elem instanceof TagNode) { result.add( ((TagNode)elem).getText() ); } else if (elem instanceof String) { result.add( elem.toString() ); } } } else { throw new XPatherException("Unknown function " + name + "!"); } } return result; } /** * Filter nodes satisfying the condition * @param source * @param from * @param to */ private Collection filterByCondition(Collection source, int from, int to) throws XPatherException { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); Iterator iterator = source.iterator(); int index = 0; int size = source.size(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object curr = iterator.next(); index++; ArrayList logicValueList = new ArrayList(evaluateAgainst(singleton(curr), from, to, false, index, size, true, singleton(curr))); if (logicValueList.size() >= 1) { Object first = logicValueList.get(0); if (first instanceof Boolean) { if ( ((Boolean)first).booleanValue() ) { result.add(curr); } } else if (first instanceof Integer) { if ( ((Integer)first).intValue() == index ) { result.add(curr); } } else { result.add(curr); } } } return result; } private boolean isToken(String token, int index) { int len = tokenArray.length; return index >= 0 && index < len && tokenArray[index].trim().equals(token.trim()); } /** * @param from * @param to * @return matching closing index in the token array for the current token, or -1 if there is * no closing token within expected bounds. */ private int findClosingIndex(int from, int to) { if (from < to) { String currToken = tokenArray[from]; if ("\"".equals(currToken)) { for (int i = from + 1; i <= to; i++) { if ("\"".equals(tokenArray[i])) { return i; } } } else if ("'".equals(currToken)) { for (int i = from + 1; i <= to; i++) { if ("'".equals(tokenArray[i])) { return i; } } } else if ( "(".equals(currToken) || "[".equals(currToken) || "/".equals(currToken) ) { boolean isQuoteClosed = true; boolean isAposClosed = true; int brackets = "(".equals(currToken) ? 1 : 0; int angleBrackets = "[".equals(currToken) ? 1 : 0; int slashes = "/".equals(currToken) ? 1 : 0; for (int i = from + 1; i <= to; i++) { if ( "\"".equals(tokenArray[i]) ) { isQuoteClosed = !isQuoteClosed; } else if ( "'".equals(tokenArray[i]) ) { isAposClosed = !isAposClosed; } else if ( "(".equals(tokenArray[i]) && isQuoteClosed && isAposClosed ) { brackets++; } else if ( ")".equals(tokenArray[i]) && isQuoteClosed && isAposClosed ) { brackets--; } else if ( "[".equals(tokenArray[i]) && isQuoteClosed && isAposClosed ) { angleBrackets++; } else if ( "]".equals(tokenArray[i]) && isQuoteClosed && isAposClosed ) { angleBrackets--; } else if ( "/".equals(tokenArray[i]) && isQuoteClosed && isAposClosed && brackets == 0 && angleBrackets == 0) { slashes--; } if (isQuoteClosed && isAposClosed && brackets == 0 && angleBrackets == 0 && slashes == 0) { return i; } } } } return -1; } /** * Checks if token is attribute (starts with @) * @param token */ private boolean isAtt(String token) { return token != null && token.length() > 1 && token.startsWith("@"); } /** * Creates one-element collection for the specified object. * @param element */ private Collection singleton(Object element) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); result.add(element); return result; } /** * For the given source collection and specified name, returns collection of subnodes * or attribute values. * @param source * @param from * @param to * @param isRecursive * @return Colection of TagNode instances or collection of String instances. */ private Collection getElementsByName(Collection source, int from, int to, boolean isRecursive, boolean isFilterContext) throws XPatherException { String name = tokenArray[from].trim(); if (isAtt(name)) { name = name.substring(1); Collection result = new ArrayList(); Collection nodes; if (isRecursive) { nodes = new LinkedHashSet(); Iterator iterator = source.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object next = iterator.next(); if (next instanceof TagNode) { TagNode node = (TagNode) next; nodes.addAll( node.getAllElementsList(true) ); } } } else { nodes = source; } Iterator iterator = nodes.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object next = iterator.next(); if (next instanceof TagNode) { TagNode node = (TagNode) next; if ("*".equals(name)) { result.addAll( evaluateAgainst(node.getAttributes().values(), from + 1, to, false, 1, 1, isFilterContext, null) ); } else { String attValue = node.getAttributeByName(name); if (attValue != null) { result.addAll( evaluateAgainst(singleton(attValue), from + 1, to, false, 1, 1, isFilterContext, null) ); } } } else { throwStandardException(); } } return result; } else { Collection result = new LinkedHashSet(); Iterator iterator = source.iterator(); int index = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Object next = iterator.next(); if (next instanceof TagNode) { TagNode node = (TagNode) next; index++; boolean isSelf = ".".equals(name); boolean isParent = "..".equals(name); boolean isAll = "*".equals(name); Collection subnodes; if (isSelf) { subnodes = singleton(node); } else if (isParent) { TagNode parent = node.getParent(); subnodes = parent != null ? singleton(parent) : new ArrayList(); } else { subnodes = isAll ? node.getChildTagList() : node.getElementListByName(name, false); } LinkedHashSet nodeSet = new LinkedHashSet(subnodes); Collection refinedSubnodes = evaluateAgainst(nodeSet, from + 1, to, false, index, nodeSet.size(), isFilterContext, null); if (isRecursive) { List childTags = node.getChildTagList(); if (isSelf || isParent || isAll) { result.addAll(refinedSubnodes); } Iterator childIterator = childTags.iterator(); while (childIterator.hasNext()) { TagNode childTag = (TagNode) childIterator.next(); Collection childrenByName = getElementsByName(singleton(childTag), from, to, isRecursive, isFilterContext); if ( !isSelf && !isParent && !isAll && refinedSubnodes.contains(childTag) ) { result.add(childTag); } result.addAll(childrenByName); } } else { result.addAll(refinedSubnodes); } } else { throwStandardException(); } } return result; } } /** * Evaluates logic operation on two collections. * @param first * @param second * @param logicOperator * @return Result of logic operation */ private boolean evaluateLogic(Collection first, Collection second, String logicOperator) { if (first == null || first.size() == 0 || second == null || second.size() == 0) { return false; } Object elem1 = first.iterator().next(); Object elem2 = second.iterator().next(); if (elem1 instanceof Number && elem2 instanceof Number) { double d1 = ((Number)elem1).doubleValue(); double d2 = ((Number)elem2).doubleValue(); if ("=".equals(logicOperator)) { return d1 == d2; } else if ("<".equals(logicOperator)) { return d1 < d2; } else if (">".equals(logicOperator)) { return d1 > d2; } else if ("<=".equals(logicOperator)) { return d1 <= d2; } else if (">=".equals(logicOperator)) { return d1 >= d2; } } else { String s1 = toText(elem1); String s2 = toText(elem2); int result = s1.compareTo(s2); if ("=".equals(logicOperator)) { return result == 0; } else if ("<".equals(logicOperator)) { return result < 0; } else if (">".equals(logicOperator)) { return result > 0; } else if ("<=".equals(logicOperator)) { return result <= 0; } else if (">=".equals(logicOperator)) { return result >= 0; } } return false; } private String toText(Object o) { if (o == null) { return ""; } if (o instanceof TagNode) { return ((TagNode)o).getText().toString(); } else { return o.toString(); } } }