/* * Copyright (c) 2015 OpenSilk Productions LLC * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * */ package syncthing.api.model; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Created by drew on 3/1/15. */ public class OptionsConfig implements Serializable, Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6584204552575433781L; public String[] listenAddress; public String[] globalAnnounceServers; public boolean globalAnnounceEnabled; public boolean localAnnounceEnabled; public int localAnnouncePort; public String localAnnounceMCAddr; public int maxSendKbps; public int maxRecvKbps; public int reconnectionIntervalS; public boolean startBrowser; public boolean upnpEnabled; public int upnpLeaseMinutes; public int upnpRenewalMinutes; public int upnpTimeoutSeconds; public int urAccepted; public String urUniqueId; public boolean urPostInsecurely; public int urInitialDelayS; public String urURL; public boolean restartOnWakeup; public int autoUpgradeIntervalH; public int keepTemporariesH; public boolean cacheIgnoredFiles; public int progressUpdateIntervalS; public boolean symlinksEnabled; public boolean limitBandwidthInLan; public int databaseBlockCacheMiB; public String releasesURL; public String[] alwaysLocalNets; public boolean relayWithoutGlobalAnn; public String[] relayServers; public int minHomeDiskFreePct; public static OptionsConfig withDefaults() { OptionsConfig o = new OptionsConfig(); o.listenAddress = new String[]{"tcp://"}; o.globalAnnounceServers = new String[]{"default"}; o.globalAnnounceEnabled = true; o.localAnnounceEnabled = true; o.localAnnouncePort = 21027; o.localAnnounceMCAddr = "[ff12::8384]:21027"; o.maxSendKbps = 0; o.maxRecvKbps = 0; o.reconnectionIntervalS = 60; o.startBrowser = true; o.upnpEnabled = true; o.upnpLeaseMinutes = 60; o.upnpRenewalMinutes = 30; o.upnpTimeoutSeconds = 10; o.urAccepted = -1; //0 off, -1 permanent o.urPostInsecurely = false; o.urInitialDelayS = 1800; o.urURL = "https://data.syncthing.net/newdata"; o.restartOnWakeup = true; o.autoUpgradeIntervalH = 12; o.keepTemporariesH = 24; o.cacheIgnoredFiles = true; o.progressUpdateIntervalS = 5; o.symlinksEnabled = true; o.limitBandwidthInLan = false; o.databaseBlockCacheMiB = 0; o.releasesURL = "https://api.github.com/repos/syncthing/syncthing/releases?per_page=30"; o.relayWithoutGlobalAnn = false; o.relayServers = new String[]{"dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint"}; o.minHomeDiskFreePct = 1; return o; } @Override public OptionsConfig clone() { try { OptionsConfig n = (OptionsConfig) super.clone(); if (listenAddress != null && listenAddress.length > 0) { n.listenAddress = Arrays.copyOf(listenAddress, listenAddress.length); } if (globalAnnounceServers != null && globalAnnounceServers.length > 0) { n.globalAnnounceServers = Arrays.copyOf(globalAnnounceServers, globalAnnounceServers.length); } if (alwaysLocalNets != null && alwaysLocalNets.length > 0) { n.alwaysLocalNets = Arrays.copyOf(alwaysLocalNets, alwaysLocalNets.length); } if (relayServers != null && relayServers.length > 0) { n.relayServers = Arrays.copyOf(relayServers, relayServers.length); } return n; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }