package net.krazyweb.starmodmanager.view; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.stage.StageStyle; import net.krazyweb.starmodmanager.ModManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; public class ModListViewController implements Observer { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(ModListViewController.class); private ModList modList; private List<ModView> modViews; private ModListView view; private List<Mod> oldModOrder; private double y, lastY, mouseY; private SettingsModelInterface settings; private boolean expanded, locked; protected ModListViewController(final ModListView view, final ModList modList) { settings = new SettingsFactory().getInstance(); expanded = settings.getPropertyBoolean("modviewexpanded"); locked = settings.getPropertyBoolean("modlistlocked"); modList.addObserver(this); modViews = new ArrayList<>(); this.view = view; this.modList = modList;; for (final Mod mod : modList.getMods()) { ModView m = new ModView(mod, modList); modViews.add(m); this.view.addMod(m); } /* * The following essentially pre-renders the view, * preventing delay when adding it to the main window * for the first time. I haven't found a better way * around this problem yet. If this isn't done, it * takes a noticeable amount of time to load the view * on the first click, which is jarring and should be * avoided. */ Stage stage = new Stage(); Scene scene = new Scene((VBox) this.view.getContent()); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setOpacity(0); stage.initStyle(StageStyle.UTILITY);; ModManager.getPrimaryStage().toFront(); stage.close(); } protected void addModButtonClicked() { FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); Path lastDirectory = settings.getPropertyPath("lastdirectory"); if (lastDirectory != null) { fileChooser.setInitialDirectory(lastDirectory.toFile()); } fileChooser.setTitle(new LocalizerFactory().getInstance().getMessage("modlistview.modfilechoosertitle")); List<Path> paths = new ArrayList<>(); List<File> files = fileChooser.showOpenMultipleDialog(ModManager.getPrimaryStage()); if (files != null && !files.isEmpty()) { settings.setProperty("lastdirectory", files.get(0).getParent()); for (File file : files) { paths.add(file.toPath()); } modList.addMods(paths); } } protected void modViewMousePressed(final ModView modView, final MouseEvent event) { if (locked) { return; } oldModOrder = modList.getInstalledMods(); y = modView.getContent().getTranslateY(); lastY = y + modView.getContent().getLayoutY(); mouseY = event.getSceneY(); modView.getContent().toFront(); } protected void modViewMouseDragged(final ModView modView, final MouseEvent event) { if (locked) { return; } int nodeHeight = (int) modView.getContent().getHeight(); modView.getContent().setTranslateY((int) (y + event.getSceneY() - mouseY)); double position = modView.getContent().getLayoutY() + modView.getContent().getTranslateY(); if (position <= 0) { modView.getContent().setTranslateY(0 - modView.getContent().getLayoutY()); } if (position + modView.getContent().getHeight() >= view.getModsBox().getHeight()) { modView.getContent().setTranslateY(view.getModsBox().getHeight() - modView.getContent().getLayoutY() - modView.getContent().getHeight()); } if (modList.getMods().indexOf(modView.getMod()) > 0 && position < lastY) { final ModView otherModView = getModViewByMod(modList.getMods().get(modList.getMods().indexOf(modView.getMod()) - 1)); double otherModViewPos = otherModView.getContent().getTranslateY() + otherModView.getContent().getLayoutY(); int otherModViewHeight = (int) otherModView.getContent().getHeight(); int otherModViewHalfHeight = otherModViewHeight / 2; if (!otherModView.moving && otherModViewPos > position - otherModViewHalfHeight) { otherModView.moving = true; modList.moveMod(modView.getMod(), 1); view.animate(otherModView, nodeHeight + 10); } } if (modList.getMods().indexOf(modView.getMod()) < modList.getMods().size() - 1 && position > lastY) { final ModView otherModView = getModViewByMod(modList.getMods().get(modList.getMods().indexOf(modView.getMod()) + 1)); double otherModViewPos = otherModView.getContent().getTranslateY() + otherModView.getContent().getLayoutY(); int otherModViewHeight = (int) otherModView.getContent().getHeight(); int otherModViewHalfHeight = otherModViewHeight / 2; if (!otherModView.moving && otherModViewPos < position + modView.getContent().getHeight() - otherModViewHalfHeight) { otherModView.moving = true; modList.moveMod(modView.getMod(), -1); view.animate(otherModView, -nodeHeight - 10); } } lastY = position; } protected void modViewMouseReleased(final ModView modView, final MouseEvent e) { if (locked) { return; } modList.reinstallConflictingMods(oldModOrder); modView.getContent().setTranslateY(modList.getMods().indexOf(modView.getMod()) * 57 - modView.getContent().getLayoutY()); updateListView(); } private ModView getModViewByMod(final Mod mod) { for (final ModView modView : modViews) { if (modView.getMod() == mod) { return modView; } } return null; } private void updateListView() { /* * For some stupid reason that I can't figure out, the mod panes will not retain * their positions on screen unless they're removed and re-added to the * mod list container. * * Additionally, the list must be sorted into the correct load order * and the layout/translation data set back to 0. */ view.clearMods(); Collections.sort(modViews, new Comparator<ModView>(){ @Override public int compare(ModView mv1, ModView mv2) { return mv1.getMod().getOrder() - mv2.getMod().getOrder(); } }); for (ModView mv : modViews) { mv.getContent().setTranslateY(0); mv.getContent().setLayoutY(0); view.addMod(mv); } } protected void toggleExpansion() { expanded = !expanded; settings.setProperty("modviewexpanded", expanded); for (ModView modView : modViews) { modView.expand(expanded); } updateListView(); } protected void toggleLock() { locked = !locked; settings.setProperty("modlistlocked", locked); } protected void getNewMods() { Thread t = new Thread(modList.getNewModsTask()); t.setName("Get Mods Task"); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); } @Override public void update(final Observable observable, final Object message) { if (observable instanceof ModList && message instanceof Object[]) { Object[] args = (Object[]) message; if (args[0].equals("modadded")) { ModView newModView = new ModView((Mod) args[1], modList); modViews.add(newModView); updateListView(); } else if (args[0].equals("moddeleted") || args[0].equals("modhidden")) { modViews.remove(getModViewByMod((Mod) args[1])); updateListView(); } } } }