package org.stagemonitor.core.metrics.metrics2; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import com.codahale.metrics.Clock; import com.codahale.metrics.Counter; import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge; import com.codahale.metrics.Histogram; import com.codahale.metrics.Meter; import com.codahale.metrics.ScheduledReporter; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.stagemonitor.core.util.ExecutorUtils; /** * A {@link ScheduledReporter} that works with a {@link Metric2Registry} */ public abstract class ScheduledMetrics2Reporter extends ScheduledReporter { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScheduledMetrics2Reporter.class); protected final Metric2Registry registry; private final Metric2Filter filter; private final ScheduledExecutorService executor; protected Clock clock; private boolean started; protected ScheduledMetrics2Reporter(Builder builder) { super(null, null, null, builder.getRateUnit(), builder.getDurationUnit(), builder.getExecutor()); this.registry = builder.getRegistry(); this.filter = builder.getFilter(); this.executor = builder.getExecutor(); this.clock = builder.getClock(); } @Override public void report() { reportMetrics( registry.getGauges(filter), registry.getCounters(filter), registry.getHistograms(filter), registry.getMeters(filter), registry.getTimers(filter) ); } /** * Called periodically by the polling thread. Subclasses should report all the given metrics. * * @param gauges all of the gauges in the registry * @param counters all of the counters in the registry * @param histograms all of the histograms in the registry * @param meters all of the meters in the registry * @param timers all of the timers in the registry */ public abstract void reportMetrics(Map<MetricName, Gauge> gauges, Map<MetricName, Counter> counters, Map<MetricName, Histogram> histograms, Map<MetricName, Meter> meters, Map<MetricName, Timer> timers); /** * Don't use this method * * @deprecated use {@link #reportMetrics(Map, Map, Map, Map, Map)} */ @Override @Deprecated public final void report(SortedMap<String, Gauge> gauges, SortedMap<String, Counter> counters, SortedMap<String, Histogram> histograms, SortedMap<String, Meter> meters, SortedMap<String, Timer> timers) { // intentionally left blank } /** * Starts the reporter polling at the given period. * * @param period the amount of time between polls * @param unit the unit for {@code period} */ public void start(long period, TimeUnit unit) { synchronized (this) { if (started) { throw new IllegalStateException("This reporter has already been started"); } final long periodInMS = unit.toMillis(period); executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { report(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { logger.error("RuntimeException thrown from {}#report. Exception was suppressed.", getClass().getSimpleName(), ex); } } }, getOffsetUntilTimestampIsDivisableByPeriod(clock.getTime(), periodInMS), periodInMS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); this.clock = new QuantizedClock(clock, periodInMS); this.started = true; } } /* * Makes sure that values are always submitted at the same time on each server no matter when they where started (aka. quantization) * * See * and also */ public static long getOffsetUntilTimestampIsDivisableByPeriod(long currentTimestamp, long periodInMS) { return periodInMS - (currentTimestamp % periodInMS); } public abstract static class Builder<R extends ScheduledMetrics2Reporter, B extends Builder> { private final Metric2Registry registry; private final ScheduledExecutorService executor; private Metric2Filter filter = Metric2Filter.ALL; private TimeUnit rateUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS; private TimeUnit durationUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; private Clock clock = Clock.defaultClock(); private Map<String, String> globalTags = Collections.emptyMap(); protected Builder(Metric2Registry registry, String reporterName) { this.executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ExecutorUtils.NamedThreadFactory(reporterName)); this.registry = registry; } protected Builder(Metric2Registry registry, ScheduledExecutorService executor) { this.executor = executor; this.registry = registry; } public Metric2Registry getRegistry() { return registry; } public Metric2Filter getFilter() { return filter; } public TimeUnit getRateUnit() { return rateUnit; } public TimeUnit getDurationUnit() { return durationUnit; } public ScheduledExecutorService getExecutor() { return executor; } /** * Only report metrics which match the given filter. * * @param filter a {@link com.codahale.metrics.MetricFilter} * @return {@code this} */ public B filter(Metric2Filter filter) { this.filter = filter; return (B) this; } /** * Convert rates to the given time unit. * * @param rateUnit a unit of time * @return {@code this} */ public B convertRatesTo(TimeUnit rateUnit) { this.rateUnit = rateUnit; return (B) this; } /** * Convert durations to the given time unit. * * @param durationUnit a unit of time * @return {@code this} */ public B convertDurationsTo(TimeUnit durationUnit) { this.durationUnit = durationUnit; return (B) this; } public Clock getClock() { return clock; } public B clock(Clock clock) { this.clock = clock; return (B) this; } public Map<String, String> getGlobalTags() { return globalTags; } public B globalTags(Map<String, String> globalTags) { this.globalTags = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(globalTags)); return (B) this; } /** * Builds a reporter with the given properties. * * @return a reporter */ public abstract R build(); } }