package; import static org.solemnsilence.util.Py.list; import static; import static org.solemnsilence.util.Py.set; import static org.solemnsilence.util.Py.truthy; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import org.solemnsilence.util.TLog; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import; import; import; /** * Common access to {@link Device}s. * * Uses an in-memory cache, backed by on-disk storage using SharedPreferences. * */ public class DeviceState { static final TLog log = new TLog(DeviceState.class); private static final Map<String, Device> deviceMap = map(); private static final Random random = new Random(); private static Context appContext; public static synchronized void initialize(Context ctx) { appContext = ctx.getApplicationContext(); String coresJsonArray = Prefs.getInstance().getCoresJsonArray(); Type listType = new TypeToken<List<Device>>() { }.getType(); List<Device> devices = WebHelpers.getGson().fromJson(coresJsonArray, listType); updateAllKnownDevices(devices); } public synchronized static List<Device> getKnownDevices() { return Lists.newArrayList(deviceMap.values()); } public synchronized static Device getDeviceById(String deviceId) { return (deviceId == null) ? null : deviceMap.get(deviceId); } public synchronized static void updateAllKnownDevices(List<Device> updatedDevices) { log.d("Updating known devices with: " + updatedDevices); Set<String> updatedDeviceIds = set(); for (Device updatedDevice : updatedDevices) { String updatedDeviceId = updateSingleDevice(updatedDevice, false); updatedDeviceIds.add(updatedDeviceId); } // now remove the devices which weren't in the update. for (String missingDeviceId : set(deviceMap.keySet()).getDifference(updatedDeviceIds)) { log.d("Removing device from local device store: " + missingDeviceId); deviceMap.remove(missingDeviceId); } saveDevices(); } // returns the ID of the updated device. public synchronized static String updateSingleDevice(Device updatedDevice, boolean save) { Device oldDevice = deviceMap.get(; Device.Builder toInsert = updatedDevice.toBuilder(); // ensure we never have a device with a if (oldDevice != null) { toInsert.fillInFalseyValuesFromOther(oldDevice); } if (!truthy(toInsert.getColor())) { toInsert.setColor(getRandomCoreColor()); } if (!truthy(toInsert.getName())) { // don't allow null or empty string names toInsert.setName(appContext.getString(R.string._unnamed_core_)); } Device built =; deviceMap.put(, built); if (save) { saveDevices(); } return; } public synchronized static void renameDevice(String coreId, String newName) { // Create a device with default values and let 'updateSingleDevice' do // the work. Kinda cheesy, but it works. Device device = deviceMap.get(coreId); if (device == null) { log.e("Cannot rename, no device found with ID: " + coreId); return; } updateSingleDevice(device.toBuilder() .setName(newName) .build(), true); } public synchronized static Set<String> getExistingCoreNames() { return set(Collections2.transform(deviceMap.values(), new Function<Device, String>() { @Override public String apply(Device device) { return; } })); } private static int getRandomCoreColor() { TypedArray colors = appContext.getResources().obtainTypedArray(R.array.core_colors); int max = colors.length() - 1; int min = 0; int randomIdx = random.nextInt((max - min) + 1) + min; int color = colors.getColor(randomIdx, 0); colors.recycle(); return color; } private synchronized static void saveDevices() { new DevicesSaver(list(deviceMap.values())) .executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR); } private static class DevicesSaver extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { final Prefs prefs = Prefs.getInstance(); final List<Device> devices; public DevicesSaver(List<Device> devices) { this.devices = devices; } @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { Type listType = new TypeToken<List<Device>>() { }.getType(); String asJson = WebHelpers.getGson().toJson(devices, listType); prefs.saveCoresJsonArray(asJson); return null; } } }