/** SpagoBI, the Open Source Business Intelligence suite Copyright (C) 2012 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - SpagoBI Competency Center This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. **/ package it.eng.spagobi.studio.highchart.model.bo; public class XAxis { Boolean allowDecimals; String alternateGridColor; String categories; String dateTimeLabelFormats; Boolean endOnTick; String gridLineColor; String gridLineDashStyle; Integer gridLineWidth; Integer id; String labels; String lineColor; Integer lineWidth; String linkedTo; Integer max; Float maxPadding; Integer maxZoom; Integer min; String minorGridLineColor; String minorGridLineDashStyle; Integer minorGridLineWidth; String minorTickColor; String minorTickInterval; //combo Integer minorTickLength; String minorTickPosition; //combo Integer minorTickWidth; Float minPadding; Integer offset; Boolean opposite; String plotBands; String plotLines; Boolean reversed; Boolean showFirstLabel; Boolean showLastLabel; Integer startOfWeek; Boolean startOnTick; String tickColor; Integer tickInterval; Integer tickLength; String tickmarkPlacement; Integer tickPixelInterval; String tickPosition; Integer tickWidth; TitleAxis titleAxis; String type; String alias; public Boolean isAllowDecimals() { return allowDecimals; } public void setAllowDecimals(Boolean allowDecimals) { this.allowDecimals = allowDecimals; } public String getAlternateGridColor() { return alternateGridColor; } public void setAlternateGridColor(String alternateGridColor) { this.alternateGridColor = alternateGridColor; } public String getCategories() { return categories; } public void setCategories(String categories) { this.categories = categories; } public String getDateTimeLabelFormats() { return dateTimeLabelFormats; } public void setDateTimeLabelFormats(String dateTimeLabelFormats) { this.dateTimeLabelFormats = dateTimeLabelFormats; } public Boolean isEndOnTick() { return endOnTick; } public void setEndOnTick(Boolean endOnTick) { this.endOnTick = endOnTick; } public String getGridLineColor() { return gridLineColor; } public void setGridLineColor(String gridLineColor) { this.gridLineColor = gridLineColor; } public String getGridLineDashStyle() { return gridLineDashStyle; } public void setGridLineDashStyle(String gridLineDashStyle) { this.gridLineDashStyle = gridLineDashStyle; } public Integer getGridLineWidth() { return gridLineWidth; } public void setGridLineWidth(Integer gridLineWidth) { this.gridLineWidth = gridLineWidth; } public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; } public String getLabels() { return labels; } public void setLabels(String labels) { this.labels = labels; } public String getLineColor() { return lineColor; } public void setLineColor(String lineColor) { this.lineColor = lineColor; } public Integer getLineWidth() { return lineWidth; } public void setLineWidth(Integer lineWidth) { this.lineWidth = lineWidth; } public String getLinkedTo() { return linkedTo; } public void setLinkedTo(String linkedTo) { this.linkedTo = linkedTo; } public Integer getMax() { return max; } public void setMax(Integer max) { this.max = max; } public Float getMaxPadding() { return maxPadding; } public void setMaxPadding(Float maxPadding) { this.maxPadding = maxPadding; } public Integer getMaxZoom() { return maxZoom; } public void setMaxZoom(Integer maxZoom) { this.maxZoom = maxZoom; } public Integer getMin() { return min; } public void setMin(Integer min) { this.min = min; } public String getMinorGridLineColor() { return minorGridLineColor; } public void setMinorGridLineColor(String minorGridLineColor) { this.minorGridLineColor = minorGridLineColor; } public String getMinorGridLineDashStyle() { return minorGridLineDashStyle; } public void setMinorGridLineDashStyle(String minorGridLineDashStyle) { this.minorGridLineDashStyle = minorGridLineDashStyle; } public Integer getMinorGridLineWidth() { return minorGridLineWidth; } public void setMinorGridLineWidth(Integer minorGridLineWidth) { this.minorGridLineWidth = minorGridLineWidth; } public String getMinorTickColor() { return minorTickColor; } public void setMinorTickColor(String minorTickColor) { this.minorTickColor = minorTickColor; } public String getMinorTickInterval() { return minorTickInterval; } public void setMinorTickInterval(String minorTickInterval) { this.minorTickInterval = minorTickInterval; } public Integer getMinorTickLength() { return minorTickLength; } public void setMinorTickLength(Integer minorTickLength) { this.minorTickLength = minorTickLength; } public String getMinorTickPosition() { return minorTickPosition; } public void setMinorTickPosition(String minorTickPosition) { this.minorTickPosition = minorTickPosition; } public Integer getMinorTickWidth() { return minorTickWidth; } public void setMinorTickWidth(Integer minorTickWidth) { this.minorTickWidth = minorTickWidth; } public Float getMinPadding() { return minPadding; } public void setMinPadding(Float minPadding) { this.minPadding = minPadding; } public Integer getOffset() { return offset; } public void setOffset(Integer offset) { this.offset = offset; } public Boolean getOpposite() { return opposite; } public void setOpposite(Boolean opposite) { this.opposite = opposite; } public String getPlotBands() { return plotBands; } public void setPlotBands(String plotBands) { this.plotBands = plotBands; } public String getPlotLines() { return plotLines; } public void setPlotLines(String plotLines) { this.plotLines = plotLines; } public Boolean getReversed() { return reversed; } public void setReversed(Boolean reversed) { this.reversed = reversed; } public Boolean getShowFirstLabel() { return showFirstLabel; } public void setShowFirstLabel(Boolean showFirstLabel) { this.showFirstLabel = showFirstLabel; } public Boolean getShowLastLabel() { return showLastLabel; } public void setShowLastLabel(Boolean showLastLabel) { this.showLastLabel = showLastLabel; } public Integer getStartOfWeek() { return startOfWeek; } public void setStartOfWeek(Integer startOfWeek) { this.startOfWeek = startOfWeek; } public Boolean getStartOnTick() { return startOnTick; } public void setStartOnTick(Boolean startOnTick) { this.startOnTick = startOnTick; } public String getTickColor() { return tickColor; } public void setTickColor(String tickColor) { this.tickColor = tickColor; } public Integer getTickInterval() { return tickInterval; } public void setTickInterval(Integer tickInterval) { this.tickInterval = tickInterval; } public Integer getTickLength() { return tickLength; } public void setTickLength(Integer tickLength) { this.tickLength = tickLength; } public String getTickmarkPlacement() { return tickmarkPlacement; } public void setTickmarkPlacement(String tickmarkPlacement) { this.tickmarkPlacement = tickmarkPlacement; } public Integer getTickPixelInterval() { return tickPixelInterval; } public void setTickPixelInterval(Integer tickPixelInterval) { this.tickPixelInterval = tickPixelInterval; } public String getTickPosition() { return tickPosition; } public void setTickPosition(String tickPosition) { this.tickPosition = tickPosition; } public Integer getTickWidth() { return tickWidth; } public void setTickWidth(Integer tickWidth) { this.tickWidth = tickWidth; } public TitleAxis getTitleAxis() { if(titleAxis == null) titleAxis = new TitleAxis(); return titleAxis; } public void setTitleAxis(TitleAxis titleAxis) { this.titleAxis = titleAxis; } public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getAlias() { return alias; } public void setAlias(String alias) { this.alias = alias; } }