package com.spaceshooter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Intersector; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; public class BulletManager { private List<Bullet> bulletList; //LinkedList that handles all the bullets. private Explosion explosion; float blowX, blowY; //X and Y position of the explosion when bullets collide. float blowTimer; private boolean collision; /* Use a double LinkedList instead of an ArrayList to store Bullets to improve efficiency and make removing elements take constant time*/ BulletManager() { bulletList = new ArrayList<Bullet>(); blowX = 0.0f; blowY = 0.0f; blowTimer = 0.0f; collision = false; } public void update(EnemyManager enemyManager, SpriteBatch batch, ScoreHandler scorehandler, Player player,PickupManager pickupManager) { // Where 'b' = bullet && 'e' = enemy if (player != null) { ListIterator<Bullet> bulletIter = bulletList.listIterator(); while (bulletIter.hasNext()) { Bullet b =; b.updateBullet(batch,enemyManager); ListIterator<Enemy> enemyIter = enemyManager.getList().listIterator(); while (enemyIter.hasNext()) { Enemy e =; if (Intersector.overlaps(b.getBoundingRectangle(), e.getBoundingRectangle()) == true && b instanceof PlayerBullet) { //Reduce the enemy's health by the specified amount determined by the player's level. e.hit(player.getWeaponLevel()); if (e.isDead) { blowX = b.getX(); blowY = b.getY(); explosion = new Explosion(blowX, blowY); // Different enemies give out different score bonuses. if (e instanceof EnemyTongue || e instanceof EnemyRedship || e instanceof EnemyCargo) scorehandler.addScore(3000); // 5k bonus for the hard ones. else if (e instanceof EnemyFactory || e instanceof EnemyKiller1 || e instanceof EnemyEye || e instanceof EnemyMissileShip) scorehandler.addScore(2000); // 3k bonus for the moderate ones. else scorehandler.addScore(1000); // Power-ups will not drop every time. int rand = MathUtils.random(8); if (rand == 0) { pickupManager.getList().add(new WeaponPickup(e.getX(), e.getY())); } else if (rand == 1) { pickupManager.getList().add(new MissilePickup(e.getX(), e.getY())); } enemyIter.remove(); } collision = true; // tells that the bullet has collided w/ // enemy if (e != null && !e.isInvincible) scorehandler.addScore(10); // Add 10pts to score. /* * In the future, check for enemy types and add a higher or * lower score Depending on the enemy */ } else if (Intersector.overlaps(b .getBoundingRectangle(), player.getBoundingRectangle()) == true && (!(b instanceof PlayerBullet))) { if (!(player.isBlinking || collision)) { //Why must I check the collision boolean? player.killPlayer(); collision = true; } } } if (b.getY() > SpaceShooter.getTopBound() || b.getY() < SpaceShooter.getBottomBound()) { bulletIter.remove(); } else if (collision) { bulletIter.remove(); collision = false; // follows up and removes the bullet, then // resets boolean. } } } else { ListIterator<Bullet> bulletIter = bulletList.listIterator(); while (bulletIter.hasNext()) { Bullet b =; b.updateBullet(batch,enemyManager); } } } public List<Bullet> getList() { return bulletList; } public void draw(SpriteBatch batch) { // Looping through the Linked List with O(n). for (Bullet b : bulletList) { if (b != null && (!(b instanceof PlayerBullet))) //Don't draw the actual sprite for the PlayerBullet, only the particle is drawn. b.draw(batch); } if (explosion != null) explosion.draw(batch); /*Having only one explosion active at a time eliminates the need for an ExplosionManager class and is not noticeable by the player.*/ } public void clear() { bulletList.clear(); } public void dispose() { clear(); } }