package io.mazenmc.skypebot.modules.generated; import; import; import; import io.mazenmc.skypebot.utils.Resource; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; // TODO: MOAR public class BuzzFeed implements Module { private static HashMap<String, List<String>> data = new HashMap<String, List<String>>() {{ put("emotion1", Arrays.asList("amazed", "shocked", "excited", "saddened", "happy", "bored")); put("emotion2", Arrays.asList("hate", "love", "like", "admire", "want to kill")); put("action", Arrays.asList("blow your mind", "kill your sister", "end your life", "punch a wall", "laugh at Mazen", "think about Jesus", "masturbate vigorously")); put("things", Arrays.asList("Ponies", "Kittens", "Java Projects", "DMCA's", "Minecraft Renders", "ChipDev Quotes", "Balloons", "People", "Houses", "Beach Balls", "Emojis", "Japanese People", "iPhone Cases", "Costumes the size of your mother")); List<String> numbers = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 5; i < 59; i++) { numbers.add(String.valueOf(i)); } put("number", numbers); }}; private static List<String> sentences = new ArrayList<String>() {{ add("The top [number] [things] that will make you [action]!"); add("[number] of the sexiest [things] that will leave you [emotion1]"); add("Which of the [number] [things] do you [emotion2] the most?"); }}; @Command(name = "buzzfeed", cooldown = 15) public static void cmdBuzzFeed(ReceivedMessage chat) throws Exception { String sentence = sentences.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(sentences.size())); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> s : data.entrySet()) { while (sentence.contains("[" + s.getKey() + "]")) { sentence = sentence.replaceFirst("\\[" + s.getKey() + "\\]", s.getValue().get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(s.getValue().size()))); } } Resource.sendMessage(chat, sentence); } }