package com.inet.gradle.setup.dmg; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.gradle.api.GradleException; import org.gradle.api.Project; import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration; import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.DependencyHandler; import org.gradle.api.internal.file.FileResolver; import com.inet.gradle.setup.SetupBuilder; import com.inet.gradle.setup.abstracts.Service; import com.inet.gradle.setup.util.ReplacingInputStream; import com.inet.gradle.setup.util.ResourceUtils; public class OSXPrefPaneCreator extends AbstractOSXApplicationBuilder<Dmg, SetupBuilder> { private File buildDir; private Project project; protected OSXPrefPaneCreator( Dmg task, SetupBuilder setup, FileResolver fileResolver ) { super( task, setup, fileResolver ); buildDir = task.getTemporaryDir(); project = task.getProject(); } /** * Create a single Lauch4j launcher. * * @param launch the launch description * @param task the task * @param setup the SetupBuilder * @return the file to the created exe. * @throws Exception if any error occur */ void create( Service service ) throws Exception { String displayName = service.getDisplayName(); String internalName = displayName.replaceAll( "[^A-Za-z0-9]", "" ); File prefPaneSource = unpackAndPatchPrefPaneSource( internalName ); ArrayList<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(); command.add( "gradle" ); command.add( "-b" ); command.add( new File( prefPaneSource, "build.gradle" ).getAbsolutePath() ); command.add( "xcodebuild" ); exec( command ); File prefPaneBinary = new File( prefPaneSource, "build/sym/Release/" + internalName + ".prefPane" ); if( !prefPaneBinary.exists() ) { throw new GradleException( "Launch4j failed. " ); } // Where will the Result be put File resourcesOutput = new File( buildDir, displayName + ".app/Contents/Resources" ); // Rename to app-name to the final prefpane name in the service File prefPaneLocation = new File( resourcesOutput, displayName + ".prefPane" ); // rename helper Tool in binary of the pref pane File prefPaneContents = new File( prefPaneBinary, "Contents" ); Path iconPath = getApplicationIcon().toPath(); Files.copy( iconPath, new File( prefPaneContents, "Resources/" + internalName + ".app/Contents/Resources/applet.icns" ).toPath(), java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING ); Files.move( new File( prefPaneContents, "MacOS/" + internalName ).toPath(), new File( prefPaneContents, "MacOS/" + displayName ).toPath(), java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING ); Files.move( new File( prefPaneContents, "Resources/" + internalName + ".app" ).toPath(), new File( prefPaneContents, "Resources/" + displayName + ".app" ).toPath(), java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING ); System.out.println( "Unpacked the Preference Pane to: " + prefPaneContents.getAbsolutePath() ); // Make executable setApplicationFilePermissions( new File( prefPaneContents, "Resources/" + displayName + ".app/Contents/MacOS/applet" ) ); // Rename prefPane Files.move( prefPaneBinary.toPath(), prefPaneLocation.toPath(), java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING ); // Copy Icon Files.copy( iconPath, new File( prefPaneLocation, "Contents/Resources/ProductIcon.icns" ).toPath(), java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING ); // Patch Info.plist File prefPanePLIST = new File( prefPaneLocation, "Contents/Info.plist" ); setPlistProperty( prefPanePLIST, ":CFBundleIdentifier", (getSetupBuilder().getMainClass() != null ? getSetupBuilder().getMainClass() : getSetupBuilder().getAppIdentifier()) + ".prefPane" ); setPlistProperty( prefPanePLIST, ":CFBundleName", displayName + " Preference Pane" ); setPlistProperty( prefPanePLIST, ":CFBundleExecutable", displayName ); setPlistProperty( prefPanePLIST, ":NSPrefPaneIconLabel", displayName ); setPlistProperty( prefPanePLIST, ":CFBundleExecutable", displayName ); File servicePLIST = new File( prefPaneLocation, "Contents/Resources/service.plist" ); setPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":Name", displayName ); setPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":Label", service.getMainClass() != null ? service.getMainClass() : getSetupBuilder().getAppIdentifier() ); // Program will be set during installation. setPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":Description", service.getDescription() ); setPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":Version", getSetupBuilder().getVersion() ); setPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":KeepAlive", String.valueOf( service.isKeepAlive() ) ); setPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":RunAtBoot", String.valueOf( service.isStartOnBoot() ) ); setPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":RunAtLoad", "true" ); if( task.getDaemonUser() != "root" ) { // Root by default, will only set if not. addPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":UserName", "String", task.getDaemonUser() ); addPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":GroupName", "String", task.getDaemonUser() ); } // Reset the plist. deletePlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":starter" ); // Output the preference link actions to the plist for( int i = 0; i < task.getPreferencesLinks().size(); i++ ) { if( i == 0 ) { addPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":starter", "array", null ); } PreferencesLink preferencesLink = task.getPreferencesLinks().get( i ); addPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":starter:", "dict", null ); addPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":starter:" + i + ":title", "string", preferencesLink.getTitle() ); addPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":starter:" + i + ":action", "string", preferencesLink.getAction() ); addPlistProperty( servicePLIST, ":starter:" + i + ":asroot", "bool", preferencesLink.isRunAsRoot() ? "YES" : "NO" ); } ResourceUtils.deleteDirectory( prefPaneSource.toPath() ); } /** * Download and unpack the preferences pane setup files * * @param internalName to unpack it now * @return file to prefpane sources * @throws IOException if an error occurs */ private File unpackAndPatchPrefPaneSource( String internalName ) throws IOException { // Create Config and load Dependencies. String configName = "prefPaneSource"; Configuration config = project.getConfigurations().findByName( configName ); if( config == null ) { config = project.getConfigurations().create( configName ); config.setVisible( false ); config.setTransitive( false ); DependencyHandler dependencies = project.getDependencies(); dependencies.add( configName, "de.inetsoftware:SetupBuilderOSXPrefPane:+:sources" ); } // Prepare output directory File outputDir = new File( buildDir, configName ); outputDir.mkdirs(); // Unzip the content for( File file : config.getFiles() ) { ResourceUtils.unZipIt( file, outputDir, ( entryName ) -> { return entryName.replaceAll( "SetupBuilderOSXPrefPane", internalName ); }, ( inputStream ) -> { return new ReplacingInputStream( inputStream, new HashMap<byte[], byte[]>() { { put( "SetupBuilderOSXPrefPane".getBytes(), internalName.getBytes() ); } } ); } ); } return outputDir; } }