package com.sabdroidex.controllers.sickbeard; import android.os.Debug; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.Log; import com.sabdroidex.controllers.SABController; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sabdroidex.utils.Preferences; import com.sabdroidex.utils.json.impl.SimpleJSONMarshaller; import com.utils.ApacheCredentialProvider; import com.utils.HttpUtil; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.util.Collections; public final class SickBeardController extends SABController { private static final String TAG = "SickBeardController"; private static boolean executingRefreshShows = false; private static boolean executingRefreshComing = false; private static boolean executingCommand = false; private static final String URL_TEMPLATE = "[SICKBEARD_URL]/[SICKBEARD_URL_EXTENTION]api/[SICKBEARD_API_KEY]?cmd=[COMMAND]"; private static final String URL_TVDB = "[TVDBID]"; private static final String URL_TVDB_SEASONS = "[TVDBID]"; public static enum MESSAGE { SHOWS, SHOW, FUTURE, SHOW_GETBANNER, SHOW_GETPOSTER, SHOW_ADDNEW, SB_SEARCHTVDB, UPDATE, SHOW_SEASONLIST, SHOW_SEASONS, EPISODE_SETSTATUS } /** * Adds a show to SickBeard. For the location the configuration setting * (default) is used -- if valid. The result sent to the {@link Handler} * will be a {@link String} containing the status. * * @param messageHandler * The message handler to be notified * @param value * The value which will be used to perform the action */ public static void addShow(final Handler messageHandler, final String value) { // Already running or settings not ready if (executingCommand || !Preferences.isSet(Preferences.SABNZBD_URL)) return; Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { Object results[] = new Object[2]; String addData = makeApiCall(MESSAGE.SHOW_ADDNEW.toString().toLowerCase(), "tvdbid=" + value); /** * Getting the values from the JSON Object */ JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(addData); results[0] = jsonObject; results[1] = jsonObject.getString("result"); Message message = new Message(); message.setTarget(messageHandler); message.what = MESSAGE.SHOW_ADDNEW.hashCode(); message.obj = results[1]; message.sendToTarget(); Thread.sleep(250); SickBeardController.refreshShows(messageHandler); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, ""); } } }; sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, MESSAGE.SHOW_ADDNEW.toString()); thread.start(); } /** * Search for a show to add to SickBeard. * * @param messageHandler * The message handler to be notified * @param value * The value which will be used to perform the action */ public static void searchShow(final Handler messageHandler, final String value) { /** * If already running or Sickbeard is not configured */ if (executingCommand || !Preferences.isSet(Preferences.SABNZBD_URL)) return; Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { String searchData = makeApiCall(MESSAGE.SB_SEARCHTVDB.toString().toLowerCase(), "name=" + URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"), "lang=en"); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(searchData); if (!jsonObject.isNull("message") && !"".equals(jsonObject.getString("message"))) { sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, "SickBeard : " + jsonObject.getString("message")); } else { jsonObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("data"); SimpleJSONMarshaller simpleJSONMarshaller = new SimpleJSONMarshaller(ShowSearch.class); ShowSearch showSearch = (ShowSearch) simpleJSONMarshaller.unMarshal(jsonObject); Message message = new Message(); message.setTarget(messageHandler); message.what = MESSAGE.SB_SEARCHTVDB.hashCode(); message.obj = showSearch; message.sendToTarget(); } } catch (Throwable e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, ""); } } }; sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, MESSAGE.SB_SEARCHTVDB.toString()); thread.start(); } /** * Refresh the shows that are in SickBeard. The result sent to the * {@link Handler} will be an array of all the shows. * * @param messageHandler * The message handler to be notified */ public static void refreshShows(final Handler messageHandler) { /** * If already running or Sickbeard is not configured */ if (executingRefreshShows || !Preferences.isSet(Preferences.SICKBEARD_URL)) return; Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { String statusMessage = ""; try { String queueData = makeApiCall(MESSAGE.SHOWS.toString().toLowerCase()); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(queueData); Shows shows = null; if (!jsonObject.isNull("message") && !"".equals(jsonObject.getString("message"))) { sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, "SickBeard : " + jsonObject.getString("message")); } else { jsonObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("data"); SimpleJSONMarshaller jsonMarshaller = new SimpleJSONMarshaller(Shows.class); shows = (Shows) jsonMarshaller.unMarshal(jsonObject); Collections.sort(shows.getShowElements()); Message message = new Message(); message.setTarget(messageHandler); message.what = MESSAGE.SHOWS.hashCode(); message.obj = shows; message.sendToTarget(); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); statusMessage = e.getLocalizedMessage(); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { executingRefreshShows = false; sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, statusMessage); } } }; executingRefreshShows = true; thread.start(); } /** * Makes a call to retrieve all the episodes that will be available soon or * those that have been missed. * * @param messageHandler * The message handler to be notified */ public static void refreshFuture(final Handler messageHandler) { /** * If already running or Sickbeard is not configured */ if (executingRefreshComing || !Preferences.isSet(Preferences.SICKBEARD_URL)) return; Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { /** * Getting the values from the JSON Object */ String queueData = makeApiCall(MESSAGE.FUTURE.toString().toLowerCase(), "sort=date"); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(queueData); FuturePeriod futurePeriod = null; if (!jsonObject.isNull("message") && !"".equals(jsonObject.getString("message"))) { sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, "SickBeard : " + jsonObject.getString("message")); } else { jsonObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("data"); SimpleJSONMarshaller simpleJSONMarshaller = new SimpleJSONMarshaller(FuturePeriod.class); futurePeriod = (FuturePeriod) simpleJSONMarshaller.unMarshal(jsonObject); Message message = new Message(); message.setTarget(messageHandler); message.what = MESSAGE.FUTURE.hashCode(); message.obj = futurePeriod; message.sendToTarget(); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { executingRefreshComing = false; } } }; executingRefreshComing = true; thread.start(); } /** * Makes a call to retrieve all seasons of a given show. * * @param messageHandler * the handler that will be notified upon completion or error. * @param value * the showID */ public static void getShow(final Handler messageHandler, final String value) { /** * If Sickbeard is not configured */ if (!Preferences.isSet(Preferences.SICKBEARD_URL)) return; Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { String data = makeApiCall(MESSAGE.SHOW.toString().toLowerCase(), "tvdbid=" + value); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(data); Show show = null; if (!jsonObject.isNull("message") && !"".equals(jsonObject.getString("message"))) { sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, "SickBeard : " + jsonObject.getString("message")); } else { jsonObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("data"); SimpleJSONMarshaller jsonMarshaller = new SimpleJSONMarshaller(Show.class); show = (Show) jsonMarshaller.unMarshal(jsonObject); Collections.sort(show.getSeasonList()); } Message message = new Message(); message.setTarget(messageHandler); message.what = MESSAGE.SHOW.hashCode(); message.obj = show; message.sendToTarget(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }; thread.start(); } /** * Makes a call to retrieve all episodes of a given season for a specific * show. * * @param messageHandler * the handler that will be notified upon completion or error. * @param showId the imdb ID of the show. * @param seasonId the season ID of the show (season number) */ public static void getSeason(final Handler messageHandler, final String showId, final String seasonId) { /** * If Sickbeard is not configured */ if (!Preferences.isSet(Preferences.SICKBEARD_URL)) return; Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { String data = makeApiCall(MESSAGE.SHOW_SEASONS.toString().toLowerCase(), "tvdbid=" + showId, "season=" + seasonId); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(data); Season season = null; if (!jsonObject.isNull("message") && !"".equals(jsonObject.getString("message"))) { sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, "SickBeard : " + jsonObject.getString("message")); } else { jsonObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("data"); SimpleJSONMarshaller jsonMarshaller = new SimpleJSONMarshaller(Season.class); season = (Season) jsonMarshaller.unMarshal(jsonObject); Collections.sort(season.getEpisodes()); } Message message = new Message(); message.setTarget(messageHandler); message.what = MESSAGE.SHOW_SEASONS.hashCode(); message.obj = season; message.sendToTarget(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } }; thread.start(); } public static void setEpisodeStatus(final Handler messageHandler, final String tvdbId, final String seasonId, final String episode, final String status) { /** * If Sickbeard is not configured */ if (!Preferences.isSet(Preferences.SICKBEARD_URL)) return; Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { String statusMessage = ""; try { String data = makeApiCall(MESSAGE.EPISODE_SETSTATUS.toString().toLowerCase(), "tvdbid=" + tvdbId, "season=" + seasonId, "episode=" + episode, "status=" + status); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(data); if (!jsonObject.isNull("message") && !"".equals(jsonObject.getString("message"))) { statusMessage = "SickBeard : " + jsonObject.getString("message"); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { Log.w(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } finally { sendUpdateMessageStatus(messageHandler, statusMessage); } } }; thread.start(); } /** * This functions handle the API calls to SickBeard to define the URL and * parameters * * @param command * The type of command that will be sent to SickBeard * @return The result of the API call * @throws Exception * Thrown if there is any unexpected problem during the * communication with the server */ public static String makeApiCall(String command) throws Exception { return makeApiCall(command, ""); } /** * This functions handle the API calls to SickBeard to define the URL and * parameters * * @param command * The type of command that will be sent to SickBeard * @param extraParams * Any parameter that will have to be part of the URL * @return The result of the API call * @throws Exception * Thrown if there is any unexpected problem during the * communication with the server */ public static String makeApiCall(String command, String... extraParams) throws Exception { /** * Correcting the command names to be understood by SickBeard */ command = command.replace('_', '.'); String url = getFormattedUrl(); url = url.replace("[COMMAND]", command); for (String xTraParam : extraParams) { if (xTraParam != null && !xTraParam.trim().equals("")) { url = url + "&" + xTraParam; } } if (Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) { Log.d(TAG, url); } return new String(HttpUtil.getInstance().getDataAsCharArray(url, ApacheCredentialProvider.getCredentialsProvider())); } /** * This function gets the URL used to connect to the Sabnzbd server * * @return url A {@link String} containing the URL of the Sabnzbd server */ private static String getFormattedUrl() { String url = URL_TEMPLATE; /** * Checking if there is a port to concatenate to the URL */ if ("".equals(Preferences.get(Preferences.SICKBEARD_PORT))) { url = url.replace("[SICKBEARD_URL]", Preferences.get(Preferences.SICKBEARD_URL)); } else { url = url.replace("[SICKBEARD_URL]", Preferences.get(Preferences.SICKBEARD_URL) + ":" + Preferences.get(Preferences.SICKBEARD_PORT)); } /** * Checking the url extention */ if ("".equals(Preferences.get(Preferences.SICKBEARD_URL_EXTENTION))) { url = url.replace("[SICKBEARD_URL_EXTENTION]", Preferences.get(Preferences.SICKBEARD_URL_EXTENTION)); } else { url = url.replace("[SICKBEARD_URL_EXTENTION]", Preferences.get(Preferences.SICKBEARD_URL_EXTENTION) + "/"); } /** * Checking if there is an API Key from SickBeard to concatenate to the * URL */ if ("".equals(Preferences.get(Preferences.SICKBEARD_API_KEY))) { url = url.replace("[SICKBEARD_API_KEY]", ""); } else { url = url.replace("[SICKBEARD_API_KEY]", Preferences.get(Preferences.SICKBEARD_API_KEY) + "/"); } if (!url.toUpperCase().startsWith("HTTP://") && !url.toUpperCase().startsWith("HTTPS://")) { if (Preferences.isEnabled(Preferences.SICKBEARD_SSL)) { url = "https://" + url; } else { url = "http://" + url; } } return url; } /** * This function returns the URL of the banner for a given show * * @param command * command The type of command that will be sent to SickBeard * @param tvdbid * The TvDBid of the show to get the banner for * @return The URL of the banner */ public static String getImageURL(String command, Integer tvdbid) { /** * Correcting the command names to be understood by SickBeard */ command = command.replace('_', '.'); String url = getFormattedUrl(); url = url.replace("[COMMAND]", command); url = url + "&tvdbid=" + tvdbid; return url; } /** * This function returns the URL of the poster for a given show * * @param tvdbid The TvDBid of the show to get the poster for * @return The URL of the poster */ public static String getPosterURL(Integer tvdbid) { String url = URL_TVDB; url = url.replace("[TVDBID]", tvdbid + "-1.jpg"); return url; } /** * * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static String getPreferencesParams() { String username = Preferences.get(Preferences.SABNZBD_USERNAME); String password = Preferences.get(Preferences.SABNZBD_PASSWORD); String credentials = ""; if (username != null && !"".equals(username)) { credentials += "&ma_username=" + username; } if (password != null && !"".equals(password)) { credentials += "&ma_password=" + password; } return credentials; } public static String getSeasonPosterURL(Integer tvdbid, Integer season) { String url = URL_TVDB_SEASONS; url = url.replace("[TVDBID]", tvdbid + "-" + season + "-2.jpg"); return url; } }