package com.fteams.siftrain.assets; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.resolvers.ExternalFileHandleResolver; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.resolvers.InternalFileHandleResolver; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.fteams.siftrain.entities.SimpleSong; import com.fteams.siftrain.entities.SimpleSongGroup; import com.fteams.siftrain.entities.SongFileInfo; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class Assets { public static AssetManager internalManager = new AssetManager(new InternalFileHandleResolver()); public static AssetManager externalManager = new AssetManager(new ExternalFileHandleResolver()); static { externalManager.setLoader(List.class, new SimplifiedBeatmapLoader(new ExternalFileHandleResolver())); } public static SimpleSong selectedSong; public static SongFileInfo selectedBeatmap; public static SimpleSongGroup selectedGroup; public static TextureAtlas atlas; public static Skin menuSkin; public static Sound badSound; public static Sound goodSound; public static Sound greatSound; public static Sound perfectSound; public static BitmapFont font; public static BitmapFont songFont; public static Texture mainMenuBackgroundTexture; public static Texture holdBG; public static Array<SimpleSongGroup> songGroup; // In here we'll put everything that needs to be loaded in this format: // manager.load("file location in assets", fileType.class); // // libGDX AssetManager currently supports: Pixmap, Texture, BitmapFont, // TextureAtlas, TiledAtlas, TiledMapRenderer, Music and Sound. public static void queueLoading() { internalManager.load("textures/textures.pack.atlas", TextureAtlas.class); internalManager.load("hitsounds/bad.mp3", Sound.class); internalManager.load("hitsounds/good.mp3", Sound.class); internalManager.load("hitsounds/great.mp3", Sound.class); internalManager.load("hitsounds/perfect.mp3", Sound.class); internalManager.load("bigimages/main_menu_background.jpg", Texture.class); internalManager.load("images/hold_background.png", Texture.class); internalManager.load("fonts/combo-font.fnt", BitmapFont.class); internalManager.load("fonts/song-font.fnt", BitmapFont.class); reloadBeatmaps(); } // thanks to libgdx, the manager will not actually load maps which were already loaded, // so if the same file comes again, it will be skipped public static void reloadBeatmaps() { if (Gdx.files.absolute(Gdx.files.getExternalStoragePath() + "beatmaps/datafiles").exists()) { for (String fileName : Gdx.files.absolute(Gdx.files.getExternalStoragePath() + "beatmaps/datafiles").file().list()) { String fullPath = Gdx.files.getExternalStoragePath() + "beatmaps/datafiles/" + fileName; // if for any reason the user placed .osu/.osz files in the datafiles, we process them if (Gdx.files.absolute(fullPath).isDirectory() || (!fileName.endsWith(".rs") && !fileName.endsWith(".osz") && !fileName.endsWith(".osu"))) continue; externalManager.load("beatmaps/datafiles/" + fileName, List.class); } // process osu files from the beatmaps folder for (String fileName : Gdx.files.absolute(Gdx.files.getExternalStoragePath() + "beatmaps/").file().list()) { String fullPath = Gdx.files.getExternalStoragePath() + "beatmaps/" + fileName; if (Gdx.files.absolute(fullPath).isDirectory() || (!fileName.endsWith(".osz") && !fileName.endsWith(".osu"))) continue; externalManager.load("beatmaps/" + fileName, List.class); } } else { (Gdx.files.absolute(Gdx.files.getExternalStoragePath() + "beatmaps")).mkdirs(); (Gdx.files.absolute(Gdx.files.getExternalStoragePath() + "beatmaps/datafiles")).mkdirs(); (Gdx.files.absolute(Gdx.files.getExternalStoragePath() + "beatmaps/soundfiles")).mkdirs(); } } // unlike the simple reload, in the hard reload we unload everything from the external manager // and force a reload of the beatmaps - this will cause .osz files which weren't extracted // to be processed, .osu files to be converted and music files within the .osz packages // to be copied over to the /beatmaps/soundfiles/ folder. public static void hardReloadBeatmaps() { selectedSong = null; selectedBeatmap = null; selectedGroup = null; externalManager.clear(); reloadBeatmaps(); } //In here we'll create our skin, so we only have to create it once. public static void setMenuSkin() { if (menuSkin == null) menuSkin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("skins/menuSkin.json"), internalManager.get("textures/textures.pack.atlas", TextureAtlas.class)); } public static void setTextures() { if (atlas == null) atlas = internalManager.get("textures/textures.pack.atlas"); if (mainMenuBackgroundTexture == null) mainMenuBackgroundTexture = internalManager.get("bigimages/main_menu_background.jpg"); if (holdBG == null) holdBG = internalManager.get("images/hold_background.png"); } public static void setFonts() { if (font == null) { font = internalManager.get("fonts/combo-font.fnt"); } if (songFont == null) { songFont = internalManager.get("fonts/song-font.fnt"); } } public static void setHitsounds() { if (badSound == null) badSound = internalManager.get("hitsounds/bad.mp3"); if (goodSound == null) goodSound = internalManager.get("hitsounds/good.mp3"); if (greatSound == null) greatSound = internalManager.get("hitsounds/great.mp3"); if (perfectSound == null) perfectSound = internalManager.get("hitsounds/perfect.mp3"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void setSongs() { if (songGroup == null) { songGroup = new Array<>(); } else { songGroup.clear(); } Array<String> assets = externalManager.getAssetNames(); Map<String, SimpleSongGroup> groupMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String string : assets) { List<SongFileInfo> beatmaps = externalManager.get(string, List.class); if (!beatmaps.isEmpty()) { String resourceName = beatmaps.get(0).getResourceName(); String musicFile = beatmaps.get(0).music_file; String songName = beatmaps.get(0).song_name; if (groupMap.get(resourceName) == null) { SimpleSongGroup group = new SimpleSongGroup(); group.resource_name = resourceName; group.music_file = musicFile; group.song_name = songName; group.songs = new Array<>(); groupMap.put(resourceName, group); } SimpleSongGroup group = groupMap.get(resourceName); for (SongFileInfo beatmap : beatmaps) { group.songs.add(beatmap); } group.songs.sort(); } } for (String key : groupMap.keySet()) { songGroup.add(groupMap.get(key)); } songGroup.sort(); } public static boolean update() { return internalManager.update() && externalManager.update(); } public static float getProgress() { return (internalManager.getProgress() + externalManager.getProgress()) / 2; } public static void setSelectedSong(SimpleSong song) { selectedSong = song; } }