/** * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 The Rythm Engine project * for LICENSE and other details see: * https://github.com/rythmengine/rythmengine */ package org.rythmengine.internal.dialect; import org.rythmengine.internal.IContext; import org.rythmengine.internal.IDialect; import org.rythmengine.internal.parser.build_in.*; /** * Simple Rythm mode is a subset of Rythm mode which has most Rythm feature except the template layout/extend features: * <ul> * <li>Extends a layout template or declare template section</li> * <li>Render sub template sections/content</li> * <li>@Designate inti code section to be put into parent template</li> * <li>Include another template at parsing time</li> * <li>Set/get template variable to be passed to parent template</li> * </ul> */ public class SimpleRythm extends DialectBase { public static final String ID = "rythm-simple"; public String id() { return ID; } public static final IDialect INSTANCE = new SimpleRythm(); protected SimpleRythm() { } public String a() { return "@"; } protected Class<?>[] buildInParserClasses() { // InvokeTagParse must be put in front of ExpressionParser as the later's matching pattern covers the former // BraceParser must be put in front of ElseIfParser return new Class<?>[]{AssignParser.class, ArgsParser.class, BreakParser.class, ContinueParser.class, CacheParser.class, CommentParser.class, CompactParser.class, DebugParser.class, DefTagParser.class, EscapeParser.class, ElseForParser.class, ElseIfParser.class, ExecParser.class, ExitIfNoClassParser.class, BraceParser.class, LogTimeParser.class, InvokeParser.class, InvokeMacroParser.class, InvokeTemplateParser.class, MacroParser.class, NullableExpressionParser.class, ExpressionParser.class, ForEachParser.class, I18nParser.class, IfParser.class, ImportParser.class, LocaleParser.class, NoCompactParser.class, RawParser.class, ReturnParser.class, ReturnIfParser.class, SimpleParser.class, TimestampParser.class, VerbatimParser.class}; } @Override public boolean isMyTemplate(String template) { String[] forbidden = { "@extends", "@section", "@render", "@inherited", "@doLayout", "@doBody", "@include", "@set", "@get", "@init", "@finally", "@nosim" }; for (String s : forbidden) { if (template.contains(s)) return false; } return true; } @Override public void begin(IContext ctx) { //ctx.getCodeBuilder().setSimpleTemplate(0); } }