package com.jakewharton.rxbinding2.widget; import; import; import android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView; import io.reactivex.Observable; import io.reactivex.functions.Consumer; import static com.jakewharton.rxbinding2.internal.Preconditions.checkNotNull; /** * Static factory methods for creating {@linkplain Observable observables} and {@linkplain Consumer * actions} for {@link AutoCompleteTextView}. */ public final class RxAutoCompleteTextView { /** * Create an observable of item click events on {@code view}. * <p> * <em>Warning:</em> The created observable keeps a strong reference to {@code view}. Unsubscribe * to free this reference. */ @CheckResult @NonNull public static Observable<AdapterViewItemClickEvent> itemClickEvents( @NonNull AutoCompleteTextView view) { checkNotNull(view, "view == null"); return new AutoCompleteTextViewItemClickEventObservable(view); } /** * An action that sets the optional hint text that is displayed at the bottom of the the matching * list. This can be used as a cue to the user on how to best use the list, or to provide extra * information. * <p> * <em>Warning:</em> The created observable keeps a strong reference to {@code view}. Unsubscribe * to free this reference. */ @CheckResult @NonNull public static Consumer<? super CharSequence> completionHint( @NonNull final AutoCompleteTextView view) { checkNotNull(view, "view == null"); return new Consumer<CharSequence>() { @Override public void accept(CharSequence completionHint) { view.setCompletionHint(completionHint); } }; } /** * An action that specifies the minimum number of characters the user has to type in the edit box * before the drop down list is shown. When threshold is less than or equals 0, a threshold of 1 * is applied. * <p> * <em>Warning:</em> The created observable keeps a strong reference to {@code view}. Unsubscribe * to free this reference. */ @CheckResult @NonNull public static Consumer<? super Integer> threshold(@NonNull final AutoCompleteTextView view) { checkNotNull(view, "view == null"); return new Consumer<Integer>() { @Override public void accept(Integer threshold) { view.setThreshold(threshold); } }; } private RxAutoCompleteTextView() { throw new AssertionError("No instances."); } }