/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package roughcut.media.videoeditor; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.graphics.Bitmap.CompressFormat; import android.util.Pair; /** * This class is used to overlay an image on top of a media item. * {@hide} */ public class OverlayFrame extends Overlay { /** * Instance variables */ private Bitmap mBitmap; private String mFilename; private String mBitmapFileName; private int mOFWidth; private int mOFHeight; /** * resized RGB Image dimensions */ private int mResizedRGBWidth; private int mResizedRGBHeight; /** * The resize paint */ private static final Paint sResizePaint = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG); /** * An object of this type cannot be instantiated by using the default * constructor */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private OverlayFrame() { this(null, null, (String)null, 0, 0); } /** * Constructor for an OverlayFrame * * @param mediaItem The media item owner * @param overlayId The overlay id * @param bitmap The bitmap to be used as an overlay. The size of the * bitmap must equal to the size of the media item to which it is * added. The bitmap is typically a decoded PNG file. * @param startTimeMs The overlay start time in milliseconds * @param durationMs The overlay duration in milliseconds * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file type is not PNG or the * startTimeMs and durationMs are incorrect. */ public OverlayFrame(MediaItem mediaItem, String overlayId, Bitmap bitmap, long startTimeMs,long durationMs) { super(mediaItem, overlayId, startTimeMs, durationMs); mBitmap = bitmap; mFilename = null; mBitmapFileName = null; mResizedRGBWidth = 0; mResizedRGBHeight = 0; } /** * Constructor for an OverlayFrame. This constructor can be used to * restore the overlay after it was saved internally by the video editor. * * @param mediaItem The media item owner * @param overlayId The overlay id * @param filename The file name that contains the overlay. * @param startTimeMs The overlay start time in milliseconds * @param durationMs The overlay duration in milliseconds * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file type is not PNG or the * startTimeMs and durationMs are incorrect. */ OverlayFrame(MediaItem mediaItem, String overlayId, String filename, long startTimeMs,long durationMs) { super(mediaItem, overlayId, startTimeMs, durationMs); mBitmapFileName = filename; mBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(mBitmapFileName); mFilename = null; mResizedRGBWidth = 0; mResizedRGBHeight = 0; } /** * Get the overlay bitmap. * * @return Get the overlay bitmap */ public Bitmap getBitmap() { return mBitmap; } /** * Get the overlay bitmap. * * @return Get the overlay bitmap as png file. */ String getBitmapImageFileName() { return mBitmapFileName; } /** * Set the overlay bitmap. * * @param bitmap The overlay bitmap. */ public void setBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) { getMediaItem().getNativeContext().setGeneratePreview(true); invalidate(); mBitmap = bitmap; if (mFilename != null) { /** * Delete the file */ new File(mFilename).delete(); /** * Invalidate the filename */ mFilename = null; } /** * Invalidate the transitions if necessary */ getMediaItem().invalidateTransitions(mStartTimeMs, mDurationMs); } /** * Get the file name of this overlay */ String getFilename() { return mFilename; } /* * Set the file name of this overlay */ void setFilename(String filename) { mFilename = filename; } /** * Save the overlay to the project folder * * @param path The path where the overlay will be saved * * @return The filename * @throws java.io.FileNotFoundException if the bitmap cannot be saved * @throws java.io.IOException if the bitmap file cannot be saved */ String save(String path) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { if (mFilename != null) { return mFilename; } // Create the compressed PNG file mBitmapFileName = path + "/" + "Overlay" + getId() + ".png"; if (!(new File(mBitmapFileName).exists())) { final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream (mBitmapFileName); mBitmap.compress(CompressFormat.PNG, 100, out); out.flush(); out.close(); } mOFWidth = mBitmap.getWidth(); mOFHeight = mBitmap.getHeight(); mFilename = path + "/" + "Overlay" + getId() + ".rgb"; /* resize and save rgb as per project aspect ratio */ MediaArtistNativeHelper nativeHelper = (super.getMediaItem()).getNativeContext(); /* get height and width for story board aspect ratio */ final Pair<Integer, Integer> maxResolution; final Pair<Integer, Integer>[] resolutions; resolutions = MediaProperties.getSupportedResolutions(nativeHelper.nativeHelperGetAspectRatio()); // Get the highest resolution maxResolution = resolutions[resolutions.length - 1]; /* Generate the rgb file with rendering mode */ generateOverlayWithRenderingMode (super.getMediaItem(), this, maxResolution.second /* max Height */ , maxResolution.first /* max Width */); return mFilename; } /** * Get the OverlayFrame Height */ int getOverlayFrameHeight() { return mOFHeight; } /** * Get the OverlayFrame Width */ int getOverlayFrameWidth() { return mOFWidth; } /* * Set the OverlayFrame Height */ void setOverlayFrameHeight(int height) { mOFHeight = height; } /* * Set the OverlayFrame Width */ void setOverlayFrameWidth(int width) { mOFWidth = width; } /* * Set the resized RGB widht and height */ void setResizedRGBSize(int width, int height) { mResizedRGBWidth = width; mResizedRGBHeight = height; } /* * Get the resized RGB Height */ int getResizedRGBSizeHeight() { return mResizedRGBHeight; } /* * Get the resized RGB Width */ int getResizedRGBSizeWidth() { return mResizedRGBWidth; } /** * Delete the overlay files */ void invalidate() { if (mBitmap != null) { mBitmap.recycle(); mBitmap = null; } if (mFilename != null) { new File(mFilename).delete(); mFilename = null; } if (mBitmapFileName != null) { new File(mBitmapFileName).delete(); mBitmapFileName = null; } } /** * Delete the overlay related files */ void invalidateGeneratedFiles() { if (mFilename != null) { new File(mFilename).delete(); mFilename = null; } if (mBitmapFileName != null) { new File(mBitmapFileName).delete(); mBitmapFileName = null; } } void generateOverlayWithRenderingMode (MediaItem mediaItemsList, OverlayFrame overlay, int height , int width) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { final MediaItem t = mediaItemsList; /* get the rendering mode */ int renderMode = t.getRenderingMode(); Bitmap overlayBitmap = ((OverlayFrame)overlay).getBitmap(); /* * Check if the resize of Overlay is needed with rendering mode applied * because of change in export dimensions */ int resizedRGBFileHeight = ((OverlayFrame)overlay).getResizedRGBSizeHeight(); int resizedRGBFileWidth = ((OverlayFrame)overlay).getResizedRGBSizeWidth(); /* Get original bitmap width if it is not resized */ if(resizedRGBFileWidth == 0) { resizedRGBFileWidth = overlayBitmap.getWidth(); } /* Get original bitmap height if it is not resized */ if(resizedRGBFileHeight == 0) { resizedRGBFileHeight = overlayBitmap.getHeight(); } if (resizedRGBFileWidth != width || resizedRGBFileHeight != height || (!(new File(((OverlayFrame)overlay).getFilename()).exists()))) { /* * Create the canvas bitmap */ final Bitmap destBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap((int)width, (int)height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); final Canvas overlayCanvas = new Canvas(destBitmap); final Rect destRect; final Rect srcRect; switch (renderMode) { case MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_STRETCH: { destRect = new Rect(0, 0, overlayCanvas.getWidth(), overlayCanvas.getHeight()); srcRect = new Rect(0, 0, overlayBitmap.getWidth(), overlayBitmap.getHeight()); break; } case MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_BLACK_BORDER: { int left, right, top, bottom; float aROverlayImage, aRCanvas; aROverlayImage = (float)(overlayBitmap.getWidth()) / (float)(overlayBitmap.getHeight()); aRCanvas = (float)(overlayCanvas.getWidth()) / (float)(overlayCanvas.getHeight()); if (aROverlayImage > aRCanvas) { int newHeight = ((overlayCanvas.getWidth() * overlayBitmap.getHeight()) / overlayBitmap.getWidth()); left = 0; top = (overlayCanvas.getHeight() - newHeight) / 2; right = overlayCanvas.getWidth(); bottom = top + newHeight; } else { int newWidth = ((overlayCanvas.getHeight() * overlayBitmap.getWidth()) / overlayBitmap.getHeight()); left = (overlayCanvas.getWidth() - newWidth) / 2; top = 0; right = left + newWidth; bottom = overlayCanvas.getHeight(); } destRect = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom); srcRect = new Rect(0, 0, overlayBitmap.getWidth(), overlayBitmap.getHeight()); break; } case MediaItem.RENDERING_MODE_CROPPING: { // Calculate the source rect int left, right, top, bottom; float aROverlayImage, aRCanvas; aROverlayImage = (float)(overlayBitmap.getWidth()) / (float)(overlayBitmap.getHeight()); aRCanvas = (float)(overlayCanvas.getWidth()) / (float)(overlayCanvas.getHeight()); if (aROverlayImage < aRCanvas) { int newHeight = ((overlayBitmap.getWidth() * overlayCanvas.getHeight()) / overlayCanvas.getWidth()); left = 0; top = (overlayBitmap.getHeight() - newHeight) / 2; right = overlayBitmap.getWidth(); bottom = top + newHeight; } else { int newWidth = ((overlayBitmap.getHeight() * overlayCanvas.getWidth()) / overlayCanvas.getHeight()); left = (overlayBitmap.getWidth() - newWidth) / 2; top = 0; right = left + newWidth; bottom = overlayBitmap.getHeight(); } srcRect = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom); destRect = new Rect(0, 0, overlayCanvas.getWidth(), overlayCanvas.getHeight()); break; } default: { throw new IllegalStateException("Rendering mode: " + renderMode); } } overlayCanvas.drawBitmap(overlayBitmap, srcRect, destRect, sResizePaint); overlayCanvas.setBitmap(null); /* * Write to the dest file */ String outFileName = ((OverlayFrame)overlay).getFilename(); /* * Save the image to same rgb file */ if (outFileName != null) { new File(outFileName).delete(); } final FileOutputStream fl = new FileOutputStream(outFileName); final DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fl); /* * Populate the rgb file with bitmap data */ final int [] framingBuffer = new int[width]; ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(framingBuffer.length * 4); IntBuffer intBuffer; byte[] array = byteBuffer.array(); int tmp = 0; while(tmp < height) { destBitmap.getPixels(framingBuffer,0,width,0,tmp,width,1); intBuffer = byteBuffer.asIntBuffer(); intBuffer.put(framingBuffer,0,width); dos.write(array); tmp += 1; } fl.flush(); fl.close(); /* * Set the resized RGB width and height */ ((OverlayFrame)overlay).setResizedRGBSize(width, height); } } }