package com.rau.evoting.beans; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import com.rau.evoting.ElGamal.ElGamalHelper; import; import; import; import com.rau.evoting.models.CutVote; import com.rau.evoting.models.Election; import com.rau.evoting.models.Trustee; import com.rau.evoting.utils.MailService; import com.rau.evoting.utils.Util; public class MixNode { private Trustee trustee; private boolean validToken; private ArrayList<CutVote> votes; private boolean showReEncrypt; private boolean showThankYou; public MixNode() { Map<String, String> reqMap = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap(); validToken = true; showReEncrypt = false; showThankYou = false; if (reqMap.containsKey("token")) { int trId = Integer.valueOf(reqMap.get("trId")); String token = reqMap.get("token"); trustee = ElectionTrusteeDP.getElectionTrustee(trId); if (!trustee.getToken().equals(token)) { validToken = false; } else { validToken = true; votes = ElectionVoteDP.getCutVotes(trustee.getElectId(), trustee.getMixServer()-1); } } } public String shuffle() { Util.shuffle(votes); showReEncrypt = true; return ""; } public String reencrypt() { Election election = ElectionDP.getElection(trustee.getElectId()); ElGamalHelper gamal = new ElGamalHelper(trustee.getPublicKey()); for (CutVote vote : votes) { vote.setAnswersSequence(gamal.reEncodeBigInt(vote .getAnswersSequence())); // change to reencrypt } ElectionVoteDP.insertCutVotes(votes, election.getId(), trustee.getMixServer()); ElectionDP.setElectionMixStage(election.getId(), trustee.getMixServer()); Trustee tr = ElectionTrusteeDP.getTrusteeByMixServer(trustee.getElectId(), trustee.getMixServer()+1); if(tr == null) { ElectionDP.setElectionDecode(election.getId()); //send mail to all trustees make async!!!!! List<Trustee> trustees = ElectionTrusteeDP.getElectionTrustees(election.getId()); String message = "Please follow this link to upload your private key and decode election votes: \n"; String title = "Trustee for " + election.getName() + " election"; String url = "http://localhost:8080/Evoting/DecodeVotes.xhtml?elId=" + election.getId(); for(Trustee t : trustees) { url += "&trId=" + t.getId() + "&token=" + t.getToken(); message += url; try { MailService.sendMessage(t.getEmail(), title, message); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { String title = "Trustee for " + election.getName() + " election"; String message = "Please follow this link to open your mix node: \n"; String url ="http://localhost:8080/Evoting/MixNode.xhtml?trId=" + tr.getId() + "&token=" + tr.getToken(); message += url; try { MailService.sendMessage(tr.getEmail(), title, message); } catch (MessagingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } showThankYou = true; return ""; } public boolean isValidToken() { return validToken; } public void setValidToken(boolean validToken) { this.validToken = validToken; } public boolean isShowReEncrypt() { return showReEncrypt; } public void setShowReEncrypt(boolean showReEncrypt) { this.showReEncrypt = showReEncrypt; } public boolean isShowThankYou() { return showThankYou; } public void setShowThankYou(boolean showThankYou) { this.showThankYou = showThankYou; } }