package alma.logoot.logootengine; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Random; import alma.logoot.logootengine.diff_match_patch.Diff; /** * Classe utilitaire comprenant les fonctions de manipulation des identifiants, * notament les algos p61-63. * * @author R5A * */ public class LogootEngine implements ILogootEngine { String oldText; ArrayList<LogootIdContainer> idTable; LogootIdentifier id = new LogootIdentifier(0, -1, 0); private String getOldText() { if (oldText == null) oldText = ""; return oldText; } private void setOldText(String oldText) { this.oldText = oldText; } public ArrayList<LogootIdContainer> getIdTable() { if (idTable == null) { idTable = new ArrayList<LogootIdContainer>(); LogootIdContainer first = new LogootIdContainer(); first.add(new LogootIdentifier(1, 0, 0)); LogootIdContainer last = new LogootIdContainer(); last.add(new LogootIdentifier(LogootConf.BASE, 0, 0)); idTable.add(first); idTable.add(last); } return idTable; } private LogootIdentifier getId() { return id; } /** * * @param p * premier identifiant de position * @param q * second identifiant de position * @param N * nombre d'identifiant souhaites * @param rep * identifiant de la replique * @return N identifiants pour la replique s entre p et q */ public ArrayList<LogootIdContainer> generateLineIdentier( LogootIdContainer p, LogootIdContainer q, int N, LogootIdentifier rep) { BigInteger MAXINT = new BigInteger(Integer.MAX_VALUE + ""); ArrayList<LogootIdContainer> list = new ArrayList<LogootIdContainer>(); int index = 0; int interval = 0; while (interval < N) { index++; BigInteger intervalB = prefix(q, index).subtract(prefix(p, index)); intervalB = intervalB.subtract(new BigInteger("1")); if ((intervalB).compareTo(MAXINT) != -1) interval = Integer.MAX_VALUE; else interval = intervalB.intValue(); } int step; if (LogootConf.USEBOUNDARY) { step = Math.min(LogootConf.BOUNDARY, interval / N); } else { step = interval / N; } BigInteger stepB = new BigInteger(step + ""); BigInteger r = prefix(p, index); Random random = new Random(); for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { BigInteger rand; if (step == 1) { rand = r.add(new BigInteger("1")); } else { rand = r.add(new BigInteger((random.nextInt(step - 1) + 1) + "")); } list.add(constructIdentifier(rand, p, q, rep)); p = list.get(list.size() - 1); r = r.add(stepB); } return list; } /** * * @param r * liste d'identifiants concatenes * @param p * premier identifiant de position * @param q * second identifiant de position * @param rep * defini horloge et id de la replique pour laquelle on genere la * position * @return l'identifiant pour la replique definit par rep(id+horloge) */ public LogootIdContainer constructIdentifier(BigInteger r, LogootIdContainer p, LogootIdContainer q, LogootIdentifier rep) { // TODO : Ici, la fonction risque de prendre des identifiants a la fois // dans p et dans q. LogootIdContainer result = new LogootIdContainer(); LinkedList<Integer> prefix = prefixToList(r); int index = 0; for (int i : prefix) { LogootIdentifier triplet = new LogootIdentifier(); triplet.setDigit(i); if (index < p.size() && i == p.get(index).getDigit()) { triplet.setClock(p.get(index).getClock()); triplet.setIdentifier(p.get(index).getIdentifier()); } else if (index < q.size() && i == q.get(index).getDigit()) { triplet.setClock(q.get(index).getClock()); triplet.setIdentifier(q.get(index).getIdentifier()); } else { rep.setClock(rep.getClock() + 1); triplet.setClock(rep.getClock()); triplet.setIdentifier(rep.getIdentifier()); } index++; result.add(triplet); } return result; } /** * * @param id * Identifiant de caractere * @param n * Nombre de triplet a prendre en compte * @return les n identifiants dans la base concatenes. */ public BigInteger prefix(LogootIdContainer id, int n) { String result = ""; int size = new Integer(LogootConf.BASE - 1).toString().length(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String s = ""; if (i < id.size()) { s = String.valueOf(id.get(i).getDigit()); } while (s.length() < size) s = "0" + s; result += s; } return new BigInteger(result); } private LinkedList<Integer> prefixToList(BigInteger prefix) { LinkedList<Integer> result = new LinkedList<Integer>(); String ts = String.valueOf(prefix.toString()); int size = new Integer(LogootConf.BASE - 1).toString().length(); int endIndex = ts.length(); int beginIndex = Math.max(0, endIndex - size); String cs = ts.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); result.addLast(Integer.parseInt(cs)); while (beginIndex != 0) { endIndex -= cs.length(); beginIndex = Math.max(0, endIndex - size); cs = ts.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); result.addFirst(Integer.parseInt(cs)); } return result; } @Override public String generatePatch(String text) { // Initialization by making a diff between the old text and the new one. diff_match_patch diffEngine = new diff_match_patch(); LinkedList<Diff> diff = diffEngine.diff_main(getOldText(), text, false); setOldText(text); int index = 0; Collection<IOperation> patch = new ArrayList<IOperation>(); // For each difference, we need to add or delete some positions. for (Diff d : diff) { if (d.operation == alma.logoot.logootengine.diff_match_patch.Operation.EQUAL) { index += d.text.length(); } else if (d.operation == alma.logoot.logootengine.diff_match_patch.Operation.INSERT) { LogootIdContainer p = getIdTable().get(index); LogootIdContainer q = getIdTable().get(index + 1); ArrayList<LogootIdContainer> idList = generateLineIdentier(p, q, d.text.length(), getId()); // Mise a jour idTable getIdTable().addAll(index + 1, idList); // Creation operations int i = 0; for (LogootIdContainer lic : idList) { IOperation op = new Operation("i", lic, d.text.charAt(i)); patch.add(op); i++; } index += d.text.length(); } else { // DELETE for (int i = 0; i < d.text.length(); i++) { LogootIdContainer position = getIdTable().get(index + 1); getIdTable().remove(position); IOperation op = new Operation("d", position); patch.add(op); } } } // TODO : serialization // return serializeToJson(person); return patch.toString(); } @Override public String deliver(String patch) { ArrayList<IOperation> patched = new ArrayList<IOperation>(); try { patch = patch.split("^[\\[]{2}")[1]; patch = patch.split("[\\]]{2}$")[0]; String[] splited = patch.split("[\\]],[ ][\\[]"); for (int i = 0; i < splited.length; i++) { patched.add(new Operation(splited[i])); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("LogootEngine : Deserialization error."); } System.out.println("L'objet apres serialization : "+patched.getClass().getName()+ " "+ patched); // Operation o = (Operation) patched.get(0); // o.getPosition().get(o.getPosition().size()-1).getIdentifier(); // if (o.getPosition().get(o.getPosition().size()-1).getIdentifier().equals(id.getIdentifier())){ // System.out.println("C'est moi je ne dois pas ecrire huhu."); // return null; // } for (IOperation op : patched) deliver(op); return getOldText(); } private void deliver(IOperation op) { // TODO : FAIRE UNE VERIFICATION SUR LID, VERIFIER SI CE NEST PAS LE MEME QUE CELUI DU CLIENT // ( sinon probleme dans la table des ids. ) Operation o = (Operation) op; if (o.isIns()) { int index = -Collections .binarySearch(getIdTable(), o.getPosition()) - 1; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(getOldText()); sb.insert(index - 1, o.getContent()); setOldText(sb.toString()); getIdTable().add(index, o.getPosition()); } else { int index = Collections.binarySearch(getIdTable(), o.getPosition()); if (index > 0) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(getOldText()); sb.deleteCharAt(index - 1); setOldText(sb.toString()); getIdTable().remove(index); } } } @Override public void setId(Integer id) { System.out.println("LogootEngine - Reception d'un id : " + id);; } }