package com.hipipal.texteditor.common; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import; public class Settings implements Constants { /** Number of recent files to remember */ public static int MAX_RECENT_FILES = 10; /** Show the lines numbers */ public static boolean SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS = true; /** automatic break line to fit one page */ public static boolean WORDWRAP = false; /** color setting */ public static int COLOR = COLOR_CLASSIC; /** when search reaches the end of a file, search wrap */ public static boolean SEARCHWRAP = false; /** only search for matchin case */ public static boolean SEARCHMATCHCASE = false; /** Text size setting */ public static int TEXT_SIZE = 14; /** Default end of line */ public static int DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE = EOL_LINUX; /** End Of Line style */ public static int END_OF_LINE = EOL_LINUX; /** Encoding */ public static String ENCODING = ENC_UTF8; /** Let auto save on quit be triggered */ public static boolean FORCE_AUTO_SAVE = false; public static boolean AUTO_SAVE_OVERWRITE = false; /** enable fling to scroll */ public static boolean FLING_TO_SCROLL = false; /** Use Undo instead of quit ? */ public static boolean UNDO = true; /** Undo stack capacity */ public static int UNDO_MAX_STACK = 25; /** Use back button as undo */ public static boolean BACK_BTN_AS_UNDO = false; /** Use a Home Page */ public static boolean USE_HOME_PAGE = false; /** Home Page Path */ public static String HOME_PAGE_PATH = ""; /** * @return the end of line characters according to the current settings */ public static String getEndOfLine() { switch (END_OF_LINE) { case EOL_MAC: // Mac OS return "\r"; case EOL_WINDOWS: // Windows return "\r\n"; case EOL_LINUX: // Linux / Android default: return "\n"; } } /** * Update the settings from the given {@link SharedPreferences} * * @param settings * the settings to read from */ public static void updateFromPreferences(SharedPreferences settings) { MAX_RECENT_FILES = getStringPreferenceAsInteger(settings, PREFERENCE_MAX_RECENTS, "10"); SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS = settings.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS, true); WORDWRAP = settings.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_WORDWRAP, false); TEXT_SIZE = getStringPreferenceAsInteger(settings, PREFERENCE_TEXT_SIZE, "14"); DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE = getStringPreferenceAsInteger(settings, PREFERENCE_END_OF_LINES, ("" + EOL_LINUX)); FORCE_AUTO_SAVE = settings.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_AUTO_SAVE, false); AUTO_SAVE_OVERWRITE = settings.getBoolean( PREFERENCE_AUTO_SAVE_OVERWRITE, false); COLOR = getStringPreferenceAsInteger(settings, PREFERENCE_COLOR_THEME, ("" + COLOR_CLASSIC)); SEARCHWRAP = settings.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_SEARCHWRAP, false); SEARCHMATCHCASE = settings.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_SEARCH_MATCH_CASE, false); ENCODING = settings.getString(PREFERENCE_ENCODING, ENC_UTF8); FLING_TO_SCROLL = settings.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_FLING_TO_SCROLL, true); BACK_BTN_AS_UNDO = settings.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_BACK_BUTTON_AS_UNDO, false); UNDO = settings.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_ALLOW_UNDO, true); UNDO_MAX_STACK = getStringPreferenceAsInteger(settings, PREFERENCE_MAX_UNDO_STACK, "25"); USE_HOME_PAGE = settings.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_USE_HOME_PAGE, false); HOME_PAGE_PATH = settings.getString(PREFERENCE_HOME_PAGE_PATH, ""); RecentFiles.loadRecentFiles(settings.getString(PREFERENCE_RECENTS, "")); } /** * Reads a preference stored as a string and returns the numeric value * * @param prefs * the prefernce to read from * @param key * the key * @param def * the default value * @return the value as an int */ protected static int getStringPreferenceAsInteger(SharedPreferences prefs, String key, String def) { String strVal; int intVal; strVal = null; try { strVal = prefs.getString(key, def); } catch (Exception e) { strVal = def; } try { intVal = Integer.parseInt(strVal); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { intVal = 0; } return intVal; } /** * Save the Home page settings * * @param settings * the settings to write to */ public static void saveHomePage(SharedPreferences settings) { Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putString(PREFERENCE_HOME_PAGE_PATH, HOME_PAGE_PATH); editor.commit(); } public static File getFontFile(Context ctx) { return new File(ctx.getDir(FONT_FOLDER_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE), FONT_FILE_NAME); } public static Typeface getTypeface(Context ctx) { File fontFile = getFontFile(ctx); Typeface res = Typeface.MONOSPACE; if (fontFile.exists() && fontFile.canRead()) { res = Typeface.createFromFile(getFontFile(ctx)); } return res; } }