package com.ghostflying.portalwaitinglist.util; import android.util.Base64; import com.ghostflying.portalwaitinglist.model.EditEvent; import com.ghostflying.portalwaitinglist.model.InvalidEvent; import com.ghostflying.portalwaitinglist.model.Message; import com.ghostflying.portalwaitinglist.model.PortalDetail; import com.ghostflying.portalwaitinglist.model.PortalEvent; import com.ghostflying.portalwaitinglist.model.SubmissionEvent; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; /** * Created by Ghost on 2014/12/4. */ public class MailProcessUtil { private static MailProcessUtil instance; static final String PARSE_ERROR_TEXT = "Parse error, maybe the mail is too old to contain this part."; int acceptedCount; int rejectedCount; int proposedCount; private MailProcessUtil(){} public static MailProcessUtil getInstance(){ if(instance == null){ synchronized (MailProcessUtil.class){ if (instance == null){ instance = new MailProcessUtil(); } } } return instance; } /** * Convert messages to events. * @param messages the origin messages. * @return the converted events. */ public ArrayList<PortalEvent> analysisMessages(ArrayList<Message> messages){ ArrayList<PortalEvent> portalEvents = new ArrayList<>(); acceptedCount = 0; rejectedCount = 0; proposedCount = 0; for (Message message : messages){ PortalEvent portalEvent = analysisMessage(message); if (portalEvent != null) portalEvents.add(portalEvent); } return portalEvents; } /** * Convert message to event. * @param message the origin message. * @return the converted event. */ private PortalEvent analysisMessage(Message message){ // Try to match regex. String subject = message.getSubject(); RegexUtil util = RegexUtil.getInstance(); if (util.isFound(RegexUtil.PORTAL_SUBMISSION, subject)){ proposedCount ++; return new SubmissionEvent(util.getMatchedStr().trim(), PortalEvent.OperationResult.PROPOSED, message.getDate(), message.getId(), getImageUrl(message.getMessageHtml())); } if (util.isFound(RegexUtil.PORTAL_EDIT, subject)){ proposedCount ++; return new EditEvent(util.getMatchedStr().trim(), PortalEvent.OperationResult.PROPOSED, message.getDate(), message.getId()); } if (util.isFound(RegexUtil.INVALID_REPORT, subject)){ proposedCount ++; return new InvalidEvent(util.getMatchedStr().trim(), PortalEvent.OperationResult.PROPOSED, message.getDate(), message.getId(), getImageUrl(message.getMessageHtml())); } if (util.isFound(RegexUtil.PORTAL_SUBMISSION_PASSED, subject)){ acceptedCount ++; return new SubmissionEvent(util.getMatchedStr().trim(), PortalEvent.OperationResult.ACCEPTED, message.getDate(), message.getId(), getImageUrl(message.getMessageHtml()), getPortalAddress(message.getMessageHtml()), getPortalAddressUrl(message.getMessageHtml())); } if (util.isFound(RegexUtil.PORTAL_SUBMISSION_REJECTED, subject)){ rejectedCount ++; return new SubmissionEvent(util.getMatchedStr().trim(), PortalEvent.OperationResult.REJECTED, message.getDate(), message.getId(), getImageUrl(message.getMessageHtml())); } if (util.isFound(RegexUtil.PORTAL_SUBMISSION_DUPLICATE, subject)){ rejectedCount ++; return new SubmissionEvent(util.getMatchedStr().trim(), PortalEvent.OperationResult.DUPLICATE, message.getDate(), message.getId(), getImageUrl(message.getMessageHtml())); } if (util.isFound(RegexUtil.PORTAL_EDIT_PASSED, subject)){ acceptedCount ++; return new EditEvent(util.getMatchedStr().trim(), PortalEvent.OperationResult.ACCEPTED, message.getDate(), message.getId(), getPortalAddress(message.getMessageHtml()), getPortalAddressUrl(message.getMessageHtml())); } if (util.isFound(RegexUtil.PORTAL_EDIT_REJECTED, subject)){ rejectedCount ++; return new EditEvent(util.getMatchedStr().trim(), PortalEvent.OperationResult.REJECTED, message.getDate(), message.getId(), getPortalAddress(message.getMessageHtml()), getPortalAddressUrl(message.getMessageHtml())); } return null; } private String getImageUrl(String html){ String decodeStr = decodeMailHtml(html); if (RegexUtil.getInstance().isFound(RegexUtil.IMG_URL, decodeStr)) return RegexUtil.getInstance().getMatchedStr(); return PARSE_ERROR_TEXT; } private String getPortalAddress(String html){ String decodeStr = decodeMailHtml(html); if (RegexUtil.getInstance().isFound(RegexUtil.ADDRESS, decodeStr)) return RegexUtil.getInstance().getMatchedStr(); return PARSE_ERROR_TEXT; } private String getPortalAddressUrl(String html){ String decodeStr = decodeMailHtml(html); if (RegexUtil.getInstance().isFound(RegexUtil.ADDRESS_URL, decodeStr)) return RegexUtil.getInstance().getMatchedStr(); return PARSE_ERROR_TEXT; } private String decodeMailHtml(String html) { byte[] decodeBytes = Base64.decode(html, Base64.URL_SAFE); return new String(decodeBytes); } /** * Merge new events to exist portal detail or create new one. * To improve performance, the method is designed to work fine only if * the events is newer than each one in origin and the event in events is in * asc order by date. * @param origin exist portal detail list. * @param events events need to be merged. * @return the merged portal detail list. */ public List<PortalDetail> mergeEvents(List<PortalDetail> origin, List<PortalEvent> events){ for (PortalEvent event : events){ PortalDetail existDetail = findExistDetail(origin, event); if (existDetail == null){ PortalDetail newDetail = new PortalDetail(event); origin.add(newDetail); } else { existDetail.addEvent(event); // sort the event list. // Collections.sort(existDetail.getEvents()); } } return origin; } /** * Find the exist portal detail has the same name with new event name. * To improve performance, the method is designed to work fine * only if the new event is newer than any one in details. * @param details exist portal detail list. * @param event new event. * @return the portal detail if exists, or null if it does not exist. */ private PortalDetail findExistDetail(List<PortalDetail> details, PortalEvent event){ for (PortalDetail detail : details){ if (detail.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(event.getPortalName())){ // if event is Edit, only check name. // it may lead some mistakes but have no ideas now. if (event instanceof EditEvent) return detail; else { String url = detail.getImageUrl(); // for submission event, must check the image url of the portal. // this may have some mistakes for the lack of some mails, ignored. if (url != null && url.equalsIgnoreCase(((SubmissionEvent)event).getPortalImageUrl())){ return detail; } } } } return null; } /** * To sort and filter origin and store result to edit. * @param typeFilterMethod the type filter mehod to use. * @param resultFilterMethod the result filter method to use. * @param sortOrder the sort order to use. * @param origin the origin list. * @param edit the result list. */ public void filterAndSort(SettingUtil.TypeFilterMethod typeFilterMethod, SettingUtil.ResultFilterMethod resultFilterMethod, SettingUtil.SortOrder sortOrder, List<PortalDetail> origin, List<PortalDetail> edit){ filterPortalDetails(typeFilterMethod, resultFilterMethod, origin, edit); sortPortalDetails(sortOrder, edit); } /** * Filter the list of portal details. * @param typeFilterMethod the type filter method to use. * @param resultFilterMethod the result filter method to use. * @param origin the origin list to be filter. * @param filtered the filtered list. */ private void filterPortalDetails(SettingUtil.TypeFilterMethod typeFilterMethod, SettingUtil.ResultFilterMethod resultFilterMethod, List<PortalDetail> origin, List<PortalDetail> filtered){ DoResultCheck doResultCheck; DoTypeCheck doTypeCheck; switch (resultFilterMethod){ case WAITING: doResultCheck = new DoWaitingCheck(); break; case ACCEPTED: doResultCheck = new DoAcceptedCheck(); break; case REJECTED: doResultCheck = new DoRejectedCheck(); break; case EVERYTHING: default: doResultCheck = new DoEveryThingCheck(); } switch (typeFilterMethod){ case ALL: doTypeCheck = new DoAllCheck(); break; case SUBMISSION: doTypeCheck = new DoSubmissionCheck(); break; case EDIT: doTypeCheck = new DoEditCheck(); break; default: doTypeCheck = new DoAllCheck(); } filtered.clear(); for (PortalDetail detail : origin){ if (doTypeCheck.checkFilterMethod(detail) && doResultCheck.checkFilterMethod(detail)) filtered.add(detail); } } /** * Sort the list of portal details. * @param sortOrder the order set. * @param portalDetails the sorted list. */ public void sortPortalDetails(SettingUtil.SortOrder sortOrder, List<PortalDetail> portalDetails){ switch (sortOrder){ case LAST_DATE_ASC: Collections.sort(portalDetails); break; case LAST_DATE_DESC: Collections.sort(portalDetails, Collections.reverseOrder()); break; case SMART_ORDER: Collections.sort(portalDetails, new Comparator<PortalDetail>() { @Override public int compare(PortalDetail lhs, PortalDetail rhs) { int lhsPri = lhs.getOrderPrior(); int rhsPri = rhs.getOrderPrior(); if (lhsPri == rhsPri){ // asc for waiting portal, desc for others // if if inverse waiting in smart set to true // all is desc if (lhsPri == PortalDetail.PRIORITY_WAITING_FOR_REVIEW && !SettingUtil.getIfInverseWaitingInSmart()) return lhs.compareTo(rhs); else return rhs.compareTo(lhs); } // sort by the priority of portal else return rhsPri - lhsPri; } }); break; case ALPHABETICAL: // get the comparator by locale final Comparator comparator; if (SettingUtil.getForceChinese()){ comparator = Collator.getInstance(Locale.CHINA); } else { comparator = Collator.getInstance(); } Collections.sort(portalDetails, new Comparator<PortalDetail>() { @Override public int compare(PortalDetail lhs, PortalDetail rhs) { return, rhs.getName()); } }); break; case PROPOSED_DATE_ASC: Collections.sort(portalDetails, new Comparator<PortalDetail>() { @Override public int compare(PortalDetail lhs, PortalDetail rhs) { return lhs.getLastProposedUpdated() .compareTo(rhs.getLastProposedUpdated()); } }); break; case PROPOSED_DATE_DESC: Collections.sort(portalDetails, new Comparator<PortalDetail>() { @Override public int compare(PortalDetail lhs, PortalDetail rhs) { return rhs.getLastProposedUpdated() .compareTo(lhs.getLastProposedUpdated()); } }); break; } } /** * Get the counts for each filter method. * @param details the total details. * @return the counts. * the item 0 is the total count, * the item 1 is the accepted count, * the item 2 is the rejected count, * the item 3 is the waiting count. * the item 4 is the submission count. * the item 5 is the edit count. */ public int[] getCounts(List<PortalDetail> details) { int[] counts = new int[6]; for (PortalDetail detail : details){ if (detail.isEverAccepted()) counts[1]++; else if (detail.isEverRejected()) counts[2]++; if (detail.hasSubmission()) counts[4]++; else counts[5]++; } counts[0] = details.size(); counts[3] = counts[0] - counts[1] - counts[2]; return counts; } /** * Get the counts in last process action. * @return the array of counts, int order proposed, accepted, rejected. */ public int[] getEventCountsInLastProcess(){ return new int[]{ proposedCount, acceptedCount, rejectedCount }; } /** * a list of classes to do check in filter */ private abstract class DoCheck { public abstract boolean checkFilterMethod(PortalDetail detail); } private abstract class DoResultCheck extends DoCheck{ } private abstract class DoTypeCheck extends DoCheck{ } private class DoEveryThingCheck extends DoResultCheck { @Override public boolean checkFilterMethod(PortalDetail detail) { return true; } } private class DoAcceptedCheck extends DoResultCheck { @Override public boolean checkFilterMethod(PortalDetail detail) { return detail.isEverAccepted(); } } private class DoRejectedCheck extends DoResultCheck { @Override public boolean checkFilterMethod(PortalDetail detail) { return detail.isEverRejected(); } } private class DoWaitingCheck extends DoResultCheck{ @Override public boolean checkFilterMethod(PortalDetail detail) { return !detail.isReviewed(); } } private class DoAllCheck extends DoTypeCheck{ @Override public boolean checkFilterMethod(PortalDetail detail) { return true; } } private class DoSubmissionCheck extends DoTypeCheck{ @Override public boolean checkFilterMethod(PortalDetail detail) { return detail.hasSubmission(); } } private class DoEditCheck extends DoTypeCheck{ @Override public boolean checkFilterMethod(PortalDetail detail) { return detail.hasEdit(); } } }