/* * Copyright (c) 2011 PonySDK * Owners: * Luciano Broussal <luciano.broussal AT gmail.com> * Mathieu Barbier <mathieu.barbier AT gmail.com> * Nicolas Ciaravola <nicolas.ciaravola.pro AT gmail.com> * * WebSite: * http://code.google.com/p/pony-sdk/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.ponysdk.core.ui.basic; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import com.ponysdk.core.model.PUnit; public interface ElementFactory { PAbsolutePanel newPAbsolutePanel(); PAnchor newPAnchor(final String text, final String href); PAnchor newPAnchor(final String text); PAnchor newPAnchor(); PButton newPButton(final String text, final String html); PButton newPButton(final String text); PButton newPButton(); PCheckBox newPCheckBox(); PCheckBox newPCheckBox(final String label); PDateBox newPDateBox(final PDatePicker picker, final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat); PDateBox newPDateBox(final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat); PDateBox newPDateBox(); PDatePicker newPDatePicker(); PDecoratorPanel newPDecoratorPanel(); PDecoratedPopupPanel newPDecoratedPopupPanel(final boolean autoHide); PDialogBox newPDialogBox(); PDialogBox newPDialogBox(final boolean autoHide); PDisclosurePanel newPDisclosurePanel(final String headerText); PDockLayoutPanel newPDockLayoutPanel(final PUnit unit); PElement newPElement(final String tagName); PFileUpload newPFileUpload(); PFlexTable newPFlexTable(); PFlowPanel newPFlowPanel(); PFocusPanel newPFocusPanel(); PGrid newPGrid(); PGrid newPGrid(final int rows, final int columns); PHeaderPanel newPHeaderPanel(); PHorizontalPanel newPHorizontalPanel(); PHTML newPHTML(final String html, final boolean wordWrap); PHTML newPHTML(final String html); PHTML newPHTML(); PImage newPImage(final String url, final int left, final int top, final int width, final int height); PImage newPImage(final String url); PImage newPImage(final PImage.ClassPathURL classpathURL); PImage newPImage(); PLabel newPLabel(); PLabel newPLabel(final String text); PLayoutPanel newPLayoutPanel(); PListBox newPListBox(); PListBox newPListBox(final boolean containsEmptyItem); PMenuBar newPMenuBar(); PMenuBar newPMenuBar(final boolean vertical); PMenuItem newPMenuItem(final String text, final boolean asHTML); PMenuItem newPMenuItem(final String text, final PMenuBar subMenu); PMenuItem newPMenuItem(final String text); PMenuItem newPMenuItem(final String text, final boolean asHTML, final Runnable cmd); PMenuItem newPMenuItem(final String text, final boolean asHTML, final PMenuBar subMenu); PMenuItem newPMenuItem(final String text, final Runnable cmd); PMenuItemSeparator newPMenuItemSeparator(); PPasswordTextBox newPPasswordTextBox(); PPasswordTextBox newPPasswordTextBox(final String text); PPopupPanel newPPopupPanel(final boolean autoHide); PPopupPanel newPPopupPanel(); PPushButton newPPushButton(final PImage image); PRadioButton newPRadioButton(); PRadioButton newPRadioButton(final String label); PRadioButtonGroup newPRadioButtonGroup(final String name); PRichTextArea newPRichTextArea(); PRichTextToolbar newPRichTextToolbar(final PRichTextArea richTextArea); PScrollPanel newPScrollPanel(); PSimpleLayoutPanel newPSimpleLayoutPanel(); PSimplePanel newPSimplePanel(); PSplitLayoutPanel newPSplitLayoutPanel(); PStackLayoutPanel newPStackLayoutPanel(final PUnit unit); PSuggestBox newPSuggestBox(); PSuggestBox newPSuggestBox(final PSuggestOracle suggestOracle); PTabLayoutPanel newPTabLayoutPanel(); PTabPanel newPTabPanel(); PTextArea newPTextArea(); PTextArea newPTextArea(final String text); PTextBox newPTextBox(); PTextBox newPTextBox(final String text); PTree newPTree(); PTreeItem newPTreeItem(final String text); PTreeItem newPTreeItem(final PWidget widget); PTreeItem newPTreeItem(); PVerticalPanel newPVerticalPanel(); PWindow newPWindow(final boolean relative, final String url, final String name, final String features); PWindow newPWindow(final PWindow parentWindow, final boolean relative, final String url, final String name, final String features); PFrame newPFrame(final String url); }