package jav.correctionBackend; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcConnectionPool; /** * Copyright (c) 2012, IMPACT working group at the Centrum für Informations- und * Sprachverarbeitung, University of Munich. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary * form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and * the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the ocr-postcorrection tool developed by the IMPACT * working group at the Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung, * University of Munich. For further information and contacts visit * * * @author thorsten ( */ public class DefaultDocument extends Document { public DefaultDocument(JdbcConnectionPool jc) { super(jc); } @Override protected int addToken(Token t) { try { Connection conn = jcp.getConnection(); return this.addToken(t, conn); } catch (SQLException ex) { return 0; } } /** * Adds token to the document. The tokenid is set to auto increment * * @param t the { * @see jav.correctionBackend.Token} to be added */ @Override protected int addToken(Token t, Connection conn) { try { try (PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO TOKEN VALUES( null,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? )")) { prep.setInt(1, t.getIndexInDocument()); prep.setInt(2, t.getOrigID()); prep.setString(3, t.getWOCR()); prep.setString(4, t.getWCOR()); prep.setBoolean(5, t.isNormal()); prep.setBoolean(6, t.isCorrected()); prep.setInt(7, t.getNumberOfCandidates()); TokenImageInfoBox tiib = t.getTokenImageInfoBox(); if (tiib != null) { prep.setInt(8, tiib.getCoordinateLeft()); prep.setInt(9, tiib.getCoordinateRight()); prep.setInt(10, tiib.getCoordinateTop()); prep.setInt(11, tiib.getCoordinateBottom()); prep.setString(13, tiib.getImageFileName()); } else { prep.setInt(8, -1); prep.setInt(9, -1); prep.setInt(10, -1); prep.setInt(11, -1); prep.setString(13, ""); } prep.setString(12, t.getSpecialSeq().toString()); prep.setBoolean(14, t.isSuspicious()); prep.setInt(15, t.getPageIndex()); prep.setString(16, t.getTopSuggestion()); prep.setInt(17, t.getTopCandDLev()); prep.addBatch(); prep.executeBatch(); } Statement psIdentity = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet result = psIdentity.executeQuery("CALL SCOPE_IDENTITY()");; int identity = result.getInt(1); result.close(); psIdentity.close(); conn.close(); return identity; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 0; } } @Override protected void loadNumberOfTokensFromDB() { try { Connection conn = jcp.getConnection(); Statement s = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT MAX(indexInDocument) FROM TOKEN"); if ( { this.numTokens = rs.getInt(1) + 1; } System.out.println("Num of tokens: " + this.numTokens); rs.close(); s.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { this.numTokens = 0; } } @Override public ArrayList<Integer> deleteToken(int iDFrom, int iDTo) throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement setIndex = null; PreparedStatement moveIndex = null; PreparedStatement undo_redo = null; Token from = this.getTokenByID(iDFrom); Token to = this.getTokenByID(iDTo); int indexFrom = from.getIndexInDocument(); int indexTo = to.getIndexInDocument(); try { ArrayList<Integer> retval = new ArrayList<>(); if (indexTo < indexFrom) { return null; // throw new OCRCException("JAV.DOCUMENT.DELETETOKEN invalid range"); } if (indexFrom == indexTo) { return null; } if ( from.getPageIndex() != to.getPageIndex()) { return null; // throw new OCRCException("JAV.DOCUMENT.DELETETOKEN: cannot erase across page borders"); } conn = jcp.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); //reserve undo_redo_parts for the starting token setIndex = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=-1 WHERE tokenID=?"); undo_redo = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO undoredo VALUES( ?,?,?,?,? )"); int i; for (i = indexFrom; i <= indexTo; i++) { Token temp = this.getTokenByIndex(i); retval.add(temp.getID()); setIndex.setInt(1, temp.getID()); setIndex.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "undo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.DELETE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=" + i + " WHERE tokenID=" + temp.getID()); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "redo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.DELETE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=-1 WHERE tokenID=" + temp.getID()); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo_part++; } // move token index and prepare undoredo moveIndex = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=indexInDocument-? WHERE indexInDocument>?"); moveIndex.setInt(1, retval.size()); moveIndex.setInt(2, indexFrom); moveIndex.executeUpdate(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "undo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.DELETE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=indexInDocument+" + retval.size() + " WHERE indexInDocument>=" + indexFrom); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "redo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.DELETE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=indexInDocument-" + retval.size() + " WHERE indexInDocument>" + indexFrom); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo_part = 0; undo_redo_id++; this.numTokens -= retval.size(); setIndex.executeBatch(); undo_redo.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); return retval; } catch (SQLException ex) { if (conn != null) { conn.rollback(); } return null; } finally { if (setIndex != null) { setIndex.close(); } if (moveIndex != null) { moveIndex.close(); } if (undo_redo != null) { undo_redo.close(); } conn.setAutoCommit(true); conn.close(); } } @Override public ArrayList<Integer> splitToken(int tokenID, String editString) throws SQLException { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement setIndex = null; PreparedStatement undo_redo = null; PreparedStatement moveIndex = null; try { editString = editString.replaceAll("\\s{2,}", " "); editString = editString.replaceAll("^ ", ""); editString = editString.replaceAll(" $", ""); ArrayList<Integer> retval = new ArrayList<>(); conn = jcp.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); undo_redo = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO undoredo VALUES( ?,?,?,?,? )"); moveIndex = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=indexInDocument+? WHERE indexInDocument>?"); setIndex = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=? WHERE tokenID=?"); java.util.regex.Pattern myAlnum = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("[\\pL\\pM\\p{Nd}\\p{Nl}\\p{Pc}[\\p{InEnclosedAlphanumerics}&&\\p{So}]]+"); StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(editString, " ", true); Token temp; TokenImageInfoBox b; int tokensAdded = 0; int imgwidth = 0; int left = 0; int charwidth = 0; int tokensToAdd = strTok.countTokens() - 1; Token atIndex = this.getTokenByID(tokenID); if (atIndex.getTokenImageInfoBox() != null) { imgwidth = atIndex.getTokenImageInfoBox().getCoordinateRight() - atIndex.getTokenImageInfoBox().getCoordinateLeft(); left = atIndex.getTokenImageInfoBox().getCoordinateLeft(); charwidth = imgwidth / editString.length(); } // reserve undo_redo_part undo_redo_part = 1; // move token index and prepare undoredo moveIndex.setInt(1, tokensToAdd); moveIndex.setInt(2, atIndex.getIndexInDocument()); moveIndex.executeUpdate(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "undo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.SPLIT.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=indexInDocument-" + tokensToAdd + " WHERE indexInDocument>" + atIndex.getIndexInDocument()); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "redo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.SPLIT.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=indexInDocument+" + tokensToAdd + " WHERE indexInDocument>" + atIndex.getIndexInDocument()); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo_part++; setIndex.setInt(1, -1); setIndex.setInt(2, atIndex.getID()); setIndex.addBatch(); // undo_redo_for original token undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, 0); undo_redo.setString(3, "undo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.SPLIT.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=" + atIndex.getIndexInDocument() + " WHERE tokenID=" + atIndex.getID()); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, 0); undo_redo.setString(3, "redo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.SPLIT.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=-1 WHERE tokenID=" + atIndex.getID()); undo_redo.addBatch(); while (strTok.hasMoreTokens()) { String corr = strTok.nextToken(); if (corr.equals(" ")) { b = null; left += charwidth; } else { if (imgwidth == 0) { b = null; } else { b = new TokenImageInfoBox(); b.setImageFileName(atIndex.getImageFilename().substring(atIndex.getImageFilename().lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1, atIndex.getImageFilename().length())); b.setCoordinateBottom(atIndex.getTokenImageInfoBox().getCoordinateBottom()); b.setCoordinateTop(atIndex.getTokenImageInfoBox().getCoordinateTop()); b.setCoordinateLeft(left); left += charwidth * corr.length(); b.setCoordinateRight(left + 2); } } temp = new Token(atIndex.getWOCR()); temp.setIndexInDocument(-1); temp.setWCOR(corr); temp.setIsCorrected(false); temp.setIsSuspicious(false); temp.setNumberOfCandidates(0); temp.setPageIndex(atIndex.getPageIndex()); if (myAlnum.matcher(corr).matches()) { temp.setIsNormal(true); } else { temp.setIsNormal(false); } if (corr.equals(" ")) { temp.setSpecialSeq(SpecialSequenceType.SPACE); } else { temp.setSpecialSeq(SpecialSequenceType.NORMAL); } temp.setTokenImageInfoBox(b); int identity = this.addToken(temp); retval.add(identity); setIndex.setInt(1, (atIndex.getIndexInDocument() + tokensAdded)); setIndex.setInt(2, identity); setIndex.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "undo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.SPLIT.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=-1 WHERE tokenID=" + identity); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "redo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.SPLIT.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=" + (atIndex.getIndexInDocument() + tokensAdded) + " WHERE tokenID=" + identity); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo_part++; tokensAdded++; } undo_redo_part = 0; undo_redo_id++; this.numTokens += tokensAdded; setIndex.executeBatch(); undo_redo.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); return retval; } catch (SQLException ex) { if (conn != null) { conn.rollback(); } return null; } finally { if (setIndex != null) { setIndex.close(); } if (moveIndex != null) { moveIndex.close(); } if (undo_redo != null) { undo_redo.close(); } conn.setAutoCommit(true); conn.close(); } } @Override public ArrayList<Integer> mergeRightward(int tokenID, int numTok) throws SQLException { System.out.println("Beginning database transaction"); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement setIndex = null; PreparedStatement undo_redo = null; PreparedStatement moveIndex = null; try { ArrayList<Integer> retval = new ArrayList<>(); Token atIndex = getTokenByID(tokenID); Token newToken = new Token(""); newToken.setWCOR(atIndex.getWDisplay()); TokenImageInfoBox b = null; Token rightToken; int i = 0; conn = jcp.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); setIndex = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=? WHERE tokenID=?"); undo_redo = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO undoredo VALUES( ?,?,?,?,? )"); moveIndex = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=indexInDocument-? WHERE indexInDocument>?"); // reserve undo_redo_part for unsetting the token indices undo_redo_part = 2; for (; i < numTok; ++i) { rightToken = getTokenByIndex(atIndex.getIndexInDocument() + (i + 1)); if (rightToken.getWDisplay().equals("\n")) { break; } retval.add(rightToken.getID()); setIndex.setInt(1, -1); setIndex.setInt(2, rightToken.getID()); setIndex.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "undo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.MERGE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=" + rightToken.getIndexInDocument() + " WHERE tokenID=" + rightToken.getID()); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "redo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.MERGE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=-1 WHERE tokenID=" + rightToken.getID()); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo_part++; if ((atIndex.getTokenImageInfoBox() != null) && (rightToken.getTokenImageInfoBox() != null)) { if (b == null) { b = new TokenImageInfoBox(); b.setCoordinateBottom(atIndex.getTokenImageInfoBox().getCoordinateBottom()); b.setCoordinateTop(atIndex.getTokenImageInfoBox().getCoordinateTop()); b.setCoordinateLeft(atIndex.getTokenImageInfoBox().getCoordinateLeft()); b.setImageFileName(atIndex.getImageFilename().substring(atIndex.getImageFilename().lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1, atIndex.getImageFilename().length())); } b.setCoordinateRight(java.lang.Math.max(atIndex.getTokenImageInfoBox().getCoordinateRight(), rightToken.getTokenImageInfoBox().getCoordinateRight())); } if (!rightToken.getWDisplay().equals(" ")) { newToken.setWCOR((newToken.getWCOR() + rightToken.getWDisplay())); } } // move token index and prepare undoredo moveIndex.setInt(1, i); moveIndex.setInt(2, atIndex.getIndexInDocument()); moveIndex.executeUpdate(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "undo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.MERGE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=indexInDocument+" + i + " WHERE indexInDocument>" + atIndex.getIndexInDocument()); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, undo_redo_part); undo_redo.setString(3, "redo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.MERGE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=indexInDocument-" + i + " WHERE indexInDocument>" + atIndex.getIndexInDocument()); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo_part++; newToken.setIsCorrected(true); newToken.setIsNormal(true); newToken.setIsSuspicious(false); newToken.setNumberOfCandidates(0); newToken.setPageIndex(atIndex.getPageIndex()); newToken.setSpecialSeq(SpecialSequenceType.NORMAL); newToken.setTokenImageInfoBox(b); newToken.setIndexInDocument(-1); int identity = this.addToken(newToken); retval.add(0, identity); setIndex.setInt(1, atIndex.getIndexInDocument()); setIndex.setInt(2, identity); setIndex.addBatch(); setIndex.setInt(1, -1); setIndex.setInt(2, atIndex.getID()); setIndex.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, 0); undo_redo.setString(3, "undo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.MERGE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=-1 WHERE tokenID=" + identity); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, 0); undo_redo.setString(3, "redo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.MERGE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=-1 WHERE tokenID=" + atIndex.getID()); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, 1); undo_redo.setString(3, "undo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.MERGE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=" + atIndex.getIndexInDocument() + " WHERE tokenID=" + atIndex.getID()); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo.setInt(1, undo_redo_id); undo_redo.setInt(2, 1); undo_redo.setString(3, "redo"); undo_redo.setString(4, MyEditType.MERGE.toString()); undo_redo.setString(5, "UPDATE token SET indexInDocument=" + atIndex.getIndexInDocument() + " WHERE tokenID=" + identity); undo_redo.addBatch(); undo_redo_part = 0; undo_redo_id++; this.numTokens -= i; setIndex.executeBatch(); undo_redo.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); long then = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Database transaction finished. Time taken: " + (then - now)); return retval; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); if (conn != null) { conn.rollback(); } return null; } finally { if (setIndex != null) { setIndex.close(); } if (moveIndex != null) { moveIndex.close(); } if (undo_redo != null) { undo_redo.close(); } conn.setAutoCommit(true); conn.close(); } } }