package nl.siegmann.epublib.epub; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import nl.siegmann.epublib.Constants; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Book; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.MediaType; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Resource; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Resources; import nl.siegmann.epublib.service.MediatypeService; import nl.siegmann.epublib.util.ResourceUtil; import nl.siegmann.epublib.util.StringUtil; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** * Reads an epub file. * * @author paul * */ public class EpubReader { private BookProcessor bookProcessor = BookProcessor.IDENTITY_BOOKPROCESSOR; public Book readEpub(InputStream in) throws IOException { return readEpub(in, Constants.CHARACTER_ENCODING); } public Book readEpub(ZipInputStream in) throws IOException { return readEpub(in, Constants.CHARACTER_ENCODING); } public Book readEpub(ZipFile zipfile) throws IOException { return readEpub(zipfile, Constants.CHARACTER_ENCODING); } /** * Read epub from inputstream * * @param in the inputstream from which to read the epub * @param encoding the encoding to use for the html files within the epub * @return the Book as read from the inputstream * @throws IOException */ public Book readEpub(InputStream in, String encoding) throws IOException { return readEpub(new ZipInputStream(in, Charset.forName("UTF-8")), encoding); } /** * Reads this EPUB without loading all resources into memory. * * @param fileName the file to load * @param encoding the encoding for XHTML files * @param lazyLoadedTypes a list of the MediaType to load lazily * @return this Book without loading all resources into memory. * @throws IOException */ public Book readEpubLazy( String fileName, String encoding, List<MediaType> lazyLoadedTypes ) throws IOException { Book result = new Book(); Resources resources = readLazyResources(fileName, encoding, lazyLoadedTypes); handleMimeType(result, resources); String packageResourceHref = getPackageResourceHref(resources); Resource packageResource = processPackageResource(packageResourceHref, result, resources); result.setOpfResource(packageResource); Resource ncxResource = processNcxResource(packageResource, result); result.setNcxResource(ncxResource); result = postProcessBook(result); return result; } /** * Reads this EPUB without loading any resources into memory. * * @param fileName the file to load * @param encoding the encoding for XHTML files * * @return this Book without loading all resources into memory. * @throws IOException */ public Book readEpubLazy( String fileName, String encoding ) throws IOException { return readEpubLazy(fileName, encoding, Arrays.asList(MediatypeService.mediatypes) ); } public Book readEpub(ZipInputStream in, String encoding) throws IOException { return readEpubResources(readResources(in, encoding)); } public Book readEpub(ZipFile in, String encoding) throws IOException { return readEpubResources(readResources(in, encoding)); } public Book readEpubResources(Resources resources) throws IOException{ Book result = new Book(); handleMimeType(result, resources); String packageResourceHref = getPackageResourceHref(resources); Resource packageResource = processPackageResource(packageResourceHref, result, resources); result.setOpfResource(packageResource); Resource ncxResource = processNcxResource(packageResource, result); result.setNcxResource(ncxResource); result = postProcessBook(result); return result; } private Book postProcessBook(Book book) { if (bookProcessor != null) { book = bookProcessor.processBook(book); } return book; } private Resource processNcxResource(Resource packageResource, Book book) { return, this); } private Resource processPackageResource(String packageResourceHref, Book book, Resources resources) { Resource packageResource = resources.remove(packageResourceHref); try {, this, book, resources); } catch (Exception e) { } return packageResource; } private String getPackageResourceHref(Resources resources) { String defaultResult = "OEBPS/content.opf"; String result = defaultResult; Resource containerResource = resources.remove("META-INF/container.xml"); if(containerResource == null) { return result; } try { Document document = ResourceUtil.getAsDocument(containerResource); Element rootFileElement = (Element) ((Element) document.getDocumentElement().getElementsByTagName("rootfiles").item(0)).getElementsByTagName("rootfile").item(0); result = rootFileElement.getAttribute("full-path"); } catch (Exception e) { } if(StringUtil.isBlank(result)) { result = defaultResult; } return result; } private void handleMimeType(Book result, Resources resources) { resources.remove("mimetype"); } private Resources readLazyResources( String fileName, String defaultHtmlEncoding, List<MediaType> lazyLoadedTypes) throws IOException { ZipInputStream in = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileName), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); Resources result = new Resources(); for(ZipEntry zipEntry = in.getNextEntry(); zipEntry != null; zipEntry = in.getNextEntry()) { if(zipEntry.isDirectory()) { continue; } String href = zipEntry.getName(); MediaType mediaType = MediatypeService.determineMediaType(href); Resource resource; if ( lazyLoadedTypes.contains(mediaType) ) { resource = new Resource(fileName, zipEntry.getSize(), href); } else { resource = new Resource( in, fileName, (int) zipEntry.getSize(), href ); } if(resource.getMediaType() == MediatypeService.XHTML) { resource.setInputEncoding(defaultHtmlEncoding); } result.add(resource); } return result; } private Resources readResources(ZipInputStream in, String defaultHtmlEncoding) throws IOException { Resources result = new Resources(); for(ZipEntry zipEntry = in.getNextEntry(); zipEntry != null; zipEntry = in.getNextEntry()) { if(zipEntry.isDirectory()) { continue; } Resource resource = ResourceUtil.createResource(zipEntry, in); if(resource.getMediaType() == MediatypeService.XHTML) { resource.setInputEncoding(defaultHtmlEncoding); } result.add(resource); } return result; } private Resources readResources(ZipFile zipFile, String defaultHtmlEncoding) throws IOException { Resources result = new Resources(); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries(); while(entries.hasMoreElements()){ ZipEntry zipEntry = entries.nextElement(); if(zipEntry != null && !zipEntry.isDirectory()){ Resource resource = ResourceUtil.createResource(zipEntry, zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry)); if(resource.getMediaType() == MediatypeService.XHTML) { resource.setInputEncoding(defaultHtmlEncoding); } result.add(resource); } } return result; } }