package peergos.server; import peergos.shared.*; import peergos.shared.corenode.*; import peergos.shared.crypto.asymmetric.*; import peergos.shared.crypto.asymmetric.curve25519.*; import peergos.shared.mutable.*; import*; import peergos.server.corenode.HttpCoreNodeServer; import peergos.server.mutable.PinningMutablePointers; import peergos.server.corenode.SQLiteCoreNode; import peergos.server.fuse.*; import*; import peergos.server.tests.*; import peergos.shared.user.*; import peergos.shared.util.*; import*; import java.nio.file.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.*; public class Start { public static final Map<String, String> OPTIONS = new LinkedHashMap(); static { OPTIONS.put("help", "Show this help."); OPTIONS.put("local", "Run an ephemeral localhost Peergos"); OPTIONS.put("fuse", "Mount a Peergos user's filesystem natively"); OPTIONS.put("corenode", "start a corenode"); OPTIONS.put("demo", "run in demo mode"); OPTIONS.put("publicserver", "listen on all network interfaces, not just localhost"); } public static final Map<String, String> PARAMS = new LinkedHashMap(); static { PARAMS.put("port", " the port to listen on."); PARAMS.put("useIPFS", "true/false use IPFS or an ephemeral RAM storage"); PARAMS.put("corenodeURL", "URL of a corenode e.g."); PARAMS.put("mountPoint", "directory to mount Peergos in (used with -fuse)"); PARAMS.put("username", "user whose filesystem will be mounted (used with -fuse)"); PARAMS.put("password", "password for user filesystem to be mounted (used with -fuse)"); PARAMS.put("corenodePath", "path to a local corenode sql file (created if it doesn't exist)"); PARAMS.put("corenodePort", "port for the local core node to listen on"); PARAMS.put("webroot", "the path to the directory to serve as the web root"); PARAMS.put("domain", "the domain name of the machine that this Peergos server is running on"); PARAMS.put("mountPoint", "the directory to mount the Peergos filesystem in"); PARAMS.put("username", "only used for fuse"); PARAMS.put("password", "only used for fuse"); } public static void printOptions() { System.out.println("\nPeergos Server help."); System.out.println("\nOptions:"); for (String k: OPTIONS.keySet()) System.out.println("-"+ k + "\t " + OPTIONS.get(k)); System.out.println("\nParameters:"); for (String k: PARAMS.keySet()) System.out.println("-"+ k + "\t " + PARAMS.get(k)); } public static void main(String[] args) { run(Args.parse(args)); } public static void run(Args a) { try { PublicSigningKey.addProvider(PublicSigningKey.Type.Ed25519, new Ed25519.Java()); if (a.hasArg("help")) { printOptions(); System.exit(0); } if (a.hasArg("local")) { local(a); } else if (a.hasArg("demo")) { demo(a); } else if (a.hasArg("corenode")) { String keyfile = a.getArg("keyfile", "core.key"); char[] passphrase = a.getArg("passphrase", "password").toCharArray(); String path = a.getArg("corenodePath", ":memory:"); int corenodePort = a.getInt("corenodePort", HttpCoreNodeServer.PORT); System.out.println("Using core node path " + path); SQLiteCoreNode coreNode =; HttpCoreNodeServer.createAndStart(keyfile, passphrase, corenodePort, coreNode, coreNode, a); } else { int webPort = a.getInt("port", 8000); URL coreAddress = new URI(a.getArg("corenodeURL", "http://localhost:" + HttpCoreNodeServer.PORT)).toURL(); String domain = a.getArg("domain", "localhost"); InetSocketAddress userAPIAddress = new InetSocketAddress(domain, webPort); boolean useIPFS = a.getBoolean("useIPFS", true); int dhtCacheEntries = 1000; int maxValueSizeToCache = 50 * 1024; ContentAddressedStorage dht = useIPFS ? new CachingStorage(new IpfsDHT(), dhtCacheEntries, maxValueSizeToCache) : new RAMStorage(); // start the User Service String hostname = a.getArg("domain", "localhost"); CoreNode core = HTTPCoreNode.getInstance(coreAddress); MutablePointers mutable = HttpMutablePointers.getInstance(coreAddress); MutablePointers pinner = new PinningMutablePointers(mutable, dht); InetSocketAddress httpsMessengerAddress = new InetSocketAddress(hostname, userAPIAddress.getPort()); new UserService(httpsMessengerAddress, Logger.getLogger("IPFS"), dht, core, pinner, a); if (a.hasArg("fuse")) { String username = a.getArg("username", "test01"); String password = a.getArg("password", "test01"); Path mount = Files.createTempDirectory("peergos"); String mountPath = a.getArg("mountPoint", mount.toString()); Path path = Paths.get(mountPath); path.toFile().mkdirs(); System.out.println("\n\nPeergos mounted at " + path + "\n\n"); NetworkAccess network = NetworkAccess.buildJava(webPort).get(); Crypto crypto = Crypto.initJava(); UserContext userContext = UserTests.ensureSignedUp(username, password, network, crypto); PeergosFS peergosFS = new PeergosFS(userContext); FuseProcess fuseProcess = new FuseProcess(peergosFS, path); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> fuseProcess.close())); fuseProcess.start(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } public static void demo(Args a) throws Exception { String domain = a.getArg("domain", ""); String corenodePath = a.getArg("corenodePath", "core.sql"); int corenodePort = a.getInt("corenodePort", HttpCoreNodeServer.PORT); Start.main(new String[] {"-corenode", "-domain", domain, "-corenodePath", a.getArg("corenodePath", corenodePath)}); a.setArg("port", "443"); a.setArg("corenodeURL", "http://" + domain + ":"+corenodePort); a.setParameter("publicserver"); a.removeArg("demo"); run(a); } public static void local(Args a) throws Exception { String domain = a.getArg("domain", "localhost"); String corenodePath = a.getArg("corenodePath", ":memory:"); int corenodePort = a.getInt("corenodePort", HttpCoreNodeServer.PORT); run(Args.parse(new String[] {"-corenode", "-domain", domain, "-corenodePath", corenodePath, "-corenodePort", Integer.toString(corenodePort)})); a.setArg("corenodeURL", "http://localhost:"+corenodePort); a.removeArg("local"); run(a); } }