package com.tom_roush.pdfbox.filter.ccitt; import; import; /** * This is a CCITT Group 3 1D decoder (ITU T.4). */ public final class CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream extends InputStream { private static final int CODE_WORD = 0; private static final int SIGNAL_EOD = -1; private static final int SIGNAL_EOL = -2; private InputStream source; private int columns; private int rows; private boolean encodedByteAlign; //for reading compressed bits private int bits; private int bitPos = 8; //a single decoded line (one line decoded at a time, then read byte by byte) private PackedBitArray decodedLine; private int decodedWritePos; //write position in bits (used by the decoder algorithm) private int decodedReadPos; //read position in bytes (used by the actual InputStream reading) //state private int y = -1; //Current row/line private int accumulatedRunLength; //Used for make-up codes private static final NonLeafLookupTreeNode WHITE_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT; private static final NonLeafLookupTreeNode BLACK_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT; static { WHITE_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT = new NonLeafLookupTreeNode(); BLACK_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT = new NonLeafLookupTreeNode(); buildLookupTree(); } /** * Creates a new decoder. * * @param source the input stream containing the compressed data. * @param columns the number of columns * @param rows the number of rows (0 if undefined) * @param encodedByteAlign true if each encoded scan line is filled * to a byte boundary, false if not */ public CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream(InputStream source, int columns, int rows, boolean encodedByteAlign) { this.source = source; this.columns = columns; this.rows = rows; this.decodedLine = new PackedBitArray(columns); this.decodedReadPos = this.decodedLine.getByteCount(); this.encodedByteAlign = encodedByteAlign; } /** * Creates a new decoder. * * @param source the input stream containing the compressed data. * @param columns the number of columns * @param encodedByteAlign true if each encoded scan line is filled * to a byte boundary, false if not */ public CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream(InputStream source, int columns, boolean encodedByteAlign) { this(source, columns, 0, encodedByteAlign); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean markSupported() { return false; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public int read() throws IOException { if (this.decodedReadPos >= this.decodedLine.getByteCount()) { boolean hasLine = decodeLine(); if (!hasLine) { return -1; } } byte data = this.decodedLine.getData()[this.decodedReadPos++]; return data & 0xFF; } //TODO Implement the other two read methods private boolean decodeLine() throws IOException { if (encodedByteAlign && this.bitPos != 0) { readByte(); } if (this.bits < 0) { //Shortcut after EOD return false; } this.y++; int x = 0; if (this.rows > 0 && this.y >= this.rows) { //All rows decoded, ignore further bits return false; } this.decodedLine.clear(); this.decodedWritePos = 0; int expectRTC = 6; boolean white = true; while (x < this.columns || this.accumulatedRunLength > 0) { CodeWord code; LookupTreeNode root = white ? WHITE_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT : BLACK_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT; code = root.getNextCodeWord(this); if (code == null) { //no more code words (EOD) if (x > 0) { //Have last line this.decodedReadPos = 0; return true; } else { return false; } } else if (code.getType() == SIGNAL_EOL) { expectRTC--; if (expectRTC == 0) { //Return to Control = End Of Data return false; } if (x == 0) { //Ignore leading EOL continue; } } else { expectRTC = -1; x += code.execute(this); if (this.accumulatedRunLength == 0) { //Only switch if not using make-up codes white = !white; } } } this.decodedReadPos = 0; return true; } private void writeRun(int bit, int length) { this.accumulatedRunLength += length; if (bit != 0) { this.decodedLine.setBits(this.decodedWritePos, this.accumulatedRunLength); } this.decodedWritePos += this.accumulatedRunLength; this.accumulatedRunLength = 0; } private void writeNonTerminating(int length) { this.accumulatedRunLength += length; } private static final int[] BIT_POS_MASKS = new int[] {0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01}; private int readBit() throws IOException { if (this.bitPos >= 8) { readByte(); if (this.bits < 0) { return SIGNAL_EOD; } } return (this.bits & BIT_POS_MASKS[this.bitPos++]) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } private void readByte() throws IOException { this.bits =; this.bitPos = 0; } private static final short EOL_STARTER = 0x0B00; private static void buildLookupTree() { buildUpTerminating(CCITTFaxConstants.WHITE_TERMINATING, WHITE_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT, true); buildUpTerminating(CCITTFaxConstants.BLACK_TERMINATING, BLACK_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT, false); buildUpMakeUp(CCITTFaxConstants.WHITE_MAKE_UP, WHITE_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT); buildUpMakeUp(CCITTFaxConstants.BLACK_MAKE_UP, BLACK_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT); buildUpMakeUpLong(CCITTFaxConstants.LONG_MAKE_UP, WHITE_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT); buildUpMakeUpLong(CCITTFaxConstants.LONG_MAKE_UP, BLACK_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT); LookupTreeNode eolNode = new EndOfLineTreeNode(); addLookupTreeNode(EOL_STARTER, WHITE_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT, eolNode); addLookupTreeNode(EOL_STARTER, BLACK_LOOKUP_TREE_ROOT, eolNode); } private static void buildUpTerminating(short[] codes, NonLeafLookupTreeNode root, boolean white) { for (int len = 0, c = codes.length; len < c; len++) { LookupTreeNode leaf = new RunLengthTreeNode(white ? 0 : 1, len); addLookupTreeNode(codes[len], root, leaf); } } private static void buildUpMakeUp(short[] codes, NonLeafLookupTreeNode root) { for (int len = 0, c = codes.length; len < c; len++) { LookupTreeNode leaf = new MakeUpTreeNode((len + 1) * 64); addLookupTreeNode(codes[len], root, leaf); } } private static void buildUpMakeUpLong(short[] codes, NonLeafLookupTreeNode root) { for (int len = 0, c = codes.length; len < c; len++) { LookupTreeNode leaf = new MakeUpTreeNode((len + 28) * 64); addLookupTreeNode(codes[len], root, leaf); } } private static void addLookupTreeNode(short code, NonLeafLookupTreeNode root, LookupTreeNode leaf) { int codeLength = code >> 8; int pattern = code & 0xFF; NonLeafLookupTreeNode node = root; for (int p = codeLength - 1; p > 0; p--) { int bit = (pattern >> p) & 0x01; LookupTreeNode child = node.get(bit); if (child == null) { child = new NonLeafLookupTreeNode(); node.set(bit, child); } if (child instanceof NonLeafLookupTreeNode) { node = (NonLeafLookupTreeNode)child; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("NonLeafLookupTreeNode expected, was " + child.getClass().getName()); } } int bit = pattern & 0x01; if (node.get(bit) != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Two codes conflicting in lookup tree"); } node.set(bit, leaf); } /** Base class for all nodes in the lookup tree for code words. */ private abstract static class LookupTreeNode { public abstract CodeWord getNextCodeWord(CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream decoder) throws IOException; } /** Interface for code words. */ private interface CodeWord { int getType(); int execute(CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream decoder) throws IOException; } /** Non-leaf nodes that hold a child node for both the 0 and 1 cases for the lookup tree. */ private static class NonLeafLookupTreeNode extends LookupTreeNode { private LookupTreeNode zero; private LookupTreeNode one; public void set(int bit, LookupTreeNode node) { if (bit == 0) { = node; } else { = node; } } public LookupTreeNode get(int bit) { return (bit == 0) ? :; } public CodeWord getNextCodeWord(CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream decoder) throws IOException { int bit = decoder.readBit(); if (bit < 0) { return null; } LookupTreeNode node = get(bit); if (node != null) { return node.getNextCodeWord(decoder); } throw new IOException("Invalid code word encountered"); } } /** This node represents a run length of either 0 or 1. */ private static class RunLengthTreeNode extends LookupTreeNode implements CodeWord { private final int bit; private final int length; RunLengthTreeNode(int bit, int length) { this.bit = bit; this.length = length; } public CodeWord getNextCodeWord(CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream decoder) throws IOException { return this; } public int execute(CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream decoder) { decoder.writeRun(this.bit, this.length); return length; } public int getType() { return CODE_WORD; } public String toString() { return "Run Length for " + length + " bits of " + (bit == 0 ? "white" : "black"); } } /** Represents a make-up code word. */ private static class MakeUpTreeNode extends LookupTreeNode implements CodeWord { private final int length; MakeUpTreeNode(int length) { this.length = length; } public CodeWord getNextCodeWord(CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream decoder) throws IOException { return this; } public int execute(CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream decoder) throws IOException { decoder.writeNonTerminating(length); return length; } public int getType() { return CODE_WORD; } public String toString() { return "Make up code for length " + length; } } /** Represents an EOL code word. */ private static class EndOfLineTreeNode extends LookupTreeNode implements CodeWord { public CodeWord getNextCodeWord(CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream decoder) throws IOException { int bit; do { bit = decoder.readBit(); //bit 1 finishes the EOL, any number of bit 0 allowed as fillers } while (bit == 0); if (bit < 0) { return null; } return this; } public int execute(CCITTFaxG31DDecodeInputStream decoder) throws IOException { //nop return 0; } public int getType() { return SIGNAL_EOL; } public String toString() { return "EOL"; } } }