/* Copyright (C) 2011 monte This file is part of PSP NetParty. PSP NetParty is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package pspnetparty.server; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.util.HashMap; import pspnetparty.lib.ICommandHandler; import pspnetparty.lib.ILogger; import pspnetparty.lib.IniFile; import pspnetparty.lib.IniSection; import pspnetparty.lib.Utility; import pspnetparty.lib.constants.AppConstants; import pspnetparty.lib.constants.IniPublicServerRegistry; import pspnetparty.lib.engine.LobbyEngine; import pspnetparty.lib.server.IniConstants; import pspnetparty.lib.server.ServerUtils; import pspnetparty.lib.socket.AsyncTcpServer; import pspnetparty.lib.socket.IProtocol; public class LobbyServer { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.printf("%s ロビーサーバー version %s\n", AppConstants.APP_NAME, AppConstants.VERSION); System.out.println("プロトコル: " + IProtocol.NUMBER); String iniFileName = "LobbyServer.ini"; switch (args.length) { case 1: iniFileName = args[0]; break; } System.out.println("設定INIファイル名: " + iniFileName); IniFile ini = new IniFile(iniFileName); IniSection settings = ini.getSection(IniConstants.SECTION_SETTINGS); final int port = settings.get(IniConstants.PORT, 60000); if (port < 1 || port > 65535) { System.out.println("ポート番号が不正です: " + port); return; } System.out.println("ポート: " + port); final String loginMessageFile = settings.get(IniConstants.LOGIN_MESSAGE_FILE, ""); System.out.println("ログインメッセージファイル : " + loginMessageFile); ini.saveToIni(); ILogger logger = ServerUtils.createLogger(); AsyncTcpServer tcpServer = new AsyncTcpServer(40000); final LobbyEngine engine = new LobbyEngine(tcpServer, logger, new IniPublicServerRegistry()); engine.setLoginMessageFile(loginMessageFile); InetSocketAddress bindAddress = new InetSocketAddress(port); tcpServer.startListening(bindAddress); HashMap<String, ICommandHandler> handlers = new HashMap<String, ICommandHandler>(); handlers.put("help", new ICommandHandler() { @Override public void process(String argument) { System.out.println("shutdown\n\tサーバーを終了させる"); System.out.println("status\n\t現在のサーバーの状態を表示"); System.out.println("notify メッセージ\n\t全員にメッセージを告知"); System.out.println("portal list\n\t登録中のポータル一覧"); System.out.println("portal accept\n\tポータル登録の受付開始"); System.out.println("portal reject\n\tポータル登録の受付停止"); } }); handlers.put("status", new ICommandHandler() { @Override public void process(String argument) { System.out.println("ポート: " + port); System.out.println("ユーザー数: " + engine.getCurrentPlayers()); System.out.println("ログインメッセージファイル : " + loginMessageFile); System.out.println("ポータル登録: " + (engine.isAcceptingPortal() ? "受付中" : "停止中")); } }); handlers.put("notify", new ICommandHandler() { @Override public void process(String message) { if (Utility.isEmpty(message)) return; engine.notifyAllUsers(message); System.out.println("メッセージを告知しました : " + message); } }); handlers.put("portal", new ICommandHandler() { @Override public void process(String argument) { String action = argument.trim(); if ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(action)) { System.out.println("[登録中のポータルサーバーの一覧]"); for (InetSocketAddress address : engine.getPortalAddresses()) { System.out.println(address.getAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" + address.getPort()); } } else if ("accept".equalsIgnoreCase(action)) { engine.setAcceptingPortal(true); System.out.println("ポータル接続の受付を開始しました"); } else if ("reject".equalsIgnoreCase(action)) { engine.setAcceptingPortal(false); System.out.println("ポータル接続の受付を停止しました"); } } }); ServerUtils.promptCommand(handlers); tcpServer.stopListening(); } }