package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * This class allows get the text contained in a shape formated with tags html.<br/> * The properties referenced in the Text element are processed by this class. */ public class mxVdxTextParser { /** * Shape that contains the text. */ mxVdxShape shape; /** * Master Shape of the shape. */ mxMasterShape masterShape; /** * Stylesheet with the Text Style. */ mxStyleSheet styleSheet; /** * Stylesheet with the default text style. */ mxStyleSheet defaultStyle; /** * Last cp's IX referenced in the Text Element. */ String cp = ""; /** * Last pp's IX referenced in the Text Element. */ String pp = ""; /** * Last tp's IX referenced in the Text Element. */ String tp = ""; /** * Last fld's IX referenced in the Text Element. */ String fld = ""; /** * Creates a new instance of mxVdxTextParser. * @param shape Shape that contains the text. * @param masterShape Master Shape of the shape. * @param styleSheet Stylesheet with the Text Style. */ public mxVdxTextParser(mxVdxShape shape, mxMasterShape masterShape, mxStyleSheet styleSheet) { this.shape = shape; this.masterShape = masterShape; this.styleSheet = styleSheet; this.defaultStyle = mxPropertiesManager.getInstance().getTextStyle(); } /** * Returns the text contained in the shape formated with tags html.<br/> * @return Text content in html. */ public String getHtmlTextContent() { List<Node> child = null; String ret = ""; if (shape.hasText()) { child = shape.getTextChildrens(); } else if ((masterShape != null) && masterShape.hasText()) { child = masterShape.getTextChildrens(); } boolean first = true; if (child != null) { for (Node e : child) { if (e.getNodeName().equals("cp")) { Element elem = (Element) e; cp = elem.getAttribute("IX"); } else if (e.getNodeName().equals("tp")) { Element elem = (Element) e; tp = elem.getAttribute("IX"); } else if (e.getNodeName().equals("pp")) { Element elem = (Element) e; pp = elem.getAttribute("IX"); if (first) { first = false; } else { ret += "</p>"; } String para = "<p>"; ret += getTextParagraphFormated(para); } else if (e.getNodeName().equals("fld")) { Element elem = (Element) e; fld = elem.getAttribute("IX"); String text = elem.getTextContent(); text = textToList(text, pp); text = text.replaceAll("\n", "<br/>"); ret += getTextCharFormated(text); } else if (e.getNodeName().equals("#text")) { String text = e.getNodeValue(); text = textToList(text, pp); text = text.replaceAll("\n", "<br/>"); ret += getTextCharFormated(text); } } } String end = first ? "" : "</p>"; ret += end; if (!shape.hasXForm1D()) { ret = mxVdxUtils.surroundedByTags(ret, "div"); HashMap<String, Object> styleMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); styleMap.put("width", shape.getDimentions().getX() * 0.71 + "px"); styleMap.put("max-width", shape.getDimentions().getX() * 0.71 + "px"); ret = insertAttributes(ret, styleMap); } return ret; } /** * Transform plain text into a html list if the Para element referenced by * pp indicates it. * @param text Text to be transformed. * @param pp Reference to a Para element. * @return Text like a html list. */ public String textToList(String text, String pp) { if (!pp.equals("")) { String bullet = getBulletValue(pp); if (!bullet.equals("0")) { String[] entries = text.split("\n"); String ret = ""; for (String entry : entries) { ret += mxVdxUtils.surroundedByTags(entry, "li"); } ret = mxVdxUtils.surroundedByTags(ret, "ul"); HashMap<String, Object> styleMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (bullet.equals("4")) { styleMap.put("list-style-type", "square"); } else { styleMap.put("list-style-type", "disc"); } ret = this.insertAttributes(ret, styleMap); return ret; } } return text; } /** * Returns the value of the Bullet element of the shape.<br/> * This element may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Para element that contains the Bullet element. * @return String value of the Bullet element. */ public String getBulletValue(String index) { String bullet = "0"; if (shape.hasBullet(index)) { bullet = shape.getBullet(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasBullet(index)) { bullet = masterShape.getBullet(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasBullet(index)) { bullet = styleSheet.getBullet(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasBullet(index)) { bullet = defaultStyle.getBullet(index); } return bullet; } /** * Returns the paragraph formated according the properties in the last * Para element referenced. * @param para Paragraph to be formated * @return Formated paragraph. */ public String getTextParagraphFormated(String para) { String ret = ""; HashMap<String, Object> styleMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); styleMap.put("text-align", getHorzAlign(pp)); styleMap.put("text-indent", getIndFirst(pp)); styleMap.put("margin-left", getIndLeft(pp)); styleMap.put("margin-right", getIndRight(pp)); styleMap.put("margin-top", getSpcBefore(pp) + "px"); styleMap.put("margin-bottom", getSpcAfter(pp) + "px"); styleMap.put("line-height", getSpcLine(pp)); styleMap.put("direction", getTextDirection(pp)); ret += insertAttributes(para, styleMap); return ret; } /** * Returns the direction of the text. It may be right to left or left to right.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Para element that contains the Flags element. * @return The direction of the text. */ public String getTextDirection(String index) { String direction = "ltr"; if (shape.hasFlags(index)) { direction = shape.getFlags(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasFlags(index)) { direction = masterShape.getFlags(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasFlags(index)) { direction = styleSheet.getFlags(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasFlags(index)) { direction = defaultStyle.getFlags(index); } if (direction.equals("0")) { direction = "ltr"; } else if (direction.equals("1")) { direction = "rtl"; } return direction; } /** * Returns the space between lines in a paragraph.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Para element that contains the SpLine element. * @return The space between lines n pixels. */ public String getSpcLine(String index) { String ret = "0"; boolean isPercent = false; double space = 0; if (shape.hasSpLine(index)) { space = shape.getSpLine(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasSpLine(index)) { space = masterShape.getSpLine(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasSpLine(index)) { space = styleSheet.getSpLine(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasSpLine(index)) { space = defaultStyle.getSpLine(index); } if (space > 0) { space = space * mxVdxUtils.conversionFactor(); } else if (space == 0) { space = 100; isPercent = true; } else { space = Math.abs(space) * 100; isPercent = true; } ret = String.valueOf(space); ret += isPercent ? "%" : "px"; return ret; } /** * Returns the space before a paragraph.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Para element that contains the SpBefore element. * @return The space before the paragraph in pixels. */ public String getSpcBefore(String index) { String ret = "0"; if (shape.hasSpBefore(index)) { ret = shape.getSpBefore(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasSpBefore(index)) { ret = masterShape.getSpBefore(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasSpBefore(index)) { ret = styleSheet.getSpBefore(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasSpBefore(index)) { ret = defaultStyle.getSpBefore(index); } return ret; } /** * Returns the space after a paragraph.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Para element that contains the SpAfter element. * @return The space after the paragraph in pixels. */ public String getSpcAfter(String index) { String ret = "0"; if (shape.hasSpAfter(index)) { ret = shape.getSpAfter(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasSpAfter(index)) { ret = masterShape.getSpAfter(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasSpAfter(index)) { ret = styleSheet.getSpAfter(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasSpAfter(index)) { ret = defaultStyle.getSpAfter(index); } return ret; } /** * Returns the indent to left in a paragraph.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Para element that contains the IndLeft element. * @return The indent to left in a paragraph in pixels. */ public String getIndLeft(String index) { String ret = "0"; if (shape.hasIndentLeft(index)) { ret = shape.getIndentLeft(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasIndentLeft(index)) { ret = masterShape.getIndentLeft(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasIndentLeft(index)) { ret = styleSheet.getIndentLeft(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasIndentLeft(index)) { ret = defaultStyle.getIndentLeft(index); } return ret; } /** * Returns the indent to right in a paragraph.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Para element that contains the IndRight element. * @return The indent to right in a paragraph in pixels. */ public String getIndRight(String index) { String ret = "0"; if (shape.hasIndentRight(index)) { ret = shape.getIndentRight(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasIndentRight(index)) { ret = masterShape.getIndentRight(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasIndentRight(index)) { ret = styleSheet.getIndentRight(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasIndentRight(index)) { ret = defaultStyle.getIndentRight(index); } return ret; } /** * Returns the indent of the first line in a paragraph.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Para element that contains the IndFirst element. * @return The indent of the first line in a paragraph in pixels. */ public String getIndFirst(String index) { String ret = "0"; if (shape.hasIndentFirst(index)) { ret = shape.getIndentFirst(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasIndentFirst(index)) { ret = masterShape.getIndentFirst(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasIndentFirst(index)) { ret = styleSheet.getIndentFirst(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasIndentFirst(index)) { ret = defaultStyle.getIndentFirst(index); } return ret; } /** * Return the value of the horizontal align.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Para element that contains the HorzAlign element. * @return The value of the horizontal align in a paragraph. */ public String getHorzAlign(String index) { String ret = "center"; int align = 0; if (shape.hasHorizontalAlign(index)) { align = shape.getHorizontalAlign(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasHorizontalAlign(index)) { align = masterShape.getHorizontalAlign(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasHorizontalAlign(index)) { align = styleSheet.getHorizontalAlign(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasHorizontalAlign(index)) { align = defaultStyle.getHorizontalAlign(index); } switch (align) { case 0: ret = "left"; break; case 1: ret = "center"; break; case 2: ret = "right"; break; case 3: ret = "justify"; } return ret; } /** * Inserts the style attributes contained in attr into the text.<br/> * The text must be surrounded by tags html. * @param text Text where the attributes must be inserted. * @param attr Map with the attributes. * @return Text with the attributes applied like style. */ public String insertAttributes(String text, HashMap<String, Object> attr) { int i = text.indexOf(">"); String tail = text.substring(i); String head = text.substring(0, i); String style = " style=\"" + mxVdxUtils.getStyleString(attr, ":") + "\""; return head + style + tail; } /** * Returns the text formated according the properties in the last * Char element referenced. * @param text Text to be formated * @return Formated text. */ public String getTextCharFormated(String text) { String ret = ""; String color = "color:" + this.getTextColor(cp) + ";"; String size = "font-size:" + this.getTextSize(cp) + "px;"; String font = "font-family:" + this.getTextFont(cp) + ";"; String direction = "direction:" + this.getCharDirection(cp) + ";"; String space = "letter-spacing:" + this.getCharSpace(cp) + "px;"; int pos = this.getPos(cp); boolean bold = this.isBold(cp); boolean italic = this.isItalic(cp); boolean underline = this.isUnderline(cp); boolean strike = this.isStrikeThru(cp); boolean smallCap = this.isSmallCaps(cp); int tCase = this.getCase(cp); if (tCase == 1) { text = text.toUpperCase(); } else if (tCase == 2) { text = mxVdxUtils.toInitialCapital(text); } if (smallCap) { text = mxVdxUtils.toSmallCaps(text, this.getTextSize(cp)); } if (pos == 1) { text = mxVdxUtils.surroundedByTags(text, "sup"); } else if (pos == 2) { text = mxVdxUtils.surroundedByTags(text, "sub"); } if (bold) { text = mxVdxUtils.surroundedByTags(text, "b"); } if (italic) { text = mxVdxUtils.surroundedByTags(text, "i"); } if (underline) { text = mxVdxUtils.surroundedByTags(text, "u"); } if (strike) { text = mxVdxUtils.surroundedByTags(text, "s"); } ret += "<font style=\"" + size + font + color + direction + space + "\">" + text + "</font>"; return ret; } /** * Returns the space between characters.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the LetterSpace element. * @return String representation of the space between characters in pixels. */ public String getCharSpace(String index) { String space = "0"; if (shape.hasLetterSpace(index)) { space = shape.getLetterSpace(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasLetterSpace(index)) { space = masterShape.getLetterSpace(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasLetterSpace(index)) { space = styleSheet.getLetterSpace(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasLetterSpace(index)) { space = defaultStyle.getLetterSpace(index); } return space; } /** * Returns the direction of the text. It may be right to left or left to right.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the RTLText element. * @return Direction of the text. */ public String getCharDirection(String index) { String direction = "ltr"; if (shape.hasRTLText(index)) { direction = shape.getRTLText(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasRTLText(index)) { direction = masterShape.getRTLText(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasRTLText(index)) { direction = styleSheet.getRTLText(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasRTLText(index)) { direction = defaultStyle.getRTLText(index); } if (direction.equals("0")) { direction = "ltr"; } else if (direction.equals("1")) { direction = "rtl"; } return direction; } /** * Returns the value of the case property.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the Case element. * @return Value of the case property. */ public int getCase(String index) { int tCase = 0; if (shape.hasTextStyle(index)) { tCase = shape.getTextCase(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasTextCase(index)) { tCase = masterShape.getTextCase(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasTextCase(index)) { tCase = styleSheet.getTextCase(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasTextCase(index)) { tCase = defaultStyle.getTextCase(index); } return tCase; } /** * Returns the Position of the text(If is superscript, subscript or normal text).<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the Pos element. * @return Value of the Pos element. */ public int getPos(String index) { int pos = 0; if (shape.hasTextPos(index)) { pos = shape.getTextPos(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasTextPos(index)) { pos = masterShape.getTextPos(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasTextPos(index)) { pos = styleSheet.getTextPos(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasTextPos(index)) { pos = defaultStyle.getTextPos(index); } return pos; } /** * Checks if the style property of the Char element of index = 'index' * indicates bold.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the Style element. * @return Returns <code>true</code> if the style property of the Char element of * index = 'index' indicates bold. */ public boolean isBold(String index) { boolean isBold = false; String style = ""; if (shape.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = shape.getTextStyle(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = masterShape.getTextStyle(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = styleSheet.getTextStyle(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = defaultStyle.getTextStyle(index); } if (!style.equals("")) { int value = Integer.parseInt(style); isBold = ((value & 1) == 1); } return isBold; } /** * Checks if the style property of the Char element of index = 'index' * indicates italic.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the Style element. * @return Returns <code>true</code> if the style property of the Char element of * index = 'index' indicates italic. */ public boolean isItalic(String index) { boolean isItalic = false; String style = ""; if (shape.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = shape.getTextStyle(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = masterShape.getTextStyle(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = styleSheet.getTextStyle(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = defaultStyle.getTextStyle(index); } if (!style.equals("")) { int value = Integer.parseInt(style); isItalic = ((value & 2) == 2); } return isItalic; } /** * Checks if the style property of the Char element of index = 'index' * indicates underline.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the Style element. * @return Returns <code>true</code> if the style property of the Char element of * index = 'index' indicates underline. */ public boolean isUnderline(String index) { boolean isUnderline = false; String style = ""; if (shape.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = shape.getTextStyle(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = masterShape.getTextStyle(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = styleSheet.getTextStyle(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = defaultStyle.getTextStyle(index); } if (!style.equals("")) { int value = Integer.parseInt(style); isUnderline = ((value & 4) == 4); } return isUnderline; } /** * Checks if the style property of the Char element of index = 'index' * indicates small caps.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the Style element. * @return Returns <code>true</code> if the style property of the Char element of * index = 'index' indicates small caps. */ public boolean isSmallCaps(String index) { boolean isSmallCaps = false; String style = ""; if (shape.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = shape.getTextStyle(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = masterShape.getTextStyle(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = styleSheet.getTextStyle(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasTextStyle(index)) { style = defaultStyle.getTextStyle(index); } if (!style.equals("")) { int value = Integer.parseInt(style); isSmallCaps = ((value & 8) == 8); } return isSmallCaps; } /** * Checks if the strikethru property of the Char element of index = 'index' * indicates true.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the StrikeThru element. * @return Returns <code>true</code> if the strikethru property of the Char * element of index = 'index' indicates true. */ public boolean isStrikeThru(String index) { boolean isStrikeThru = false; if (shape.hasTextStrike(index)) { isStrikeThru = shape.getTextStrike(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasTextStrike(index)) { isStrikeThru = masterShape.getTextStrike(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasTextStrike(index)) { isStrikeThru = styleSheet.getTextStrike(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasTextStrike(index)) { isStrikeThru = defaultStyle.getTextStrike(index); } return isStrikeThru; } /** * Returns the actual font defined by the Char element referenced in cp.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the Font element. * @return Returns the name of the font. */ public String getTextFont(String index) { String font = ""; if (shape.hasTextFont(index)) { font = shape.getTextFont(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasTextFont(index)) { font = masterShape.getTextFont(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasTextFont(index)) { font = styleSheet.getTextFont(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasTextFont(index)) { font = defaultStyle.getTextFont(index); } return font; } /** * Returns the actual text size defined by the Char element referenced in cp.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the Size element. * @return Returns the size of the font in pixels. */ private String getTextSize(String index) { String size = "12"; if (shape.hasTextSize(index)) { size = shape.getTextSize(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasTextSize(index)) { size = masterShape.getTextSize(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasTextSize(index)) { size = styleSheet.getTextSize(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasTextSize(index)) { size = defaultStyle.getTextSize(index); } double s = Double.valueOf(size) * 0.71; return String.valueOf(s); } /** * Returns the actual color defined by the Char element referenced in cp.<br/> * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or * default stylesheet. * @param index Index of the Char element that contains the Color element. * @return Returns the color of the text in hexadecimal. */ private String getTextColor(String index) { String color = "#000000"; if (shape.hasTextColor(index)) { color = shape.getTextColor(index); } else if (masterShape != null && masterShape.hasTextColor(index)) { color = masterShape.getTextColor(index); } else if (styleSheet != null && styleSheet.hasTextColor(index)) { color = styleSheet.getTextColor(index); } else if (defaultStyle != null && defaultStyle.hasTextColor(index)) { color = defaultStyle.getTextColor(index); } return color; } }