/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.opentripplanner.routing.core; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.HashSet; import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId; import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Route; import org.opentripplanner.common.model.T2; import org.opentripplanner.gtfs.GtfsLibrary; /** * A RouteMatcher is a collection of routes based on IDs, short name and/or agency IDs. * * We currently support route full IDs (agency ID + route ID), agency ID + route name, or route name only. Support for other matching expression can * be easily added later on. */ public class RouteMatcher implements Cloneable, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8066547338465440312L; /* Set of full matching route ids (agency ID + route ID) */ private HashSet<AgencyAndId> agencyAndRouteIds = new HashSet<AgencyAndId>(); /* Set of full matching route code/names (agency ID + route code/name) */ private HashSet<T2<String, String>> agencyIdAndRouteNames = new HashSet<T2<String, String>>(); /* Set of matching route names (without specifying an agency ID) */ private HashSet<String> routeNames = new HashSet<String>(); private static RouteMatcher EMPTY_MATCHER = new RouteMatcher(); private RouteMatcher() { } /** * Return an empty matcher (which match no routes). */ public static RouteMatcher emptyMatcher() { return EMPTY_MATCHER; } /** * Build a new RouteMatcher from a string representation. * * @param routeSpecList A comma-separated list of route spec, each of the format * [agencyId]_[routeName]_[routeId] Please note that this format is not really intuitive * as it does not follow the OBA-gtfslib AgencyAndId standard ('agencyID_routeId'). This * was kept for backward-compatibility purposes. If the original routeName contains some * "_" each *must* be replaced by a space. If the agency or route ID contains a "_" they * must be escaped using a backslash. * TODO why do we want to accept route name strings when we have IDs? Break backward compatibility. * FIXME this is the only place we are still using underscores as scope separators. Rethink this from scratch. * @return A RouteMatcher * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the string representation is invalid. */ public static RouteMatcher parse(String routeSpecList) { if (routeSpecList == null) return emptyMatcher(); RouteMatcher retval = new RouteMatcher(); int n = 0; for (String element : routeSpecList.split(",")) { if (element.length() == 0) continue; n++; // FIXME regexes with no comments String[] routeSpec = element.split("(?<!\\\\)_", 3); if (routeSpec.length != 2 && routeSpec.length != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong route spec format: " + element); } routeSpec[0] = routeSpec[0].replace("\\_", "_"); routeSpec[1] = routeSpec[1].replace("\\_", " "); if (routeSpec.length >= 3) routeSpec[2] = routeSpec[2].replace("\\_", "_"); String agencyId = routeSpec[0]; if (agencyId.length() == 0) agencyId = null; String routeName = routeSpec[1]; if (routeName.length() == 0) routeName = null; String routeId = routeSpec.length > 2 ? routeSpec[2] : null; if (routeId != null && routeId.length() == 0) routeId = null; if (agencyId != null && routeId != null && routeName == null) { // Case 1: specified agency ID and route ID but no route name retval.agencyAndRouteIds.add(new AgencyAndId(agencyId, routeId)); } else if (agencyId != null && routeName != null && routeId == null) { // Case 2: specified agency ID and route name but no route ID retval.agencyIdAndRouteNames.add(new T2<String, String>(agencyId, routeName)); } else if (agencyId == null && routeName != null && routeId == null) { // Case 3: specified route name only retval.routeNames.add(routeName); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong route spec format: " + element); } } if (n == 0) return emptyMatcher(); return retval; } public boolean matches(Route route) { if (this == EMPTY_MATCHER) return false; if (agencyAndRouteIds.contains(route.getId())) return true; String routeName = GtfsLibrary.getRouteName(route).replace("_", " "); if (agencyIdAndRouteNames.contains(new T2<String, String>(route.getId().getAgencyId(), routeName))) return true; if (routeNames.contains(routeName)) return true; return false; } public String asString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (AgencyAndId agencyAndId : agencyAndRouteIds) { builder.append(agencyAndId.getAgencyId() + "__" + agencyAndId.getId()); builder.append(","); } for (T2<String, String> agencyIdAndRouteName : agencyIdAndRouteNames) { builder.append(agencyIdAndRouteName.first + "_" + agencyIdAndRouteName.second); builder.append(","); } for (String routeName : routeNames) { builder.append("_" + routeName); builder.append(","); } if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.setLength(builder.length() - 1); } return builder.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format( "RouteMatcher<agencyAndRouteIds=%s agencyIdAndRouteNames=%s routeNames=%s>", agencyAndRouteIds, agencyIdAndRouteNames, routeNames); } @Override public boolean equals(Object another) { if (another == null || !(another instanceof RouteMatcher)) return false; if (another == this) return true; RouteMatcher anotherMatcher = (RouteMatcher) another; return agencyAndRouteIds.equals(anotherMatcher.agencyAndRouteIds) && agencyIdAndRouteNames.equals(anotherMatcher.agencyIdAndRouteNames) && routeNames.equals(anotherMatcher.routeNames); } @Override public int hashCode() { return agencyAndRouteIds.hashCode() + agencyIdAndRouteNames.hashCode() + routeNames.hashCode(); } public RouteMatcher clone() { try { return (RouteMatcher) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { /* this will never happen since our super is the cloneable object */ throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }